The Son of Alpha (The Legend of the Sky-Titans Book 1)

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The Son of Alpha (The Legend of the Sky-Titans Book 1) Page 7

by Raleigh Daniels Jr

  "LET ME SEE," he said. It was strange, the more I pressed my arms against my wounds the less I felt the pain. The Salesman lifted my shirt and to my surprise the wounds were no longer there! Blue energy ate away the wounds, stitching the torn skin to its former glory. The Salesman, now known as this Pappy fella sighed and gave me a confused look - and then he chuckled.

  "Drama queen," he muttered. I was at a loss for words; I was stabbed by that...that creature; this creature, this...this monster had left a permanent scar on my imagination! The fight had been so brutal that no man would survive from its barbaric assault, but yet my physical wounds are now nothing more but a faint memory. It was as if they were never there. How can this be? It was a meaning of how, but that was an error on my part. I knew how. That badge! I could feel its energy festering inside me, healing me. Insane I would have to agree if anyone was in my shoes. Blue light was shining from within my pockets, it was not as bright as I remembered it being a few hours ago... it was starting to dim. Odd.

  The scars might have been gone but I could still feel its hot breath breathing on my skin. The Salesman gave me this disappointed look as if I've done something wrong, but I could see it from his eyes that he too was shocked from this jarring discovery... he was to afraid to admit it - or was he?

  What was he hiding? How does he know about these creatures that attacked me? Was it a coincidence? I don't know. This was caring me to the core. Who was this guy?

  "You must've been so scared that you imagined yourself being hurt," he chuckled after that long, soft glare hiding his obvious worried tone. I called it soft because it was not really a glare... it was curiosity. I caught his right eye twitching the moment he saw the scars healing in my torso. My mind was not on the healing... my mind was directly on him! How did he come to the farm so fast without a car or a horse...or a wagon of some sorts? I heard no screeching no whinnies nothing. Where did he come from?

  "Who are you?" I asked as he helped me up from the ground.

  "What are you talking about son? You see me mostly when I was...when I'm selling boy!" he laughed, hiding his lie.

  "Don't toy with my emotions, Salesman," I snapped, "Just before that...thing hammered me, you called yourself as this Pappy... Pappy the Outlaw," I was stunned. It all made sense, I was hanging out with a criminal? Oh no, just think about on what he'll do. What was he after? What does he want? I was disarmed so I was at a great disadvantage at this point. But then I began to remember that well he did saved me, but why though? How does he know about these things unless...

  "Pappy the Outlaw? On where on Earth did you get that idea?" he giggled.

  "There is only one man named Pappy on this continent," I said, "My mom told stories when the world was not in a hellhole where she and dad used to battle people like you!" I said, "That and see the way on how you fought that creature, how you know that said creature. a man your age should not be jumping here and there like a frog after eating a can of spinach! The world is slow and recovering from an all-out..."

  "Are you finished?" Pappy asked getting a little tired.

  "Not until you give me an explanation," I said.

  I could tell from his eyes that he didn't want to. But here's the thing, those things had attacked me from out of nowhere, who to say when they'll show up again? And what would be the fate of my sister if those things keep on coming back to the farm? I can't have that type of possibility haunting me. This guy knows something and I intend to get to the bottom of this!

  "You're not letting this go are ya?"

  "No," I said, "I don't care what happens to me, I care for the life of my sister so you better tell me what the hell is going on here."


  "No not a word, I need a..."


  "Duck?" I furrowed when all of a sudden something rattled from the behind the pens. I turned around and saw not one, not two, but three of those Metaomegas. One of those creatures balanced itself on a beam above the pile of hay, another was hanging like a chimp from another beam, while the other was walking out from a pen.

  "Oh shit," I said backing up.

  "Stay behind me kid, this is going to be fun," he said with a smile which I don't understand. I ran behind the nearest pen hiding from the danger as this mad man was facing off with these demons. This was downright stupid and suicidal on my part. But for this guy...this was just pure fun! Only for fun! I don't understand this? Has he faced these beings before?

