Letting You Down (An Allie Down Mystery Thriller Book 4)

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Letting You Down (An Allie Down Mystery Thriller Book 4) Page 1

by PJ Fernor

  Letting You Down

  AN Allie Down Mystery Thriller

  PJ Fernor



  Hey there, Reader

  Letting You Down


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

  Chapter 62

  Chapter 63

  Chapter 64

  Chapter 65

  Chapter 66

  Chapter 67

  Chapter 68

  Chapter 69

  Chapter 70

  Chapter 71

  Chapter 72

  Chapter 73

  Chapter 74

  Chapter 75

  Chapter 76

  Chapter 77

  Chapter 78

  Chapter 79

  Chapter 80

  Chapter 81

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  About the Author


  She looks at her watch.

  She smiles.

  She’s on pace for a record run.

  Which means nothing. Nobody is waiting at the end of this run with a medal or trophy. Nobody is going to give her a raise or tell her tomorrow night’s winning lottery numbers.

  But personally, it’s her against herself.

  That’s what makes running so special.

  To her, if she can beat her current pace, then she can do anything that life throws her way.

  She’ll walk into the office tomorrow with an extra kick in her step. She’ll take on the bigger project by herself. She’ll close a deal that’ll get the attention of the bosses upstairs.

  Tonight’s run is the most important run of her life.

  That’s what she tells herself and that’s what she believes.

  In reality, the better decision would have been to stay home.

  The park is quiet and not very well lit.

  The first few times she ran here, she would get nervous. She would see figures and silhouettes that weren’t there, or were just objects.

  At one point, on her first run here, she told herself if a park bench starts chasing her, she’s got problems in her life.

  That made her laugh. And it killed the fear.

  As she runs around one of the bends in the park, she sees a figure up ahead.

  Normally, it wouldn’t bother her.

  Not even in the slightest.

  Just think about the bench chasing me…

  Except tonight, this figure it right in the middle of the path.

  And it’s real.

  It’s the figure of a person.

  A man.


  Wide shoulders.

  She sucks in a breath and focuses on herself.

  The path is wide enough for two people.

  Even though this person is in the middle, she can still run around the figure.

  Which she does.

  She doesn’t look.

  In a fraction of a second, he’s in the past now.

  Maybe the person is mediating or drunk or just being obnoxious and trying to scare people.

  She looks at her watch again.

  Now her pace is all messed up.

  No record run tonight.

  All because of that…

  She looks back and the figure is right behind her.

  Maybe even inches away.

  She opens her mouth to scream, and the figure attacks her.

  “Tell him it’s his fault. Tell him he knows why this happened. I promise you this, if you say one word about this to the cops, you’ll never talk again. Do you understand me?”

  She hears his voice.

  That rough, growling voice in her ear.

  She’s hurt. Scared. On the ground, curled up in pain.

  If being pushed to the ground wasn’t enough, the guy attacked her.

  His large hand covering her mouth…

  “Now you’re going to go to sleep for a minute or two, but that’s okay. When you open your eyes, you pick yourself up and get home. Tell him what I said, okay? And if anyone sees you, tell them you fell. You hit your head. Got it?”

  All she can do is nod.

  It’s so dark out, she can’t see the man.

  She can feel him. Hear him.

  She can barely make out his figure.

  Her heart screams at her mind to fight back.

  It’s too late.

  He smashes her head off the ground and everything goes dark.

  Her eyes start to flicker.


  Her lips begin to move.


  She can breathe.


  She slowly turns her head and can barely open her eyes enough to see what’s happening.

  Fire. Burning. Hurting.

  Those are the only three words that her brain can process. That’s only because it’s how she feels.

  She tells her brain to tell her hand to move.

  It’s her hand that feels the fire, burning and hurting.

  It’s not her entire body.

  There is no real fire. There’s no flames. No crackling of anything.

  The park isn’t on fire.

  But the pain… her hand…

  She can’t move her hand.

  She’s not sure why.

  Fire. Burning. Hurting.

  There’s a figure next to her.

  She hears grunting.

  The pain gets worse.

  She opens her mouth to scream but there’s nothing coming out.

  Her ability to move, scream, anything is gone.

  She blinks a few times and see’s where the pain is coming from.

  It’s not good.

  It’s not good at all.

  It looks - and feels - like someone is cutting off her hand.

  Hey there, Reader

  I appreciate you taking the time to enjoy Detective Allie Down. And Ben. And Lo. And Miss Kesslier. And all the others who frequently appear in these books.

  This was only my favorite Detective Allie Down novels to work o
n. It’s a privilege to bring these books to life.

  Enjoy - and see if you can help Detective Allie Down put the pieces together!

  Welcome back once more to Sandemor.

  I’ll see you at the end.


  PJ Fernor


  Letting You Down


  A call comes in.

  A woman’s body has been found in a park. Murdered. Her hand cut off.

  Detective Allie Down takes the case and makes a quick connection to the woman and a shady loan company that has managed to skate under the radar.

  Up against two mob style brothers, Allie isn’t afraid of them, their company, or their subtle threats.

  All evidence points to the brothers – or one of their hired “associates” – for the murder.

  Until another call comes in.

  A man’s body has been found in a different park.

  His hand cut off.

  And he has zero association to the first murder – and to the loan company.

  Just when Allie thinks she might be wrong, someone unexpected shows up with a confession.

  Does it close both murder cases?

  Not exactly.

  Someone else gets attacked. Only this time, the victim lives to tell the story.

