Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo) Page 16

by Sansa Gold

  He would push inside of me, and my body would writhe with full pleasure, as cock stretching my every being. Stretching me like no man had ever done. I knew that he had the package to do that, I had caught glimpses of its outline. He would breath into my neck as he body tensed. His groans would push my orgasm further as he released his cum inside of me, filling me whole.

  I opened my eyes and looked down at my breasts. I pinched my nipples at the thought of it all. I was ever so tempted to play with myself, but knew that I better not. At least not with my mother being in a hurry and all. I pressed my thighs together and felt the wetness between my legs, which little trip certainly had done the trick. I stared back at my red face and smiled at myself. I was such a bad girl, thinking of my brother in all the wrong possible ways. I tried not to get my hopes to high; that scenario was nothing more than daydreaming. Aiden and I would probably never be able to get that close. Our relationship would be too taboo, and our parents would never stand for it.

  I tugged at the swimsuit around my breasts making sure that I showed as much cleavage as possible. Summer was coming to an end, and Aiden didn't seem to give me any attention. Ever since his father brought us on this trip, he had been nothing, but distant. No matter how much I racked my mind I couldn't see why he was acting so strange. I laced the thong swimsuit and thin fabric sink into my butt. This was going to be my last ditch effort to get Aiden to notice me. For him to give me any attention that showed he still cared for me. I didn't care if nothing romantic ever happened between us. I just wanted to goof around like we did at high school and laughed all day.

  I gave myself a final look down. I was sure that this outfit would turn every person's head at the beach. Most of them would probably be disapproving looks. It didn't matter to me as long as Aiden the attention I craved. There would be no way that it could fail. Pleased with myself I headed out of my room, ready to conquer Aiden's mind.

  "I'm coming, Mom." I hopped down the stairs, hoping that Aiden would see me come down. I was thankful for my large breasts as they jiggled with every step, my eyes peering for any sign of him.

  "Before you come down, could you get Aiden out of his room?" Alan, my step-father yelled.

  Of course, I could do that. It would give me a reason to talk to him, maybe find out why he was actively avoiding me. I bounded back up the stairs, a smile forming on my face. "Not a problem, Alan."

  I hastily passed my room and went all the way to the back of the hallway. Aiden's room was at the furthest corner of the house, he had called dibs on it when we first arrived. It wasn't fair since this was his father's cabin, and he knew the best rooms, but I didn't complain. I didn't want to stir anything unnecessary over anything so trivial.

  I rapped my knuckle against the door, "Alan?" I waited for an answer. I had only been in his room a couple times this summer, never going inside. He could be a total stranger when he wanted to be.

  I knocked a little harder, "Alan, you in there?" I shouted.

  Nothing. I pushed my ear on the door. Nothing.

  Maybe, he was already outside, and Alan hadn't seen him. He would get a laugh out of knowing that the whole family was looking for him inside while he sat in the car.

  I turned the knob and pushed the door open. Alan was facing the mirror, his front away from me. All would be fine if he weren't naked. My eyes were completely locked on his taut ass as he jumped from side to side. A white cord draped down his muscular chest down to the mp3 player in his hand. He sang out lyrics that I was completely unfamiliar with, that didn't stop me from enjoying the sight. I giggled a little bit; Aiden was good at a lot of things in life. Unfortunately, for him singing wasn't one of them.

  My body wouldn't move. No matter what I did, I stood there and watched him dance around the room. His eyes closed, one hand in front of his face as if he were singing into a microphone. He turned around and just when I thought my eyes couldn't get more transfixed his erect cock came into view.

  As he danced around the room, it whipped back and forth slamming on his tough thighs. I couldn't turn my head anywhere else, I just gracefully followed as it shook. I couldn't help and bite my lip. I had spent all summer thinking about Aiden's taboo cock. Witnessing it in front of me was kind of surreal. It had to be at least six to seven inches long and at least two of my fingers wide, larger than anything I had ever taken. It had a distinct curve to the side. I wished for nothing more than for him to ram that cock of his inside of me. I wanted his member to stretch my tight little pussy apart, I knew that he could do it with that package. It was just as wholly as I imagined.