  It was not long when three of these hell spawns added in numbers: three became four, and four became five. There was no hope for this guy! He was outgunned and outmatched. Even with all the bullets in the world he could not take out a lot of these demons all at once! He stood there uncaringly as the additional few scaled down the columns of the old barn. He reached to his pocket took a thick, double-claro cigar and lit it puffing a smoke.

  "You're kidding me?" I said lowly not aware of the brightly lit blue light shining in my pockets.

  Pappy held the cigar between his yellow crusted teeth slowly reaching his arm to his back grasping a handle poking out from a sheath. The creatures were careful, analyzing on how to approach him... or what it seems. They oozed their acid silver saliva on the ground exposing their rows of glass textured sharp teeth. They snarled as they slowly approached him. Pappy only smiled, a vast ego of his swallowing him as they slowly advanced towards the old man, surrounding Pappy in a semi-circle.

  I tucked away behind a layer of hay bales crouching down in fear feeling helpless and scared for the first time in years. It was that feeling that kept me from saving her... that kept me from saving both of them.

  As I watched this courageous yet stupid old man gripping the handle of his sabre, there was a slight glow glowing from my pockets. I ignored it thinking that it was a minor annoyance.

  From out of nowhere, a Metaomega flew from the right roaring a terrifying roar. Like on cue, two of these Metaomegas ran for the kill. Pappy smiled, "Retards," he said under his breath, swiping the sabre from its sheath and horizontally slicing the flying Metaomega down the middle while simultaneously dodging another coming right from the front.

  There was another one sprinting towards him; Pappy acted quickly and dodged them brandishing his blade in the process. Without warning, one Metaomega tackled him down while he was in midair smashed his whole body up against an aging wall and begins to maul on him. Pappy struggled to fight back until he saw a shotgun by him. He grabbed it with his foot and pulled the trigger with his big toe blasting the creature in the crotch. The creature flew up screaming in pain just as two more sprinted towards him, Pappy threw up the shot gun with his foot grabbed it and shot the creature falling towards him to ash. Pappy gun butts one creature in the face forcing his head to scrunch to right exerting its teeth to explode from its gums spewing blood to splash on the handle.

  Just like when I thought that he was handling them like a demi-god, one creature leaped from one beam to another like a hyperactive spider monkey and crashed to the floor creating a massive crater beneath his feet. This creature was unlike any of the Metaomegas I have seen. He was athletically built, had massively broad shoulders, and was armed to the teeth or for what it seemed. Again unlike the others, he was bipedal and not on all fours or crouching down much like the others.

  What was strange was that these monsters were backing off from Pappy. Pappy sighed, a serious look in his eye, or for what I can was a serious look in his eye.

  "Pappy," said the creature as if it left a bad taste in his mouth.

  "Lyca," Pappy said with disgust.

  "As much as I enjoy loathing your existence, I am only interested in the badge," Lyca said, "So stand aside or prepare to be destroyed."

  "And how many times I've been threatened in that context?" he asked, "I lost count. That and I have no idea what you are talking about."

  "THE BADGE! My senses do not lie old man. So last warning move aside or else I'll kill you," he said.

  "Looks like I hurt someone'
s feelings!" Pappy said, "But if a fight you are looking for," he pulled out another sabre from his sheath and smiled, "I will gladly oblige!"

  Lyca chuckled and had a sick grin across his face, "You have no idea how stronger I've gotten since..."

  "Blah, blah, blah, hurry it up! I have to catch the Caring train in two seconds!" Pappy teased making Lyca to snarl.

  "Very well," he said dashing towards Pappy, unsheathing his massive, quadrilateral double edged sword from his back, sliding the mammoth blade on the ground; Pappy sprinted towards him at the same amount of force and speed with his sabres, now pulled back to deliver a great blow against the creature's body. The two combatants launched forward towards each other. Finally...

  ...the two swordsmen clashed, their blades clanged forcing me to cover my ears from the blades' screeching clash. I watched as they fought vigorously for whatever rivalry they have against one another. Pappy had put on a good fight as he swung his blades much more like a fan to slaughter this dangerous beast. who was this Lyca? And what... oh man. He wanted something. He mentioned a badge and... I finally recognized the brightly blue lit badge shining from my pockets and discovered that it was shining in an alarming rate. That was when I realized something.

