Fall into my Heart (The Subzero Series, #1)

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Fall into my Heart (The Subzero Series, #1) Page 14

by Rebecca Elise

  “What’s that?” She asked.

  “Get your boyfriend to keep his pants on when he’s walking around and making food in the kitchen.”

  Laughter erupted out of the both of us and echoed through the room. I laughed so hard that tears began streaming down my face. I wasn’t even sure what I was laughing at anymore. I just knew I hadn’t laughed very much in the past few days and it felt good. After a few moments, our laughter died out and Abby placed her arm on my shoulder.

  “Chloe, there’s something else I want to tell you that I think you should know,” Abby paused for a moment before continuing, “The other night at the ball. Jack saw you leave.”

  “Yeah I know. I looked back at him before I walked out the door.” I said cutting her off.

  Abby shook her head. “No wait listen. He came over and asked where you were going and I .....well I kinda yelled at him, but he followed you to make sure you got home okay.”

  I didn’t know what to say so I just looked away. Jack was giving me whiplash a little bit. I mean either he cares or he doesn’t, but if he does he could at least hear me out.

  “You know, Abby, I’m so glad you were here. I really don’t know how I would have gotten through this last week without you. I wish you weren’t leaving tomorrow.”

  “I know me either, but the next week will go by so fast and you’ll be home for Christmas!”


  Abby was right. The next week went by unbelievably fast and before I knew it, I was sitting in the airport terminal with Tyler. Tyler was being unusually quiet and I could tell he had something on his mind. By the third time he opened his mouth, shook his head and closed his mouth again, he was starting to get on my nerves.

  I sighed. “Whatever it is you want to say, just say it.”

  Tyler studied my face for a minute. “He’s been having a really hard time trying to deal with the break up.” He said cautiously.

  “Has he? Really? Well you know what Tyler? So have I.” I said angrily.

  “I know you have and I don’t mean to upset you.”

  I cut him off, only half listening to him. “I’m not engaged to Connor and I haven’t been for a long time. I moved here because I felt like I needed a change. I was over Connor long before I started seeing Jack. You say he’s hurting but it can’t be hurting him that much because he is the one that let it all go. He’s the one that won’t talk to me, not the other way around. You know when you have something special you don’t just throw it the hell away. You do whatever it takes to make it work and you know what? He’s the one that didn’t try.” I ranted.

  “I know, Abby told me all about your relationship with Connor. I know you guys broke up a while ago,” Tyler hesitated before continuing, “For what it’s worth, Jack knows too.”

  I felt like someone kicked me in the stomach and knocked the wind out of me. “Jack knows,” I said in a daze, “Yet he still won’t talk to me.”

  Tyler sat down on the floor in front of me and held my hands in his. “Chloe you have to understand that the reason he isn’t talking to you has nothing to do with the way he feels about you. He jumped to conclusions and accused you of doing something based on what someone else said without giving you the chance to defend yourself. He was wrong and he knows it. I think he is feeling a little bit embarrassed and a tad like a todger. He’ll come around when he’s ready.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of though, I’m afraid he won’t come around.” I said quietly as I put my head down.

  Tyler sat back in the seat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. “I’m pretty sure he will but if for some reason he doesn’t, then he is an idiot.”

  I smiled at him. “Thanks Tyler. I know he’s your friend so I really appreciate this.”

  “Attention passengers. We will now begin boarding for flight 273 to New York.”


  I could see my mom standing impatiently at the kitchen window as our cab pulled up to my parents two story colonial. I paid the driver while Tyler grabbed our bags out of the trunk. Abby ran out the front door as I began pulling my carryon up the front steps. She yelled a quick “Hi!” as she whizzed past me and jumped into Tyler’s arms. “I missed you so much!” I heard her tell him. Well this was going to be a wonderful week with these two lovebirds all over each other.