  "Sophia?" Aiden roared as he ripped off the headbands. With a sudden force, he rushed across the room, his cock wildly swinging in all directions. It must have been as disorientated as he was. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" His red face seethed with anger.

  "I..I...time.. the beach." Those were the only words that I could muster out. His body was covered in sweat, and it took all my willpower not to devour him right there. I could feel the heat rise through my body, knowing that any moment my sensations would give in.

  He must have finally realized he was naked because he pushed me from the door and slammed it in my face. The force and wind swept me back. I stood there for a moment, my brother's dancing cock bouncing in my mind. I slammed my forehead against the door and dragged it down the door.



  This wasn't how I wanted to get his attention. This was probably only going to put more distance between us. I might not even see him for the rest of the summer. I slammed my head repeatedly against the door as I slid down to the ground. The intense heat within me was finally beginning to die down, it probably realized the lost cause that I was facing.

  "You can stop hitting your head against the door." Aiden pulled the door open almost making me face plant. I looked up at him, and his devilish smile greeted me back. He held his hand out for me, and I cautiously grabbed at it.

  His arm flexed as he pulled me off the ground. I was always amazed at how strong he was, being able to lift a girl like me without any effort.

  "Are you ok?" Why was he asking me if I was ok? I had just invaded his privacy and watched him dance around the room naked. He should be furious with me right now, his mood had done an 180 from several seconds ago. I was amazed at how well he was handling it all. I was flustered to say the least. I nodded my head, not entirely sure of what to say. Words were escaping me right now, especially when the vivid image of his cock was still burned into my mind.

  "Good." He pushed past me and ran down the stairs before I could explain myself. Was he really ok with this? The more days that past, the more I realized that I didn't understand Aiden at all.

  My head swiveled from the stairs to his room. Had this really just happened? Had he forgiven me just as quickly as he gotten mad at me? I rubbed my eyes. Great, my whole bikini was a mess. Probably, from almost face planting into the ground.

  I slammed the door to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I need to get myself together before I went out there. The make up I had put on was streaming down the side of my face, half it was probably on his door anyway. I put my hand on my chest and was amazed to see that I was still burning up. This is what I called the Aiden effect, always making me overheat with that charm of his.

  I grabbed at the knot of my bra. It dropped to the ground, my breasts fully erect greeted me. I was amazed at how close I was to taking Aiden right there. So, close to slamming him onto the bed and forcing his cock inside my slippery cunt. Controlling myself would be the utmost important for the rest of the trip. His cock was exactly as how I imagined it, if not a little bitter. I held out my hands in front of me trying to guesstimate how large it was. Satisfied with the distance between my hands, I tried to imagine that length pushing at my entrance. I moaned at the thought.

  Calm yourself. Think of the task at hand, literally. I grabbed at my breasts and screamed at myself, anything to calm my dirty mind. Aiden and I weren't
going to happen, no matter how much I wanted it too.

  His father and my mother would never approve it. He would never find me attractive. I would have to find someone that was within my reach if I wanted to make it work. Someone that wasn't my brother.

  With a sudden swoop, the door pushed open, and I screamed. My hands grabbed at the shower curtains as Aiden poked his head inside. His eyes darted around the room until they rested on my tits. He stared for a couple seconds, and I stood there unsure of what to do. It took my brain several seconds to process the whole event. Finally, I tried to cover myself with the curtains. It was too late; the damage had been done.

  "You see my good, I see yours." He roared with laughter as he shut the door, and I heard him galloping down the stairs.

  I almost ripped the doorknob straight off as I ran after him, my tits bouncing with every step down the stairs. I threw the bra around my body and tugged it, "You pervert!"

