Changing of the Glads

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Changing of the Glads Page 21

by Joy Spraycar

  This office could easily belong to the leader on Selestia with its gold-lined desk. The molding around the ceiling was plated in gold, and even the armrests of the chairs sported gold trim. The deep-pile burgundy carpet nearly matched the shade of rare mahogany wood which made up the bookshelves, chair, and desk. The large, ornately carved articles of furniture left little room for whoever faced Vitus when he sat behind his massive desk. Two dim bulbs recessed inside the bookcase provided the only light in the room. Even the ceiling was painted a deep purple, giving Karaticus the feeling of being trapped in an ever-shrinking, dark cage.

  Although he hated it in this room, Vitus delighted in making him sit in here for hours. As if that weren’t bad enough, it also sat adjacent to the throne room where Vitus often conducted orgies with any number of the women he kept around him. Karaticus regularly was subjected to an hour or more of listening to his brother satisfying sexual urges.

  Today was no different. The moaning and grunting grated on Karaticus’s nerves, reminding him how long it had been since he and his wife had been together in that way. They were lucky to have an hour when Vitus allowed them to visit, and Karaticus couldn’t spend that time satisfying something so base when his two young sons played in the same room.

  Vitus, however, had no problem doing so in plain view of any number of his subjects. He, on occasion, even used his sexual desires as a punishment to those sent to him as criminals, sometimes just for being rumored to oppose his rule. He’d make the family watch as he raped each female member before sending the entire family to be crushed between the stones.

  Luckily, Vitus seemed in a hurry and soon entered the room, still donning his apparel. “Well?”

  “It was as they said. Zalphia the Glad is pregnant. But Vitus, you know that what the people are saying can’t be true. You have already fulfilled The Prophecy. There couldn’t be any child conceived here with as much power as the two of us combined.”

  “Of course not. I’m the product of two of Selestia’s strongest minds. Two humans with the mere ability to read minds like you could never stand up to me.” He dropped onto the burgundy leather wingback chair behind the desk and rubbed his chin. “However, my sources claim that this child might be powerful. Have you sensed anything?”

  Karaticus shook his head, glad that when he had sensed the child earlier Vitus had been so involved satisfying his sexual urges and hadn’t been paying attention. At least that bit of information remained hidden.

  “You’re not trying to hide something from me, are you?”

  “No, I haven’t sensed anything from the fetus.”

  Eyes narrowed, Vitus leaned forward. “Nothing?”

  “No.” Karaticus waved his hands in front of him. “If the child has powers, I don’t sense them. I can reach Zalphia’s mind, with your help of course, but since removing the chips, I’ve sensed nothing from the child. It’s completely blank. Look into my mind. You’ll see I’m telling the truth.”

  Vitus’s eyes narrowed. Karaticus could feel Vitus rummaging inside his memories and was glad for the little corner that remained hidden from his brother.

  “Hmmm.” Vitus leaned back against the chair. “I wish to visit with Zalphia. Bring her to me.”

  “I had to drug her to remove the chips in her brain. She won’t awaken for a couple of hours.”

  Vitus rose. “Fine, when she is awake, I wish to see her immediately. Do I make myself clear?”


  “And Karaticus...”


  “I sense you’re hiding something from me. You know what’s at stake here, don’t you?”

  “Of course, how could I forget? You remind me constantly.”

  Did Vitus really sense the deceit, or was it simply the paranoia that seemed to be more and more common?

  “Yes, but you quickly forget your place. Just remember, the lives of your family hinge on you.” Vitus glared at his brother.

  “Oh, I remember.” Karaticus rose and bowed as his brother retreated back into the throne room.

  As the door closed with a bang behind him, Karaticus sighed. Somehow he needed to get his mother and father out of the palace. Vitus would kill them if he didn’t. Karaticus shook his head. How could he possibly save them and his own family? One or the other would die.

  He walked slowly back to his office. How would he choose?


