Back to You

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Back to You Page 3

by Cordelia Baxter

  "I'm sorry. You're right, you know. At the ball, I overheard these women saying you were pining for Carla and how you were just using me to make her jealous. When I saw the two of you together kissing, I was so hurt, I couldn't even look at you," Monica explained. "Then, when you never called, I just thought you had gotten back with Carla."

  It felt so good to finally get everything out there in the open. Monica couldn't hold back her thoughts and everything came out in a rush.

  "How could you think that?" Gabe asked angrily. "Didn't I ask you not to go? Didn't I ask you to let me explain?"

  "I was wrong, I'm sorry. I should have given you a chance to hear your side of the story, but I just couldn't bring myself to pick up the phone and call. Everyone was so sure about you and Carla getting back together. When I saw the two of you together looking so perfect, it just made so much sense. By the time the shock wore off, and I still hadn't heard from you, I thought you had moved on," Monica said.

  "I wish you wouldn't listen to those people. They're just a bunch of gossiping harpies with nothing better to do with their time," Gabe told her.

  "I realize that now, but why were you two kissing?" she finally asked.

  Gabe ran his hand through his hair, mussing up his perfectly styled locks and sighed.

  "Carla's always been a petty woman," Gabe said. "We got together when we were young--too young. I was bewitched by her beauty and I just had to have her."

  Hearing Gabe talked about his ex brought out fierce emotions in Monica. She had to fight down the feelings of jealousy that threatened her composure, and continued listening to him.

  "As time went by, I became more aware of her shortcomings," he continued. "She liked what I could give her, but that was all. She was more concerned about society and shopping. It was a shallow marriage; she had her life and interests, and I had mine, and we never got together except for events and public appearances."

  "Why are you telling me all this?" Monica asked.

  "I want you to know--to understand--why I felt...feel...the way I do about you," he answered. "You're nothing like her."

  "Is it true that she left you?" Monica asked even though she wasn’t sure she wanted to know.

  "Yes. She left me for her personal trainer," Gabe admitted.

  "Oh," Monica replied. She knew it was silly, but it upset her that it wasn't Gabe who broke it off. Was there still a part of him that wanted to stay with her? she wondered.

  "I can't tell you how relieved I felt when she told me," he said, as if reading her thoughts. "I know I should've left sooner, but I had gotten used to our routine. Besides, I didn't want to get out and date again."

  "You could have your pick of women though," Monica said. "Why wouldn't you want to date?"

  "I was afraid. I mean, who's to say I wouldn't meet with another Carla or someone worse? I know it's a stupid reason to stay in a loveless marriage, but I had already given up all hope of finding love anyways. You've seen the women in my circle. They may be beautiful on the outside, but I know what they're really like," Gabe said.

  It made more sense to Monica why Gabe had decided to try internet dating. She felt sorry that he had to go through all that, but it still didn't explain why he was in Carla's arms.

  "I appreciate you telling me all this, but what does it have to do with why you were alone with her and kissing her?"

  Gabe released a heavy sigh and slumped his shoulders as if gearing up for an unpleasant task.

  "While were dancing, Carla said she had something important she wanted to discuss in private. I didn't want to cause a scene or give Missy or anyone else any reason to gossip so I said yes. That was my first mistake. I didn't realize that just dancing would cause any gossip, much less walking off with her. Besides, Carla can be very dramatic when she doesn't get what she wants. I tried to save myself from the inevitable scene she would cause if I refused. It was cowardly of me, I admit it." Gabe said.

  "When we got outside, I asked her what she wanted. She told me she missed me, and then kissed me," he continued. "You can see how shocked I was. Before I could pull away, you had come upon us. I never meant for you to see that; I never wanted you to get hurt. When I went after you, you didn't want anything to do with me, and I couldn't blame you. I don't know what I'd do if I caught you in the same position with another guy, but I had to try to explain. Carla orchestrated the whole scene."

  "So she did want to reconcile with you that night?" Monica asked.

