Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo) Page 44

by Sansa Gold

  "Nothing, I just wanted to surprise you with something." I answered back, feeling the nerves move up my body. No, I will not be giving up now, especially after all this time. Anyway, there was no way to go back from this only forward.

  "What are you talking about?" I could see from his face that he was exhausted, I hoped that the next moments would spark some energy in him.

  I gripped onto the thin sheets that covered me, slowly pushing down until my shoulders were revealed. My eyes were locked onto his face, I wanted to see how he would react as I progressed down my body. Once, I reached above my breasts his expression changed to bewilderment, it was apparent to him that I was not wearing any sport of clothing to cover them. He said nothing, his eyes glued onto the covers as they slowly dropped.

  The outline of my areolas were almost uncovered, the nervousness grew, there would be no going back from this now. As the covers slipped down, they brushed against my erect nipples, it was then that his mouth dropped open. But, no words came from it instead he just continued to stare. So far so good.

  I pushed the rest of the covers off with my legs, revealing my bare shaved pussy. The chill in the room welcomed and embraced me. The first few seconds dead silence filled the room, my arm hung awkwardly in the air. I was starting to regret that rather fast.

  After much hesitation, a hand shot to his face and covered his eyes, "Oh god Jess, what are you doing? Your my god dam sister."

  "Oh, calm down Tom. I'm not your real sister we just grew up together." I hollered back, frustration by his question overcame me.

  "That doesn't change anything. This is so very wrong. Our parents would never ever be okay with this. What were you thinking?"

  "I was thinking that I could confess my feelings for you." His hands dropped out of his face, I could see that he was trying real hard to only stare at my face. "Listen, Tom I know the last couple years have been hard for the both of us, but especially for you. You have been here to take care of me when you really never had to. I've had feelings for you since we met and over the years they've only grown. These emotions within me want more between us. You've taken such good care of me, like no man had ever done before. I want that for the rest of my life."

  His body began to shake, his head weaved from side to side, he dropped back into his chair. I jumped out of bed, scared that he was having some sort of seizure.

  "Tom, are you okay?" I screamed at him, somehow this wasn't going according to plan. I never planned for my brother to have a seizure when revealing myself to him. I didn't know if I should be happy or sad that my body could do that. Something deep within told me that I should be happy.

  His head was sunken deep into his palms, as he rocked his body back and forth. I stood there in front of him, my hand gripping his shoulder, waiting for him to snap out of it.

  I lowered myself to his ear, "Hello, earth to Tom? You there?"

  He rose his head, "Yea, yea I'm here." It was then that his eyes got even wider. I couldn't understand what was the matter until I looked down and saw that my nipples were directly as his eye level. This might turn out better than my original plan, I giggled at myself. His eyes seemed to be mesmerized by them, as they hung and waved side to side. I looked down to his pants and could make the outline of his cock against the tight briefs. He might be denying me right now but his body gave him away. Several long seconds past before he seemed to regain his composure.

  "Get those out of my face." He whispered to me, his eyes still staring at them.

  "Nah, I'm pretty comfortable here. Your going to have to move them." I said, hoping that he would grasp them within his large hands, taking my bait. But, instead he rose from his chair and headed toward the door. Just as he was out of the door he turned around and looked at me for a bit, I waited for him to talk.

  "This isn't right Jessica. Your my sister and we grew up together. This can't happen between us. Not now. Not ever." He turned around, I heard the door to the bathroom slam shut. I sank into his chair and formed another plan in my head, I wasn't going to give up that easily. It was an annoying trait I had gotten from my mother, but I was hoping it would help me this time around.

  After several minutes of running the scenarios through my head I decided on the best one. This night would be the best time to act, the sexual tension was already there. I just needed to convince Tom that he wanted this as badly as I did, I could already tell that he was conflicted with what he saw.

