Becoming the Prince's Wife (Princes of Europe)

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Becoming the Prince's Wife (Princes of Europe) Page 11

by Rebecca Winters

  “Nor I, but you’re being secretive right now.”

  “Now isn’t the time for serious conversation.”

  “There’ll be time later. Vincenzo has planned our itinerary. The farmer at the first grove speaks Mentonasc, so Abby is going to be our translator. She won’t want to be in the video, but when we start taping tomorrow, Vincenzo and I are depending on you to get her in it. A blonde and a brunette, both beauties, will provide invaluable appeal.”

  “You’re terrible,” she said, but he heard her chuckle. Some genuine emotion at last.

  “Matteo told me about the special bottle of Limoncello you express mailed to him from Arancia to thank him for the picnic. The man was very touched, especially by your signature on the label with the five stars next to it.”

  “You have a wonderful friend in him.”

  “He has put it up on the shelf behind the counter where all the customers will see it. When your video is famous, he will brag about it. Before we got off the phone he asked me to thank you.”

  “That was very nice of him.” Before long they arrived at the first lemon grove. “It looks like we’ve arrived.”

  “Saved by the bell,” he murmured.

  Praying the others wouldn’t look too closely at her, Carolena got out of the limo. It was a good thing the filming wouldn’t be until tomorrow. If she’d had to deal with the crew’s makeup man, he would know she felt ill after making her exit speech to Valentino.

  To her relief, Abby was already talking to the farmer and his two sons. Being fluent in four languages made her a tremendous asset anytime, but Carolena could tell this farming family was impressed that Prince Vincenzo’s wife could speak Mentonasc.

  He introduced everyone. She could tell the family was almost overcome in the presence of two princes, but Abby had a way of making them feel comfortable while she put her points across. Before long, the four of them left to move on to the next grove. Carolena would have stayed with Abby, but Valentino cupped her elbow and guided her to their limo.

  “We all need our privacy,” he murmured against her ear after they got back in the car. He acted as though they’d never had that earlier conversation. Even though he sat across from her, being this close to him caused her to be a nervous wreck. His half smile made him so appealing, it was sinful.

  “It’s a good thing I’ll be along tomorrow, too. The younger men couldn’t take their eyes off of you. I’m going to have to guard you like a hawk.”

  In spite of how difficult it was to be alone with him, she said, “You’re very good on a woman’s ego.”

  “Then you can imagine the condition my ego is in to be the man in your life. In feudal times they’d have fought me for you, but they’d have ended up dying at the end of a sword.”


  He leaned forward, mesmerizing her with those dark blue eyes. “I am the man in your life. The only man.”

  A shudder passed through her body. “I won’t let you be in my life, and I can’t be the woman in yours. When the taping is over, we won’t be seeing each other again.”

  “Then you haven’t read your contract carefully.”

  Her pulse raced in alarm. “I didn’t sign a contract.”

  “You did better than that. You gave me and Vincenzo your word. That’s as good as an oath. Implicit in the contract is your agreement to deliver the videos and flyers with the AG logo to the fruit distributors around the country. We’ll go together. It’ll take at least a week. Fortunately my brother will be around to help my mother.”

  Aghast, she cried, “I can’t be gone from the firm that long.”

  “Vincenzo already cleared it with Signor Faustino. Day after tomorrow we’ll fly back to Gemelli to begin our tour. By then the tapes and flyers will be ready. I haven’t had a vacation in two years and am looking forward to it.”

  She could see there was no stopping Valentino. Fear and exhilaration swept over her in alternating waves. “What about your work at the geophysics center?”

  “I’m long overdue the time off. You’re stuck with me. For security’s sake, we’ll sleep on the yacht at night and ferry across to the island by helicopter during the day. Don’t worry. I won’t come near you, not after you made your thoughts clear to me.”

  “You promise?”

  He sat back. “I promise not to do anything you don’t want me to do. It’ll be all business until this is over.”

  “Thank you.” She knew he would keep his promise. The only problem was keeping the promise to herself to keep distance between them.

  “Our last stop tomorrow will be the Baretti farm. Judging from the photograph in your living room, the house has a lot of character.”

  “I loved it, but I don’t want us to bother the new owners.”

  “We won’t. You let us know when to stop and the cameraman will take some long shots while you talk about life on the farm growing up. When the film is spliced, we’ll start the video with your visit. Will it be hard to see it again?”

  Her heartbeat sped up. “I don’t know.”

  “We don’t have to do that segment if you decide against it.”

  “No. I’d like to do it as a tribute to my family.” Emotion had clogged her throat.

  “I’m glad you said that because I long to see the place where you grew up. I want to learn all about you. The first tree you fell out of, your first bee sting.”

  Valentino was so wonderful she could feel herself falling deeper and deeper under his spell. “I know about the putti but have yet to learn which staircase at the palace was your first slide. No doubt you spent hours in the Hall of Arms. A boy’s paradise.”

  “Vito and I had our favorite suits of armor, but we put so many dents in them, they’re hardly recognizable.”