  "No. Like I said, Carla can be very petty and she heard that I had come to the ball with a date. She's like a child with a toy. You see, she doesn't care about me or want to get back together, she just wanted to show people that she still had me on a string; that she could get me back whenever she wanted."

  "But that's ridiculous, because that will never happen," Gabe quickly added. "I've never loved her, and would never get back with her, especially now that I've found someone that I do love."

  Monica waited with baited breath for Gabe to continue. She felt like her heart might burst from joy. Could it be that he felt the same way about her that she did about him?

  "Who is it?" she asked. Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  "It's you Monica," Gabe answered. "It's always been you. I didn't realize it until recently."

  "What made you realize it?" Monica asked, a giant grin threatening to break free.

  "When I saw you the other night on that date. I always thought you'd come back to me, but when I saw you with another man, it made me realize that I might actually lose you. It scared me. I couldn't stand the thought of you out there in the world with someone who wasn't me, and I knew that I'd do whatever it took to get you back," Gabe explained.

  "You don't have to worry about Rick," Monica said. "There was never anything between us."

  "That's good to know," Gabe replied. He leaned forward and looked at Monica expectantly. "Is I being too forward in hoping you might feel the same way I feel about you?" he asked hesitantly.

  "Oh Gabe, of course I love you too," Monica said, her eyes brimming with tears. "I think I've loved you that first night. I was just afraid of moving too fast and scaring you off."

  Gabe smiled so brightly at her, she thought she would melt. The look of heartfelt pleasure in his eyes gave her a thrill. She was so pleased that she could bring him such happiness and be the cause of that smile.

  "I can't believe we've wasted so much time over some stupid misunderstanding," Gabe said ruefully.

  "We've really made a mess of things, huh?" Monica added.

  "Yeah, but nothing is going to get in between us now. We've got the future ahead of us, and I don't intend to let you get away," Gabe promised.

  "I look forward to it," Monica said.

  Gabe reached across the table and grabbed Monica's hand, stroking her fingers while they gazed at each other with a love-struck look in their eyes. They were lost in their own little world throughout dinner, and didn't even notice when the waiter came and brought their food, or when he came back later to take their plates away. Monica couldn't believe it had all worked out. Gabe didn't want Carla; he wanted her. He loved her. She wanted to stand on the table and shout out in joy. "He loves me!" She couldn't' believe she almost walked away from him and shuddered at the thought of what could have been.

  "What's wrong?" Gabe asked, noticing her movements.

  "Oh nothing, I was just thinking about what would've happened if we'd never gotten back together," she replied.

  "I see." Gabe said. "There is something I've been meaning to ask you."


  "Why did you run from me that second time at the restaurant?" he asked.

  Monica had almost forgotten about that encounter, but it came flooding back to her. She remembered going out to dinner with Claudette and feeling some burgeoning hope, only to be dashed by seeing Gabe out with another woman. It had made her feel sick to her stomach to think of him with another woman so soon after their own break up.

I saw you with another woman," Monica answered. She removed her hand from his grasp and sat back staring at him as if daring him to explain.

  Gabe furrowed his brows and looked like he didn't understand. His brows cleared a moment later when he realized what she was talking about and he laughed.

  "What's so funny?" Monica asked, offended.

  "Oh darling, you thought I was out on a date that night?"

  "What else was I supposed to think? Two attractive people out to dinner together, what else could it be?"

  "Well, I don't find Miranda particularly attractive," Gabe teased. "Then again, she is my cousin, so it would probably be strange if were attracted to her."

  "Oh. I feel so stupid," Monica ruefully. "I thought she was one of your new floozies."

  "I'll be sure to mention that to Miranda the next time I see her," Gabe laughed. "I don't think she's ever been called a floozy before."

  "Gabe, don't you dare!" Monica screeched. "I can't imagine what she'd think of me."

  "I'm teasing, darling. I wouldn't do that to you,' Gabe assured her. "Besides, I want you two to get along. Miranda and I are close and I'd like for you to get to know her."