  There was no use. He couldn't hear me. Not that he even cared, I'm sure he was wanted to get his revenge. As I moved my bra around a smile crept onto my face. Don't get me wrong I was mad at him. Although, I was mad that he got a peek at my breasts I wasn't that angry with him. One thing was for sure; the old Aiden was slowly creeping out of the woodwork. The Aiden that I had tried so hard to bring out the whole summer. It kind of made me excited for what might happen at the lake.

  A thought crept into my mind. Was I wrong this whole time? Did Aiden avoid me this summer because he didn't want to talk or because he didn't want to give into his desires? There was only one way to find out.

  Chapter 2

  So everything that I thought was going to happen today didn't happen. Although, we shared that moment at the house he was just as much a loner as before. As soon as the car was put in park at the house he jumped out of the car and wandered into the forest. I yelled out for him, but he didn't even bother to turn around.

  So, I spent another boring afternoon on the small plot of sand listening to the parents gossip and retold the same story from last week. I was mad that he didn't bother to take me with him. I thought that he was turning around and going to come back to his old self. How wrong I was.

  It probably had to do with the fact that I got a complete glimpse of his cock. Nothing was left to the imagination, on both sides. He got a full look at my tits. Was he just horsing around or did he really want to see my tits?

  The last hour a plethora of scenarios crossed through my mind. What if I undressed in front of him? What if I had just charged him and kissed him right there in the bathroom? Would this whole situation be different or would he still wander off by himself in the forest? At the end of the day, I could sit her for eternity, running my fingers through this clay like sand wondering. It wouldn't do me any good.

  "Mom, I'm going to the bathhouse to change before we go." She turned her head and nodded at me, before going back into the full swing of laughter. I was a little antsy to get home. I wanted to use the new images for a little me time since it didn't seem like Aiden was going to give me any attention.

  I patted the sand off my thighs and back as best as I could before making my way inside the bath house. I pulled on the door, and the thick smell of chlorine and soggy clothes wafted into my nose. I hated using this place, but Alan wouldn't let me in his new car with my wet clothes. It also didn't help that it was co-ed and shared between every person. I bet they only came and cleaned this place at the beginning of the summer and end, it sure smelled like it.

  I made my way to the furthest stall. No one was going to sneak up on me and see me undressed. The curtains in here were a dingy white that were barely holding onto the upper bar. I pulled the curtain as far as I could and tried to tie it around the next stall. There was no way someone could mistake it as empty and walk on me naked. At least that's what I hoped.

  I twisted the faucet and yelped as the cold water hit across my body. I crossed my arms and waited. This whole house must have been at least fifty years old, so it would take a while to get warm. As the cold water hit my body thoughts of Aiden's body casually drifted in.

  The way he bounced from heel to heel, his thighs tightening with every hop. His arms were flailing about while his back constricted with every movement. It showed off the work he had put in perfecting his body. He was the one who had helped me lose a lot of weights and look the way I wanted now. I was still a little chubby, but nothing like before.

  I undid my bra as Aiden's cock penetrated my mind. The head of his cock bouncing up and down, slamming against his thighs as he sung out into his room. It brought a smile on my face, seeing him so innocent. Something that I hadn't seen in a very long time. My bathing suit hit the floor with a splash, hands drifting all over. The chilly water was running down my tense and yearning nipples.

  I rubbed my breasts as I tried to warm them up, but secretly wanting to take hold of the moment. Two times in one day wouldn't be so bad, right? As one hand tugged at my breasts, the other drifted lower to my folds. For once, I was glad that the water was cold. It allowed me to concentrate on the heat that emanated from my pussy. I brushed against my clit, teasing at my entrance. I took a deep breath of anticipation, letting the heat in my stomach grow. This was going to be a good one, I could feel it.

  That's it I can't take the pressure anymore, and I give into the sweet release. I imagine Aiden's cock and try to stick two fingers in, although I know it still won't be as big as his. I constantly thump at my spot until I feel my body quivering. I ease myself against the tiled wall and brace myself for the orgasm I worked so hard to achieve.

