Soul Bound

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Soul Bound Page 3

by K. G. Reuss

  “Why?” I stared at him in horror. “What if none of this works out for us?”

  “Because I have loved you since the moment I first saw you. If I don’t do this…” His voice trailed off for a moment, his red eyes wavering in the darkness. “I just need to know you’ll forgive me.”

  “You said we couldn’t be together—” The words faltered on my lips as I realized what he’d said. “Where are you taking me? You said you’re taking me.”

  “I am. And it’s nowhere you want to go. I’m so sorry. Even if you hate me for it, it is as it must be. Know that. Just understand my reasons for it.”

  “When? And what reasons? You have to know that us together—”

  “Soon. And the reasons are I simply cannot put your safety at risk any longer, and you are mine. I protect what is mine. You mean everything to me, my beautiful girl. I can’t let you become another victim of this ugly war. I don’t want you to feel alone in any of it.” The weight of his body on mine lessened as he got to his feet. “Consequences be damned.”

  “Tell me who you are. At least give me that.” I sat up and reached for him, the desperation back in full force.

  He let out a soft, sad chuckle as he backed away. “You already know, Everly. I’ll see you soon. I’m sorry.”

  And just like that, he disappeared in a wisp of shadow, leaving me alone in my room.



  “You look like harpies kept you up all night,” Harper greeted me the following day as I trudged through the courtyard of Dementon.

  I’d barely slept, Shadow’s words on replay in my head. I knew him? He was at Dementon. But who? It was frustrating that he was right under my nose, yet I was still in the dark about his identity.

  There was no way. I didn’t know many guys at Dementon. It wasn’t Eric. I’d been over that with him. I’d never really seen Shadow as a big, scary monster before, but knowing he might be turning that way on me made me queasy. Would Conexus stop him? Kill him if he tried to take me?

  Would Dyre? Dyre needed him. They wanted to know who he was. I had to tell someone. Anyone. Consequences be damned is right.

  I looked around the courtyard, hoping to find Nev or Marcus, but I didn’t spot either of them. Shadow had to be out there in the sea of faces. It made sense that he went to Dementon. The only way I’d be able to figure it out short of just closing my eyes and kissing all the guys was to ask each of them. And that would only lead to people thinking I was crazy, or I’d get a reputation, beyond the one I already had going around about me and Eric hooking up. Or me and Raiden. I winced at the thought. They weren’t wrong, but we’d never gotten that far. I knew I would have though the night I’d had the vision. Had it not happened, Raiden and I would have more than a kiss to tell about.

  “Earth to Ever,” Harper called out.

  “Sorry. I had a rough night.” I shook my head, trying to clear it of the memories.

  She gave me a sympathetic look. “Nev said training was rough last night. He said Raiden showed up. Heard Conexus has Mason Reed in their sights as their next recruit.”

  I rubbed my eyes. “Yeah, you know how Nev is. And I’m guessing the rumors are true.”

  “I’m sure if you ask Nev for a night off, he’d give it to you,” she offered. “You look so beat, girl.”

  “I just have a lot on my mind.”

  “We can talk about it if you want.”

  “I know, Harper. Thank you. But right now I think I just need to be alone with my thoughts. There are way more than I feel like having.”

  “I get it. You’ve been bounced around with different trainers, plus the rumors you’ve had to deal with about Eric and even Raiden, then the rotwraith attack. I’m sure everything is overwhelming to you. I’d be the same. Just know I’m here if you need me. Anytime.”


  She reached out and wrapped me in a hug which I returned before pulling away.

  “If you see Nev will you tell him I’m looking for him? Or Marcus?”

  “I will. Take care. I’m going to go find Abby.”

  I nodded and gave her a wave before glancing around the courtyard. My gaze came to rest on Raiden. I hated the way the butterflies sprang to life in my chest, swirling up their storm of want. It made me feel like I was betraying Shadow for him. The guilt ate at me. If Shadow knew about my feelings for Raiden, maybe he didn’t care. Or maybe he wanted to take me to keep me away from the enigmatic general. I’d seen Shadow’s anger at work with Dylan. If he and Raiden went head-to-head, it would be a blood bath.