  He never out rightly denied my body or say that he didn't want this, just that it was wrong because of our parents. I know that our parents would be happy for us, knowing that we would be together forever. Nothing ever breaking us apart, like a good family.


  I creaked opened the door to the shower, the steam had already coated everything in the room. I could see Tom behind the glass down, his face facing away from me. I quietly shut the door behind me and inched closer toward him, the closer I got the more that I could see of him.

  Although, Tom was always busy with work he always somehow found time to work out and stay in shape. His hard work had definitely paid off, my eyes cemented onto his solid ass. My eyes moved downward mesmerized by the excellent physique he had managed to hold all of these years.

  I guess it came natural to him since he was the head football player when he was in high school with me. All the girls always went crazy for him, all I could do was be jealous when they swarmed around him. But, now it was my chance to have him all to myself.

  Standing next to the glass door, I wiped away some of the condensation that had gathered and smiled. I knew exactly what he was doing, all those nights outside his door watching him confirmed it for me. I slowly pushed aside the glass mirror softly pushing next to me, so close that I could hear his exhausted breathes.

  His right arm moving from side to side in front of him as he continued to pleasure himself. I could only hope that he was picturing fucking me as he jerked off. I pushed my lips together and blew some air onto the back of his neck, his arm stopped mid stroke.

  He turned around, "Jess, what are you doing in here?" He screamed at me.

  A smile spread across my face, as his cock touched against my thighs, "Well, I was hoping I could finish what you were working on." I answered slyly.

  I pushed my hand out and grabbed his cock, he recoiled back in surprise, but I didn't let go. He was rock hard as I began to stroke him, my eyes glued onto his face. I loved feeling the slight turn and every bump of his cock, I had waited for this far too long.

  "We shouldn't be doing this Jess. It isn't right."

  I forced him against the tile wall, my lips pressing against his. At first it was slow but it quickly built up as he realized that I wasn't going to stop. His hands gripped the side of my face, his lips trying to devour my face. I loved the random little nibbles he gave me as he kissed me, showing more passion than any man before him.

  I continued to take claim of his cock, as I opened my thighs and placed it between them. I rolled his cock between my thick thighs, letting him get close to my cunt but not completely giving in to him yet.

  I forced my tongue into his mouth, seeing as he wasn't going to do it I was going to take what I wanted. If this was going to be the only night that this happened I wanted the memories to last forever, who knows he might regret this in the morning. But, judging by the hardness of his cock something told me the chance was very slim. I let my tongue find every nook and cranny, feeling his sweet saliva mix with my own.

  His hands had long gone down my body, gripping my breasts hard into his hand. As he squeezed them, his fingers would work toward my nipples giving them a slight pinch, sending shivers down my spine to my soaked pussy. It made me want to stuff his cock deep inside me, but I controlled myself. I knew what I wanted from him, but it would come in due time. For now I would enjoy all of the teasing, from both of us.

  His hands moved up my body, sensually touching every part of it until they rested on the side of my arms. In one rapid move, he gra
bbed me and twirled me around. Now my back was against the wall, being pushed by his strong muscular arms.

  "I know that we shouldn't be doing this, seeing as we are brother and sister, but your making me so hard right now. I don't think I can hold back much longer." He whispered into my ears, as his head traveled downward leaving trails of warm kisses and suckles across my body.

  "So don't resist any longer." I answered, between the heavy panting that grew as he got closer to my ripe nipples.

  When he was inches away from the tip of my nipples he turned his head up, a smile spread across his face. He looked back and started dragging his lips down across my breasts, teasing me with every movement. My hands moved up and urged him onward to take my nipples in his mouth, but he resisted.

  There was nothing I could do but let him have his way with me, his torment sending shocks throughout my body. I decided to take matter into my own hands, literally, so as he worked my large breasts I took hold of his cock and balls.

