Soul Bound

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Soul Bound Page 13

by K. G. Reuss

  We gather here to join. We combine and transfer in the name of Conexus until we depart from our bodies. We are one. We are none. We are saviors. We are protectors. We give ourselves freely. Let it begin.

  The wind picked up, and Ever gripped my hand tighter. She trembled as she held me. Thunder rumbled around us. The ground gave a quiver. Then the hum began. The power share.

  Goosebumps prickled my skin as the energy ebbed and flowed, passing through each of us starting with me. I ground my teeth as the terrible tug I’d become familiar with over the years started.

  A hiss escaped my lips as the buzz strengthened beneath my skin, sending a current of electricity through me before transferring to Sloane who held my right hand. She shook beneath the weight of it before the energy moved on to Damien. Then to Amara. Then Adam. Amanda. Brandon. Jared. Mason. Eric.

  I knew the moment it hit Ever. She dropped to her knees, a painful gasp leaving her. To her credit, she didn’t break the circle as a cry left her lips. I ground my teeth as she shook uncontrollably.

  Then the energy shifted to me once more. I ground my teeth harder, breathless, as all the powers and abilities of my crew slammed into me. Pain pinballed throughout my insides as the abilities sought a home within me.

  I swallowed down the snarl of pain and released the abilities. The power shot out of me and zinged through the circle, knocking into each member so that everyone absorbed it before it came back to me.

  Voices echoed through my head. Thoughts. Memories. A shared connection. I gasped as an ugly vision flooded my mind.

  Blackburn leveraged over Ever, his hands on her in places which made my heart ache and my body shake with fury. His hands tore at her shirt. Her buttons scattered to the floor. Her lips on his, kissing him back. Touching him. Touching her. Then red. Red cloaks. Whispers. His hands cupping her ass as she kissed him.

  A roar of rage clawed its way out of my throat and echoed around us in the night. I crumbled to my knees, breathing hard, as the images faded away and the transfer ended.

  “Raiden,” Ever called out to me.

  I hung my head as a sickness churned deep within my guts.

  “Shadow,” her voice cracked.

  I tore my hand away from hers and opened my eyes. The look on each of my crew’s face confirmed what I already knew. They’d seen it too.

  “Please,” Ever called out as I rose to my feet. “Let me explain.”

  I swallowed down the bile clawing to get out of my throat. “The transfer is complete. Practice your new abilities. See if we have anything good.”

  “Raiden,” Damien called out as I turned to go back into the house.

  I paused and caught his eye.

  He looked as devastated as I felt. “It’s worth it. Believe that.”

  I only shook my head.

  Ever sobbed softly, still on her knees. Eric rubbed her back, trying to comfort her. Taking what bit of pride I had left, I strode back into the house, closing the door softly behind me, leaving the sound of Ever’s pain behind.

  “Thank you for coming,” I said to Amara who sat in the chair in front of my desk.

  She shifted in her seat, her hazel eyes fixed on me. It had been two days since the abilities transfer. I’d managed to shut the nastiness of what I’d seen between Blackburn and Ever out of my mind while avoiding everyone at the same time.

  I’d skipped the talk I’d planned with Ever the night of the testing. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind for it. I knew something had happened the night she’d disappeared. But that? I never thought it would be that. I’d prayed to the old gods that it was anything but that. And I hoped with every fiber of my being it was only a one-time thing with them.

  But the red cloaks threw me. What the hell was that?

  As far as the abilities went, it seemed I was faster and catching glimpses of the future. Nothing significant as of yet, but I knew the answers to quizzes and that Damien was going to bring home a dozen muffins the next time he left campus. Once I had more focus, I’d sit down and figure out if I could really dig into the visions and control them a bit more. I assumed they’d be easier with Ever at my side if I could get her to focus with me. Part of me ached to have her next to me, helping me sort things out. My anger and need for her were at war. A war I wasn’t sure I’d win.

  My mind felt sharper now. My vision was better too, not that it had been bad to begin with. But now it was enhanced. Overall, it was a good haul.