  "I'd like that," Monica replied.

  "I feel like such a fool jumping to all the wrong conclusions," she added a moment later. "Look how much time I've wasted being angry and upset."

  "We've both been fools. Now let's not talk about the past anymore," Gabe consoled her.

  "Thank you, Gabe," Monica said. "You always know just what to say."

  Monica smiled at Gabe, lost in the intense look of love that shone from his eyes. A voice broke through Monica's haze and she looked up to see two women approaching their table.

  "Gabe, sweetheart," the woman called.

  The woman had a deep sultry voice with a hint of a European accent. Monica knew at once it was Carla. Gabe's head snapped up as he stared at his ex-wife.

  "What a pleasant surprise," she purred.

  "Carla, what are you doing here?" Gabe snapped. His jaw was clenched and Monica saw the muscles in his arm tense at her appearance.

  "Can't a girl go out and get dinner?" she replied airily. "You know Rousseau's has always been a favorite of mine."

  Gabe stared at her coldly as if he were willing her to go away. Carla seemed oblivious to his seething anger or the tension that was surrounding them. Either that or she didn't care. Monica had a suspicion it was the latter.

  "What do you want?" Gabe barked.

  "My, my Gabriel, there is no need to be rude," she shot back. "Suzanne and I were just stopping by to say hi."

  Monica turned to look at the woman standing next to Carla. She was a pretty woman with golden brown hair and cunning green eyes. She stepped forward and flashed her most sickly sweet smile at Gabe, completely ignoring Monica.

  "Hello Gabe," she said, "What brings you here?"

  Monica felt like she had been punched in the gut. The wind was knocked out of her as she struggled for breath. That voice! She recognized it instantly. It belonged to one of the bitches in the bathroom that night of the ball. She still remembered their cruel words and taunts about her weight. Monica could not ignore the rudeness any longer. Both Carla and Suzanne had treated her as if she didn't exist, like she wasn't worth their time or energy to acknowledge. Monica felt the anger boiling within her and heard a buzzing in her ear as she watched these two women still trying to flirt with her man right in front of her. Monica was somewhat comforted by Gabe's obvious look of disgust, but she wasn't going to sit back and let them disrespect her any longer.

  "As you can see, he's on a date with me," Monica answered, trying to keep her voice calm.

  Both women turned to look at her then. She recognized the look of derision on their faces, and it fueled her growing anger. She wanted to claw their eyes out and wipe that smug look off their faces, but she held herself in check. She didn't want to embarrass herself or Gabe in public.

  "Oh I'm so sorry," Carla said insincerely, "I didn't notice you there."

  Monica gave Carla a curt nod of her head, before turning back to Gabe, not even deigning to reply.

  "Have we met before? You look familiar?" Carla asked sweetly. Suzanne sniggered behind her hands at Carla's snide remark. Monica knew full well that Carla recognized her. She had brought it up to remind Monica about that night at the ball when she was kissing Gabe.

  "I don't think we've been formally introduced," Monica said coolly. "But let me guess, you must be Carla. And you must be Suzanne," Monica said turning to her. "Gabe's told me so much about you two. I believe were discussing gossiping harpies, and speak of the devil… "

  Monica gave her a sweet smile, not letting Carla ruffle her feathers. She looked over to Gabe to see such a look of admiration and love, her anger instantly melted away. These women meant nothing to her. Not when she had the love of a man like Gabe. They could continue being catty and miserable, and talk about her behind her back and she realized she didn't care. She wouldn't let them come between her and Gabe any longer. Monica shot Gabe such a bright smile, filled with love. Carla was momentarily caught off guard by the look she saw on their faces. She knew she had lost her power over them and retreated in surrender.

  "Well it seems we are interrupting," she said as she walked away without another backwards glance. Though her voice was pleasant, there was an edge to it. Monica assumed Carla wasn't used to being dismissed so callously. Suzanne scurried behind and followed Carla to their table on the other side of the restaurant.

