Fall into my Heart (The Subzero Series, #1)

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Fall into my Heart (The Subzero Series, #1) Page 2

by Rebecca Elise

  After I was done eating, I went into my bathroom and took a nice long hot shower. I blow dried my hair quickly, flipping out the ends and applied some makeup. I went into my walk in closet, which I had to admit I thoroughly enjoyed, although I could stand to fill it up a bit more. I dressed in the outfit I selected the day before and retrieved my camel colored knee length pea coat from the hall closet. After I put on my coat, I tossed my cell into my purse, flung my purse over my shoulder and strode confidently towards the door. I paused briefly at the door and glanced through the peephole.

  Alright the coast is clear!

  I walked into the hallway and, after locking the door behind me, bounced down the stairs and outside in to the brisk November air.

  I didn’t have a car here for two reasons. The first being that I was too cheap to pay to have my car shipped here. The second reason was because I was a little nervous about the whole driving on the other side of the street thing. That was all I needed for my mother to get a long distance phone call saying that I was involved in a head on collision! No car meant getting to work by way of the subway.....or was it the tube? I have got to get the lingo here down pat! Anyway, the closest subway entrance was only a ten minute walk from my condo. From there it was a fifteen minute ride and a five minute walk to my office.

  I walked into my office and took the elevator up to the fifth floor. Once the door opened, and I walked into the bustling office, I actually felt at ease. The atmosphere was just like the office in New York. I walked up to the receptionist and introduced myself.

  “Have a seat and someone will be right with you.” She said as she pointed to a couple of tan leather sofas. I had barely sat down when a petite woman with short spiky black hair and jet black eyes appeared in front of me.

  “It’s okay Rosie, she can come with me. You must be Chloe, I’m Skylar.” She said extending her hand out to me.

  I shook her hand and smiled. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Follow me and I’ll show you to your office.”

  Dressed in black knee high boots, a black skirt and a tight fitting dark purple sweater, along with her dark cropped hair, Skylar looked like a fashionable little pixie. I followed her down a long hallway until she stopped in front of a glass door. My name was engraved into a plaque next to the door. I’ve never had my own door plaque, let alone my own office before. Back in New York I had a cubicle.....now I have my own office! I could have a view of the dumpsters for all I cared; I was just excited to be in an office.

  “My office is right next to yours,” Skylar said pulling me out of my thoughts “Feel free to pop in if you need anything. I’m sure Jonathan will be round to say hello at some point.”

  Jonathan Howard is my new boss. I’ve been introduced to him a couple of times, but I don’t really know him. At 6 foot 4 with chestnut brown hair, deep brown eyes and obvious muscles underneath his dress shirts, he looks like he could be a model. It gets even better when he opens his mouth to talk. He has one of the sexiest voices I have ever heard. It’s very smooth and masculine and his accent.....my oh my! Nice, thick and British. My interview with him was via conference call and I’m surprised I got the job. I’m pretty sure at one point I zoned out on what he was actually saying and imagined him saying other things to me.....but we won’t go there.

  I thanked Skylar and we both walked into our individual offices. I put my purse down on my mahogany desk and hung my coat up on the coat rack behind my door. Walking over to the window to check out the view, I felt pleased as I looked out over the park across the street. I know I said I wouldn’t care earlier, but I was definitely glad I was not looking out over the dumpsters.

  I looked around my office and made a mental notation to bring in some pictures to put on my desk and bookshelf. Do people still hang up their college diplomas in their offices? I wished there was some sort of book I could buy on decorating your office.

  Just as I sat down and powered on my computer, my cell phone rang, nearly giving me a heart attack.

  “Chloe Carver” I said, using my most professional voice.

  “Hey Chloe, it’s me. Look I need you to do me a huge favor.” My brother said.

  “Nick I really can’t talk right now. It’s my first day and I really don’t want to start out as the chick that is always on her cell phone.”