  Hauling in a deep breath, I approached Raiden. He straightened when he realized I was headed for him, his eyes locked on mine. Damien and Eric stood beside him. I heard the whispers of students around me, probably more rumors, but I kept my head up.

  “Miss Torres,” Raiden greeted me with uncertainty.

  Those beautiful, aquamarine eyes surveyed me with what looked like the same emotions I felt. I hated seeing the want in his eyes because in that moment, I wanted to throw myself into his arms and tell him how much I missed him.

  It couldn’t happen though. I steeled myself.

  “I need to talk to you.” I glanced between Eric and Damien. “Alone.”

  “Come,” Raiden instructed without missing a beat, putting to bed my worries about being told to piss off because Conexus didn’t associate with other students. He nodded his head for me to follow him, and I did so, ignoring Damien’s catcalls.

  Students darted away from us, their curious and fearful stares in place. Word on the street was Mason would be next to get inducted, and I’d been tossed aside for someone who actually knew what they were doing. That helped put a lot of fears to rest for everyone though. At least it wasn’t them getting pulled into Conexus ranks.

  We didn’t stop walking until we were in the gardens. With a wave of his hand, Raiden cast a thin, purple veil of privacy around us, effectively blocking out the world from our conversation.

  “Are you well?” His eyes swept over me, worry in them.

  “No. I-I’m not. I had a visitor last night. Shadow.”

  Raiden remained wordless as he waited for me to continue.

  “I need you to know he intends on taking me somewhere.”

  “I see.”

  “Are you going to do something about it?”

  “Should I?” he challenged.

  “You’re the Conexus general. I thought you guys were trying to keep me from connecting with the Reever. If he’s coming to take me, I’d think that’s a pretty big deal.”

  Raiden gave a slow nod. “Have you told anyone else?”

  “No.” I frowned at him.

  “Good. Don’t. I’ll look into it. I don’t even want you mentioning it to Eric or Damien.”

  “Conexus doesn’t associate outside their circle,” I muttered, slightly bitter that I hadn’t had a decent conversation with Eric since the whole near-death experience a few weeks ago.

  Raiden cleared his throat. “Were you afraid? When Shadow came?”

  I bit my bottom lip. “I-I was at first, but then… uh… I got caught up in him.” My voice was soft. I didn’t want to tell Raiden about making out with Shadow. “I was confused. He seemed so insistent. That scared me. All this time he’s been avoiding me, but now he wants me. I keep telling myself I’m ready for all of this, but deep down I’m terrified.” I let out a breath and swallowed. “It doesn’t matter. I just wanted someone to know what happened in case I end up disappearing in the night… I need to go.” I turned to leave, but Raiden grasped my arm and stopped me.

  “Wait. Stay.”

  My heart ached as I stared into his eyes, letting the memories flow. The memory of his warm, soft lips on mine. How it felt to be wrapped in his arms, safe from everything.

  Then I shook it all off. It was over now. He was getting married, and it sure as hell wasn’t to me.

  “It’s not a good idea. I don’t need your fiancée trying to murder me again.” I tug
ged my arm out of his hold.

  “Ever, it’s not like that—”

  “We’ve been over this. It is like that. Whatever bit of fun we had together is over. If your fiancée isn’t trying to kill me, your father is. I’m good. Thanks.” I turned to leave, hating everything about us being over. But there was more at play than our feelings, Amara, and even the Order. I had Dyre to worry about. At midnight, I’d officially become Raiden’s enemy. Cipher. Or what they thought was Cipher.

  “I miss you, Ever.”

  I stopped, drew in a deep breath, and squeezed my eyes shut. Truth was, I missed him too. But we ended the night I nearly died on campus. We ended with his lies.

  “Nothing has changed. I don’t feel anything for you, Raiden.”

  “You’re a liar.”

  I let out a soft laugh. “You’d know.”

