Fall into my Heart (The Subzero Series, #1)

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Fall into my Heart (The Subzero Series, #1) Page 6

by Rebecca Elise

  Julissa thought for a moment.

  “How much money is Kyle making these days?” She asked.

  “I have no idea.”

  “Ugh. Well you’re loads of help. I guess you can say it’s not true.”

  “Well is it?”

  “No not at all, but if he was making a ton of money I would let people think it was. Since you don’t know then I don’t want my name tied in with someone who could possibly be mediocre.”

  Geez, she’s about as unbelievable as he is. It’s a wonder these two never worked out.

  “Are we done?” She asked and then, before I could respond, she hung up the phone.

  I called both tabloids back and gave the generic statement of “Julissa and Kyle, while they are close, personal friends, are not romantically involved.”

  When I got home from work, there was a bouquet of stargazer lilies propped up against my door. Attached to the lilies was a hand written note that said.....

  Can’t wait until tomorrow night – Jack

  Alright, amethyst strapless dress it is.

  Chapter Six

  I woke up Wednesday morning feeling so excited. It was the day of my big “still not quite sure if it’s a date” date with Jack. My outfit was all ready for tonight; I just had to somehow manage to make it through work. I brushed my hair and fixed my makeup before putting on caramel colored dress pants, a pink cashmere sweater and heels that matched the color of my pants.

  I didn’t think it was possible for anyone to be more excited about tonight than I was, until I saw Jocalyn. She looked like she was going to burst when I walked off of the elevator.

  “OH MY GOD! Oh my god! Oh my god! Yay! Are you excited? I’m excited! I can’t wait to hear all about it!” Jocalyn said in two breaths.

  Jonathan walked out of his office.

  “Jocalyn, what is all the racket about?” Jonathan asked, holding one hand up to his forehead.

  “Chloe has a date!” She said.

  “Do you?” Jonathan asked me.

  “Sort of.” I replied.

  “Well congratulations and good luck. Jocalyn do try to contain your excitement over a date that is not yours.”

  “Sorry Jonathan.” She said as he walked back into his office.

  Jocalyn and I smiled at each other before I headed into my own office. I tried to search for upcoming events to book my clients for to generate good publicity, but I couldn’t concentrate on a single thing. After reading the same sentence for the sixth time, I decided I needed to get out of my office. I walked down the hall and knocked on Jonathan’s door.

  “Come in.” He said without looking up.

  “Hey Jonathan, would you mind if I skipped lunch and left early?” I asked him.

  “Got to get ready for the big date?” He asked.

  “Yeah. To tell you the truth I haven’t been on a first date in 3 years. I feel like an excited nervous wreck and I don’t even know if this is a date.” I said. That was probably more information than he needed, but I needed to say it to someone and he asked......sort of.

  “Sure go ahead. Lord knows I can barely deal with Jocalyn. I certainly don’t need two of you driving me up the wall.” He said with a grin.

  I smiled. “Thanks Jonathan.”

  The rest of the day seemed to drag on and on, between me not being able to concentrate and Jocalyn updating me every fifteen minutes on how much time I had until my date. My phone remained surprisingly quiet. Either the boys were behaving themselves or they simply weren’t getting caught by anyone.

  As soon as I got home I took a nice relaxing bubble bath. I would have loved to have brought a glass of wine in with me, but since I didn’t eat much I knew it would go straight to my head. That was certainly the last impression I wanted to make on him tonight. Nobody wants to be the stumbling drunk girl before the evening starts.

  After I got out of the tub, I slathered on cherry blossom body lotion and spritzed on matching body spray. I used my flat iron to flip out my hair and began to freshen up my makeup. I wish I knew how to do the smoky eye look they always show you how to do in magazines. I tried to do it once and I looked completely ridiculous. I guess I don’t understand how to blend and smudge because it looked like I had taken a big black crayon and drew huge black rings around my eyes.

  I started to feel giddy with excitement as I slipped into my amethyst dress. I was checking myself out in my bedroom mirror when I heard the doorbell ring. I took a couple deep breaths before opening up the door.