  "He wants me," I said softly.

  "Hello Alpha," I heard a croaking voice from behind me. I slowly turned around in fear.

  "Oh shit," I said with fear.

  Pappy fought all that he could to prevent Lyca from reaching up to me. He had no idea where the badge was and Pappy was going to make sure that it keeps it that way.

  "You fight sloppy, old man," he said.

  "How kind of you," Pappy mocked, "You deserve a sticker."

  "I know you are hiding it Pappy, give it up and I will let you live to tell the tale," he said.

  "And by the almighty words of this blade and this finger," he flipped him off, "I don't give a damn no matter how many damns you throw at me."

  Without saying a word, Pappy sprinted towards Lyca with the intent to decapitate him. But little did he know of what was to come for the old man. Lyca charged at him with the same amount of speed.

  Pappy threw himself at Lyca trying to strike his neck; Lyca blocked it with his massive blade. And knowing the size and strength of Pappy's sabres was Lyca's biggest advantage. After continuously clashing his sword against Pappy's he knows how to strike him. He tightened his grip on the handle and swung away clanging to Pappy's blades.

  Pappy thought that blast alone would send him flying in the air, but not this time. Lyca's sword had completely shattered Pappy's blades - both of them. Pappy was in a state of shock, that didn't last long when Lyca threw a powerful roundhouse kick up against Pappy's chest forcing him to hurl blood from his mouth sending him flying threw the barn, out from the loft doors and finally crashing to the ground. Pappy was in unbearable pain. His shaking limbs screamed crippling the old man.

  "Damn," he croaked. Suddenly erupting out from the cupola (destroying it at the same time though) was the massive creature, Lyca. He glided his way down from the air with his legs and slammed both of his feet on Pappy's torso leaving him no choice but to scream in anguish. From that impact, it would have been identical to what if an asteroid happened to strike an erupting volcano.

  When the dust cleared, Lyca violently caressed his right foot on Pappy's body much more like a man is with a bug.

  "Like I said old man, you are sloppy," said Lyca.

  I tried to fight my way from this creature's grip but to no avail, dragging me out from the barn after I saw the horror.

  "Lord Lyca, guess to whom I came across," he said. This creature, Lyca turned around with an annoyed look on his face quickly turned to confused once it saw my face.

  "...a Badgette! He was hiding from you my lord!" the creature dragging me stated.

  "Interesting, and to think that Pappy was a clever liar," said Lyca.

  "You leave that boy alone, Lyca," Pappy croaked trying to speak coherently.

  "Oh I'm sorry, you need to speak up lad! That little tone won't help you out here!" he said.

  Pappy fell down to the ground unconscious. Two of these Metaomegas restrained me from escaping. The badge that I held earlier, now deep inside my pocket had now dimmed. Lyca approached me with his hands behind his back. He crouched down and lifted my chin with his massive finger.

  "It's strange, it’s almost as if we've met before," he said, "Have we met?"

  "Let me go, please," I begged, "I promise I will not tell anyone about you, just please let me go."

  "My soldiers here had scanned energy signatures for a badge," he said casually, "They say that you are a Badgette, is that true?"

  "I don't even know what that is," I said, "Whatever you are looking for it's not here! I swear to God!"

  "We carry out a pretty strong scent when it comes to energy, and around here my sources tell me that it’s here," he took a sniff, "In this vicinity."

  "In this where?"

  "My sources do not lie chap. Because if that is so then I would be dead. I like you. Unlike that heathen rotting in the ground, you seem valiant. Loyal. I can see it in your eyes. And I know that you care for someone," he said making my eyes to bulge from their sockets.


  "Yes," he said, "Don't dare to lie because you know it’s true. A young girl named Nya isn't it?"

  No response; my heart began pounding the moment this creature mentioned her name, "How did you...?"

