Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo) Page 20

by Sansa Gold

  "Nice to meet you, Jasmine. I'll be in charge of assisting Dr.Bowing during today's procedure." He smirked at me as his eyes drifted down the side of my body. My parents were talking to Dr. Bowing to notice the assistant checking me out. His tongue left his mouth slightly and crossed over the tip of his lips, almost as if he was eager to taste me. I pulled my hand back and rubbed at my wrist.

  "Can we get this started already?" This whole scenario was uncomfortable for me. Knowing that the only reason I was doing this was to prove to my father that I was still a virgin. I needed him to understand that I had done nothing wrong and that he was the only person here who was overreacting.

  Dr. Bowing pushed aside his assistant making his way toward me, "Certainly, but first we must go through some paperwork." As if on cue Dr. Crewly turned around and knelt next to the suitcase they brought. He rustled through all of the different pouches whispering and grumbling under his breath.

  Dr. Bowing stood in front of me and stared at me. His right foot tapped at a rhythmic pace and his eyes trailed down my body. Dr. Bowing was more smooth and experienced than his assistant. He was not as creepy and blatant about checking me out. His eyes momentarily stopped on my neck, breasts, hips, and lastly legs before giving a reassuring nod. I could have sworn that I heard him say something under his breath but wasn't sure. I shot a glance at my parents to see if they had heard it, but they were watching the assistant eagerly.

  "So, what exactly would you like us to do during this procedure, Mr. Trane?" Dr. Bowing turned his head toward my father.

  "Well, last night I caught my daughter in the car with one of the neighborhood boys. He doesn't have the best reputation among us parents. I asked Jasmine if she had sex with him. She said no, but I know a liar when I see one." His eyes shot at me, his face looked in pain.

  "I understand. You want my assistant and me to go in and check if your daughter is still pure?"

  My father nodded his head.

  "Unfortunately, my exam might not be completely reliable but I will try my best to give you a definitive answer." The doctor grabbed at the stubbles at his chin as he became transfixed on a spot on the floor. I couldn't help, but stare at him. His dark eyes locked on one spot showed such deep concentration, something I had never seen in any other man. It was the face older men got when they concentrated on one particular thing. The face that was obtained from years and years of experience, one that young boys like Adam wouldn't be able to get for several years.

  "Ah ha," Dr. Crewly shouted as he held paper raised above his head. "I found them," A smile crossed his face as if he were waiting for some reward from his boss.

  "About time," Dr. Bowing said in an exhausted voice. He grabbed the papers from his assistant and laid them out on the table. "This is just formal consent agreement that everyone in this household must sign," he began to talk hastily and flip through the pages, giving brief information about each one.

  After several minutes, he finally flipped to the last page that had several blank spots, "This is where all of you sign agreeing to everything that I just told you." He grabbed a pen from his breast pocket and clicked it holding it out for my father to take.

  "How long will the procedure take?" My father nabbed at the pen and briskly signed the papers, handing the pen to my mother as he waited for the doctor's answer.

  "It all varies from patient to patient. If, Jasmine here," He pointed my way, " cooperates with us and doesn't resist like first timers than less than an hour. If she struggles and fights the procedure, it could take much longer I'm afraid." He shot a look at me as if waiting to see my reaction. To see what kind of fight, I would give him in the bedroom. In the bedroom...that just didn't sound right.

  "I'm sure she will be on her best behavior with you, Doctor. Right, Jasmine?" My father's eyebrows furrowed as he stared at me. I knew that look. It was the same one that I had seen last night. Twice in less than twenty-four hours, I didn't like that look at all. It sent shivers down my spine, and I would cooperate just as long as he didn't do that anymore.

  "Yes, Father," I mumbled. My mother held the pen out in front of me. I grabbed at it and stared down at the white piece of paper. I felt as if I was signing my life away. As if I was admitting to my father that I had already had sex. I felt the anger grow deep inside my stomach. I felt the edge of my eyes grow teary as I pressed down on the paper. I'll prove him wrong.

  "And that's it?" My mother asked. My father's hand wrapped around her back and pulled her toward his chest as if they were about to hear the worst news of their lives.

  That's it," Dr. Bowing whistled, and his assistant grabbed the suitcase. "Jasmine, I need you to show Dr. Crewly where your bedroom is. He will be setting up in there with you. I'll be there in a few minutes while I go over some last minute details with your parents."

  When Dr.Crewly was next to me, I pushed past my parents and into the hallway, letting Dr. Crewly go in front of me. As I followed behind the assistant, I looked at my father one last time. His face scrunched up, and he moved his mouth. I was sure of what they said. The words would be ringing during the whole procedure. Don't disappoint me.


  Chapter 3: In my Bedroom

  "So how does this work?" I sat on my bed as Dr. Crewly began taking things out of his suitcase.

  "Its quite easy actually. I'll be here monitoring and assisting Dr.Bowing while you lay on the bed and let him examine you. If everything goes smoothly, it will be over before you know it."