  “I can’t imagine anything so fun. My friends and I fought our wars in the tops of the trees throwing fruit at each other. The trouble we got into would fill a book. My grandmother would tell you I was the ringleader. And you were right. I did fall out of a tree several times.”

  His low chuckle warmed her all the way through and set the tone for the day. She had to admit it was heaven to be with him like this. Carolena needed to cherish every moment because the time they spent together would be coming to an end too soon.

  Eight hours later when she was alone back at her condo, she called Abby’s cell phone, desperate to talk about what was happening to her.


  “Sorry to bother you.” She took a deep breath. “Are you free?”

  “Yes. The baby’s asleep and I’m in the bedroom getting ready for bed. Vincenzo and Valentino are in the study talking business. Everything went so well today, they’re both elated and will probably be up for another couple of hours. What’s wrong?”

  She bit her lip. “I’m in trouble.”

  “I knew it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You and Valentino. Vincenzo and I watched you two that first night while we were having dinner when he couldn’t take his eyes off you. You’re in love.”


  “My husband was certain of it when Valentino took you up on Mount Etna. You’re the reason he called off his wedding.”

  “Don’t say that, Abby! We haven’t fallen in love. He’s just infatuated. You know...forbidden fruit. It’ll pass.”

  “He’s enjoyed a lot of forbidden fruit over the years, but he never ended it with Alexandra until he met you.”

  “That’s because he was with me the night his mother insisted on setting the wedding date. When confronted with the reality, it made him realize he can’t marry a woman he doesn’t love. That I understand. But it wasn’t because of me. All I did was serve as the catalyst.”

  “Are you only infatuated, too?”

  “What woman wouldn’t be?
” she cried in self-defense. “Unfortunately he’s the first man since Berto to attract me, but I’ll get over it.”

  After a pause. “Have you—”

  “No!” she defended.

  “Carolena, I was only going to ask if you two had talked over your feelings in any depth.”

  “Sorry I snapped. We’ve talked a little, but I’m afraid of getting too familiar with him.” She’d come so close to making love with him.

  “I’ve been there and know what you’re going through. Let’s face it. No woman could resist Valentino except a strong woman like you. He’s temptation itself. So was Vincenzo. You’ll never know how hard it was to stay away from him.”

  “Yes, I do. I lived through that entire experience with you. But my case is different. Please try to understand what I’m saying. Everything came together to lay the groundwork for the perfect storm because that’s all it is. A perfect storm.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “He wants me to fly down to Gemelli the day after tomorrow and spend a week distributing all the marketing materials with him. I—I can’t do it, Abby.”

  “If you’re not in love with him, then why can’t you go? He has employed you to do a job for him.”

  “How can you of all people ask me that? Don’t you remember after the baby was born? Your father hid you and was ready to fly you back to the States to get you away permanently from Vincenzo so there’d be no hint of scandal.”

  “But Vincenzo found me and proposed.”

  “Exactly. Your situation was unique from day one. Vincenzo was married to a princess before he married you. You carried his baby and the king made an exception in your case because he could see his son was in love with you. It’s not the same thing at all with Valentino and me. He only thinks he’s in love.”

  “So he’s already gone so far as to tell you how he feels?”

  She swallowed hard. “Like I said, I’m a new face, but certainly not the last one. Be honest, Abby. Though he never loved Alexandra, he’ll have to find another royal to marry. In the meantime, if people see me with him, they’ll link me with his broken betrothal and there really will be a scandal. I don’t want to be known as the secret girlfriend who caused all the trouble.”

  Her statue of The Secret had taken on a whole new meaning since morning. She’d never look at it again without remembering the way he’d kissed her in the limo.

  “What trouble? No one knows about you.”

  “No one except the entire palace staff, his best friend on the island, his colleagues at the volcanology institute in Catania and his mother. By the time we’ve traveled all around the island, the whole country will have seen us together. The queen doesn’t want me back in Gemelli.”

  “Valentino loves her, but he makes his own decisions. If he wants you there, she can’t stop him except to bring pressure to bear on you.”

  “What should I do?”

  “I’m the last person to ask for advice.”

  “Do it anyway. I trust your judgment.”

  “Well, if I were in your shoes, I believe I’d give myself the week to honor my commitment to him. In that amount of time you’ll either lose interest in each other or not. No one can predict the future, but while you’re still under contract, do your part. Maybe it will help if you treat him like the brother you and I always wished we’d had.”

  A brother...


  “VAL? SINCE WE’RE already on the eastern side of the island, why don’t we stop for dinner at Matteo’s restaurant before we fly back to the yacht.” She wanted people around them and thought the suggestion pleased him.

  “I’ll call ahead and see what can be arranged.”

  Matteo looked happy to see them, but the place was busy and they could only chat for a moment with him. After another delicious dinner, she hurried out to the limo with Valentino, anxious to leave. They headed for the heliport on the eastern end of the island. Within a few minutes they were flying back to the yacht.