  Mom was sitting on the couch pretending to read a book when I walked in the front door. She’s done that ever since we were in high school. She stands at the window watching for us to come home and when we do, she hurries into the living room, jumps on the couch and opens up the first book she can grab. I know for a fact she doesn’t even pay attention to what she book or magazine she is grabbing. We used to put the most random things on the magazine rack – books we had to read in school, muscle car magazines, whatever user manuals we happened to come across. Once Nick put one of his dirty magazines on there. That night we purposely made sure we made curfew. Sure enough when we came in, there was mom sitting on the couch all prim and proper with the nudie magazine in hand, pretending to read it. I was in my room when she realized what she was holding. I’m pretty sure the whole town heard the “WHAT ON EARTH!” that she yelled out.

  “My baby! You’re home! I didn’t think you’d ever get here! What took you so long?” She exclaimed. Tossing her book aside, she jumped up from the couch and ran over to hug me.

  “It was a flight from England, mom!”

  “There’s my kitten.” My dad said walking in from the back patio as Abby and Tyler walked.

  “Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Tyler!” Abby beamed excitedly.

  I stood there trying not to laugh as the color slowly drained from my parents faces. I couldn’t decide which was too much for them – The Mohawk, the fact that it was electric blue or maybe a little bit of both. I nudged my dad’s arm.

  He blinked a few times in amazement before extending his hand to Tyler. “Hello Tyler, I’m John and this is my wife Victoria. It’s very nice to meet you.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you both Mr. and Mrs. Carver. Thanks you so much for inviting me to spend Christmas with you.” Tyler said graciously.

  “We are glad you could join us and please call us John and Vicki. Abby, why don’t you show Tyler to the guest room dear?” Mom said fiddling with her necklace.

  As soon as Abby and Tyler were out of earshot, my dad turned to me and hissed “You didn’t tell me your sister was dating a crayon!”

  I shrugged nonchalantly. “You didn’t ask.”

  “Chloe Elizabeth.” My dad started to say. I held my hands up in between us.

  “Hey, Chloe Elizabeth has nothing to do with this and is not getting involved. I’m going to put my stuff away.” Before my parents could say anything else, I grabbed my carryon and ran upstairs.

  I walked into my room and immediately felt at ease. There was a part of me that was a little bit surprised they hadn’t turned my room into something else. I was the only one that didn’t live at home anymore and I was sure my room would have been turned into a craft room or something by now. But it hadn’t. The walls were the same shade of light pink. The same Hawaiian print bedding was still on the queen sized bed. Pictures of my friends were still hanging on the walls.

  I sat down on the bed with a sigh. It would be so easy to just give up living in London and move back here, but deep down in my heart that really was not an option. I knew I wouldn’t be any happier; if anything I’d probably end up being even more miserable than I currently was. Plus I didn’t really want to live at home with my parents again. I mean it wasn’t horrible living with my parents; I’d just rather not.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Wake up Chloe! It’s Christmas morning!”

  “Abby? It’s 4 a.m. you nut case!” I groaned looking at the alarm clock next to the bed.

  Abby jumped up and down on my bed. “Come on! I’m too excited to sleep! Get up with me.”

  I looked at her like she had lost her mind “What exactly is it you think we ar
e going to do?”

  “I don’t know.....what do you want to do?”

  “I want to go back to sleep.”

  Abby looked at me with a pouty face. I figured I might as well give in. Abby has been pulling this nonsense since we were kids. I knew the routine by now. Even if I kicked her out of my room, she would just be back up in five minutes to see if I changed my mind. This would continue until I finally gave up and went down with her. It was easier on everyone if I just entertained her inner six year old the first time.

  “Fine,” I yawned, sitting up, “Let me get my gifts and I’ll be down in a minute.”

  Abby jumped up and ran down the stairs. I sat up and looked around the room wishing there was somewhere I could hide from her. In the closet maybe? Reluctantly I got out of bed and stretched. I pulled my carryon out from under the bed. Opening it up, I pulled out a couple of small boxes. Wanting to travel light, I took the easy way out and bought everyone gift cards. I had considered ordering things online and having them shipped to my parent’s house, but I knew that either my mom or Abby would have gotten too excited and opened the packages up.