  “Wow.....you look.....you look amazing.” Jack said staring at me.

  I could feel myself start to blush a little bit

  “Thank you. You look pretty great yourself.” I said a little bit shyly.

  That was an understatement. Jack didn’t look pretty great, he looked downright amazing! He traded his khaki chords and t-shirt that he normally wears for a pair of black chino pants and a gray button down dress shirt with the top button undone. If I was a cartoon character, I’d be saying “Hummina hummina hummina” while my eyes popped out of my head and drool ran down my face. On second thought maybe it’s better, and more attractive, that I’m not.

  “You can come in. I just have to grab my jacket and purse.” I said opening up the door wider.

  “And put on shoes.” Jack added.

  I looked down at my bare feet and was glad that I get pedicures regularly.

  “Right, that too.”

  Jack walked into the living room as I ran into the bedroom to slip my feet into black heels. When I came back out, he was standing at the balcony door looking outside.

  “Are you ready?” I asked as put on a black crop jacket.

  “I am.” He said as he followed me out the door.

  As we walked to Jack’s truck, I realized that when I picked out my outfit I didn’t take into account that I needed a launch pad to get into the truck. I was plotting my course of action when Jack pulled a step stool out of the back of the truck.

  “Cute!” I laughed.

  “Just thinking ahead.” He smiled.

  We made awkward small talk on the way to the restaurant and I silently prayed the conversation would start to pick up. It would be a shame if he turned out to be a bore considering how good looking he was, though I didn’t actually think there was a boring thing about him.

  “Good evening. Just two?” The hostess asked as we walked through the heavy oak wood and glass doors.

  “Yes please.” I said.

  “Follow me.”

  We followed her into a room that was decorated with dimly lit sconces and sat down at a table that was romantically set with soft cadet blue linens, white lace overlays and two long taper candles in crystal candleholders. There were a few other couples seated near us, but it was pretty cozy and intimate.

  “Welcome to Basil. Can I start you with some drinks?” The waitress asked, speaking more to Jack than me.

  “Could I have some sweet tea?” I asked.

  “Make that two.” Jack said.

  “Certainly. I’ll be right back to take your order.”

  I was still trying to figure out what exactly this was. We were both dressed up, which says date, but we haven’t said much to each other, which I think shows that this was more of a friendly gesture. I had to think of a slick, nonchalant way of finding out.

  I looked over at Jack, who was perusing the menu, and was silently praying for a sign that this was in fact a date, when all of the sudden I heard myself blurt out “Is this a date?”

  Ok.....well that was neither slick nor was it nonchalant.

  Jack looked up and flashed a crooked smile. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “Is this......um, is this a date?” I repeated. I wished I could have pretended I said something else, but we both know what I had just asked him.

  “Well I thought it was, but I guess you tell me,” Jack looked at me, his blue eyes sparkling with curiosity.

  “Well I wasn’t really sure if you meant for this to be a date or if you w
ere just being nice because I’m new and don’t really know anyone here.”

  “Chloe, if I was just being nice to you, we’d both be in jeans, in my flat, with a pizza and a couple pints of beer.” Jack smiled and my heart melted.

  That made sense really. Why hadn’t I thought of that? I mean, who asks someone to go to a fancy Italian restaurant just to be nice? Plus he did get dressed up. I felt silly for asking him. If he didn’t think I was ridiculous before, he certainly must now!

  The waitress came over then with our drinks. “Ready to order?”

  “I’ll have the lobster ravioli.” I said.

  “And you?” She said looking at Jack. I wasn’t positive, but I swear she was batting her eyelashes at him.

  “I’ll have the shrimp scampi with a side of meatballs.”

  She stared at Jack for a minute before walking away.

  “So are you going to that Christmas charity thing?” Jack asked.

  “Yeah, how did you know about that?” I asked.

  “Joanie set us up to go; you know good publicity and what not. She said it will show everyone we are more than just a couple of jackasses.” He said.