  In three days they’d covered a lot of territory. He’d stuck to business while they’d dispensed the videos and flyers. When they were in the limo, he sat across from her and there was no touching beyond his helping her in and out of the car.

  Each night she’d pleaded fatigue to keep her distance from him. To her surprise, he’d told her he, too, was tired and didn’t try to detain her before she went to her cabin. Instead, he’d thanked her for a wonderful job and wished her a good night’s sleep. She was a fool to wish that he wasn’t quite so happy to see her go to bed.

  The queen’s spies would find no fault in him. His behavior abated Carolena’s fears that the time they were forced to spend together on this project would make her too uncomfortable. In truth, she discovered she was having fun doing business with him. He knew so much about the economics that ran his country, she marveled. With others or alone, they had fascinating conversations that covered everything including the political climate.

  Valentino remained silent until they’d climbed out of the helicopter. “We need to talk. Let’s do it in the lounge before you go to bed.”

  She walked across the deck with him. When they entered it, she sat down on one of the leather chairs surrounding a small table.

  “Would you like a drink?”

  “Nothing for me, thank you.”

  He stood near her, eyeing her with a sober expression. “What were you and Matteo talking about while I took that phone call from Vito?”

  Carolena had known he’d ask that question. “He...wanted to know if you’d broken your engagement. I told him yes.”

  “What else did he say?”

  She couldn’t handle this inquisition any longer. “Nothing for you to worry about. He’s not only a good friend to you, he’s incredibly discreet.” She looked away to avoid his piercing gaze. “He reminds me of Abby in the sense that I’d trust her with my life.”

  Valentino studied her until she felt like squirming. “Do you feel the same about me? Would you trust me with your life?”

  The question threw her. She got up from the chair. “I’m surprised you would ask that when you consider I went up on the volcano with you. I’ll say good-night now.” It was time to go to bed.

  “I’d still like a more in-depth answer.” The retort came back with enviable calm. “Tell me what you meant earlier when you said you wouldn’t grab at happiness even if I weren’t a prince?”

  “Do I really have to spell it out for you?”

  “I’m afraid you do.” His voice grated.

  She eyed him soberly. “I don’t want to be in love again and then lose that person. I’ve been through it once and can’t bear the thought of it. Call me a coward, but it’s the way I’m made.

  “Whatever you do with the rest of your life, I don’t want to be a part of it. As I told you on the yacht the night I thought I would be sleeping with you, I’ll never forget how you made me feel, but that’s a happy memory I can live with and pull out on a rainy day.

  “To have an affair now is something else again. I couldn’t do it with you or any man because it would mean giving up part of myself. And when the affair was over, I wouldn’t be able to stand the pain of loss because I know myself too well.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “Thank you for your answer. It’s all making sense now. Just so you know, I’ll be flying to the palace early in the morning.”

  She was afraid to ask him why, in case he felt she was prying.

  “You can sleep in, though I don’t know another female who needed her beauty sleep less than you. The steward will serve you breakfast whenever you want it.”

  “Thank you.”

  “After I return at ten, we’ll do our tour of the south end of the island.”

  His comment relieved her of the worry that he wouldn
’t be gone long. Already she missed him, which was perfectly ridiculous.

  “After work we’ll take the cruiser to a nearby deserted island where we’ll swim and watch the wildlife. It’s a place where we ought to be able to see some nesting turtles. If it were fall we’d see the flamingos that migrate there on their way to and from Africa. You should see it before you fly back to Arancia.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “Neither can I. You’ll love it. A domani.”

  * * *

  Valentino knocked on Vito’s bedroom door early the next morning. His brother was quick to open it wearing a robe. He needed a shave and looked as if he hadn’t had any sleep. “What was so urgent I needed to fly here this early?”

  Dark shadows below Vito’s eyes testified that his younger brother was in pain. “Thanks for getting here so fast. Come on in.”

  He’d never seen Vito this torn up, not even after Michelina’s death. “I take it this isn’t about Mother. What’s wrong?” He moved inside and followed him into the living room.

  Vito spun around, his face full of too many lines for a thirty-year-old. “I have a confession to make. After you hear me out, I’ll understand if you tell me to get the hell out of your life.”

  Valentino’s brows furrowed. “I’d never do that.”

  “Oh, yes, you would. You will.” He laughed angrily. “But I can’t keep this to myself any longer.” His dark brown eyes filled with tears. “Do you want to know the real reason I went into the military five years ago?”

  “I thought it was because you wanted to, and because our father said you were free to do what you wanted.”

  He shook his dark head. Vito resembled their mother. “What I wanted was Alexandra.”

  A gasp came out of Valentino. Those words shook him to the foundations.

  “I fell in love with her. I don’t know how it happened. It just did.”

  Valentino knew exactly how it happened. He knew it line and verse.

  “All the years you were betrothed, you were hardly ever around, and when you were, it was only for a day. Whereas I spent a lot of time with her. One night things got out of control and I told her how I felt about her. We went riding and she told me she was in love with me, too. We ended up spending the weekend together knowing we could never be together again.”


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