Becoming the Prince's Wife (Princes of Europe)

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Becoming the Prince's Wife (Princes of Europe) Page 14

by Rebecca Winters

  They recognized the danger and worked as a team as they gathered their equipment and started their retreat. He’d witnessed nature at work many times, but never from this close a vantage point.

  The continual shaking made it more difficult to move as fast as they needed to. Halfway to the other camp a deafening explosion reached his ears before he was thrust against the ground so hard the impact knocked off his gas mask.

  Everything had gone dark. He struggled to find it and put it back on. In frustration he cried to Razzi, but the poisonous fumes filled his lungs. For the first time since coming up on Etna, Valentino had the presentiment that he might not make it off the volcano alive.

  His last thought was for Carolena, whose fear of another loss might have come to pass.

  * * *

  Once Carolena had taken a taxi back to her condo, she made a reservation to fly to Gemelli later in the day. This was one time she didn’t want to burden Abby with her problems.

  Officially, Carolena was still out of the office for another week, so she didn’t need to make a stop there to talk to Signor Faustino. All she needed to do was pack another bag and take care of some bills before she called for a taxi to drive her to the airport.

  The necessity of making all her own arrangements caused her to see how spoiled she’d become after having the royal jets at her disposal. It seemed strange to be taking a commercial jet and traveling in a taxi rather than a limo. Everything took longer. She was tired when she arrived in Gemelli at five-thirty that evening and checked herself into a hotel.

  Because she hadn’t seen or heard from Valentino for the past four days, she was practically jumping out of her skin with excitement at the thought of being with him again. Her first order of business was to phone the palace. She wanted to surprise him.

  After introducing herself to the operator, she asked to speak to Valentino, but was told he was unavailable. The news crushed her. Attempting to recover, she asked if she could speak to Vito Cavelli. Through his brother she could learn Valentino’s whereabouts, and possibly he would help her to meet with the queen.

  Before long she heard a male voice come on the line. “Signorina Baretti? It’s really you?”

  “Yes, Your Highness.”

  “Please call me Vito. You’re the famous video star.”

  “I don’t know about famous.”

  “You are to me. Mother and I have seen the video. It’s superb.”

  “Thank you. I was just going to say that if anyone is renowned, it’s you for drawing all those interesting mustaches on the putti around the outside of the palace.”

  He broke into rich laughter that reminded her so much of Val, she joined in. “Are you calling from Arancia?”

  She gripped her phone tighter. “No. I just flew in to Gemelli and am staying at the Regency Hotel.”

  “Grazie a Dio you’re here,” he said under his breath. His sudden change of mood alarmed her.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I was hoping you could tell me. Four days ago Valentino left for Catania, but I haven’t talked to him since. I’ve left message after message.”

  That meant he was working on Etna.

  “Signorina? Does my brother know you’re here?”

  “Not yet. I wanted to come to the palace and surprise him.”

  “Do you have his private cell phone number?”

  “Yes. As soon as we hang up, I’ll call him.”

  “Once you’ve reached him, will you ask him to return my call? I have something important to tell him.”

  Her brows furrowed. It wasn’t like Valentino to remain out of reach. He was too responsible a person to do that. “Vito?”


  “There’s a favor I’d like to ask of you.”

  “Name it.”

  “Would it be possible for me to talk to your mother either tonight or in the morning? It’s of extreme importance to me.”

  “I’m afraid she’s not in the country, but she should be back tomorrow afternoon and then we’ll arrange for you to meet with her.”

  More disappointment. “Thank you. Is she by any chance in Arancia?” Maybe she was visiting Vincenzo and Abby. Carolena should have called her friend, after all.

  “No. She flew to Cyprus and left me in charge. I guess Valentino told you about me and Alexandra. The families are together now, discussing our plans to marry. We’re thinking in four weeks.”

  It really was going to happen. “I’m very happy for you, Vito. I mean that sincerely.”

  “Thank you. I wish I could say the same for my brother.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s my impression you’re the only person who knows what’s going on with him. He’s not answering anyone’s calls. This is a first for him. Our mother is worried sick about him.”

  Her eyes closed tightly. Carolena was the one responsible for him shutting down. She took a fortifying breath. “Now that I’m back, I’ll try to reach him. Once I’ve contacted him, I’ll tell him to get in touch with you immediately.”

  “I’d appreciate that. Good luck.”

  Fear clutched at her heart. Vito knew his brother better than anyone. To wish her luck meant she was going to need it. What if Valentino couldn’t call anyone? What if he was in trouble? Her body broke out in a cold sweat.

  “Good night, Vito.”

  “Buona notte, signorina.”

  As soon as she hung up, she phoned Valentino’s number. Forget surprising him, all she got was to leave a message. In a shaky voice she told him she was back in Gemelli, that she loved him and that she was dying to see him. Please call her back.