  I walked away without looking back.



  “What did Ever want earlier?” Damien flopped down in the chair on the other side of my desk at Conexus house later that night.

  Eric took the seat beside him.

  “Nothing.” I didn’t want them to know about my Vow of Eternity or that I’d gone to see her.

  They’d scold me and try to talk me out of it. It would be a waste of their time. Kissing her. Touching her. Hearing her say she’d loved me, not Shadow, but me, Raiden, had been all I needed to hear to know there was no going back. The moment those words fell from her lips, any reservations I’d had evaporated. I’d made up my mind. I was doing it.

  “She wanted to let me know if I interrupted her training again she’d be banging down Brighton’s door about it.”

  “Surprised she wouldn’t be banging down the door here, but given what happened last time she came knocking. . .” Damien’s words trailed off as I shot him an angry glare.

  Amara had been dealt with. She’d spent the night in the Xanan dungeons for her part in Ever’s injuries. I would’ve pushed for more, but I knew my father would’ve moved the wedding date closer, something I didn’t want. In addition to her Xanan stay, I’d assigned Amara to double patrol duties, something she loathed in the first place. She was no longer allowed to come with us on hunts either. And Amara loved the fights.

  Instead, she’d stay behind and handle the Dementon grounds and writing reports. She’d been demoted to third class as well, something that had sent her into a werewolf rage where she’d come in and destroyed my office. She’d have to work hard to earn her promotions again.

  Our interactions had been limited since.

  “How is she, though?” Eric asked.

  I sighed. “I don’t know. Angry. Hates me.”

  “Understandable.” Damien nodded. “She thinks you were lying and cheating. And to be fair, you kind of were.”

  “Piss off, Wick,” I snapped at him. “You know it wasn’t like that.”

  “I know you don’t love Amara. I know you don’t want to marry that basket of bees. I’m just saying I get Ever’s point of view on it. I just hope things aren’t ruined for you guys.”

  “Me too,” I muttered.

  A knock on the door had me looking in its direction, silently praying it wasn’t Amara. I let out a breath of relief when Sloane popped her head in.

  “I know I could’ve gotten in your head, Gen, but I figured this was a message to deliver in person.” Sloane stepped into the room, wringing her hands.

  “What?” I growled.

  “Uh, Amara’s wedding dress just arrived, and I have a fire message for you from your father.”

  “Shit,” I hissed, rubbing my eyes. “The hits keep coming. Bring it.”

  Sloane stepped forward and handed me the slip of smoldering paper. I opened it, dreading the contents.

  General Hawthorne,

  I haven’t received the list of recruits for Conexus. If you don’t have any at this time, make sure the Order gets written confirmation.

  I’ll be traveling this week and will be difficult to reach. I have meetings in Ireland with members of the lower council. You’ll be briefed soon enough on the spreading threat. Be aware another mission will be landing on your desk in the coming days. It’s imperative you retain prisoners for questioning. Your lack of this on the last round hasn’t gone unnoticed.

  Wesley Hawthorne, Sigil, First Chair Order, Conexus Elite

  I watched as the message turned to ash and fell to my desk.

  “Bad news?” Eric asked.

  “Just more bullshit. He wants a list of recruits and to tell me we have some upcoming missions that we need to capture prisoners for questioning on.”

  “Great,” Damien groaned as Sloane propped herself on the arm of his chair. “In other words, not only are we killing Cipher this weekend, but we’re going to have to get on a first name basis with them before we do it. It’s the shit nightmares are made of. I hate my job.”

  Sloane rubbed his arm sympathetically as Eric nodded glumly.

  “It’s not my cup of tea either. All I want to do is find Aviram and end this shit. Once he’s dead, we can take out the rest. Cut the head off the snake and all that,” I said.

  “What about the recruits?” Eric pressed. “Is it just Mason?”

  I cleared my throat. “Uh, yeah… Mason. He seems like a good fit. He’s one of the few who genuinely wants to do it. It means he’ll be that much more dedicated.”