  “I’ll only take a moment of your precious time.” His voice dripped with sarcasm.

  I rolled my eyes and spun my chair around so that I could at least watch the shirtless guys running in the park while I tried to deal with my brother. Yep, definitely, definitely glad that I had a view of the park and not the dumpsters. I do realize, though, that it might be hard to get some work done around here if I have a view of half-naked men running around outside my window.

  “Okay so I ended up going home with this girl two weeks ago and she -”

  “Nick stop right there. I know its Noelle you are talking about and she is my best friend.”

  “Yeah well I’m your brother. Brother trumps best friend.”

  “I know what you want me to do and I’m not doing your dirty work for you. “

  “But I think she wants a relationship and I can’t deal.”

  “You should have thought about that.”

  “If you could just slip into a conversation with her that I’m not a relationship kind of guy.”

  “Nick I’m not lying for you.”

  “Whatever Chloe.”

  “No not whatever. You did this. Act like a man and take care of this yourself. You are responsible for your actions not me.”

  I heard a noise behind me and I slowly turned around. I nearly died when I saw Jonathan standing in my doorway. Someone called his name then and he turned and walked away.

  “Nick I have to go.” I said and I hung up the phone.

  I walked over to the doorway and I saw Jonathan bent over someone’s desk. I couldn’t be positive but I thought I heard the words “new girl” and “ball buster” in the same sentence.

  Jonathan turned around then and saw me standing there. “Chloe,” He said as he walked over to me, “How are things going?”

  “Pretty good, thank you.”

  “Great. Listen I have a meeting set up to introduce you to a band you’re going to be representing. They’ll be in about 10. Nothing major, they want to meet you and I’ll be there of course. I don’t expect it to last terribly long.”

  “That sounds great.” I said.

  He paused, staring at me. “I should warn you they are a little.....energetic. Nice guys, extremely talented just energetic, but based on what I heard from your phone call I think you’ll be able to handle them.”

  Wait.....was he trying to tell me in a nice way that I would be working with a band of delinquents?

  “Alright so, 10:00 in conference room B. It’s down the hall, make a right at the end, third door on the left. We don’t have a set schedule around here so take lunch whenever you can. Just let Jocalyn here know when you are in and out.” He pointed to a girl sitting at a desk in the middle of the entryway.

  She waved enthusiastically. “Hi! I’m Jocalyn! I’m the administrative assistant for you, Skylar and Wes. I’m so excited you’re here. I heard you’re from New York. I have always wanted to go to New York. Did you live in the city? Do you go by Chloe or Miss. Carver? Do you like coffee? Lattes? Tea? Do you want me to take messages or put calls through?” She looked at me, cocked her head to one side and blinked a couple of times. My lord, she talked so fast my head started spinning!

  “Uhm Chloe is fine. I like lattes and hot chocolate and you can put calls through if I’m not busy.”

  “Okay super!” she said as she bounced up once in her seat.

  By the grace of all that is good her phone rang then. I might have to pop a couple of aspirin or down some caffeine before she gets off the phone. I don’t think I have ever heard someone talk so fast in my entire life.

  At five minutes to ten I grabbed a notepad and a pen and headed for c
onference room B. I could hear a bunch of guys talking so I knew the band was already there. I paused to smooth my sweater and put on my best smile before I entered the room. Confidently, I strode through the door.....and then I stopped dead in my tracks.

  Oh no! This cannot be happening. You have got to be kidding me!

  Sitting at the table smiling back at me was Blue Mohawk, Big Red, Mr. Average and Jack.

  Is it too late to turn around and run out the door? Most likely since they have already seen me. I guess my plan of avoidance was officially out the window.

  Jonathan walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

  “Chloe Carver this is Tyler McDermott,” He said motioning towards Blue Mohawk. “Next to him is Noah Walker, Dean Marshall and on the end here is Jackson Riley. They make up a pretty popular local band called Subzero.”