  I held his balls in my head, rolling them around and feeling as they squished in my hand. I gave a little tug on them and he rose on his feet, I smiled. I loved having this much control over him. I stroked his cock, starting from the head and working my way down. He reached my nipples and his tongue mercilessly rolled onto them. With every suck that he took a slight hotness traveled down my body, toward my pussy.

  With my whole nipple in his mouth, his fingers diligently traveled down my body until they rested between my legs. They pushed and prodded, trying to find their way between them but I kept my legs locked. He wasn't going to get in that easily, I would make him work for it.

  "You can't do this to me Jess, not after you pushed yourself onto me so hard." He laughed, his fingers still prying and tried to get to my goods.

  "I'll tease my older brother how ever I want. Your not getting my pussy that easily." I moaned back, as his moist tongue lapped around my nipples, sending another wave through my body.

  "Fine, be that way." His mouth left my breasts and he dropped down on his knees, the water from the shower dripping against his back. With him closer to the ground, he was able to use his arms and began straining my legs opened. I just let him have me, there was no longer any point in pretending like I didn't want it.

  He pushed his mouth onto my pussy, I felt the ridge of his teeth on the top of it. His tongue brushed against the top of my clit, sending chills running up my spine.

  "Just put it in me already. Please." I begged him, having been completely satisfied with the foreplay.

  He took his mouth away from my pussy and smiled at me, "I can do that."

  I felt the excitement grow knowing that after all this time of watching my brother stroke his cock from afar it would finally close in on my tight cunt. The nights I had spent dreaming of his cock working its way into my pussy would finally come true, I couldn't believe that all my planning had worked. I looked down and saw his massive erect cock, I hoped that I could take it all and make him happy.

  As the thoughts moved across my mind I noticed that he had not moved up and into position. Instead, his hand traveled up my thighs until it reached the inside of legs. It moved slowly around feeling every bump of my shaved pussy, which I had gotten ready just for tonight.

  He took his index finger and began to run it between my flaps until it stopped at my tunnel. I dropped my hips down wanting his finger to take me already, but he turned his head back at me and smiled.

  "Its not going to be that easy." He smirked back at me, as he pulled his hand away. "I'll decide when I enter that tight cunt of yours sister." This was his revenge for earlier.

  I took an exasperated gasp, somewhat frustrated but also enjoying the continual teasing. I dropped my hands onto his hand, wanting to grab something while his torture continued. His fingers continued to brush the tunnel and slowly began to work its way into my cunt.

  "God, sis your so tight. Is this your first time?"

  "Mhmm. I've been saving myself for someone extra special." I gleamed at him, hoping he would now that he was that someone.

  "I feel so loved, let me repay for it."

  He pushed his finger into my tight cunt, I could feel myself spreading apart. I've masturbated before but my fingers were so small and fragile, his were more rugged and manly. One of his fingers had to be as wide as two or three of my fingers, I gripped his head harder knowing that the pain would soon come. I tensed my body, as the horror stories from other friends ran through my head.

  "Will it hurt?" I asked before he pushed any further.

  "Only a little, but it the will be replaced my amazing sensations Jessi. I'll be gentle with you, don't worry." It was then that he laid a kiss on my mound.

  The weight in my shoulders dropped as I heard him speak those words. My grip on his hair lessened and I waited for his finger to travel further into my cunt. I couldn't help but smile at him, this is who he was. For as long as I had known my brother he was always a gentle giant, taking care of anyone that needed it. Now he was sharing that with me, more than ever before. It meant a lot for him to be here for me in this important moment in my life.

  "Thanks, Tom."

  "No, thank you sis."

  He dove back into his work, his fingers prying my flaps apart as he pushed further inside. I felt my pussy grasp onto his finger as it ever so slowly worked its way in, his eyes still staring up at me. Probably, making sure that I was alright. With that image in mind, I shut my eyes and let the feelings take over me, which grew stronger than ever before.