  “Ouch, that’s pretty rough.” I said. I mean I kind of agree with Joanie but I didn’t think I would have had the guts – or the heart – to actually come out and say that.

  Jack shrugged. “Tyler gets excited sometimes and Dean likes to play pranks. There may have been a hotel room or two that wasn’t exactly left in its original state.”

  “Yeah that doesn’t surprise me. I mean no offense, but I have gotten some pretty off the wall calls about you guys.”

  That’s it Chloe. You’ve already questioned his intentions, why not insult the way he and his friends behave?

  “Do you have a date?” Jack asked.

  “I do actually.” I admitted,

  Jack didn’t respond, instead he just nodded and took a sip of his tea.

  I smiled. “My sister is coming to visit. I didn’t want her to sit at home alone, so I asked her to go with me.”

  Jacks face brightened up. “Well maybe we could ride together.”

  “Sure, I mean if that’s okay.”

  “Of course.....so I’ll get to meet your sister. Are you excited she’s coming?”

  “Extremely, she’s coming for two weeks and then a week after she leaves I’m going home for a week for Christmas. I wanted to go home for Thanksgiving too, but I didn’t feel right asking for time off for both.”

  “Thanksgiving, that’s next week?”

  “Yep, it’s next Thursday. This is my first one away from home.”

  “You should come over and I’ll make you dinner.” Jack offered.

  I smiled. “It’s a date.”

  “Good, glad we clarified that ahead of time.”

  “Thank you for the flowers.” I said as the waitress set down our food.

  She turned to Jack, “Is there anything else I can get for you?”

  “No I think we’re fine.” He said.

  She disappeared and Jack looked at me. His blue eyes sparkled as he flashed me a wide grin.

  “You’re welcome. I wasn’t sure what kind of flowers you liked and I remembered a bouquet of lilies that took an unfortunate leap down the stairs.”

  I laughed at the memory of the stairs incident. It was definitely funnier now then I was when it happened.

  “I like all flowers but lilies are definitely a favorite of mine.”

  “Are you doing anything this weekend?” He asked.

  “I’m going to Barnaby’s Friday night with some people from work. You should come.”

  “We will be in the recording studio all day, but I’ll try.”

  While we ate, we talked about how he got into music and how I got into PR. I told him about my family and he told me about his, he has one brother who lives in Manchester with his parents. After we were finished, Jack paid the bill and we left, forgoing dessert.

  As we walked out of the restaurant, Jack grabbed my hand. He only let go to help me into the truck, but as soon as he got in, he grabbed my hand again.

  As he was driving, Jack glanced over at me. “I meant to tell you at Stoaked, I really like your hair like that. It’s kind of punk rock.”

  “Thanks, that was the look I was going for.”

  “Well then look achieved.”

  I was trying to think of something clever to say, but I couldn’t think of anything. I searched my brain for something, anything, but nothing was jumping out at me. Maybe I should really start watching the news or something so that I would have something intelligent to say. I mean guys like that right? They like smart girls, girls that can bring something to the table and carry a conversation. Maybe I should start a list of good ideas for topics to talk about. I didn’t know where I would keep it though. Do you study it before you go out or jot it down on your hand?

  I didn’t realize that we were home until Jack was opening the car door for me. He held out his hand to help me down and gripped my hand a little tighter as we made our way towards our building.

  “I had a lot of fun tonight” I said as we stopped in front of my door.

  “Yeah so did I.” Jack said.

  We stood there, staring at each other. I let my gaze fall from his eyes down to his full lips. Man he has nice lips. I wanted to kiss him, badly, but I didn’t want to be the one to make the first move.

  “So.....I guess maybe I’ll see you Friday night?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll try to make it.” Jack said.

  Well at least we are both kind of lame!

  “Well.....goodnight.” Jack said as he wrapped his arms around me.

  I closed my eyes and inhaled as he hugged me. Oh my god! He smelled so good! Almost like sage and musk and manly.

  “Goodnight.” I said as we parted.

