Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo) Page 55

by Sansa Gold

  "Are you still sure about this?" He asked me.

  I stood there for a second and nodded my head.

  "Aright then, chain me up then. The full moon is almost out."

  Chapter 4: The Transformation

  I checked the chains around his wrists, one last time, "So what exactly happens when there is a full moon?"

  "Well, I can't really control myself when I transform. I behave like an animal and just destroy things. These chains are to ensure that I don't hurt you more than anything."

  I appreciated that he wanted me to be safe, but honestly I didn't really know how to feel right now. Out of the all the scenarios I had ran through my head, I can honestly say werewolf was not among them.

  "So, how long before you turn?"

  I waited for his answer but none came. I looked into his eyes and they didn't seem to be focused, Don was off in his own little world. I was beginning to get worried, I didn't know if I wanted to be here for this, if it happened. I loved this man with all my heart, but could I love him when he became a werewolf? I was also a bit scared, I had heard stories about werewolves and none of them seemed to be that good.

  I sat down in a chair and just watched Don, I hoped that I wouldn't regret my decision to stay. It was then that he began to growl, it was low at first but grew in volume. Don began to pull at his chains, his arms and feet wailing in the air.

  "Let me go. Let me go." Was all that he screamed, I tried my best to not go forward and undo his chains. I had promised Don that I wouldn't do anything until everything was done.

  It was then that I saw the hair begin to spread across his body. It mostly began around his chest and spread upward toward his head. I got out of my chair and inched forward, completely taken aback by the whole transformation. Don swiveled his head side to side until he locked eyes with me, his body grew still.

  The eyes that stared back at me where not the same ones that I had peered into earlier in the night, they were more animalstic and uncontrollable. As I stared into his eyes, Don opened his mouth and let out a mighty howl, his teeth had now become fangs in the front. His fingernails had sharpened, his clothes no longer fit him as his body had grown to twice the size. I wondered if his cock grew in size as well. I looked back at him, this was still the person that I loved. The person who was in front me of was the man that I had fallen for, no matter what he changed into. He was still a human person that held a special place in my heart, I knew that I could keep him there forever even if he was only semi-human now.

  "Don, are you there?"

  He snarled back at me, as his arms and legs began to flail from side to side. I wanted to run away but something pulled me closer to him. He looked like he was in very deep pain, I wanted to help him like he helped me so many times before.

  I brushed my hand down the side of stomach, immediately putting a stop to his movements. His head turned back toward me, again staring at me. For a brief second I could see the Don that I had fallen in love with, it was like a glimmer of Don had past.

  Don opened his mouth, not a word came out. His lips were moving, as if he was trying to communicate with me. I moved my lips and mimicked his, all that came back was, "Kat." I smiled at him as I ran my fingers through his bushy wolf hair.

  My eyes began to move down his body, only a small piece of his boxers remained glued to him. Curiosity was definitely getting the best of me, I moved my hand down and swept the fabric aside. I started at his cock, I couldn't believe that it had gotten bigger as well. Don's cock was already enormous before, this was monster size. Could I handle a dick that large?

  I touched the shaft of his cock, it moved in respond. Don raised his head, looking at my head as it felt his wolf cock. Maybe, I could control this beast that he had become. I might be able to bring him back to reality if I doused him with intense pleasures.

  I lowered my head, bringing my tongue out and licking the helm of his cock. A growl erupted from him, but it was more welcoming than threatening. I gripped the bottom of the shaft and brought its helm to my mouth, running my tongue around it. He quickly began to stiffen, I puckered my lips around his cock hoping to give him the same feeling from earlier tonight.

  I forcefully rammed his cock into my mouth, gurgling sounds escaping my mouth. Don began to continuously howl into the night, I hoped that it worked. But, even if it didn't I was thoroughly enjoying my first wolf cock.