  "And just like that you will be able to tell my father that I'm still a virgin?" I cross crossed my legs back and forth, trying to push down the anxiety that grew with each second that passed. I hated doing this in my bedroom, but I had no choice in the matter. My little sanctuary would be tarnished by this one exam that my father forced down my throat.

  "If you are a virgin then it should be quite easy, now put this on." He tossed me a paper thin blue garment. I stood up and unfurled it, it was a one piece that had a rope attached to its side.

  "Do I just put this over my clothes?" I stared at him, unsure of what he wanted me to do.

  "No," He chuckled. "I need you to take off your clothes and put that over your naked body. The doctor needs easy access while he is conducting his examination."

  I waited for him to get up and leave so that I can undress. Instead, he just continued rummaging through his bag. "Aren't you going to leave so that I can do this?" I swept my hair back behind my ears.

  "Nope, can do. Part of the rules is that someone is in the examination room with the patient at all times. My boss is talking to your parents, so that leaves me to monitor you before the exam begins." He stood up and turned toward me, his hand touching my wrists, "Don't worry I won't look if it makes you uncomfortable."

  I stood there and contemplated his words. Could I trust this man that I had just met? Was there any reason I couldn't trust him? "Ok, just turn around and do whatever you were doing before."

  He knelt down and began grabbing items from his suitcase. I had watched him for a couple minutes before I was completely satisfied he wouldn't try to sneak a glance my way.

  I grabbed at the seam of my tank top and pulled it over my head, my eyes locked on Dr. Crewly's head the whole time. He didn't even react as my shirt hit the ground. I unbuttoned my pants, and the unzipping of my pants filled the room, I'm sure he knew exactly what I was doing. I swayed my hips side to side as I tried to twirl out of them. Why did I always have to get such tight jeans all the time? Oh, yea, that's right they always made my ass look amazing.

  My hands crept to the back of my bra, and I watched him for any movements. I took a deep breath and unclasped my bra and with that they could breath. The chill of the bedroom air bit against my small nipples so I turned my body toward my window, letting the sunlight warm them up. I stretched my arms in the air and took it all in as I stood on my tippy toes. I took such a deep breathe that I felt myself become light headed. I dropped down hard on my heels and turned my head. He was stari
ng at me; his eyes locked on my breasts.

  "Hey, what the fuck? You promised you wouldn't look." I hugged myself tight and tried to cover as much of my large breasts. He was already probably going to be looking at my pussy; he didn't need to see the whole package.

  His cheeks grew red, and he covered his face with his palms, "Sorry. Sorry. I heard you breath out hard so I thought you might have fainted. I tried to turn away, but I couldn't. Sorry." He turned his covered face away from me and started taking tools out of the suitcase. At least he felt bad about it. Did I really look that good that the couldn't look away from me? I smiled too myself at the thought of it. I'll take that as a compliment, I needed that.

  Each tool was a different shape and size. Some were short and narrow while others were long and wide. Each of the tools had some handle or screw to open or close them. It looked like they were preparing to cut me up, not give me a regular gyno examination.

  "It's ok. Anyway, are all those things for me?" I pointed to the ground as I slowly took my undies off. Maybe, if I kept him distracted, he wouldn't be tempted to turn around at me while I got ready.

  "Oh, those. They aren't all for you. I just bring them out in case the doctor needs any of them." He picked one of them off the ground. It was a long slender item that had a handle at the bottom, it almost looked like a duck's beak. "This is the one that we will be using primarily." He began to rotate his head toward me.

  "DON'T," I shouted as I grabbed the blue thin outfit he gave me before.

  "Right. Anyway, this is called a speculum, and it's used to stretch out your private area. It will give the doctor a better look inside. It will allow us to tell if you are indeed a virgin or not."

  I wrapped the gown tight across my body and closed it with the white rope that was attached. I triple knotted the back, not wanting to give them any more of me than necessary.

  "Dr. Bowing said that the test is not that accurate. How accurate is it really?"

  He ran his hands through his hair as if struggling with something deep inside. "The accuracy can vary greatly. So many things can make a girl look like she lost her virginity. Hell, if you play kind of sports there is a chance this test might be 100% wrong," He stammered as he set the speculum down. I stared at it and made a mental note not to piss off the doctors during the exam, I didn't want that stuffed further than what was needed.

  "I'm ready," I pressed down on my gown and sat down on the bed.

  "Good." He closed all the pouches of the suitcase and opened the door to the hallway and shouted, "Dr.Bowing, we are ready to begin!!"

  "Splendid," He shouted back.

  Dr. Crewly left the door cracked open and made his way to the side of the bed. As he strode over, I couldn't help but notice a large bulge from between his legs. It was glued hard against his right thigh, and the outline must have been at least six to seven inches long and two or two of my fingers.

  I instinctively bit my lip; I had gotten so close to one of those last night. I was sure that if my father had not interrupted Adam and I last night something would have happened. Something that would have made me a lot more worried about this exam. But, since nothing happened I was positive I would get the answer that I wanted from the doctors. Then, I could put all this behind me, and I could have some much-needed fun in college.