  It spirals through my body, each inch of me shaking with emotion. For a couple seconds, my vision blurs as I pushed myself against the wall and moaned out in pleasure. The electricity surges through my body until it leaves me in one full swoop.

  My breasts rise and fall, Aiden's cock dancing in my mind. "How I wish you were here, Aiden."

  "Sophia?" Aiden's voice rings from outside the curtain. I nearly slip onto the ground as I hear his voice. He couldn't have been more than two feet away from the curtain. What the hell is he doing here? Shouldn't he be getting lost in the forest? The more pressing question; what exactly did he hear?


  "Yea, it's me. I came in to change and hear some noises in the back."

  I slide down the dingy tile wall and crawl into the corner. I want to crawl up into a ball and cease to exist. There is no way that I just masturbated to my brother as he was outside my curtain. In a bath house no less.

  "What did you hear?" I sink my head between my legs. Suddenly, everything was dead quiet around me. I blocked out everything; the dripping of the water, how the wind howled outside, the slamming of the shutters outside. Everything was not important anymore. I shut off my senses except my hearing; I wanted to make sure that I heard what he said next. It would determine how far into my hole I would have to crawl.

  "Everything." He whispered back from behind the curtain.

  I felt my head get dizzy as I pushed it between my legs. Fuck. FUCK. This was not turning out to be my day at all. First, I managed to walk on him naked and see his cock. Now, I had masturbated to my brother, and he had heard me moan his name out in pleasure. There was no possible way that this could get any worse. There was no way that I was coming out of this shower room. I was going to spend the rest of my summer here. I will turn old and become that creepy old lady at the beach. It was the only solution that was going to get rid of this problem.

  "You ok in there?" I wanted more than anything to answer him. To tell him that it was all a lie. That he had misheard me, all of it was a mistake. That I had misspoken his name in the heat of the moment. What name rhymed with Aiden? My mind frantically searched for something that might give me a glimmer of hope. Nothing came to mind, why the fuck did he have to have such an exotic name.

  "Yea, I'm ok." I mustered up and raised my head. The light from outside is already hurting my depraved eyes. I looked around and saw all the steam that had gathere
d on the walls. Maybe, if the water had gotten warm a lot faster, I wouldn't be in this whole situation. Who was I kidding?

  This had nothing to do with the temperature the water. I had a taboo crush on my brother. There was no way of getting around it. I wanted to fuck my step brother Aiden, and I didn't think I was going to get past it until I did it.

  "You still there, Aiden?" My voice trailed in the end. I wasn't completely sure if I should take the next steps. All that was in front of me was a dark pit with small cobblestones that wobbled. Any misstep and I were doomed to fall into the darkness. The darkness of pushing Aiden completely out of my life. But, did it really matter? He was already slipping away, might as well take a risk along the way.

  "I'm right here, sis." I smiled at that. I liked it when he called me that. It reminded me of the brother I never had. I was glad that Aiden came into my life and became my step brother. He was there for me like no man. Now, I wanted to be there for him not just as his sister, but as a woman.

  "Do you want to come inside?" I move aside the white curtain to see Aiden standing before me already naked.

  "I'm way ahead of you, Sis."

  I look down at his hand mercifully stroking his cock. God, why did he have to be so hot? I bit my lip as I watched the pre-cum ebbed out of his cock. I wanted to get down on my knees and lick it all up before it fell to the ground. There was no reason to let any of it go to waste when I was here.

  "Do you need any help with that?"

  I strut from side to side. Letting my wet breasts bounce. His eyes follow my body, and before I even get to him, he pushes himself against me. I feel his cock prod between my legs as pushes me against the tiled walls. His hot breath was falling on my shoulder, burning more than the shower.

  "God, you don't know how long I've been waiting for this?" He whispers into my ear as his lips suck on my neck.


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