Soul Bound

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Soul Bound Page 6

by K. G. Reuss


  “You don’t remember, do you?” Harper tittered as we stopped in front of a vending machine.

  I frowned, wracking my brain. Meeting. Dyre. Blood—

  “That son of a bitch,” I seethed.

  “Ah, there it is.” Abby let out a bark of laughter.

  “Nev!” I called out, seeing him sauntering through the courtyard.

  My heart gave a flutter as I waved at him, my head going a little fuzzy. A wide grin spread over his face when he saw me head in his direction. I pushed away the feelings I knew had to be related to the lust.

  “This should be good,” Harper said as she and Abby followed me to Nev.

  “Good morn—,” Nev started as I stopped in front of him. He didn’t get to finish because I smacked him across the face. His head snapped to the side, my handprint bright red on his cheek.

  “I’d ask how my favorite is doing, but it seems I have the answer.” His unnaturally bright blues eyes raked over me as I put my hands on my hips and glared him down.

  “You’re an asshole. I can’t believe you freaking put me in a state of lust!” I snarled at him, my face heating at the words. “I made out with you last night! Y-you grabbed my ass! I should stake you!”

  “Trust me, beautiful, I’d have grabbed a whole lot more if I thought you wouldn’t lose your shit on me. Now that you’re here threatening my life, I’m thinking I should’ve just done what we both wanted in the moment. At least I would’ve died a happy vampire.”

  “I didn’t want you,” I huffed out, leveling a glare on him.

  He shrugged, his lips tipping up into a cocky smile. “A lust doesn’t lie. It takes your deepest sexual desires and brings them bubbling to the top. You wanted me, Everly Torres. Something inside you is attracted at least a little bit to me. You don’t need to beg, baby. You know you can have it if you want it. I’m all yours.”

  “You’re a pig.”

  “Abby, you might want to back up to make room for Nev’s giant ego,” Harper snorted, rolling her eyes at him.

  Abby laughed.

  He grinned even wider and winked at me. “I’m your pig, baby girl.”

  “You’re my pain in the ass,” I grumbled, annoyed.

  “I could be that too if you want.” He waggled his brows at me.

  I wrinkled my nose at his insinuation.

  “OK, so now that we know Ever still thinks Nev is a shit, can we talk about our next mission?” Abby asked as she waved her hand and cast a privacy charm around us.

  “We can meet this evening after we—” Nev gestured to me and him. “—get out of training. As long as Hawthorne doesn’t bust in again.”

  Nev recounted the event with Raiden, causing Abby and Harper to snarl in anger.

  “How did you get out of going to Xanan?” Harper demanded. She paused as Marcus approached us and stepped into the charm.

  “A meeting without me? I’m insulted,” Marcus said, not looking the least bit upset. His gaze rested on me, and he smiled. “Hey, Ever. You still in love with Nev?”

  I shot him the finger which caused him to bark out a boisterous laugh. He and Nev high-fived as I rolled my eyes at them.

  “Not that Ever and Nev making out isn’t big news, but let’s focus on Hawthorne. Nev being smack dab in Conexus’s sights isn’t a good thing,” Harper continued, glancing at Nev.

  “Well…” Nev draped his arm over my shoulder and smiled at me.

  I made to shrug out from beneath him, but he gave me a squeeze. Maybe I still had lust in me from the Dyre induction because I stopped fighting his nearness and simply accepted it. He was still a shithead, but he was growing on me.

  “Hawthorne was pissed off,” Nev said. “It had to do with Ever and me. I managed to avoid him, but he let me know the Order and Conexus have every intention of ratcheting this war up a notch. So much so, he offered to kill me right then to put me out of my future misery.”

  Harper and Abby let out angry snarls again as I frowned. Had Raiden really done that? The Raiden I knew wasn’t a cruel person. I peered across the grounds and saw him walking with his group. His eyes met mine for a moment before he took in Nev at my side. A muscle popped along his jaw before he ducked his head and sat with his back to me. My heart gave a feeble kick in my chest.

  God, I missed him!