  I watched Jack walk to his door. Just as I was turning to unlock my door he turned around. Jack strode back towards me with a confident look on his face. He cupped my face in his hands and pressed his warm lips against mine. My lips slightly parted and his tongue darted quickly into my mouth. I swear my heart stopped beating for a minute. Jack broke away and smiled as he bit his lower lip.

  “Goodnight Chloe.” He said sweetly.

  I was in such a daze that I couldn’t say anything. Before I regained enough sense to stop myself, I waved to him. I WAVED TO HIM! Who does that? I mean, I did get a laugh out of him, but seriously could I have been any smoother there? The guy kisses me, says goodnight in that sexy, panty dropping accent of his and the only response I can muster up with is to wave at him? I don’t think I could be any lamer if I tried.

  Chapter Seven

  Skylar and Jocalyn were both impatiently waiting in my office for me when I got to work the next morning.

  “Well?” Skylar asked.

  “Well what?” I asked modestly as I hung up my coat and tossed my purse on my desk.

  Skylar rolled her eyes. “Don’t toy with me. Was it a date or not you cheeky girl?”

  “It was definitely a date.” I said grinning from ear to ear.

  “Sit and spill.” Skylar instructed pointing to my chair.

  I sat down and they both leaned in as I told them everything from how I embarrassingly asked Jack if it was a date to the kiss.

  “Okay so you mean to tell me Jack Riley kisses you goodnight and you wave to him? Real smooth Chloe.” Skylar said.

  “Tell me about it. It could have been worse though. At least I didn’t fall or slobber on him or something.” I said.

  “I can’t believe you kissed him! Is he a good kisser? Was his breath all minty? I bet he has minty breath.” Jocalyn said.

  “Great kisser. Amazing.” I said.

  “Minty?” She asked.

  I looked at her as her phone rang. “Minty.”

  Jocalyn looked satisfied as she turned to answer it, moments later she buzzed my phone.

  “Yes Jocalyn.” I said.

  “Julissa Patton is on the phone.”

/>   I groaned. Fantastic, just the person I wanted to talk to first thing in the morning. Skylar and I looked at each other, stuck out our tongues and rolled our eyes at the same time.

  “Good morning Julissa. How are you?” I asked faking cheerfulness as best as I could.

  “That bloody bastard is dating my sister.” Julissa screamed into the phone.

  I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at it. Skylar shot me a look that told me she was partially amused and partially pitying me.

  “Oh my gosh!” She mouthed to me.

  “You have no idea.” I mouthed back, rolling my eyes.

  “Who are you talking about?” I asked innocently.

  “You know damn well who I am talking about. Kyle “I’ll shag anything that moves” Anderson. She is dating my ex-husband. What happened to sister loyalty?” Julissa screeched.

  “Julissa you guys were barely married and it was annulled.” I said matter-of-factly.

  “That is beside the point,” She huffed. “What are they going to write about me in the papers? I need you to set me up with that guy to turn the spot light back on me.” She whined.

  “You know I heard he has a girlfriend and besides you don’t need to date some guy to turn this back on you. We’ll tell them that you introduced Kyle and your sister, which is true, and that you couldn’t be happier for them.”

  “I don’t give two bananas what you do just fix it!” She howled before slamming the phone down.

  I looked at Skylar and shook my head. I wished there was some way I could put off talking to the demanding diva so early in the morning. I’d just tell Jocalyn to hold her calls until after lunch but I knew that wouldn’t deter her. She would just keep calling and calling until she was put through to me.

  “Wait until she finds out I am gonna arrange a publicity photo of the three of them together!” I said.

  “No wait until she finds out you’re the one seeing Jack.” Skylar pointed out.

  Oh good lord, I could already picture that phone call. I wondered if there was any way I could trade her to another firm and she wouldn’t notice. Probably not but it would be nice if I could.

  Skylar stood up and smooth the front of her black pants with the palms of her hands. “Well I’ve got an actor I need to sign up to do volunteer work with an anti-drunk driving organization.”


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