  Platy gathered her torn clothing and held them in front of her as she scooted from the throne room. The Captain of the Guard stared straight ahead, not acknowledging her in any way. She scurried down the hall, hoping it would remain clear until she reached her private quarters.

  Luckily, the halls were vacant. Platy rushed into her room and closed the door behind her.

  “Damn him.” She tossed the ripped garment into the trash and headed to the bathroom.

  When the water in the shower reached almost scalding, she stepped in. Nothing disgusted her more than having to act like a slut and submit her body to Vitus’s every whim. The man was an arrogant pig. He screwed everything under his roof, and yet, he expected her to save herself for him.

  Scrubbing every inch with soap, she let the steam and bubbles wash him from her mind, the remnants of his domination of her body flowing down the drain. She rolled her shoulders under the high power of the heated water and felt the tension melt away.

  Magnus would be back any moment. What should they do about Max? And what did the prisoner have to say about the child? Could it really be the one prophesied to overthrow Vitus’s rule? If that were the case, how long would Vitus remain in power?

  She’d been shocked to learn that Zalphia had not only survived the match against Max, but the two of them had killed everyone inside the arena that day. And then, Max had taken Zalphia and escaped.

  Platy shook her head and stepped out of the shower. If they had the same powers as Vitus, where would that leave her? Who would end up winning the fight for this world?

  She turned off the water and ran her hand across the mirror, cleaning the steam away. The side of her face was purple, and fingerprints where Vitus grabbed her face were starting to change from bright red to a deeper color as well.

  “Damn you.”

  She dressed quickly, ran her fingers through her hair, and slipped on a pair of sandals when a knock sounded at the door.

  “Come in.”

  The door opened, and Magnus stepped through. “Hmm. I’m surprised you’re here already. What? Vitus not have time for you?”

  She glared at him. “Since when doesn’t he take the time to please himself? Of course he screwed me. He just didn’t take the time to make sure it was enjoyable.”

  “Yeah, that’s the Vitus we all know and love.”

  Platy sat on the couch opposite the bed. “Well, what did the Elder say?”

  Magnus sank onto the edge of the bed. “He said he doesn’t want sloppy seconds.”

  “He’d kill you for saying that to me.”

  “Maybe.” Magnus laughed. “But it’s true. If he knew how you fell all over Vitus, I’m not sure he would have you.”

  “When he ends up freed from this place, and I’ve gotten what I want... he won’t care what I’ve had to do to get us the ultimate prize.”

  “Ultimate prize? What’s that?”

  Platy leaned back. “Like I could trust you.”

  Magnus slapped his hand over his heart. “You wound me to the core. You know I despise Vitus. You can trust me with your life. I just want to be on Dameon’s – or should I say Mantus’s – side when this is all over.”

  Platy sprang from her seat and slapped Magnus across the face. “Never use his real name. You know better. Vitus can hear everything that goes on in here.”

  “Can he?” Magnus rubbed his stinging cheek. “Then why doesn’t he know what Dameon is doing? Why doesn’t he know about your deceit? And what about the fact that Karaticus is hiding Maximillion in his office?”

  “Karaticus has Max?”

>   Magnus smirked, and a smug smile spread across his face. “See, you aren’t in control of everything.”

  “It doesn’t matter. As long as Max leaves and Zalphia remains, Vitus will be happy and will accomplish what we need him to do.”

  “I don’t believe Vitus knows nearly as much as he thinks he does. We both know that Karaticus hides things from his brother. Hell, we both do things that Vitus has no idea we do. And Dameon only lets Vitus hear what he wants him to. Now, back to the point of my visit. The Elder is waiting for you. And you’d better hurry. He doesn’t want Vitus to find out the child has powers.”

  Platy bit her lower lip for a moment before answering. “Don’t worry. Everything will turn out. I’ll make sure of it.”

  Magnus stood as he rolled his eyes. “You already told Vitus, didn’t you?”