  “Did you want to discuss the wedding plans? Mother has been scarce the past few days. She’s supposed to be setting up a cake tasting for us—”

  I held up my hand to silence her.

  “Do you remember when I said I wasn’t going to marry you?”

  She stared back at me, her eyes wide, worry clouding them.

  “Amara, I went to the Order. When I gave my report, I told them what I’d done.”

  “What you’ve done?” She frowned at me.

  I nodded and leaned forward, taking her hand in mine. “Come. Sit with me.” I rose from my seat behind my desk and led her to the leather couch in front of the fireplace. Only months ago, I’d kissed her in front of the fire and made promises I knew I’d never keep.

  Arrogance. Cockiness. Ignorance.

  “Amara, despite everything that’s happened, you’re my friend. You’re my family.”

  She licked her lips, her hand trembling in mine.

  “But you know I don’t love you. And I don’t think you love me. You love the idea of us, but not me. I’d never make you happy, and you wouldn’t make me happy.”

  “Raiden, you’re scaring me. I do love you. I know you said—”

  “I said we wouldn’t marry, Mara. I meant that. But I don’t want to lose your friendship. We’ve been through far too much to lose what we’ve built. Even after Ever,” my voice cracked on her name, on the memory of her lying in that puddle of mud after the rotwraith attack.

  “Would it help if I apologized to her—”

  “It won’t change my feelings, Mara,” I murmured, squeezing her hand.

  “We all saw her memory of being with Blackburn during the ceremony. She’s not good for you, Raiden! I’d never hurt you like that.”

  I winced at the ugly memory. “It doesn’t matter. Mara…” I let out a deep breath and released her hand. I reached for the buttons on my shirt.

  She crinkled her brows as I undid each one and let the fabric fall to the floor.

  “What is...” she whispered, staring at the whorls and lines across my torso and down my arms in horror. “What have you done to yourself?”

  I swallowed hard. “Votum Aeternum. For Ever.”

  Her face paled as my words took hold.

  “I cannot marry you. I belong to her. I cannot conceive an heir unless it’s with her. I cannot love anyone but her. It was already true, but the vow seals it. Forever.”

  Tears snaked down Amara’s cheeks as she took in the runes and symbols that painted my flesh.

  “But you saw—”

  “I did,” I answered painfully, the ugly memory resurfacing. “And maybe I screwed up by jumping into this too fast. But I’m in it now. And despite everything, this heart beats only for her. Until death do us part. And even in death I’ll find her.”

  Amara reached out with shaking fingers and traced the infinity over my heart. I didn’t move away from her. I let her touch me, hating the way it felt. Aching for Ever’s touch on my skin instead. But Amara needed this. She needed to know it was permanent.

  “Until death do you part,” she choked out, her face wet with the tears.

  I nodded, studying her as she looked up at me.

  “I won’t forget that,” she whispered.

  “Amara, don’t make threats—”

  “I’m not,” she murmured, leaning in and placing a soft kiss on my lips.

  I didn’t move, and I didn’t kiss her back. Her lips trailed across my jaw until they brushed the shell of my ear.

  “I’m making a promis
e, my sweet prince.” She pulled away and got to her feet.

  I rose to mine and followed her to the door, pulling my shirt back on and buttoning it.

  “Don’t even think about it, Mara—”

  “Of course not. She just has a track record.” She pulled open the door and leaned in to kiss my cheek, her hand on my chest, before one final whisper. “It would be a shame if she succeeded.”

  She moved away, leaving me to stand there. She disappeared up the stairs before I looked into the living room to see Ever, Sloane, Eric, and Damien frozen in place. Sloane cleared her throat and jumped up. Damien shot me an angry glare before following Sloane out of the room.

  “What did you do?” Eric called out in my mind.

  “I told her the truth.”

  “And that ends with Amara kissing you?”

  I threw him out of my mind and stared at Ever. She tore her gaze from me and stumbled to her feet, her cheeks stained pink.