  He was gone. I was gone. Everything we’d had was over. He was my enemy now, and Nev further confirmed it.

  “So we really need to get this reever business under control. Maybe staging an attack on Ever will draw him out,” Nev finished.

  “I actually need to be in some serious trouble, like panicking and near death, for him to come,” I said. “Faking it won’t work.”

  Marcus scratched his head. “Ever is right. We’d have to put her in real danger. It’s not worth it.”

  “Then we need to get something rolling. The way Hawthorne talked, time is running out for us. I don’t know what the Order has up its sleeve, but it can’t be good.” Nev peered down at me and frowned. “I’m worried.”

  “Me too,” I murmured.

  “I’m not even supposed to be near Ever. He threatened me on that front as well,” Nev continued.

  “Why does he care?” Harper started but stopped, her eyes opening wide. “Oh my God. It was Raiden, not Eric you had it bad for!”

  I shook my head, my cheeks heating. I jerked away from Nev, my heart needing distance.

  “Spell must be wearing off all the way,” Abby joked weakly as she gave me a shaky smile.

  “Were you and Raiden together, Ever?” Harper demanded.

  Marcus nodded thoughtfully. “It would make a lot of sense, considering the shit you said last night—”

  “We were together,” I blurted out. “But he was engaged to Amara, and I didn’t know it. I’m an idiot for ever feeling anything for him, OK? I wish I hadn’t. I wish I’d never met him.” I hung my head as a tear slipped out, my mediocre mood shattering at my feet.

  “Oh, Ev,” Harper sighed, wrapping her arms around me. “It’s OK. He’s a rat.”

  “I made a mistake.” I sniffled.

  “It’s over now,” Nev broke in. “We have bigger things to worry about. That rat is going to be our king and has made his intentions clear. We need a game plan. I tried to get inducted into Conexus, but he isn’t having it.”

  Harper gave me another squeeze as Abby handed me a tissue from her bag.

  “Don’t be insensitive, Nev,” Harper huffed. “Ever, are you OK?”

  “I’m fine. It’s been a few weeks. It’s just… seeing him still hurts.”

  Harper nodded knowingly. “I’m so sorry, Ev.”

  I nodded again. The bell rang, signaling we had to get to class. This was my first breakdown in front of my friends. I felt like a fool for it. Strength was something I’d always prided myself in, but every day I found myself weakening. The thought it was happening scared the shit out of me. Not wanting to think about anything in that moment, I bid my friends goodbye, my need for distance taking over. I turned to leave but not before I caught Raiden’s eye.

  My heart gave another feeble jolt, then I ducked my head and kept walking.



  “I thought you told Blackburn to stay away from Ever?” Damien asked as he looked over my shoulder to where Ever and her friends were.

  “I did.”

  “Well, he has his arm around her, and they look pretty cozy,” Jared concluded.

  My stomach twisted as bile sprang up my throat.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Amara said, glancing at me. “Raiden has made peace with it. We’re getting married soon. Everything is working out as it should.”

  “Keep lying to yourself,” Amanda muttered.

  Chloe nodded her head.

  “Stop,” I whispered, closing my eyes. “Brandon, you and Amanda have recon tonight. I need you at the outer limits, south end. A message from the Order suggests there’s enemy activity in the area. I need you t
wo to check it out.”

  “You know I’m on it,” Brandon confirmed, nodding at Amanda who let out a sigh but agreed.

  “Good. You guys can head out at dusk,” I grunted.

  I got to my feet and turned to go, needing to get the hell away from Nev and Ever. Call it bad timing, but my eyes locked on Ever’s as she moved across the courtyard. Everything in those green depths screamed heartache. But why did she hurt so much if she and Blackburn had something going on?

  I did everything in my power to push down my feelings for her. Threatening Nev had clearly done no good, not that I thought it would.

  None of it mattered anyway.

  I’d be delivering her letter soon.

  “What time are we delivering letters?” Damien asked as we moved across campus later that afternoon.

  “Probably dinner, right?” Eric yawned and rubbed his eyes.