  “None of your business. I’m in complete control. Zalphia is here. Of course he’ll find out about the child. I just personally guaranteed that he wouldn’t kill it. Dameon will see that what I’ve done is in his best interest.”

  “I think there is only one person Dameon really trusts, and this is not you. I’ve been with him since he first came here. Your loyalty is still up for grabs, isn’t it Platy?”

  “No more than yours, Magnus.” Platy threw her head. “Dameon trusts me completely.”

  Magnus moved to the door and opened it. “I hope so, or you might be standing by your other lover in the execution line when this is all over.”

  Platy huffed. “Won’t happen. You’re the one that will be lucky to not end up next to your beloved Emperor when Dameon is in power.”

  “We’ll see.” Magnus narrowed his eyes. “I’ve never slept with either one. You’re an opportunist. And as such, one day it will all blow up in your face. Good luck, Platy.” He left, slamming the door behind him.

  “We’ll see who is left standing when this is all over.” She stepped back into the bathroom, powdered foundation across her nose, but left the bruises for Dameon to see.

  “Yes, we’ll just see who pays for what they’ve done to me.” She grinned at her reflection. “The information I possess is more valuable than any one person. I’ll have the last laugh.”


  Platy strode into the hallway just as Karaticus rounded the corner.

  “What are you doing here?” Karaticus asked.

  “None of your business.” Platy tossed her head. “You just take care of your job, and I’ll take care of mine.”

  Karaticus smirked. “Yeah, I heard you taking care of your job. Hope you end up right beside my brother when this is all over. The Elders will blame you as much as Vitus for the part you’ve played in Zalphia’s life. Don’t think you’ll get away with it when all is said and done.”

  Platy raised her eyebrows. “And what about the part you’re playing? Hiding Maximillion and plotting against the Emperor. Where will that leave you and your little family?” She wagged her finger in his face. “I wouldn’t get too cocky, Karaticus. You’re just as guilty as I am. I have to do what Vitus says, or I’ll end up dead. So don’t judge me. Besides, you know Vitus hates it when you meddle.”

  “If you think he hates it when I meddle, why does he put up with you?”

  “Shut up.” Platy searched the hallway. “I suggest you mind what you say to me. I have Vitus right where I want him. He won’t need you forever, so watch yourself.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure Vitus will be standing on the top of the heap at the end of the battle, Platy. After all, Selestia is monitoring what goes on down here.”

  Platy tossed her head. “Pssht. Yeah, right. The Elders have no clue what is really happening and neither do you. You’re all banking on Zalphia and Max to save this planet. But Vitus has already ruined that plan, hasn’t he?”

  Karaticus’s eyes narrowed. “Oh, I don’t know about that. Max and Zalphia already escaped once, they might manage again. You can’t really think that Vitus will succeed in taking Max and Zalphia down? Hmmm? Even if he does, Selestia won’t stop until he’s been overthrown. And he will fall, mark my words. The people here deserve to live the lives they were meant to live and not be ruled by a tyrant. I’ll never believe, that in the end, Vitus won’t be defeated.”

  Platy shrugged. “We’ll just see about that, won’t we?”

  “Of course we will. Excuse me. I have important work to do.” Karaticus turned and headed toward his infirmary.

  “Tell Zalphia hello for me.” Platy laughed as she headed toward the elevator.

  Karaticus mumbled under his breath.

  Platy pushed the button and waited for the elevator car to rise from deep beneath the complex. The prisoner was being held in private quarters near the molten core of the planet. Bearing the intense heat limited the amount of time she could tolerate being with him, but she often times spent an hour with the man who truly made her feel like an Empress.


  Max paced the floor of Karaticus’s office. It killed him to wait, not knowing what was happening to Zalphia and what exactly happened with his sons.

  He paused and looked at a picture hanging on the wall. Karaticus stood next to a thin brunette, each one held a baby in their arms.


  Max rubbed his tired eyes. He desperately needed some sleep, but until he determined what his next move would be, it would have to wait. It seemed like hours before Karaticus finally entered.