  Wordlessly, she marched to the front door. I took a step into the room, wanting to shout for her to stop and talk to me. Instead, the image of her and Blackburn resurfaced, and I froze.

  “Are you going to him?” I called out in her mind.

  She visibly flinched at the sudden intrusion. It would be the first time I’d been in her head.

  “Her lipstick is still on your lips,” was her only response before she was out the door, her black hair whipping behind her.

  The door snapped shut with a bang.

  Eric cleared his throat.

  I pulled my gaze from the door and swiveled to him.

  “I’m done with this. We have a war to win. We start with Blackburn.”



  I wandered through the dark grounds, my body shaking. They’d kissed. I was so stupid to feel guilty about my evening with Nev. Even though I tried shaking the remorse off, it clung to me, like a metaphorical tar and feathering, making my stomach twist with nausea.

  Forcing the ugly thoughts away, I let my feet lead the way. I stopped when I found myself outside Marcus’s dorm door. I knocked twice before it opened, displaying the amber-eyed warlock.

  “Well, look what the cat dragged in,” he commented, his eyes flitting over me. “Why so pissed?”

  “May I come in?”

  “Usually, I’d say yes. However, I’m on my way to The Place for a little meeting. Feel free to join me.”

  I shuffled aside as Marcus exited his room. I fell in step beside him. With a flick of his wrist, we were shrouded from prying eyes and ears.

  “Shouldn’t you be plotting our demise?”

  “Already done,” I mumbled.

  “You know, usually I’d laugh, but considering how absent you’ve been lately, I’m inclined to believe that.”

  I shook my head and snorted at the notion. “I want nothing more than to bring the Order to its knees. Nothing has changed.”

  “Good. Then what has you so pissed off?”

  I shook my head. “I kissed Nev without the lust.”

  Marcus remained silent as we walked through the darkness.

  “But I’m sure you already knew that.”

  Marcus took me by the elbow and pulled me to a stop.

  “Why would I know that?”

  I studied him for a moment. A look of concern swept over his face, his dark brows crinkled.

  I shrugged. “Figured he told you.”

  “No.” Marcus shook his head. “He never mentioned it. But I suppose that explains his attitude the past few days.”

  We started walking again.

  “What attitude?”

  “You know, the one where he’s both preening like a proud peacock and the one where he’s just a cock.”

  I shook my head at his description. “We didn’t sleep together. We made out. That’s it.”

  “You don’t need to explain to me, Ever. I’m not judging.”

  “I know,” I whispered. “I just feel like I need you to know.”

  “Even if you had slept with him, that’s your business. Your choice. I wouldn’t laugh or tease you over it. Sometimes when we’re in stressful situations, we make choices we normally wouldn’t.”

  “Raiden knows about it.”

  Marcus nodded. “And?”

  “And he kissed Amara.”

  “How do you know?”

  I told him about the evening.

  “Listen, Ever…” Marcus sighed, turning toward me as we stopped outside The Place. “Didn’t you hear what I just said about things we do when we’re stressed?”

  I frowned.

  “The guy liked you. Hell, loved you from what I gather. Might still love you. Maybe Amara is a revenge lay.”

  “Pretty screwed up if she is,” I hissed at him. “Considering the bitch tried to kill me.”

  Marcus shrugged. “Maybe it’s his stress relief. Or maybe you didn’t see what you think you saw. Not that I’m trying to stick up for the guy. I think he’s a total asshole,” he rushed on. “I’m just saying, do your thing and stop concerning yourself with this shit. You’re a Dyre member. A Conexus member. A double agent. We need you focused. You can’t save the world if you’re caught up with the bullshit of whatever the general is doing, or who he’s doing. You let him go. Either make amends or get over it.”

  I ground my teeth at his words, hating them, but understanding them.

  “So are you ready to get this show on the road or do you need another one of my pep talks?”

  “No thanks,” I grunted. “I get it, and I’m sorry. I’ll start focusing more on the things that matter.”