  I went to casually toss my notepad on the table and ended up throwing it on the floor. I looked up and the four of them sat there with huge grins on their faces. My cheeks felt like they were as red as Noah’s hair and I wanted to die. I managed to pull myself together, pick up my notepad and shake their hands.

  “It’s nice to meet you Chloe.” Jack said with a smirk.

  “Yes.....It’s nice to meet you.” I said. I loved his accent and hearing him say my name melted my heart like butter.

  As I shook Tyler’s hand, he smiled and said “I have to say you look so familiar......Have we run into each other before?”

  They all started laughing, including Jonathan, who had no idea what he was laughing about.

  “I doubt it. She just moved here from New York.” Jonathan said as he continued laughing.

  We all sat down around the table and I pulled off the cap to my pen. “So you guys are a local band, have you been signed yet or are you still playing the bar scene?”

  “We were signed by a small label about a year and half ago but we still play the bar scene as well. We love the bar scene and the bar scene loves us.” Dean replied.

  “And you guys were with Joanie for two years.....so you guys had a publicist before you even got signed?” I asked.

  “Yes, we needed one.” Noah replied.

  “Any particular reason why?” I asked curiously.

  Tyler laughed and said “Clearly you haven’t checked your voicemail yet.”

  He was right, I hadn’t and now I wasn’t sure if I wanted to. The conversation turned to the type of music they played – rock – and the bands and singers that influenced them. Before I knew it, forty minutes had passed and our meeting was over.

  I walked back to my office, sat down at my desk, noticed a red light blinking on my phone indicating I had messages and put my head in my hands. Tyler’s laugh rang through my head as I thought about him stating that I obviously hadn’t checked my voicemail. God only knew what kinds of shenanigans were waiting for me on there.

  “So are you stalking me or something?” A voice said.

  I looked up and saw Jack leaning up against the door frame, his hands shoved in his pockets. Man was he gorgeous. It really should be illegal to look as deliciously good as he does.

  I smiled at him and shook my head. “You’re in my office remember?”

  “Right,” He said as we stared at each other, “Well.....I guess I’ll see you around.”

  I nodded and watched as he turned around and strode towards the elevator.

  After Jack left, I decided to do a search on his band. A bunch of fan sites and one official site came up. I clicked on the official website. A picture of all four guys playing a show came up. At the top of the page there were different tabs to select from. I clicked on the one that said About Us.

  That took me to a page that had some information about the band. They had been playing together since high school. Their debut album came out a year ago, which would explain why I had never heard of them before. They were a hit in over here, but hadn’t crossed over to the States yet. The bottom of the page had an individual picture of each guy with his role in the band next to it.

  “Noah Walker, lead singer. Dean Marshall, guitar. Jack Riley, bass. Tyler McDermott, drums.” I read out loud to myself.

  I moved my mouse and clicked on the tab marked “Photos.” I spent the next twenty minutes clicking through pictures from various shows they played. I stopped on a picture of Jack. He was wearing tan cargo pants and a black Henley shirt, his black hair was styled so that it was sticking straight up. He was playing his guitar and it looked like he was sucking his top lip in. I closed my eyes and I could still see the image of that photograph like it was burned in my mind.

  “Chloe, are you okay?”

  Startled, my eyes opened wide and my hand flew up to my chest. “I’m fine Jocalyn, just thinking. What’s up?”

  “I wanted to see if you wanted me to order you lunch or are you going to go to the café?”

  “Oh.....I can just go to the café. Where is it?”

  “Take the lift to the second floor.”

  “The lift?” I knew now what a lift was, but it sounded funny to hear it. I was going to have to remember to say that instead of elevator.

  “Yeah you know the lift. You know you push the button and the doors open. You get into the car and push the button for the floor you want to go to and it takes you there.”

  I stared at her. Did she think I was that dumb?

  “Thanks Jocalyn. That really clarifies things.”

