The Son of Alpha (The Legend of the Sky-Titans Book 1)

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The Son of Alpha (The Legend of the Sky-Titans Book 1) Page 3

by Raleigh Daniels Jr





  The Earl turned around and saw the great, carnivorous beast that ruled the land, Mungfalme, the King of the Dinos, the God of the dead. The king was so big, not even the eerie light from the outside nor the light from the torches illuminated his entire stature. He was nothing more but a shadow.

  "For what purpose did you invade my slumber?" asked the king in his booming, tyrannical voice.

  "My liege, forgive my presence," began the frightened velociraptor, trembling, "It's just that I have received word that an object had fallen from the sky two nights ago."

  "You came into my presence, disturbed my slumber all because you saw a fallen star?" the king roared, but in a soothing, booming, authoritarian tone, "Name me two wrong reasons why I should care - or why I should let you live?" he threatened.

  "Because it's the artifact that you were looking for. The artifact in which your father, and your father's father been looking since the dawn of time."

  The king reeled back, his eyes relaxing, "The Alpha Stone."

  "Yes," said the Earl.

  "Do you have any idea where the thing had landed, my Earl?"

  "We...are unaware where it is," said the Earl sheepishly.


  "I mean, we have no idea right now. Um, but we are looking for it, I already told some scouts..."

  "Find it! - and find it quickly, for if it gets in the hands of the Annunaqui, there's no telling. Find it, and don't come back until you bestow the badge to me. For whence it's in my hands, the world will know my name." he said in his booming voice, "Now go, and leave me in peace, but know this, Earl if you fail to retreat the stone, I will fail to keep you alive, is that understood?"

  "I understand completely sire," the velociraptor responded quickly.

  "Good, now go," said the king.

  The Earl left.


  I SAT IN my parent's study reading old classic books from horror to fantasy. I couldn't find the time for me to read them, nor do anything jovial for that matter; it wasn't like when I was young. I had to grow up like everyone else. But looking back, I looked outside and saw Nya happily having fun with Thames. However there was something that was becoming a bother. Where was his parents? Did they abandon him? - die?. Or perhaps they mightn't moved away to the north and mistakenly forgot him? Poor bloke. Happily, I called the Salesman from yesterday to aid me on searching for an orphanage for him.

  I looked out and I though, ~They aren't going to remain children forever~ So I thought that maybe if I were to be their guardian, I might as well act like one. So, I picked up an old, dusty address book buried from beneath the red leathery chair I was currently sitting in. I flipped through the pages until I found the perfect place.

  "Bingo," I mused with a smile.


  "The day was still young even though the sun was slowly coming down from its natural pedestal. We were looking for the legendary Snipe, a creature Nya told me about. She told me that every night, Michael would sit down and tell her stories about creatures that neither I haven't heard of, but that was the imagination of a child. A child's imagination could awe even the most imaginative of most adults. Acting like adventurer. We fought dragons and everything else. Playing the roles of the characters her brother came up with for her.

  "'Thames?' She called.

  "'What is it, Nya?' I asked getting up from the ground.

  "'You never told me where you came from,' she said, 'Are you from the north?'

  I hesitated. I didn't remember much where I was from, it didn't click to me that much, "I don't know.'

  Nya furrowed, 'Do you remember anything? - like at all?' She sounded a bit concerned.

  "'I don't remember anything at all really, sorry,' I said.

  "'It's okay,' she said, 'My brother and the Salesman are going to help you search for your parents! And once we find them, you'll be able to go home!' she said with a sweet smile.

  "I gave her a warm smile, 'Thank you.' Though, there was something that still bothered me. For what I could grasp, Nya was my age and Michael looked like he could be a couple years or more older. He didn't look like most adults. He had no hair around his face, his voice wasn't all that deepened yet, or for what I heard every time he talks, and seemed rather childish in huge rarest of times. So who was taking care of them?

  "Just before I asked, Nya slapped me on my back, rather hard though and laughed. I sort of glared at her until she yelled out, 'You're it!'

