Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo) Page 27

by Sansa Gold

  "Of course." I hugged her tight back. My mother meant the world to me, she was always there after every breakup or dance recital in high school. I would never forget how much she did for me.

  "Alright, Dr. Dillon will be here any minute. Help me tidy up the rest of the room."

  I grabbed the dirty dishes off the table and turned on the faucet. I washed them while my mom stood next to me and dried them off. I was going to miss our nights together watching stupid horror movies and eating ice cream together.

  "So what kind of doctor makes home visits?" It just all seemed strange to me that a doctor would perform an exam at home. Could he even do it without all of his equipment? Didn't it break a hygienic or disinfection rule?

  "Its the only doctor I could get with such a last-minute request. I know it's a bit weird, but I'll be outside the door so if anything happens just shout."

  "Sounds like a plan." I gave her the last dish and started working on the table. The two of us were so messy. I probably should have helped around the house more, but it probably won't be a problem for her once I leave. I'm the one who causes most of the clump piles around the house anyway.

  * Knock*

  "Oh, that must be them now." She wiped her hands on her apron before going to the front door, I followed close behind.

  She looked through the peephole, "Hi, can I help you?"

  "Good afternoon, I'm here for an appointment with Sophia."


  "Yes, ma'am that's me at your service."

  She took the deadbolt off the door and creaked it open just a bit, "Who is the other guy with you?" I tried to see what they looked like however the opening wasn't large enough.

  "Oh, him? His name is Craig Dunderson. He is a pre-med student in training who has shadowed me for the last couple months."

  "Oh, just let them in already mom." I pulled the door to the side, "Come in Dr.Dillon I apologize for my mother."

  "Oh, it's no problem. I'm going to take an educated guess and guess your Sophia."

  "Yes, I am the doctor." I couldn't help that notice that for a doctor he was in marvelous shape. His biceps were glued to his lab coat. He put out his hand and smiled at me. God, that smile could melted all my worries about the exam. He had a firm yet delicate handshake and his fingers completely covered mine. All the dirty acts those thick fingers could do.

  He rubbed his hands together, "Let's get this started then. Craig! The papers please."

  Craig knelt and rummaged through a large black briefcase. Although not as outgoing as Dr.Dillon, Craig had his own appeal. I knew that he was not older than me, possibly around 25 or 26. He had thick dark hair that was slicked back and glasses that rested on the edge of his nose. He had a nerdy muscular look going for himself. It suited him well.

  Craig stood and handed the papers over to the Doctor, who turned and face me, "Alright, Sophia these papers are necessary in order for the examination to begin. It stipulates that you are giving me permission to perform a gynecology exam in your home. The usual setting is in an examination room at the hospital, but those are not the services your dear mother requested." He held out the papers for me to read over. I glanced at them and couldn't make sense of any of it. I flipped through the pages to see if any of it was legible. There were so bolded words here and there, but most of it was beyond my comprehension. I would have had to take out a microscope to be able to even read part of it.

  I handed them over to my mom, "See if you can make anything out of this nonsense," I turned toward the Dr. Dillon, "So how long does this procedure usually last?" I pulled some chairs out and offered it to them.

  "Thank you," He responded as he sat down, "Well that usually depends on how cooperative the patient is. If they fidget around it could take over an hour, but with their cooperation probably half that." Craig let out a laugh. Why was he laughing? Was there some kind of inside joke between them that I wasn't aware of? I blew the thought out of my mind and returned my attention to handsome Dr. Dillon.

  At first glance, he looked professional, but a closer inspection revealed his true side. His brown hair was uncut and zig-zaggd in every direction. Slight stubble was growing as if he hadn't shaved in a couple days. Not the most professionally dressed doctor, but then again everyone had their own style.

  "Is everything in order mom?" I turned my head toward her, she was barely halfway through the documents.

  She glanced at the sheets of paper and me, "As far as I can tell everything is good," She rotated her attention to Dr. Dillon, "Do I need to sign this?"

  "Not if Sophia is 18, she is considered a legal adult and can handle her own medical decisions. Are you 18 Sophia?"

  "Of course." I had just turned 18 right after my graduation. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to have a graduation and a birthday party so we had a gradbirthday, as my mom liked to call it.

  "Then you may go ahead and sign your own paperwork. Your mother can initial next to your name as the witness to the document, of course, its not necessary." I flipped to the last page and signed on the dotted line. My first official document as an adult, there was a weird sensation knowing that I was completely responsible for myself.

  "Alright, thank you Sophia. We can now begin the examination. You get to choose the room where the examination is going to be happening. I just ask that it's a private room so that there are no inside or outside distractions during the examination. Choose somewhere where you think you would feel the most comfortable during the exam."

  The choice was obvious to me, "That would probably have to be my room. I've spent my whole life in that room."

  He knelt and grabbed a gown out of the briefcase Craig was holding, "Go into your room and put this on. Make sure to completely undress and when you're ready just let us know."