  As his cock hit the back of my throat, his howls began to turn more into grunts. He began to sound more and more human with every jam into my throat. I moved my hand, stroking his shaft, as my tongue twirled around his helm. One thing hadn't changed; his taste. He still tasted like the man that I had fallen in love with, this erupted a flame within me. I stroked his dick, while thrusting myself further down onto it.

  "Right there, Kat. That's a good girl." I raised my head and looked him. I couldn't believe that it was working, but I couldn't stop now. Not when I was this close to bringing Don back to reality.

  I climbed onto the bed, my legs touching the cold chains and sending a different shiver up my side. I knew that I had to be careful, I didn't want to get into a bad situation. I positioned myself above his cock, slowly guiding him in.

  I instantly felt the difference in size, his cock stretching out my pussy even more. My body leaned forward, the feeling of his massive shaft overwhelming me. My hands gripped the hair on his chest, making sure to stay clear of his head for now. I rolled my hips onto his cock, sending my body whacking against his tights. I felt the tightness in my body return, more intense than before. But, I pushed forward knowing that I had to do everything to bring Don back.

  I jammed my pussy as hard as I could against his cock, sending my head flying back in pleasure. Sobs of pleasures escaping my mouth, as I closed my eyes letting it all soak in. I was fucking a werewolf, this was the most completely bizarre thing I had ever done. As I took Don's wolf cock I knew that I would accept him no matter what. I would be here for him because I loved him, no matter how he had changed.

  His grunts filled the room, long gone were the howls from before. "IF you keep doing that I'm going to finish in you." He roared, his voice was different from before. His voice had grown much deeper and hoarse in his transformation, I quite liked it.

  "Cum for me. Fill me with your werewolf seed." I hollered back at him, lowering my head against his chest. Although, the chains held him back he stared to dive into me using the little slack he had. Even in his state he still wanted my cunt. I felt the air rushing down his body, I began to work my way up to his head. I kissed my way up until were stared at each, his eyes no longer foreign. Instead, his familiar eyes stared back at me.

  I threw my mouth against his, our tongues once more meeting again. I moved my tongue against his new found fangs, knowing that at any second he could change moods and devour me. But, I didn't care cause I knew he wouldn't do that. He loved me and I loved him.

  I pulled my body back and bucked my hips harder onto his body, feeling the heat rush into me. He was filling me with his wolf seed, the trembles had taken over my body. He was filling me up, as my orgasm juices flowed down his cock. I wanted more than anything to give him a child that he has never had. That would show him how much I loved him, no matter how he changed.

  I crashed onto his stomach, leaving his hard cock with me. We were both exhausted, his chest slowly moving me up and down, like the swaying of a ship.

  "Well, you don't get to do that every day." Don laughed, I was glad that he fully returned to me.

  "Yea, this was something beyond my wildest imagination. Only one problem?"

  "What's that?" He asked.

  "I have no idea how I'm going to explain any of this to Leslie."

  His chest erupted with laughter, sending my body flying up and down. I knew that I would love this man no matter what. Just like how he loved me.


  Book 32: Innocent Student

  Third week of college classes and I am going to be late. I rushed up the
stairs skipping two at a time, of course the elevators were broken today. At least it would look like I rushed and tried to make it to class on time. Maybe he would cut me some slack.

  Professor Adam Rowling was known for his strict syllabus and the meticulous guidelines that he set for the class room structure. Being a naive college student I didn't know to heed the rumors and research my teachers on line, now I was stuck with him. I was going to have to make the best of it.

  I turned the corner and rushed to the door. I misjudged the distance and tried to stop but my feet wouldn't stop. I was sliding quickly to the door. I pushed my hands out and closed my eyes. This would hurt.

  "That was a close one Mrs. Lambert," he said.

  I slowly opened my eyes and was met by Professor Rowling's chiseled face. He looked at me with such concern in his eyes. Gone was the ruthless face he put up in class. His arms had gone around my body and they were so welcoming. He had completely stopped me from making a fool of myself. I had clumsily fallen into his open embrace. This man had saved me from total and klutzy embarrassment.