  "'Okay you're going to pay for that!' I said as I chased around the playfully frightened Nya around the field. I was rather slow, but seeing her run was like seeing a horse dashing by you in a split second. Boy she was fast!

  "I stopped and took a breather.

  "'Aw, you're tired? Come on, you were almost there!' Nya said.

  "'Give me a break, Nya! You're too fast!' I remarked.

  "'Am I too fast or are you too slow?' she asked with tiny bit of cynicism. I suspected that she was a bit cocky. That kinda pushed me to get up in determination.

  "'Too slow for you maybe!" I retorted with a smug, before she smacked me up side the head again.

  "'Come and get me, slow poke!' Nya yelled.

  "I had a cocky grin across my face as I began to race her across the field. And then so the race began. It was the first lap and I was losing - miserably. Just five feet away and climbing, Nya was already gone.

  "'Come on! Pick it up!' Nya cheered me on, 'Pick up the pace if you want to win!'

  "'I am not a slow poke!' I yelled angrily; suddenly, my legs began to move quick, I felt the environment moving around me slowly. The trees were a blur. My breathing slowed, or what it seemed to be. Then before I knew the wind gusts began to blow through my hair, and then...

  "'Whoa?' Nya awed as I ran passed her in super speed. I stopped by pulling on "the brakes" and slid across the field like a hover cycle creating a cloud of dust. I panted and chuckled at Nya's dumbstruck look.

  "'Whoa, no fair,' she said while keeping her awing tone.

  "'Who's slow now?' I teased earning Nya's glare, but then smiled and we made a pound.

  "'Not bad, you're fast - too fast! You are like a beast when I saw you running like that!'

  "'Yeah, I wonder the same thing how,' I chuckled.

  "Nya furrowed, 'You mean you have no idea?'

  "'I have no idea on lots of things. Like how I wound up at the village, and...'

  "'The marks.' Nya pointed out. In fact, like everything else I have forgotten, I was also unaware about the marks on my torso.

  "'What marks?' I asked curiously.

  "'These marks, how'd...whoa,' Nya dilated her eyes After she lifted up my shirt and all. On my torso, there were two faintly looking scars, I furrowed and then looked at Nya.

  "'What happened to them?' she asked.

  "'What happened to what?' I asked.

  "'Oh my...,' Nya said pulling my shirt down. She then took another glance at me in awe. She took a good paces back, not too far. I could to tell she was scared, but I don't know how or why?

  "'Who and what are you?' She asked in a frightened tone.

  "'I don't know,' I said.

  "'If you can't remember a thing, how come you remember your name?' I asked.

  "'I don't,' I said shocking her, 'I don't know who I really am. I just woke up in the village and then I saw this,' I pulled a tag from my pocket, and showed it to Nya. The tag was rusted in metal, the letters were barely readable for what I could tell. I handed the tag over to her and she took a good look at it, 'This might be a clue unto finding your parents!' she exclaimed.

  "'Are you sure?' I asked.

  "'Yeah!' If we can take this to Michael, maybe he can contact the Salesman so that way it can lead us to your parents!'

  "'Are you sure that this can help?' I asked.

  "Nya smiled and nodded, 'Now come on, we got to give this to Michael!'


oking back, I began to remember all the stuff what I used to do when I was kid. Everything from toys to me running around. To me that was a utopia, but because of that unfortunate event that had taken place in this broken nation, I was the only one to defend both the household and its youngest member. I was now a guardian as well as a brother. It was hard, but in the end. I always found a way to thrive, for me to protect the family I have, and Nya was the only family I have left.

  After I have found the place, I walked outside calling both Nya and Thames to come forth.

  "Michael? What's going on?" Nya asked.

  "Starting tomorrow, you're going to school!" I said, "I feel since you're going on seven, I think it's only fair for me to take you to the nearest school house. It's not too far from here."

  "What about me, sir?" Thames asked.

  "You are going too, but all in all, we might need you in most days to help us find..."

  "But we have a clue!" Nya interjected.