  The green gown felt light in my hands and almost completely see through, "Sounds good." I hurried down the hallway.

  Inside my room, I quickly threw all the teddy bears and clothes off my bed, trying to make it as presentable as I could. I took the heap of clothing and set it in the closet. I grabbed at my shirt and pulled it off while also unbuttoning my jeans. As my panties and bra come off I look at my naked body in the mirror.

  My perky tits hung close against my body with nipples at attention. God, it felt good to be young and still have the world still ahead of me. After this gyno exam, I was going to go out there and fuck any guy that I wanted and have the best time of my life in college.

  I hurried and put on the gown, trying to tie the back of it as tightly as I could to my body. I knew that it didn't really matter they were still going to see my pussy, but it gave a sort of satisfaction. I lay down on my bed and got myself as comfortable as I could. At least I was going this at home and not in the cold white hospital offices. Those always gave me the creeps.

  I creaked open the door and poke my head out. There to the side of the door was Craig sitting with his back against the wall staring at me.

  "Ummm, I'm ready," I mumbled, something about him being outside my door just made me uneasy. Was he trying to sneak a peek at me undressing? Was he there the whole time?

  "Alright have a seat on the bed and I'll let the doctor know." He raised from his spot.

  I closed the door and jumped onto my bed. This was the first time that I was going to have a man in my room, at least someone that wasn't related to me. Mom had strict rules about allowing boys in here. I had tried multiple times to sneak high school crushes over the years. Each time had failed and I get gotten into deep trouble.

  My eyes wandered around the room, starting to realize how girly everything looked. One side of the wall had a collection of teddy bears I had received over the years, from family or high school crushes. On the other side of the wall was all the trophies I had managed to win over the years while dancing. The walls were a bright pink, they've been that way since I was like ten. Mom never really had the money to hire a painter or buy any cans of paint. But, I never complained because I know she tried her best.
/>   *Knock Knock*

  The doctor poked his head into the room, "Are you ready Sophia?" He waited there, I could see a piece of Craig behind me.

  "Yes, Doctor. Is Craig going to be in here during the exam?"

  He chuckled, "Of course, I need my assistant during the procedure and he is here to learn. He won't be doing much during it though, just observing."

  "I guess, that's all right." I moved my hair behind my ear. Not only was there going to be one man inside my room, but two now. I have no idea how my mother thought this would be a good idea.

  He pushed past the door and held it open for Craig to come in.

  My mother came into view, "Don't worry, sweety I'll be right out here if you need me." She smiled and waved at me like I was going off to college already. I guess it was a pretty big deal, having my first gyno examination kind of made me into a grown woman. Although, I was only eighteen I would soon be going off into the world on my own. This gyno exam would be like my first step.

  Craig waited until I awkwardly waved at my mother before shutting the door. His fingers lingered on the knob of the door before I heard the familiar click of the lock. That's strange, but I guess it made sense it needing to be private and all.

  Dr. Dillon grabbed one of my chairs from the corner and set it at the edge of my bed and sat. Craig handed him a folder from the briefcase, I could see my name labeled on it. "Sophia, before I begin my examination I need to start off with some baseline questions. The first one; have you ever had sex?"

  I hesitated for a second, my eyes switching between Craig and the Doctor. "Don't worry Sophia anything you say in front of us will be kept confidential. Your mother will never find out whatever you fee like confessing."

  "No, Doctor I haven't." I shyly looked down at my legs, beginning to play with my fingernails. It was a bad habit that I had been trying to break over the last couple weeks, it always happened when I got nervous. But, right now I would give myself the leeway since I was in a weird situation.

  He checked something in a folder that rested on his thighs, "Have you ever given or received oral from anyone?"

  "No, doctor I haven't."

  He checked another box, "Have you ever masturbated with any kind of object?"

  I let the question linger in the air as I tried to count all the thing I had done to myself, "No, I haven't. I've tried to masturbate, but as you can see I don't have much privacy too myself and..." I stopped myself.

  "And?" He held the pen just above the paper, waiting for my response.

  "And honestly I've been a little too scared to do it. My mother kind of condones any kind of behavior like that so I haven't experienced too much." I turned my head to the side as I felt the rush of heat to my face. They must think that I'm such a prude, that I would never like to experience anything in my life. But, they were wrong. I had saved all this pent up adventure for college, just like a lot of people did.

  "Don't worry you have all of college to experiment." Craig blurted out as if to say from personal experience.

  Dr. Dillon shot him a look making Craig look down at the ground, "What my colleague was trying to say is that your still young. You have a lot of time to do as you please later in life so don't feel discouraged about your current situation." His hand touched my knee. Although, the gown went down all the way to my ankles, I could still feel his coarse hand slowly rubbing my knee. A small pang awakened inside of me.