  Crushed because she couldn’t talk to him, she got information for Tancredi’s Restaurant so she could talk to Matteo. Maybe he’d spoken with Valentino. To her chagrin she learned it was his night off. If she’d like to leave a message... Carolena said no and hung up. The only thing to do was go looking for Valentino.

  Again she rang for information and called the airport to schedule a commuter flight for seven in the morning to Catania airport. From there she’d take a taxi to the center where she’d been before. Someone would know how to reach Valentino if he still hadn’t returned her call.

  She went to bed and set her alarm, but she slept poorly. Valentino still hadn’t called her back. At five in the morning she awakened and dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. After putting on her boots, she fastened her hair back in a chignon and left to get some food in the restaurant. Before taking a taxi to the airport, she knew she’d better eat first.

  Everywhere she went was crowded with tourists. The commuter flight was packed and she had a long wait at the Catania airport before she could get a taxi to drive her to the institute.

  Once she arrived, she hurried inside and approached the mid-twenties-looking man at the reception desk.

  He eyed her with male appreciation. “May I help you, signorina?”

  “I need to get in touch with Valentino Cellini.”

  The man smiled. “And you are...?”

  “Carolena Baretti. I’m an attorney from Arancia who’s been working with His Highness on a special project. I have to see him right away.”

  “I’m afraid that’s not possible.”

  She refused to be put off. “Why not?”

  “He’s out in the field.”

  “Then can you get a message to him?”

  “You can leave one here. When it’s possible for him, he’ll retrieve it.”

  This was getting her nowhere. “Would it be possible to speak to one of the pilots for the center? His name is Dante Serrano. He was the one who recently flew me up on Etna with the prince.”

  The fact she knew that much seemed to capture his attention. “I’ll see if I can locate him.” He made a call. After a mi
nute he hung up. “Signor Serrano will be coming on duty within a few minutes.”

  “In that case, I’ll wait for him in the lounge. Will you page me when he gets here?”

  “Of course.”

  “Thank you.”

  Carolena hadn’t been seated long when the attractive pilot walked over to her. She jumped up to greet him, but his expression was so solemn she knew something was wrong.

  “Good morning, Dante. I was hoping to talk to you. I haven’t been able to reach Valentino.”

  “No one’s been able to reach him or his partner, Razzi. They were camped near a new eruption. The base camp received word that they were on their way back to it, but they lost contact.”

  “You mean th—”

  “I mean, no one has been able to reach them yet.”

  “Then it must be bad,” she cried in agony and grabbed his arms. “I can’t lose him, Dante. I can’t!”

  “Let’s not talk about that right now,” he tried to placate her. “Half a dozen choppers have already taken off to search for them. This is my day off, but I was called in to help. Valentino’s the best of the best, you know.”

  “I do know!” Carolena cried. “My life won’t be worth living without him! I’m going with you!”

  “No, no. It’s too dangerous.”

  “I have to go with you. It’s a matter of life and death to me. I love him. We’re going to be married.”

  His eyes rounded before he exhaled a labored breath. “All right. You can come, but you’ll do everything I say.”

  “I promise.”

  She followed him through the center and out the rear doors to the helipad. They ran to the helicopter. Once she’d climbed inside and strapped herself in the back, he found a gas mask for her. “When I tell you to do it, I want you to put this on.”

  “I will.”

  Another pilot joined them. Dante made a quick introduction, then started the engine. The rotors whined. Within seconds they lifted off.

  At first, the smoking top of Etna didn’t look any different to her. But before long the air was filled with ash. Afraid to disturb Dante’s concentration, she didn’t dare ask him questions. After ten minutes, the sky grew darker.

  As the helicopter dipped, she saw the giant spectacular ash plume coming from a crater filling up with lava. She gasped in terror to think Valentino was down there somewhere.

  “Put on your gas mask, signorina. We’re going to land at the base camp.”

  She was all thumbs, but finally managed to do it after following his instructions. When they touched ground, Carolena thought there might be thirty geologists in the area wearing gas masks, but visibility was difficult.

  “I want you to stay in the chopper until I tell you otherwise.” By now he and the copilot had put on their masks.

  “I will, but please find him.”

  “Say a prayer,” he murmured. She bowed her head and did exactly that. To lose him now would kill her.

  The two men disappeared. In a minute she heard the whine of rotors from another chopper. It set down farther away. People ran to it. She watched in agony as she saw a body being unloaded from it. Valentino’s?

  Forgetting Dante’s advice, she climbed out of the chopper and started running. The victim was being transported on a stretcher to one of several tents that had been set up. She followed and worked her way inside the entrance, but there were too many people around to see anything.

  The copilot who’d been on the chopper stood nearby. She grabbed at his arm.

  He looked at her. “You weren’t supposed to leave the chopper.”

  “I don’t care. Is it Valentino?”

  “I don’t know yet, but I’ll find out.”

  She held her breath until he came back. “It’s Valentino’s partner, Razzi.”

  “Is he...”

  “Alive,” he answered. “Just dazed from a fall.”

  “Where’s Valentino?”