  "It's true," Thames said, "There was a tag in my pocket and it have some information about my parents!"

  "Really that's great! Hurry, let me see this tag!" I said.

  Thames gave me the tag immediately, on the rusted tag, the letters are barely readable. Barely readable! How can anyone be able to see this faint layer of text?

  "I know it's a little faint, but it can help us find his parents!" Nya excitedly said.

  I was unsure. The text was barely readable, and everything! I don't know how to express this.

  "Nya, this text cannot be read. it going to be difficult trying to find Thames's parents," I said.

  "Please, I know this would work," Nya whined, "Just trust me on this!"


  "Please!" she begged.

  I sighed, "Okay, we'll try it your way," I said.

  Nya smiled and yelled in joy; she danced around with Thames in a circle with pure joy.

  "However, since the text would be difficult for me to read, Thames might have to help the Salesman and I to decode the text, okay!" I said.

  Nya and Thames both nodded.


  “MY KING MUNGFALME, we had not slept for many days and nights during our trek through these lands. Ever since we left your presence, my men had been starving for weeks on end. So far, twenty of them had died. We walked through these rugged hills and valleys claiming this land as your own. I cannot ride on my men's back, they are weak and insufficient. My warm blood is boiling under the relentless sun shining above us. How can any lowly being can withstand such heat is a mystery to me. Our constant search for this 'Alpha' made us ill. I can walk forward with no food or water my liege, but these men you sent to me are pigs wearing armor, I'm just as offended unto why they call themselves soldiers.

  "Us as Neomen cannot feel things. We cannot succumb to such petty resources such as the basics of water. I saw first hand of cannibalism in effect during this treacherous walk north. My king, if you are reading this, please forgive me for I am worthy to carry on by myself if these men fail to live.

  "It had been weeks I said since we left your Olympian kingdom. Your world defined us like Gods watching over these mortals. How can we as Neomen become so weak in a weakling world? That my king is another mystery to me.

  "The slaves I bought from the market in your wondrous kingdom had became food for these...these...soldiers. Many of them died, eaten as steak served on a platter since our walk north from the Kaylinian Desert. Why is hell punishing us? Has our great God, you my liege forsaken us? Why have we sent out on a mission on foot where we should fly out for these dwellers. The Alpha would not take as far as a fortnight to get there.

  "I panted and wheezed, sweeping the sweat from my forehead until we saw the border regions on what looked like a forest of rapidly drying concrete. Towers and statues mocking the world as they seep in the sands of time, slowly being forgotten behind time's unseen wrath, a world you could claim as the "City of the Lost". Yonder by the concrete hills was a vast river my liege for where does it leads to, my scrambling mind say.

  "Boats were unseen at the uninhabited coast. I turned and looked, my navigator, the slave I was brought forth from you my king. The navigator was the daughter of a rebellious knave. This human, as beautiful as she may be, she was as timid as a feather. She was easy to control, very easy to control my liege.

  "'The girl, send her to me,' I ordered after I peered through the binoculars, seeing how far and how wide the river was.

  "One of the soldiers, a young man, who happens to be a young stupid Neoboy pushed her forth to me. He unchained her from the others and grabbed her by the shoulder. The girl was in pain; the boy's claws seeped into her skin.

  "This girl was the most beautiful thing my eyes ever lied on. Her hazel brown eyes, warm brown skin, and long black hair was a turn on for me. I could imagine myself undressing her black tank top and to see her bare breasts

  "'Here you are General Yalen," said the Neoboy vehemently pushing her to the ground. She groaned in pain, sobbed a little. She looked up at me, glancing at me with those big brown eyes.

  She was in her knees, trembling. Good. I am now at your status my lord. For we are not equal, that I do know, and that I shall uphold. I am no equal to you my lord, I am only a sol cell keeping you in your rightful reign. For if I am to die, you will live.

  This woman had made a foolery out of herself. Again she trembled, pleading for mercy. I gave her none. I grabbed her by her shoulders, forced her up from the ground.

  "'Get up!' I ordered. The woman panted in fear, backing a few good paces away from me, I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me.