  “Actually, I was thinking we’d do it now,” I said, hauling in a deep breath.

  “Really?” Damien glanced at Eric as we stopped in the center of the courtyard.

  The first block of classes just ended, giving way to the thirty-minute break until the second block started. The sun would be setting soon. I always did it in public so students knew who they could associate with and who they couldn’t.

  “Is Mason still our guy?” Eric asked.

  I nodded tightly, watching as Ever sat beside Nev. Her letter was beside Mason’s inside my cloak. It felt like a lead brick against my heart.

  “Get everyone here. Brandon and Amanda have to leave soon. We need to do this sooner rather than later.”

  Damien went silent, signaling he was gathering everyone together. I stood motionless, observing as Ever chuckled and shook her head at something Nev said to her. I knew what game he was playing. He was letting her go to him. It broke my damn heart to know she did on her own.

  “Everyone is here,” Eric said a few minutes later.

  I looked around and saw the group had assembled.

  “We’re only picking up Mason, right?” Adam asked, nodding to where Mason was sitting with his friends.

  He caught my eye and sat up straighter. Mason was a shoo-in. He wanted this more than anyone I’d ever inducted before. He’d make an excellent member. Not only was he a supremely talented shifter near Damien’s caliber, but his dedication was unrivaled.

  “No, we’ll be inducting two tomorrow night,” I said, clearing my throat.

  “Harper?” Sloane called out in a shaky voice.

  I glanced at Sloane but didn’t say anything.

  “Let’s get this over with. I’m supposed to get my nails done tonight,” Amara broke in. “I can’t be late.”

  “Heaven forbid,” Jared muttered.

  Amara shot a glare at him.

  I walked in the direction of Mason, my crew behind me. He straightened up further, his dark eyes focused on us. He knew this was coming. A hush fell over the courtyard as hundreds of eyes focused on us.

  “Mason Anthony Reed,” I proclaimed loudly as we stopped at his table.

  His friends’ faces paled as he rose to his feet. Jessie, his shifter girlfriend, let out a cry as she tried to tug him back into his seat, but he moved away from her and looked me in the eye.

  I pulled out the black Conexus induction letter from my cloak and stood before him.

  “I, Raiden Finley Hawthorne, Prince of Specials, Conexus General, first class elite, am hereby proclaiming your induction into the ranks of Conexus.”

  “I, Eric Vincent Craft, Conexus Lieutenant, first class elite, am hereby giving my approval as second-in-command for your induction into the ranks of Conexus.”

  “I, Damien Andrew Wick, Conexus Captain, first class elite, am hereby giving my approval as third-in-command for your induction into the ranks of Conexus.”

  “You’ve been chosen. You’re required by our laws to attend the induction ceremony at midnight tomorrow. All information needed is contained within your letter. You have twenty-four hours to cut your ties.” My eyes slid to his girlfriend who sobbed uncontrollably from her seat.

  He nodded tightly and accepted his letter.

  “We’ll see you tomorrow,” I said, backing away. I hated tearing people away from those they loved. I truly did.

  But Mason wanted to be part of Conexus just as much as I wanted him to be. He’d work out what needed to be worked out.

  “Who’s the second?” Adam asked as we walked through the courtyard.

  All eyes were on us as we moved, students whispering fearfully. I caught Brighton and Ceres, his hellhound, standing on the edge of the courtyard watching us. Brighton was a lot like me in the respect we hated this.

  But this part, this was the worst. Ever would hate me forever after this moment. I’d tried to make peace with that. Everything would be out in the open soon enough.

  I stopped at her table and surveyed her friends. Harper and Abby stared back at me with frightened eyes. Nev and Marcus glared. Jason looked just as fearful as Harper and Abby.

  And Ever’s brilliant green eyes shifted from Harper to me. Everyone figured Harper was a shoo-in. In another life, I’d have chosen her over Ever. But this wasn’t that life.

  “Everly Lucia Torres,” I called out in a strong voice. I didn’t need to look behind me to know the shock that my members wore on their faces. I could feel it reverberate around me.

  I pulled the black envelope from my pocket.