  "You really are amazing, Monica," Gabe said as he grabbed her hand over the table. "You know that?"

  "Thank you Gabe." Monica replied. "You make me feel amazing."

  "I think that's the last we'll hear from them. At least I hope," he said.

  "Oh it better be," Monica said. "Otherwise I won't be responsible for what I do to them if they come near me again. I can't stand them."

  "Remind me not to get you angry. Ever," Gabe joked.

  "Don't you forget it," Monica smiled back.

  "I like this Monica," Gabe said after a pause. "You're different, more confident."

  "Thank you for noticing," Monica said happily. "I took some of what you said to heart."

  "Really? What did I say?"

  "You were always telling me not to get too down on myself. I realized when you left that you were right. I had to stop thinking you were too good for me, and start giving myself more credit. I think that's what messed things up the first time."

  "I'm just glad I could help."

  "Oh you did."

  Gabe called the waiter over and asked for their check.

  "Don't even think about trying to split this bill with me," he joked, as he saw Monica reaching for her purse.

  "What can I say, old habits die hard," she answered sheepishly.

  Gabe paid the bill and helped Monica out of her seat. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the top of her hair.

  "Come on, let's go home," he murmured against her ear. Monica leaned back and closed her eyes, enjoying the strong arms wrapped around her. When she opened her eyes, she saw Carla and Suzanne shooting daggers at her. She smiled at them before turning back to Gabe and nodding her head.

  "That sounds great," she said.


  Monica and Gabe were silent in the car, enjoying the new understanding they had between them. As they got closer to his house, Monica began to squirm in anticipation. She hadn’t had sex in three months and began to feel the stirring of desire course through her. She placed her hand on Gabe's thigh causing him to jolt unexpectedly. He must have been feeling the same anticipation, Monica thought pleased. She moved her hand to the back of his head, playing with his hair before rubbing his neck. Gabe leaned back into her touch and moaned.

  "That feels nice," he said as he gave her a quick smile. He turned his eyes back on the road and Monica took the opportunity to lean over and give him a kiss on his cheek.

  "What was that for?" he asked turning to

  "Do I need a reason to kiss you?" she answered.

  "No you don't," he replied smiling. "Please continue."

  Monica was feeling frisky, but she held back.

  "I think I'll wait until we get home. I wouldn't want to cause an accident," she replied.

  Gabe stepped on the gas and accelerated which caused Monica to be thrown back in her chair. Gabe turned to her and smiled at the look of surprise on her face.

  "You shouldn't tease a man like that," he said.

  They arrived at Gabe's house in record speed, and Gabe wasted no time in carrying Monica into his house.

  "Oh my God, Monica," Gabe murmured into her hair once they stepped inside, "it's been so long."

  "Mmm, yes!" Monica moaned. She leaned into him as she stood on her tip toes, grabbing the lapels of his jacket for support. “Please...” she began.

  Her plea was interrupted by Gabe's urgent lips pressing against hers in a passionate kiss. His smooth tongue invaded her mouth as he pressed his hard body against hers. Monica flattened her hand over his solid chest while she entwined her other hand in his hair. She pulled his head down, bringing them even closer together.

  "I want you naked. Now." Gabe said, his breathing ragged as he broke apart the kiss. With one smooth stroke, he lifted Monica's dress up over her head and threw it on the floor. He stood back a few paces and admired her lush figure. Monica felt the cool breeze against her skin causing her goose bumps. She rubbed her arms as Gabe stood there gazing at her from head to toe.

  "Come here," he commanded her. She could see the desire in his eyes, and it sent a thrill of excitement through her. Monica dropped her hands to her sides, threw back her head and strutted towards him, making sure to sway her hips from side to side.

  "You little minx!" Gabe growled as he pulled her towards him, and rubbed his growing excitement against her hip. "You see what you do to me?" he asked. "I want you to touch me."


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