  "'Now where does this river takes us?' I asked. The woman just stood there, her eyes locking on to me in terror. As flattered as I was, I was a little annoyed.

  "ANSWER ME!' I screamed, making the woman to cower.

  "'General, I don't think the...'

  "I glared to whoever spoke. It was a young Neoboy, not the one from before, but this new mate. What has you sent this filth unto me my Lord?

  "'General Yalen, I don't think the girl speaks, trust me I tried,' he said.

  "I furrowed, I walked over to the boy pulling the woman with me. These soldiers stepped aside allowing me to have room for this boy. This boy was scrawny looking, scrawnier than the scrawniest person on this planet. He shook as much as the woman did, but not by fear, but by hunger I expect. Harsh? No. Truth, Yes. How did this boy come into my Corp, I would never know. Who was this boy?

  "'Come again?'

  "'The girl does not speak sir, she's too ignorant as she is stupid,' said the boy.

  "'Come again.' I said approaching this boy pulling the woman.

  "'The woman cannot speak.'

  "'How's that?' I asked, interested.

  "Because well...I tried.'

  "Tried what?'

  "I tried talking to her?' he said, his pitch fluctuating by each word he spoke slightly. My eyes furrowed.

  "'And when and where did this take place?' I asked walking away with my hands behind my back, my other hand pulling on the woman.

  "Hemaya-Uke sir,' he said, 'It's a young thing.'

  "'Oh really?' I asked, 'Well, okay. You taught her how to speak then at this uh...Hemaya-Uke am I right?"

  "'Yeah,' he said.

  "I smiled a smug grin, 'Prove to me.' I pushed her to him. The woman grunted as she made impact to this boy. His breath quickened; the woman whimpered and shook at his presence. I stood behind her, my arms folded. Waiting patiently.

  "The boy took a deep breath. 'Okay, human. Say it. Say it, now.'

  "I furrowed my king. I was just as confused as you would be if I you were in this setting. I chuckled so lowly that not even the gods above me noticed.

  "'Say it, human.' he was looking around to see people talking. The woman was unresponsive.

  "'Say it you worthless human,' he was becoming angry, 'Say it.'

  "The woman panted in fear, she whimpered.

  "'Say the godda
mn word, human!' finally with all that pressure, and with all the soldiers around him talking, he unsheathed his weapon and drew it at the woman who fled.

  "Samantha!' he yelled chasing after her before a soldier tripped him over. I brought out my knife and threw it at her back. It wasn't a fatal wound, but it was enough for me to put her down for now. A soldier marched over towards her and threw her at the ground by my feet.

  "I nodded. The soldiers restrained him, he was a feisty one.

  "'I marched over to him with a calm look. I was not mad at all my Lord, for if I was, I would have never figured out the truth. In a way you can describe me as neutral.

  "I bent my knees to his level and sighed, 'I know you are lying, boy.'

  "I'm not lying General! She really did talk!' he began.

  "The woman behind me was bleeding, holding her wounds, pulling out the blade. She was crying and shaking from the pain, I turned to the boy in question.

  "'I don't want to hear one word out of you,' I said, 'I know you are lying.'

  "'How am I lying sir?'

  "'Because that place you took her in, Hemaya-Uke, that place is no place for children,' I said to his ear.

  "'Huh? How?'

  "'I was young a stupid once,' I said, 'Chasing my love there before she died.' I walked over to him with a smile, 'But the thought of a boy bringing a human there is so stupid that me calling you that would sound like a compliment.'

  "'I'm sorry, General. It won't happen again,' he said.

  "I nodded and smiled, 'I know you're not, because I trust my men. And as an army, we stick together as a unit'. The boy chuckled, relieved, like hell. I turned away from the boy, but...oh god.

  "I threw a knife at this human. The soldiers that saw this had their eyes dilated. She was still hurt, that was shown but...her wounds...they are...well they are almost like they were nonexistent. A speckle of what looked like white fire dissipated. She groaned, trying to recover her strength. What the hell was she.


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