  I tiptoed downstairs as quietly as I could. I figured no one else should have to be woken up just because my twenty-four year old sister apparently still believes in Santa Clause. Nick was slumped over in the corner of the black leather sofa, his eyes barely open. I tossed the presents under the tree and went over to curl up next to him.

  “Hey.” He said sleepily as he put his arm around my shoulder.

  “Abby got you too I see.” I yawned.

  “Yeah, I may kill her.”

  “I may help you.”

  Abby came bouncing in from the kitchen with a tray of cinnamon rolls and three steaming mugs of hot chocolate.

  “This better be coffee.” I said grabbing a mug.

  “It’s not.....sorry. Let’s put on a christmas movie!” Abby said cheerfully. She pulled a DVD out of our parents movie cabinet and popped it into the DVD player. Nick and I looked at each other and shook our heads. We were halfway through the movie when Tyler walked down, thankfully he was fully clothed. The blue hair didn’t put my dad completely over the edge, but the sight of Tyler’s skinny ass in his skivvies just might.

  “Wow you guys get up early.” Tyler observed.

  “You can thank your girlfriend for that. She’s been like this since birth.” Nick said.

  Tyler grabbed one of the cinnamon rolls and sat down on the floor to eat. “Must’ve sucked for you guys growing up. I’m an only child. No siblings to wake me up.”

  I looked at him and laughed. “You think you’re so safe. Wait til tonight when she tries to get you to go caroling with her.”

  “Well excuse me for liking tradition.” Abby huffed.

  “There’s no problem with liking tradition Abs,” Nick said, “I just prefer it a little later in the day.”

  “As do I.” Dad said as he and mom walked down the stairs yawning. “Abigail you are moving out soon and the only way you are invited back for Christmas next year is if you promise to not set our alarm clock.”

  “Sorry Dad.” Abby said sheepishly. She turned off the movie and put some Christmas music on the radio. That seemed to bring the Christmas spirit out in everyone, at least a little bit. No one was pouting or yawning or flashing the stink eye anymore. Everyone started moving around to gather the presents they bought.

  “Alright stockings first.” Mom said. She handed Abby her Rudolph stocking, Nick his Santa stocking and me my Frosty stocking. Dad was the one who bought the stocking stuffers and it was always fun to see what kind of stuff he would pick out. This year mine contained my favorite raspberry chocolate truffles, a couple candy canes, a CD by one of my favorite rock bands, a package of trail mix and a can of mace.

  “Mace Dad.....really?” I asked him holding up the canister.

  “You take the subway kitten, you need protection. You’re too trusting.” He said.

  Nick leaned in and whispered “He gave me a box of condoms.”

  I gave him a disgusted look “Ew and that’s not even the same so.....gross.”

  “Yes it is.”

  “Okay, how exactly are mace and condoms the same?”

  Nick shrugged his shoulders and grinned. “Protection is protection little sister.”

  After we finished opening presents, Nick went to go see Noelle and Abby and Tyler went for a walk. I walked onto the enclosed back porch, where I found my dad sitting alone, staring out the window with a glass of scotch in his hand. I sat down next to him on the red and cream checkered sofa.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked him.

  He took a sip of his scotch. “If I asked you an honest question, you would give me an honest answer right kitten?”

  “Of course Dad.”

  He took a deep breath and looked over at me, his dark eyes serious. “Do you think your sister is on the wacky tobacky?”

  I stifled back a laugh, and believe me that was a hard thing to do. “First of all Dad no one, and I mean no one, calls it wacky tobacky anymore.....if they ever did. Second, to answer your question, no I don’t think Abby is on drugs. Why would you even think that?”

  Dad took another sip of his scotch and gave me a look that clearly said “Do you even need to ask?”

  “Dad does this have anything to do with Tyler?” I asked him.

  “He has blue hair.” Dad replied as if that was a good enough excuse.

  “Oh come on, like you never went through a rock and roll rebel phase.”