  “Rise. You’ve been chosen.”



  “No way. No way!” Harper shrieked, getting to her feet.

  Marcus jumped into action and wrapped his arms around her to stop her from attacking Conexus. Abby stood beside them, whispering frantically for Harper to calm down. Nev rose to his feet.

  “Are you serious, Hawthorne?” he growled.

  Raiden ignored Nev as he locked eyes with me. I climbed to my feet, my entire body trembling. He couldn’t be serious. He promised me! Panic oozed through my veins as I tried to draw in a breath.

  “I, Raiden Finley Hawthorne, Prince of Specials, Conexus General, first class elite, am hereby proclaiming your induction into the ranks of Conexus.”

  No. No. No!

  A hush fell over the courtyard. I looked past Raiden to see Eric and Damien. Eric’s lips were parted in shock while Damien’s eyes were the size of saucers as he stared at Raiden. My gaze flitted over the faces of Conexus. Apparently, everyone was in shock. Amara stood stone still, her eyes glassy. Whether they were tears of anger or sadness, I had no idea.

  “Eric?” I whispered, moving toward him.

  He shook his head, a pained expression on his face.

  “Eric? Please! You know I don’t want this!”

  “I’m so sorry, Ever,” he choked out, looking past me. He continued in a choked voice. “I, Eric Vincent Craft, Conexus Lieutenant, first class elite, am hereby giving my approval as second-in-command for your induction into the ranks of Conexus.”

  “No. No, Eric, please!” I grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

  He continued to look past me, his eyes shining with unshed tears.

  “Damien?” I whimpered.

  He, too, shook his head sadly before drawing in a deep breath. “I, Damien Andrew Wick, Conexus Captain, first class elite, am hereby giving my approval as third-in-command for your induction into the ranks of Conexus.”

  “No!” I shouted, finally turning to the cause of all my problems. “Raiden, you promised. You promised me!”

  “I promised to keep you safe,” he answered in a tight voice, no emotion on his face. “This is me doing that.”

  “Don’t. Don’t do this to me. This will kill me. You know me, Raiden. Please. Please!” I fell to my knees in front of him, hanging my head. “I don’t want this. I’ll do anything. Just tell me what to do.”

  Raiden knelt in front of me and held out the black envelope.

  “Report to Conexus house tomorrow evening. That’s an order,” his voice shook as he whispered t
he words and placed the envelope on the ground in front of me.

  And with that, he rose to his feet and walked away, Conexus following him.



  “What the hell were you thinking?” Eric bellowed the moment we were all back at the house. He fisted his hair, his blue eyes wild.

  “Raiden, explain,” Amara demanded as I calmly walked into the room, all eyes from Conexus on me.

  “The last damn thing I need to do is explain myself,” I hissed at Amara. “Especially to you.”

  She flinched back as I glared at her.

  “Raiden, man, seriously. Maybe you don’t feel like you need to explain it to Amara, but the rest of us deserve to know what the hell you were thinking,” Damien called out.

  “Yeah, man. I was under the impression that was over. Do you have any idea how hard it’s going to be for you to be living under the same roof as your wife and Ever?” Adam asked.

  The use of the word wife steadied my resolve.

  “The situation will be stressful. I know that. But to keep Ever safe, she needs to be at my side.”

  “If you’re doing this because of her and Nevron being together, that’s really sick, even for you!” Sloane shouted at me, her eyes wavering. “You can’t police who people fall for!”

  “It’s not about her and Nev,” I snapped back. “It’s just a damn perk though now since she’s trying to make that happen.”

  “You can’t do that! She didn’t want to be part of Conexus,” Chloe started.

  “Did you?” I challenged. “How many of you wanted to be here? Huh?” I looked around at everyone who stood quietly in the room.

  “Brandon? Amanda? Jared?” I asked. “Did you?”

  “It’s in my blood,” Brandon murmured. “I didn’t want it, but it’s an expectation considering my lineage.”

  “I didn’t want it,” Amanda whispered.

  “I didn’t either, but I’m glad I’m here,” Jared answered weakly.


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