  “Good. Because I have something for you to do.” His eyes twinkled in the darkness. “Think you can handle it?”

  “Bring it,” I said, squaring my shoulders. “I’m ready.”

  Marcus grinned at me.

  “Consider it brought.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I hissed as we stood in the middle of the cemetery miles outside Dementon grounds. A chill raced over my skin, and I rubbed my arms to warm them.

  “Everly, please.” Marcus chuckled. “You know I don’t tell jokes.”

  I ground my teeth, not only to keep from chattering, but to keep from snapping at him. A gasp escaped me, and I stumbled back as a figure shimmered black and formed in front of me. Before I hit the ground, a hand shot forward and caught me.

  “Nev?” I breathed out, staring into his near-black eyes.

  “Hey there, sweetheart,” he answered, the corner of his lips tugging up into his cocky smirk. “Miss me?”

  I shook my head at him, confused about how he’d appeared out of nowhere in front of me like he was a Conexus member.

  “Shame,” he sighed, thumbing my bottom lip. “Because I’ve missed you.”

  “It’s not going to happen again,” my voice shook as I said the words, our night together once more flashing through my mind. Despite my best efforts, goosebumps popped up along my skin.

  He shrugged and winked at me knowingly. “Again, a shame.”

  “Now that your reunion is over, can we get to work?” Marcus called out.

  I gazed past Nev to find Marcus standing over a grave, giving us a pointed look. Nev full on grinned at me before sauntering over to the grave.

  “What are we doing?” I asked wearily as I joined the guys and peered down at the name etched into the stone.

  Basil Hessen

  A warlock. A warrior. A poet.

  “Isn’t it obvious?” Nev asked, cocking a brow at me.

  I looked between him and Marcus. “No?” I answered back.

  Nev rolled his eyes.

  “We need to talk to him,” Marcus supplied. “And you’re the link between the worlds. Figured no better meeting place than his grave.”

  “What?” I blanched, backing away. “You brought me here to find the dead? Listen, geniuses, I don’t know if you’re aware, but I try to stay away from the dead since they want to make me one of them.”

  “You’re such a stick i
n the mud, Torres.” Nev chuckled. “It’s just a ghost. One won’t hurt you.”

  “Clearly, you’re drunk,” I muttered, rubbing my arms again and peering around.

  “You’re protected. We’re here. We need you to summon him,” Marcus said.

  “Why? Are you interested in a poetry reading?” I scoffed.

  Nev smirked at me as Marcus rolled his eyes.

  “In a way,” Nev said. “Basil wasn’t just a poet. He was a psy, like you. He wasn’t all that great at being one though. However, on his death bed, he rattled off something only a few people heard. We want to make sure we know what he said.”

  “Why not just ask the people he said them to?”

  “Because your general killed the last one only days ago,” Nev supplied, the humor leaving his voice. “And by general, I don’t mean me. The guy’s name was Declan Eres. He was accused of being Cipher and executed. But he was Dyre and our last chance at figuring out what Basil saw. Our last chance until you.”

  I swallowed thickly and stared up at Nev.


  He nodded. “Yeah. Oh. If you think Hawthorne is such a good guy, ask him about Declan. See what he has to say for himself.”

  I grew quiet, absorbing the information and hating every ounce of it. “Just so you know, I have trouble remembering my predictions. In fact, I forget more than I remember. This guy is probably the same.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not.” Marcus shrugged. “Only one way to find out.”

  “And how do we do that? Are we going to dig him up?”

  “Ever, please. We have some class,” Nev scoffed, waving his hand. “Digging around in a grave in the middle of the night is hardly classy.”

  I rolled my eyes at him.

  “Any news on Shadow?” Nev asked.

  I swallowed and shook my head, not wanting to divulge any information. Guilt washed over me. I couldn’t betray Raiden, but I certainly couldn’t keep up acting like I had no clue. I needed a plan.

  “Pity. Let’s hope this doesn’t bring him running to us. I’d hate to have to kick his ass so early in the game. We’re going to try this way before we try the other way.”


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