  “Hello, Father.”

  Max folded his arms across his massive chest. “Son.”

  Waving a hand to the couch huddled in the corner, Karaticus said, “Please, sit. We need to talk.”

  “Before we talk, I need to see Zalphia.”

  Karaticus shook his head. “She’s sleeping. Besides, Vitus will be monitoring that room. The last thing we want is for you to be discovered. Now –” He motioned again. “Please, sit and let me tell you everything.”

  Max slid onto the supple, brown leather. He needed to see Zalphia so he could see for himself that she was all right.

  “Father, I know what you’re thinking.” Karaticus sank down beside Max.

  “And what would that be?”

  “That I should have been able to stop Vitus from doing this. But he took everything I cared about, and I couldn’t bring myself to sacrifice my family.” He looked at his hands. “I’ve been weak. Vitus used them, and I just couldn’t let them die. Besides, it wouldn’t change anything. You know he can use my mind without my consent while he’s here. It’s as if he has extra power somehow.” He looked into his father’s eyes.

  Max rested a hand on his son’s leg. “I can see how hard this has been for you. Your brother has truly changed since arriving here. But there is a mission to accomplish, and we must make sure it happens.” Max ruffled Karaticus’s hair as if he were still a small boy. “I promise, I will do what I can to save your family, but I must know exactly why things have not gone as they were supposed to.”

  Karaticus rose and paced the room. “There was such turmoil and hatred here when we arrived. Mere humans shouldn’t be capable of the things they were doing to each other. The technology was way ahead of its time.” He ran a hand down his face. “And the hatred, well even that seemed unnatural. As if there was an outside influence at work. You know?”

  Max nodded. “What makes you think that?”

  Karaticus’s brow furrowed. “I can’t really say, but it reminded me of what happened on Selestia over a century ago. It seemed like the war we fought there continued, but on this planet instead.” He shook his head. “But it couldn’t be, could it?”

  “I do not see how. Mantus was stripped of his powers. Even Simeon has not felt his mind since then. When Mantus left Selestia, he no longer could physically change things or influence anyone, let alone continue to wage a war. We all know that. So, again, there is no way what happened there has anything to do with what has transpired on this planet.”

  “But it was so similar. The emotions so vile, and the means of destruction so ad
vanced. How could these humans come up with that on their own?”

  Max rubbed his chin. Could there have been an outside influence that had caused the problems on this planet? Maybe someone from Selestia interfering where they had no business being?

  His eyes narrowed. “So, are you saying the war was not started by the people here?”

  “I don’t know.” Karaticus traced the edge of his desk with one finger. “I’ve never seen such hatred from mere humans. They usually get angry, but this was more than that. Even Vitus had a hard time stopping it all. There had to be something influencing them.”

  Max stood and put one hand on his son’s shoulder and turned him around. “Do you think someone from Selestia started this?”

  Karaticus shook his head. “I don’t know. I don’t see how that could be. There’s only the one person I know of who harbored anything like what I’ve seen here, but I do feel something. Even now, it’s as if there is a stronger mind here. One stronger than Vitus. One stronger than he and I combined. Even Vitus is different here. I never would have believed that he could act like this. But look what he’s become.”

  Max turned away. “Yes, I know.” I never would have believed Vitus could act this way either. “It broke my heart when you two did not return. I knew something bad happened, but I had no idea what or why. Help me to understand.”

  Karaticus moved into his father’s line of sight. “I can’t. Because I don’t understand it myself. I just feel the influence. I have no idea where it is coming from other than from Vitus himself. It’s as if this place...” Karaticus drew a circle in the air with his hands. “This palace reeks of evil. And then there are others. Others who carry more influence than they should.”

  “Who? Platy?”

  “Yes, Platy for one. Why would Vitus listen to someone he had to threaten in the first place to get what he wanted? She hated him for three years. Then all of a sudden she’s his lover? It doesn’t make sense.”


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