  I turned my head and looked into the classroom. Everyone was staring at us and whispering among each other. I looked back at Professor Rowling and that's when I noticed how close we were.

  My chest was pressed firmly against his. I was taken aback at how masculine and sturdy his chest felt. My eyes continued down and that's when I saw what everyone was laughing about. My hands were placed firmly between his groin. I jumped back. I felt my face get red as blood rushed to it.

  My eyes darted to the ground and I rushed past him. I couldn't look him in the eyes. I quickly scanned the room and saw that the only chair left was the one next to the teacher's desk. I quickly walked over to the chair and avoided eye contact with everyone.

  I could hear the murmurs. It was funny to see that although we were in college every still acted like high school students. I'm sure I won't hear the last of this.

  I reached into my back pack and grabbed my note book. I had spent hours last night agonizing over the readings. None of them made any sense to me. I wasn't able to complete any of the discussion questions for today.

  I looked up and everyone was staring at me. Again I felt the blood rush to my face. Had I been asked a question?

  "Thank you, Mrs. Lambert for that little acrobatic show. Now I'll only repeat myself once more. What do you think Persius was trying to say in his memoirs?" he questioned.

  "Ummm..." I quickly racked my brain for the appropriate answer. Anything to try and get away from this situation. Anything to make him leave me alone.

  "I don't know," I answered.

  A look of disappointment quickly went across his face. His hands shot up to his face, he rubbed his temples with his fingers. He let out a groan, "Not only were you late to class but your also not prepared?" He made his way to my desk.

  He hunched over and started into my eyes. I could feel the hate in his eyes. He straighten his back and scanned the room. "I am going to give you all some advice." He walked back to board and turned to face the class. "Like I have repeated countless times before IF you want to pass my class there are two simple rules: Don't be late and BE PREPARED." He roared.

  The silence in the room was eerie. My eyes slowly scanned the room and everyone's heads were down. Nobody wanted to be here. I turned my head to the board again and Professor Rowling was staring back at me. My eyes quickly feel down to notebook. I hate him so much. I hated everything about him.

  Rowling resumed to teach about the stupid wars that no one care about. Although I was humiliated by him my mind kept racing back to one image. My hands on his groin. I kept playing the scenario in my mind.

  His caring eyes and chiseled face staring back at me. The feeling of his hard chest and abs against my chest. The feeling of his groin between my hands. I could feel my breathes get heavier. I picked up my hand off the notebook and slightly brushed against my tits. My nipples were rock solid. What was happening to me?

  I hated this man. He had spent the last few weeks embarrassing and ridiculing all of us. Even through all that the same scenarios kept popping into my head. One in particular involved him bending me over a table and spanking me. I want him to show me how to be a good student. I could be that good student for him. Why were all these fantasies popping into my head? What the hell was wrong with me?

  "Ok class we are done for today. It would benefit you all to do the readings and be prepared for class on Wednesday," he said.

  I sat in my chair and waited for everyone to leave. I needed to explain myself. Maybe he would be more forgiving if I talked to him in private. As the last student made his way out of the classroom I got up and made my way to his desk.

  "I don't have much time left. So, what can I do for you, Mrs. Lambert? he said not even bothering to look up from his papers.

  "I know that I was late. I'm truly sorry about that and it won't happen again." I hated pleading to him. He was probably getting a hard on just hearing me plead for his forgiveness. No teach should have this much power or hold over his students.

  He looked up at me with his green eyes and again I could see the loving and caring part of him shine. "I'm afraid there isn't much that I can do. You just haven't been putting the effort to show me that your worth saving. I just finished grading last week's papers and your was abysmal. The fact that you came late and didn't prepare for discussion show me that you just don't care about this class." He exclaimed.