  Dad sat there silently and I could see the corners of his lips begin to curl up into a smile.

  “C’mon on Dad, what crazy color did you dye your hair?” I teased.

  He shook his head. “Never dyed my hair but I did go through this leather outfit phase. I had these leather pants that had flames going down the sides and a matching vest that had fringe going up and down the arms.”

  I shuddered, trying as hard as I could to keep that image from entering my brain. “See and look how wonderful you turned out.”

  “So do you think this is a phase? Do you think he’ll change his hair to a normal color?” Dad asked hopefully.

  “No Dad, sorry but I don’t. He’s a really nice guy though and look at how happy Abby is. Just give him a chance.”

  Dad set his glass down on the table and turned to me. “You know, kitten, your mom’s been telling me about everything going on with you in London. I actually thought you’d be the one calling to see if you could bring a guy home.”

  “Yeah.....that didn’t work out.” I said quietly.

  “I know I am an old geezer compared to you guys but I could still take him out for you.”

  I had to laugh at the thought of my dad flying all the way to London to yell at a boy for making me cry. “You may not believe me Dad, but he’s actually a pretty good guy too. Thanks for the offer though Listen I think I’m gonna take my stuff upstairs but remember what I said and give Tyler a chance. I think you’d like him.”

  I gathered up clothes, book, money, candies and my new canister of mace and went up to my room. I put everything into my suitcase and dropped myself down on the bed. I figured with Abby gone for a little bit I might be able to get a bit of a nap in. As I lay there though, my thoughts drifted to Jack. I couldn’t help but wonder what he was doing and who he was with. I wonder if he had found someone new yet. I bet he did, I mean he’s gorgeous and sweet and funny. They are probably kissing under the mistletoe right this minute. She’ll probably have moved in with him by the time I get back. I’ll have to move out of my condo and I love my condo.

  Then again Tyler did say Jack was having a hard time with our break up. He probably hasn’t found anyone knew, unless he was on the rebound.....could he be on the rebound? Oh stop it Chloe! You know Jack better than that! I did miss him though.....a lot. I considered calling him. I mean I could call just to wish him a Merry Christmas. That would be okay right? I picked up my cell phone and dialed his number. I got all the w
ay to the last number and I cleared out my phone. I knew it would just drive me nuts if he didn’t answer or if I could hear someone else in the background. All of the sudden I couldn’t wait until this week was over and I was back in London.


  When I woke up the next morning, I decided I needed to stop sulking around the house. I wanted to get out and feel like myself again. I didn’t even mope around like this after Connor and I broke up. Of course that was different. Jack’s just being stubborn but Connor was an idiot. I think what I need to do is just go out there and try something I have never done before. What could I do though? Boxing.....no I’m too clumsy and I’m not very strong. I wonder if you could go skydiving in the winter. I mean it’s not snowing or anything. I should check into that.

  After a nice long hot shower, I dressed in jeans, and brown and green striped t-shirt and sneakers. I trotted downstairs where Abby, Tyler, Nick and Noelle were sitting at the breakfast table in the kitchen.

  “Hey! You look good today. Where are you going?” Noelle asked.

  “Thanks. I feel good. I’m gonna go skydiving.” I said as though this was something I do often.

  “What?” They chorused. Nick had just taken a sip of milk and nearly choked on it.

  “I want to do something I’ve never done before. Something adventurous.” I explained.

  “And you think skydiving is the right thing to do?” Abby asked.

  “Yep. Can I use your car?” I asked. I waved goodbye as Abby tossed me her keys.

  I felt a surge of excitement as I turned on the car and started off down the street. Halfway to the airfield though, the panic of what I was about to do set in. I pulled into the closest parking lot I could find so I could weight my options. I pulled a small notepad and pen out of my purse and wrote.....

  Reasons to not go skydiving

  Afraid of heights

  What if shoot doesn’t open?

  Could have crazy instructor that cuts line

  Could injure myself during landing

  May not remember instructions


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