  “Oh good! Glad I could help!” She plopped down in one of the chairs on the other side of my desk. “I saw Jack Riley at your door. Do you fancy him?”

  Ummm yes, of course I do, just as I am sure any woman with eyes and a healthy sex drive does.

  “Uh.....No. I don’t really know him.”

  “Oh so I guess you can’t introduce me. I love him. So why was he here?”

  “I’m the new publicist for his band.”

  “But you don’t know him?”

  “Not really. I was just given the job today.”

  “Do you think someday you could introduce me?” Her green eyes grew to the size of saucers.

  “Sure.....someday.” I said.

  She smiled at me, stood up and bounced back to her desk, her curly blonde hair swinging as she walked.

  I glanced at the blinking red light on my phone again and decided to check it after lunch. I took the elevator....er lift.....to the second floor. The doors pinged open and I found myself standing in front of a glass door that had the word “Café” written on it in fancy white lettering. Right inside the door was a giant chalkboard sign featuring the specials of the day. After staring at the menu for about ten minutes I decided to order a cranberry almond chicken salad wrap, sweet potato chips and a bottle of water.

  I started to head towards an empty table when, out of the corner of my eye, I happened to see Skylar waving me over. I walked to where she was sitting with a guy wearing black slacks, a black shirt, a black and red striped tie and black Buddy Holly style glasses. Everyone looked so cool here. Almost like rocker chic, I may need to rethink my wardrobe.

  “Chloe, this is Wes Turner.” Skylar said.

  “Nice to meet you.” I said smiling at him.

  “Likewise.” Wes said running a hand through his short curly brown hair.

  “How is your first day going?” Skylar asked.

  “Oh just great,” I said sarcastically, “It turns out one of my clients is my new neighbor who I seem to turn into a bumbling fool around every time I see him.”

  “Oh sounds like somebody has a crush!” Skylar teased.

  “Not even! I barely know the guy!” I exclaimed.

  Skylar and Wes looked at each other and laughed.

  I took a bite of my wrap and listened to them as they talked about a club they were at Friday night.

  We finished our lunches and walked back to our offices, where I reluctantly listened to my messages. I had two, both from tabloids, both about the band and both asking me something about Tyler shaving his name into the side of some drun
ks head at one of their shows. What have I gotten myself into?

  I shook my head as I searched my files for Tyler’s phone number. I could hear him shushing someone as soon as he accepted the call.

  “Hello?” He greeted me cheerfully.

  “Hey Tyler, this is Chloe Carver from Drayton McGuire.”

  “Chloe, my love, miss me already?”

  “So I hear you had a really awesome show last weekend.” I said, ignoring his question.

  “That we did. We always do.”

  “Uh huh.....anything else happen that night? Anything I should know about?”

  “Well, yes but I promise you she was twenty six and it was a one off .....Do you really want to hear about me getting all rumpy pumpy with some other woman? I promise it was nothing but a cock up. I was feeling a bit squiffy that night and it’ll never happen again my lovely. You have my word.”


  “Well A, I have NO idea what you just said and B, I’m pretty sure that’s not even close to what I was talking about.”

  “Oh.....well just erase that from your memory then my love and we will be all good.”

  “Well since you are willing to divulge all the dirty details about your weekend, how about you tell me about shaving your name into some drunks head. Please tell me you did not do that.”

  There was complete silence on the other end.


  “You told me to tell you I didn’t do that and I cannot lie to you.”

  I sighed loudly. “Why on earth did you shave your name into the side of some man’s head?”

  “Well you see my dear, sometimes life presents you with a golden opportunity and you have to seize it. For if you don’t, you are tempting fate and that’s how you end up with bad juju.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Does it make it any better if I told you he asked me to do it?”

  “No it doesn’t.”

  “So.....I take it you only heard about the head shaving?”

  I massaged my temples with my fingertips. “What else is there?”


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