  “I agree,” Damien said. “He’s cool. Adam, Jared, and Sloane should make the room preparations.”

  “It only takes us a few minutes to shift the house and add a room if we need it. Besides, I think we still have two left from when Amanda was inducted and Jake left,” Sloane said with a roll of her eyes, mentioning Jake, a shifter who transferred to the southern division when he graduated two years prior. His room had been next to mine. I wanted Ever in it.

  “What about Harper, the caster?” Eric spoke up.

  Sloane’s eyes widened in surprise. Harper, Sloane, and Abby had been best friends before her induction.

  “Raiden?” Sloane leveled her large, brown eyes on me. “Is she a candidate?”

  “I considered her,” I answered carefully. “But I don’t think I’ll bring her on.”

  I couldn’t be certain, but a look of relief seemed to flash over Sloane’s face. It was no surprise. Sloane hadn’t wanted to be in Conexus but didn’t have a choice once I’d picked her.

  “We have room for one more. Why not bring on another caster?” Damien asked.

  “Like Marcus?” Sloane blurted out.

  We all scowled at her.

  “I’d go AWOL if we brought him on,” Eric muttered.

  “Even if you hate him, he has undeniable talent,” Sloane argued. “He’s the strongest lock to walk Dementon grounds in probably forever. He’s going to be a legacy, and you’re throwing his talents away.”

  “The only thing Ambrose is talented at is not getting caught,” Damien snorted. “He’s Cipher. I guarantee it. We just don’t have the evidence yet. Once we do, it’s bye-bye warlock.”

  Sloane glowered at him and got to her feet.

  “You shouldn’t judge people you don’t even know,” she snapped.

  “Easy, babe—” Damien held his hands up.

  “Oh, babe yourself, you jerk.” Sloane stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

  “What the hell is her problem?” Damien muttered, staring at the door.

  “You’ve clearly pissed her off. She was friends with Ambrose before her induction. Like Harper and Abby, I’m sure she still cares about that friendship,” Eric offered. “But I’m with you. I hate the guy too.”

  “Shit.” Damien blew out a breath. “I’m going to go talk to her. I’ll see you guys later.”

  With that, he left the room, closing the door behind him.

  “What did you want to talk to me about the other night?” I asked Eric, moving to get us each a glass of tarish. I handed him his and sat back in my chair.

  “Honestly, I have a conf
ession to make.” He took a sip of his drink.

  I sat and waited for him to continue, wondering what he could’ve possibly done.

  “The day Ever woke up from the attack and I was in her room at the infirmary…” He cleared his throat as I sat forward. “I, uh, I kinda told her to let you go. That you were going to get her killed, or rather Shadow would. It’s been eating at me. I’m sorry. I’m just worried about her. And you. All of us really. I think you were right by trying to stay away. After seeing what your father did, it left a bad taste in my mouth. I never want that to happen again. Leaving her to her own devices is for the best. I just figured I’d help from the other side of the problem if I could by talking to her. I’m sorry, man.”

  “Your words held no bearing on her hatred for me. She doesn’t know I’m Shadow. You weren’t wrong. I could’ve gotten her killed going on the way we were.”

  “Shit. I thought you’d be pissed at me.”

  “Nah.” I waved him off. “It hurt like hell when she told me she was done with me though.”

  Eric gave me a sympathetic look.

  “She’s done with Raiden. If she ever finds out you’re Shadow, I think it’ll change. On the flip side of that, I don’t think it’s wise for her to know now that I’ve seen your father’s actions. I think if it happens again with you getting too close, she actually will die. He won’t let you save her, Raiden. We both know that. This was his warning shot.”

  I swallowed hard and nodded. This was exactly why I was going to do what I’d planned.

  “Drink up. We deliver our Conexus letters in a few days.”

  “And the second person you’re bringing in?” Eric raised a brow at me.

  “I guess time will tell.”

  “Let’s hope you make the right decision.” Eric gave me a knowing look. His psychic senses weren’t a hundred, but he was damn close.

  This was probably one of those instances where he was dead on.




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