  I could hear Dr. Bowing talking to my father as he approached my door. "Nothing to worry about sir. Your daughter is in very good hands." He pushed open the door and slinked inside. Just as he was about to close the door, my father pressed his hand against it, propping it open.

  He looked at the doctor and then me, "I'll be right outside this door the whole time." With that, he took his hand off, and the doctor closed the door. Once shut he turned his attention to his surroundings.

  "Quite a room you have here," he smirked and walked toward me. He was careful to avoid any of the tools that were on the ground. They all shined like small silver gems as he tiptoed around them all, grabbing ah old of one of my chairs and carrying it on his back.

  He set the chair in front of me and sat down, one of his hand dropped down the side of my body until it rested on my thigh. "I'm hoping that you cooperate with us today Jasmine. It will go a lot smoother for all of us if you. Does that make sense?"

  His grip tightened on my thigh, "Yes, Dr. Bowing." A small sensation began to form inside my body. A wisp of fire gave birth to a bit of passion. My breathing started to grow a little deeper as I watched his hand move down my leg and onto my knee.

  "Good. Very good. Now, I need you to climb back on your bed until the tip of your toes rests on the edge of your bed." He pushed on my knee, trying to get his message across. I felt the pressure from before when he shook my hand. Dr. Bowing might look old, but there was an older man strength about him. He was much stronger than his assistant.

  I pushed my back into the bed and tried to relax my body as much as I could. My eyes drifted up to my ceiling from side to side. One side I could see Dr. Crewly eagerly watching Dr. Bowing as he readied his tools and on the other was pictures of me from high school. I interchanged between each of them as the clang of instruments rung in the bedroom.

  I felt the doctor's hands on my feet as they began to travel up my shins, taking the thin veil with them. "First, I'm going to move your gown up so that I can see better." His hands stopped at the top of my knee, and I began to blush. My bare pussy was out for the world to see, and there wasn't anything that I could do about it. No man or boy had ever seen it and now my first time would be with some old doctor. This wasn't anything any girl would be happy about. I tried to push the memories away and concentrate on the task at hand, hoping for anything in the world that it would be quick and done.

  "Hold the gown there," He murmured as his fingers began to move briskly down the inner side of my thigh. He wasn't wearing any gloves to protect himself from my bodily fluids. I could feel his cut nails leave marks on my delicate skin as he made his journey toward my cunt. My hips began to move up in anticipation, not of my accord. As much as I hated to say it, his touch was turning me on.

  The only hands that had touched my pussy all these years had been only my own. Feeling another foreign object against my bare skin sent ripples through my body. I could feel the air get caught in my throat as he stopped just at the edge of my pussy. In my mind, I pleaded for him to go forward. Outside, I just closed my eyes and dreamed of the sensations.

  "Visually, everything seems in order." The chair creaked, and I felt a hot breath against my inner thigh. Every second a new warm wave hit my shaved pussy, sending a roll of thunder up my body. With each breath, I could feel my bottom rise from the bed with a deep thirst. I knew what was bringing that warmth. His mouth must have been inches away from my pussy.

  I opened my eyes, "Doctor, aren't you a little too close?" I whispered through deep breathes. Although, I knew little about gyno exams I was pretty sure that this wasn't so routine. As much as I liked it, I couldn't give into my temptations. They weren't meant for these doctors. I was meant to be taken by other boys my age, not these older hulking men.

  "I'm as close as I need to be to complete the exam. Are you still going to cooperate with us?" Dr. Bowing brought his head out to the side, his eyebrows arched as he waited for my answer.

  I didn't say anything. I slowly brought my arms between my legs and covered myself with the sheet. "Not if your going to be that close to your face. I think I want this to be done by the doctor," I answered angrily.

  "Unfortunately, it's too late to negotiate the location. You and your parents have already signed the paperwork. It's my job now to make sure that the examination is complete." He turned his head over to Dr. Crewly, "Restraint her hands to make sure that she doesn't fight any longer."

  Before I could say anything, Dr. Crewly moved at lightening speed and covered my mouth. I tried to bit his hand, but his palm enclosed my whole mouth making me unable to take a bit of any part. With his other hand, he stuffed a white cloth into my mouth. I felt the cloth
sink into my mouth, and I tried to push it out with my tongue to no avail. He worked hastily, taking hold of each of my wrists and tying a white cloth around each of them.

  These white clothes were more like ropes that he pulled until they reached the bed's headboard. There he tied each cloth to either side of the headboard keeping my arms spread above my head. There was no fighting back now, only with my legs, but Dr. Bowing had a tight hold on them.

  I turned my head from side to side trying to get rid of the cloth in my mouth. I could see that Dr. Crewly was out of breath, and I couldn't help but to stop and gaze at his forearms. During our little tussle, he had pulled his sleeves up, revealing his strong muscular forearms. If this cloth weren't in my mouth, I would have bitten my lip with anticipation of grabbing that body of his. In a way being tied up was necessary evil since I could hide my carnal desires underneath the fear of being used. They would never know that I was enjoying every bit of their fingers prodding at my virgin body.


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