  My hands quickly slammed the table. He moved back in his chair his eyes locking in on mine. "Your wrong. I do care. I want to try my best but your just an asshole." I roared back. I turned around and rushed toward the door.

  I felt him grab a hold of my wrist. Through all the anger my mind rushed back to the fantasies. I wanted him to whirl me around and fuck me against that table. I would show him that I cared right then and there.

  "Ok, Annie. Can I call you Annie?" He questioned.

  I nodded my head.

  "Look, I know I was being an asshole. A lot of students come through my classroom and don't seem to care at all. They just want to come here, get an easy A, and completely forgot everything I taught them. Its very discouraging." His hand slowly moved from my wrist to my shoulder. I was staring down at the ground. I was too embarrassed to look at his face.

  His hand went from my shoulder to my chin. He stared into my eyes and I stared back into his. I moved forward. My hands went around his back and my lips touched his. I expected him to back away but he didn't. He kissed me back.

  My hands moved down his back to his ass, tracing every part of him. His body felt so good against mine. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and it tasted so sweet. His hands grabbed my face and held it there. I pushed away.

  "This is wrong. We shouldn't be doing this." I looked up at him and saw his eyes move up and down my body. My eyes darted down to his groin and I could see the outline of his cock. Was this how I wanted my college experience to start? Did this mean that I was a big girl?

  "Look, Annie your an adult now and you can make your own decision." He slowly crept towards me. I stood where I was. "This feels right to me. Don't you want to show me how much you care about this class?"

  I did want to show him. I wanted to show him how much I cared. How much college meant to me. "But I hate you so much. I've hated you since we first met." Even as the words left my mouth I knew that I wanted him to fuck me. To throw me against one of the tables and teach me.

  "I've seen this before. I'm pretty sure you want to hate fuck me. Get out all that aggression that you've had over the past weeks."

  Hate fuck? This was the first time that I had heard about this but it made sense. I didn't love or even like Professor Rowling. I held an immense hate for him, just like everyone else.

  His arms grasped my arms. He slowly veered my body back. I looked eyes with him and could feel the hate over come me. This man had made my first weeks of college a living nightmare. I had put up with his ridicule, his torture for weeks.<
br />
  I felt my back hit the wall at the back of the room. We were completely away from all the windows and the door. No one would see us. It was the middle of the night and the janitor would clean this floor last.

  His hands moved from my wrists to my stomach. His slowly pulled my shirt out of my pants. He started undoing the buttons. I could feel and his deep breathes. It almost sounded like the panting of an animal. I was his prey.

  He undid the final button of my shirt. My eyes darted down to my exposed bra and then up to him. I was met by his hard gaze. He continued to look me in the eyes as his hands cupped my breasts. I didn't stop him. This felt so very right.

  As one hands grabbed my tits his other went back and undid my bra. He slowly took it off and I let it fall to the ground. His lips came forward and down my neck. He calmly worked his way down. I looked down the trail of marks he left on my skin.

  My nipples were completely hard and he hadn't even reached them. His mouth swiftly rushed for my nipple and engulfed them. I let out a load moan. I was not expecting that. His hands worked quickly.

  As he sucked on my nipple he turned into an animal. His fingers worked feverishly to undo my jeans. I finally felt the pressure of my jeans release. His mouth rushed to my other nipple and sucked on it hard. Again I let out a moan. My hands moved down to my panties and felt my pussy.

  I was completely drenched. I moved my panties aside and slipped past inside. I was so very warm. He grabbed my hand and pulled it out. He grabbed my other hand and pushed me against the wall. He pinned and held my hands above my head.

  "Your body belongs to me for now," he roared.

  I was scared but also very aroused by his words.

  "Teach me. Show me and spank me," I threw my head back against the wall and moaned.

  He dragged my hands against the wall and kept them there with one hand. His other hand rushed down to his pants and undid his belt and button. It was then that I saw the outline of his rock hard cock. I felt like I should tell him before he went to far.


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