  He moved his hand away and jotted down the information in his folder. I crossed my legs as I felt my pussy start to drip. I tried to think of something else. Anything else so that I could turn myself off. I did not want him going down to examine me and wonder why I was already completely wet. This situation was already as awkward as it could be.

  "That concludes our questionnaire," He spoke as he handed the folder to Craig, who put it into the black briefcase.

  He got up from the chair, his soft hand gently landing on my shoulder. He rubbed it for a second, "Sophia, I'm going to need you to lie down for me now. The exam is going to be starting."

  I felt his hand push me down onto the bed, a dirty image crossed my mind. I brushed it aside, trying to focus on something else that wasn't going to keep turning me on. I tried to focus on the ugly features of Dr.Dillon. Maybe that will make my pussy as dry as the desert.

  Dr. Dillon hung above me as Craig brought him a bunch of equipment, which the doctor lay on the bed next to me. As I stared up at him I tried my hardest to come up with something that didn't please me. I started from the top of his head and worked down until I got to his belt. Dirty thoughts crept further into my mind, as I found myself starting to picture what his cock looked like. I turned my head to the other side, completely removing Dr. Dillon from my view. I obviously couldn't look at him without turning on.

  On this side waited Craig at attention, his hands behind his back giving way to his own large biceps. They really needed to get bigger lab coats. The ones that they had on now were way too tight for their solid figure. His eyes followed every move that the doctor. He seemed dedicated to learning everything from the doctor. My eyes began to trace further down his body until I arrived at the same conclusion. Oh god, why was I being so horny all of a sudden?

  I knew exactly why I was so turned on. My room had always been a sanctuary, no one was allowed in here as ordered by my mother. All the times I had tried to sneak someone in here I had been unsuccessful. See these doctors had the wrong idea, I wanted to have fun, but my mother stopped me each time. Now, in my room, there was two handsome doctors waiting to give me an examination. There was a taboo feature that was turning me on the more I thought about it.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the doctor move away from the side of the bed and sit down in his chair. "Sophia, I'm going to need you to scoot up a little bit until your toes are on the edge of the bed." I did as he requested, my toes clinging to the edge of the bed.

  "The next step is where we get a lot of first timers feeling nervous. But, don't worry about it just bring up your knees and open your legs for me." I did as he asked slowly bringing up my knees one inch at a time. The gown that went down to my ankles began to rise with my knees until it went completely over and onto my stomach. My pussy was out in the open now, there was nothing I could do to take it back.

  Dr. Dillon grabbed some plastic gloves from his pocket and pushed them down onto this hands. He, then, pulled the chair forward and put his hand on my toes, pinching my legs further apart. Satisfied with the distance, he worked his hands up my leg briskly and down the side of my inner thigh. The whole time I held my breath. I closed my eyes and tried to barrage myself with other thoughts, but nothing worked.

  I felt his hand stop just shy of my mound, "Craig, I need you closer to me and bring me my flashlight." I heard Craig's hurried steps and rummaging of equipment. After a few moments, Dr. Dillon's hand moved forward resting on my clit. "How does that feel, Sophia?"

  Marvelous. "Ok."

  "I need to make sure that your body temperature is normal. I'm going to stick a rectal thermometer, this is to make sure that you don't have any kind of fever or sickness."

  "Um, alright." I heard the squirt and then felt the cool temperature against my butt hole. I tensed up my legs as I instinctively wanted to close them.

  "Craig, will you hold her legs open for me."

  "Yes, sir." I felt the bed give way a little. I opened my eyes and saw that Craig was right to me, his hands inching toward my thighs. He grabbed hold and forced my legs open to both sides. I felt the doctor spread the cream around and watched as he spread it onto the thermometer. The thermometer was at least three to four inches long and half an inch thick.

  "Is this really necessary doctor?"

  "Of course Sophia. This is for everyone's safety. You need to trust us. We are doctors after all."

  Well, only one of you guys was a doctor the other was half a doctor and he was holding my legs open. I felt the probe hit my other hole. He pushed it in a little, making me move further
up the bed.

  "Relax for me. It's going to be much easier." I closed my eyes and tried to take my mind somewhere else.

  He pushed the probe inside and it chirped several times before a final ding sounded. Good, it's finally done.

  He began to pull the probe out and then push it back in. This didn't feel right at all. "What are you doing?" I asked.

  "I'm making sure its the correct temperature," He answered. His eyes concentrated on my body.

  He moved and pushed it back in several times before finally completely pulling it out.

  "Well, we have nothing to worry about your in good shape." I heard a click as he popped off the cap from the thermometer and threw the rest of it to the side. "Craig, something tells me your going to need to stay there for me."

  "Sophia, I'm going to need to stimulate your vagina now. I need to make sure that everything is running well." His hands moved up my body until they rested on the inside of my thighs. I held my breath. This was becoming too much for me. I looked down my gown and saw that my nipples were completely erect. I just hoped that they didn't look down at me.


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