  “The other chopper is bringing him in.”

  “So they found him!”


  Her heart started to beat again. “Thank you for telling me that much.” She hurried outside, praying for the other chopper to come.

  The next minute felt like an eternity until she heard the sound of another helicopter coming in to land. She hurried over to the area, getting as close as she was allowed until it touched ground.

  Carolena watched the door open, but there was no sign of Valentino. She was close to fainting, when Dante pulled her aside. Through his mask he said, “Valentino’s head struck some volcanic rock. When they transported him out, he was unconscious but alive.”

  “Thank heaven.” She sobbed quietly against him as they walked toward Dante’s chopper.

  “You can say that again. He’s already been flown to the hospital. I’ll fly you there now. Before long you’ll be able to visit him.”

  “Thank you for bringing me up here. I’m indebted to you.”

  “He’s lucky you love him enough to face danger yourself. Not every woman or man has that kind of courage.”

  She didn’t know she had any until she’d been put to the test. It was only because of Valentino. He was her life!

  “Razzi said they were eyewitnesses to an explosion that could have gotten them killed. I’ve heard that the footage they captured on film is the best that’s ever been recorded at the institute. The guys are heroes.”

  They were. “So are you, Dante.”

  “Yeah?” He smiled.


  Carolena’s thoughts drifted back to her conversation with Dr. Greco. He’d said it best. And he’s not the king, so what you’re telling me is that he’s still marvelous just being a man, right?

  * * *

  “Your Highness?”

  Valentino was lying in bed with his head raised watching television when a nurse came in. He’d been told he had a concussion and would have to stay in the hospital overnight for observation. Much as he wanted to get out of there, every time he tried to sit up, his head swam.


  “Do you feel up to a visitor?”

  There was only one person he wanted to see. If she ever came to a decision and it was the wrong one, he wished his body had been left on the side of the volcano.

  “Who is it?”

  “This person wanted it to be a surprise.”

  It was probably Vito, who would have been contacted hours ago. He’d want to see Valentino for himself before he told their mother her firstborn was alive and well. But in case it wasn’t his brother, Valentino’s mind ran through a possible list of friends and colleagues. If it were Vincenzo, he would have just walked in.

  “Shall I tell this person you’re still indisposed?”

  While he was trying to make up his mind, he heard a noise in the doorway and looked up to see Carolena come rushing in the room. “Val, darling—” she blurted in tears and flew toward him.

  At the sight of her in a T-shirt and jeans she filled out to perfection, an attack of adrenaline had him trying to get out of bed. But she reached him before he could untangle his legs from the sheet and try to sit up. She pressed against him, wetting his hideous hospital gown with her tears.

  “Thank heaven you’re alive! If I’d lost you, I would have wanted to die.”

  He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her up on the bed halfway on top of him. “I’m tougher than that. How did you know I was in here?”

  Moisture spilled from her fabulous green eyes. “I flew down to Gemelli last evening. When you didn’t answer my call and Vito couldn’t get through to you, either. I flew to Catania this morning and took a taxi to the institute.”

  Valentino was in shock. “You were there this morning?”

  “Yes! I
had to see you, but then Dante told me you were up on the volcano and there’d been no contact from you since the latest eruption, so I flew up there with him to the base camp.”

  His blood ran cold. “He took you up there?”

  “He wouldn’t have, but when I told him you and I were getting married and I couldn’t live without you, he took pity on me and let me go with him to look for you.”

  It was too much to digest. His heart started to act up. “You’re going to marry me?”

  “As soon as we can.” She lifted her hand to tenderly touch his head. “You’re my man and I want everyone to know it.” In the next breath she covered his mouth with her own. The energy she put into her kiss was a revelation.

  “Adorata—” He could believe he’d died on Etna and had just awakened in heaven.

  She pressed him back against the pillow and sobbed quietly until the tears subsided. His Carolena was back where she belonged.

  “Did you know your mother is in Cyprus seeing about the plans for Vito’s wedding to Alexandra? While they have their big day after all they’ve been through, wouldn’t it be thrilling if we had our own private wedding with Vincenzo and Abby for witnesses as soon as possible? I’d love it if we could say our vows in the chapel at the palace.

  “And while we’re gone on a honeymoon, Vincenzo and Abby could stay at the palace with your mother so she could spend time with Michelina’s little boy. I want everyone to be happy. The two of us most of all. What do you think?”

  Tears smarted his eyes. She really understood what Valentino was all about. He shaped her face with his hands. “First, I think I want to know what has caused this dramatic change in you.”

  “A very wise doctor helped me get to the core of what was ailing me. He said I had a fixation on your royal person, which was true. He told me I was disappointed you were willing to forgo being king in order to marry me.

  “But my disappointment really covered my guilt over your decision and it made me afraid. Then he asked me if I couldn’t love the ordinary man instead of the prince. He said something about looking at you without your crown and battle armor. That question straightened me out in a big hurry and I couldn’t get back down here fast enough to tell you.”


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