  In the mix of this, Allie makes a startling revelation that has her thinking of a previous case. And seeking help from a source that not only could have her lose her shield, but also end up behind bars.


  She looks at her watch.

  She smiles.

  She’s on pace for a record run.

  Which means nothing in life. Nobody is waiting at the end of this run with a medal or trophy. Nobody is going to give her a raise or tell her tomorrow night’s winning lottery numbers.

  But personally, it’s her against herself.

  That’s what makes running so special.

  To her, if she can beat her current pace, then she can do anything in life.

  She’ll walk into the office tomorrow with an extra kick in her step. She’ll take on the bigger project by herself. She’ll close a deal that’ll get the attention of the bosses upstairs.

  Tonight’s run is the most important run of her life.

  That’s what she tells herself and that’s what she believes.

  In reality, the most important decision would have been to stay home.

  The park is quiet and not very well lit.

  The first few times she ran here, she would get nervous. She would see figures and silhouettes that weren’t there, or were just objects.

  At one point on her first run here she told herself if a park bench starts chasing her, she’s got problems in life.

  That made her laugh. And it killed the fear.

  As she runs around one of the bends in the park, she sees a figure up ahead.

  Normally, it wouldn’t bother her.

  Not even in the slightest.

  Just think about the bench chasing me…

  Except tonight, this figure it right in the middle of the path.

  And it’s real.

  It’s the figure of a person.

  A man.


  Wide shoulders.

  She sucks in a breath and focuses on herself.

  The path is wide enough for two people.

  Even though this person is in the middle, she can still run around the figure.

  Which she does.

  She doesn’t look.

  In a fraction of a second, it’s in the past now.

  Maybe the person is mediating or drunk or just being obnoxious and trying to scare people.

  She looks at her watch again.

  Now her pace is all messed up.

  No record run tonight.

  All because of that…

  She looks back and the figure is right behind her.

  Maybe even inches away.

  She opens her mouth to scream, and the figure attacks her.

  “Tell him it’s his fault. Tell him he knows why this happened. I promise you this, if you say one word about this to the cops, you’ll never talk again. Do you understand me?”

  She hears his voice.

  That rough, growling voice in her ear.

  She’s hurt. Scared. On the ground, curled up in pain.

  If being pushed the ground wasn’t enough, the guy attacked her.

  His large hand covering her mouth…

  “Now you’re going to go to sleep for a minute or two, but that’s okay. When you open your eyes, pick yourself up and get home. Tell him what I said, okay? And if anyone sees you, tell them you fell. You hit your head. Got it?”

  All she can do is nod.

  It’s so dark out, she can’t see the man.

  She can feel him. Hear him.

  She can barely make out his figure.

  Her heart screams at her mind to fight back.

  It’s too late.

  He smashes her head off the ground and everything goes dark.

  Her eyes start to flicker.


  Her lips begin to move.


  She can breathe.


  She slowly turns her head and can barely open her eyes enough to see what’s happening.

  Fire. Burning. Hurting.

  Those are the only three words that her brain can process. That’s only because it’s what feels.

  She tells her brain to tell her hand to move.

  It’s her hand that feels the fire, burning, and hurting.

  It’s not her entire body.

  There is no real fire. There’s no flames. No crackling of anything.

  The park isn’t on fire.

  But the pain… her hand…

  She can’t move her hand.

  She’s not sure why.

  Fire. Burning. Hurting.

  There’s a figure next to her.

  She hears grunting.

  The pain gets worse.

  She opens her mouth to scream but there’s nothing coming out.

  Her ability to move, scream, anything is gone.

  She blinks a few times and see’s where the pain is coming from.

  It’s not good.

  It’s not good at all.

  It looks - and feels - like someone is cutting off her hand.

  Chapter One

  Everything has to match.

  It has to balance.

  Things have to be equal.

  If things are unequal… then the work isn’t done.

  It’s really as simple as that.

  It’s kind of funny to think about. Years of learning, training, planning, and even executing, and it all comes down to balancing it out.

  The even more simple way to explain it?

  One plus one must equal two.

  There’s no other way to survive life.

  If I have one pencil and you have one pencil, how many pencils do we have together?

  “Two,” he says. “It’s always two. The answer is two.”

  It’s been that kind of day. And that kind of night.

  The glow from the twenty-four-hour diner is like the lights of heaven shining down.

  He hasn’t eaten yet today.

  Breakfast had been two bites of a piece of toast. And even that, he immediately threw it up.

  Work had been nothing short of a grind.

  The computer screen had been a blur but the reports got done.

  And you know what?

  They all matched.

  Everything equaled out because that’s how life was.

  He stands on the corner and watches traffic for a minute.

  There’s really not much traffic this late.

  He waves at a police cruiser
as it speeds by.

  That part makes him laugh.

  Only because he’s carrying a bag in the other hand.

  In that bag is a woman’s severed hand.

  That’s okay though.

  Things are becoming even again.

  He crosses the street and walks to the diner door.

  As soon as he opens the door, he takes a deep breath and the sweet smell of syrup hits him. Along with greasy bacon and a hint of sausage.

  The smell takes him back to college.

  The late nights of studying and then going out to a diner well after midnight just for the heck of it.

  A woman greets him.

  He points to her shirt. “Marge.”

  “The one and only,” she says. “Just you?”

  “Just me and my friend,” he says and lifts the bag.

  Of course, Marge laughs.

  Who wouldn’t laugh at such a dumb joke?

  The bag is leather, looks professional, and for all Marge knows, she thinks he’s some lawyer or something getting off work late and in need of food.


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