  As his fingers moved through my velvet hole, I felt the pressure build in the pit of my stomach. A tightness in my legs began to take hold, but it wasn't because I was scared. I think I was getting to the point of climaxing from the sensation of his penetration.

  I could feel his every move and turn as he went deeper inside me. Then, all of a sudden he stopped and I could feel a hard object at the entrance of my pussy, I opened my eyes slightly and saw that he had put his index finger completely in. So far, I had taken Tom's entire finger, his knuckles touched the entrance to my cunt.

  "Are you ready for two, sis?"

  I looked down at his hand, seeing his middle finger straighten out. That finger was the longest and thickest of all of them, combing two of them would take a toll on my cunt. But, I wanted to make him happy and I also wanted my brother's fingers inside me for as long as possible.

  "Yes, just be gentle."


  He pulled his index finger out and pushed it together with his middle finger. He laid his mouth on my clit, his tongue dancing around the small nub. I let out a small gasp, it had already grown so sensitive and we had not even gotten to the main event yet. His fingers pushed past my whole, much quicker than before but it didn't hurt at all. I could feel him rapidly spreading it apart, a short pain ripped through me.

  "Ow." I laughed. "That wasn't that bad."

  He pulled his head back, "See, I told you that I would take care of you."

  I knew that he would, never doubted him for a second. He began to recede his fingers and slam them into my pussy quickly, creating a slosh sound that filled the shower. My attention became diverted as I let the heat in the pit of stomach grow, my eyes moving around the room.

  I looked at the water that hit Tom's back and traveled down the middle of his spine, until it got lost at the edge of his back. I became immersed in that spot, as the feeling continued to grow. I slowly felt myself rise onto the tip of toes, Tom's fingers pushing harder and faster than before.

  "I'm going to cum, Tom. Keep going, please." I pleaded with him, my body was already tight.

  With that exclamation Tom pushed his tongue harder onto my clit, my hands shot onto the back of the tiles. My palms spread onto them, feeling the cold that they brought. I desperately searched for something to grab while my climax took over me.

  "Keep going. Keep going." Was the only thing I could say, as the shivers traveled up and seemed to grab onto my throat. It was then that Tom's fingers le
ft my wet cunt, letting the feeling course down through my body, and exiting. I pushed my back harder onto the tiles, hoping the cold would bring me back up to speed In those short moments, I had almost blacked out. I could see small spots traveling across my eyes sight.

  "Making me work hard I see." He said, as he messaged his fingers. "You gave me a terrible finger cramp."

  I laughed at that, "Sorry." But, I really wasn't. I liked that he worked so hard to bring make me finish. It was time for me to repay him.

  Tom laid down on the floor of the shower, his back against the glass entrance. The water from the shower only hitting his large legs and feet. I looked at the head of his cock, knowing that he was exhausted and it was my time to please. I became entranced onto it, watching the water hit the head and travel down its side. He had an enormous cock. Someone up there smiled down on him, a gentle men well endowed was all I could think of.

  I bent down and grabbed his cock, positing my pussy right on top of it.

  "What are you doing?" He asked.

  "Its my time to get a cramp." I smiled at him as I lined up his cock with my cunt.

  As I gripped it I slowly dropped down until I felt his head push against my entrance. I circled his cock around, spreading my cunt flaps apart and teasing him just as he did to me. Tom's hands moved up my legs, until they reached the side of my legs and gripped hard. I knew that he wanted it, but he didn't say anything. His eyes just intently stared at my entrance, his hips slowly rising from the tile floor, trying to persuade me.

  "Na Uh. Its my turn to tease you a bit."

  I gave a couple tugs on his cock, before I pushed him inside. I had readied myself for this for so long, but it was completely different from what I had expected. The head of his cock was the only thing in and I could already feel it stretching my tight pussy apart. My breathe grew as I bit my lip and pushed forward. There was no way that I was going to stop now, not when I had come this far. I took a deep breathe and pushed on.

  "Oh god, Tom your so big."


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