  "Your mind is a novel friendly to read chap," he said, "And word for advice if you don't want a man like me to penetrate your mind, I advise you to suspend all emotions: including fear, anger, and discomfort. And let me tell you something right now, Michael that you are at a great disadvantage to fight back," he said, "I am Lyca: Lord of the Werewolves, general of the Metaomega Army, the Archduke of the NeoWorld and servant to the almighty King Mungfalme. I have been sent here years ago to retrieve that is rightfully mine."

  "And that is...?"

  "One of the Asamarun Talismans; the Alpha Stone or the Alpha Badge mind you. As a Badgette such as yourself happens to know of the whereabouts of the thing. I promise that if you surrender your badge, we will just leave and ensure that your sister is in our protection," he said with a convincing smile resting his massive hands on my right shoulder as the beings stood me up.

  "And that is a promise that I am willing to keep."

  "Don't trust these bastards, Mike," Pappy croaked, "They'll stab you before they throw you a cere..."

  Getting tired of Pappy's mouth, Lyca threw his massive fist and smacked it against Pappy's face disfiguring it. This sort of violence made me to cringe. Pappy screamed in pain. From that violent impact he could have died... but he wasn't! all the beatings, all the injuries, he could have been dead! Who or what was he?

  "Well then, since that's out of the way," he said spitting on Pappy's body, "Tell us the location of the badge and we will set you free."

  Remembering the abuse from Pappy and the whole thing with Lyca here knowing about my sister's existence wet against my trust for this guy. In fact I don't trust any monster that try to hurt the people I care about... or anybody really. This high ruler had no idea who he was messing with! I swear to all the things that are sacred on this planet, if anything happens to my sister I will go insane. She's the only family I had left and Pappy, despite him lying to me for all these years, he did care about me and Nya! And I didn't want to spit on his face for all the things he had done. Pappy was tough from what I just saw, sure he was clever and witty, but I never thought I see the day of him fighting against a higher source... and survive!

  "The badge, please," Lyca said.

  "I accept your offer, but at the same time I deny it," I said making him to furrow, "I don't trust anyone or anything having their grubby hands or minds on my sister. Nya is the only family I have and I will not have you invade my mind to use her as leverage," Lyca crossed his arms and glared at me, "Here's the deal reptile, get the stepping or I'll make

  Just when I thought that Lyca was about to kill me, he smiled. He and his small army shared a small giggle - a small friendly giggle. It wasn't a mocking laugh or a maniacal one at that. It was just a casual normal, friendly laugh.

  "Dear, Michael," he began, "You do not understand the magnificent power you wield. It is a dangerous object that must be confiscated for your own safety. We care about you, Michael. And you know that. Give us the badge and we will see to it that your sister is safe."

  I rolled my eyes, recognizing the phony accent this guy was playing. I was no fool, "If you are trying to manipulate me, its not working," I said with a smile, "How about you have no idea how much of an ass kicking I would inflict upon you if you won't get the hell out of my property. You and your little cronies. so last warning, get the fuck out of my farm or I'll drill a nice one in your forehead. Now," I said firmly.

  Lyca sighed, "Very well," he said, "But before we go, I want to do say something to you."

  "Like what?" I asked before I noticed his tightened grip on my shoulders. I had no time to react when he immediately picked me up and flung my body with all of his strength towards my house.

  I made a violent collision to the wall; piercing through I flew through the hallway crashing through random obstacles: breaking a few doors, knocking down a lot of pictures and grooving the ground. I could hear my bones break by each collision. Entering the kitchen, my head crashed to top of the doorway; my body tore the dining table in half, destroyed the cabinet and finally made a vehement collision to the fireplace breaking my back in the process.

  "YAHHH!" I screamed.

  Crashing down to the floor leaving a massive crater on the ground was Lyca himself. He angrily marched towards me as I tried to crawl to the nearest weapon I saw sitting on the couch, a bowie knife.

  "I tried giving you a break, and you spat I my face," he said, grabbing my left leg and swung it back to the kitchen where I crashed and dented the fridge, hearing my spine snap upon impact. My body screamed from the unimaginable anguish invading my space; staring at the fear lurking towards me, I tried to get away, but my body refused.


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