Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo) Page 59

by Sansa Gold

  At first I would have never seen it, but between the books there was a small crevice that emitted a red light. Curiosity got the best of me, I inched forward, moving books to the side.

  I suddenly became light headed, my gut clenched. The hunger I felt before left my body. I was so fucking screwed. With the book out of the way, a small silver camera stared back at me. I instantly knew what it was, a nanny cam. He was recording me to make sure I didn't do anything stupid.

  I followed the trajectory of the camera, until my gaze fell upon the couch. I was so screwed, when he gets home tonight he would see me flicking the bean on his couch. He would never hire me again, any chance I had of getting his attention would fly out the window.

  I went into overdrive, I needed to find the computer that stored the evidence. I needed to get rid of any of the evidence before he got home. I followed the wire of the camera, until it led me to the back of the house. The cable snaked under a door, a sign posted on the door read "Daddy's office". I jiggled the knob, my gut dropped even further.

  It was locked. Fuck. Chapter 3: Into the Office

  Lucky for me I used to pick locks all the time when I was younger. It gained access to a lot of parent's liquor cabinets when I was growing up. I pulled a hair pin out and jammed it into the office door knob. I moved the pick around while twisting the knob, frantically searching for the click. After several minutes of agitated turns of the pick, some swear words, and a sweaty palm I heard the click I wanted.

  I rushed into the room, my eyes following the cable of the nanny cam to the desk. I moved the chair aside and booted up the computer, praying to god it wasn't password protected. As the computer booted up, I looked around the room. I needed something to relax me.

  My gaze fell on a picture frame on the table, it was of Adam and his daughter. They were somewhere tropical, his wife no where in the picture. Maybe, one day I could take a trip with them somewhere warm. The thought of that helped my heart rate decrease. I heard the booming sound of the computer's log in screen. Yes, finally my luck was beginning to change. No password was needed to get access to his computer, I'm guessing he never assumed anyone would get past his locked door. My hand grabbed the mouse and it clicked on Adam's profile, a picture of his daughter and him popped up as the screen saver.

  I looked through his files, until I found the one that I was looking forward labeled "Nanny Cam". Once inside the program, I clicked on the most recent entry on screen. I fast forwarded it, until I saw the image of me leaping onto the couch with the remote in hand. I pressed play, curious to see what exactly the camera had caught. Within seconds the sounds of the porn on TV erupted from the speakers. I saw the image of me pushing my hand down my pants, my hand grabbing my tits. My moans started to get louder than the porn from the TV.

  I was intrigued. I have never watched myself masturbate before. I could already feel myself getting warm between my thighs, the idea of almost getting caught by Adam turning me on. I unbuttoned my pants once again, now that I was comfortably within his office chair. A hasty glance around the office room told me there weren't any other camera, my eyes began to drop. Using the sounds on the computer to get me going.


  My eyes burst open, Adam was at the door staring back at me. Confusion was already across his face.

  "What are you doing, Jenna?" His voice already raising.

  I pulled my hand out of my jeans, "Ummm... Nothing, Adam. I was just -"

  "Just what-" He yelled back at me, as rushed toward the computer. I jumped out of his chair, standing at the back of the room as he sat down. I was even more screwed than before.

  His hand grabbed the mouse, it hovered over the pause button. I moved to the side and looked at him, trying to figure out why he hadn't stopped the video yet. His eyes were glued to screen, watching me play with myself. After several seconds, he noticed that I was looking at him. He paused the video and swiveled in his chair, now facing me. One arm rested on his table while the other was on the hand rest of the seat. His legs were spread apart, his dark green eyes falling onto me.

  "What exactly were you doing in my office Jenna? No one is allowed in here beside me."

  I instantly knew that this might be the best opportunity for me to get what I wanted. I inched forward toward him, my hand lightly circling the side of his forearm. He didn't pull away, this was a good sign. "Well, its kind of complicated. All you have to know is that I was a very bad girl tonight."

  I had moved between his legs, my hand had slowly creeped up his forearm and it now rested on his shoulder. I brought my other one, resting it on his other shoulder. I felt the heat coming from his body, my fingers slightly pulled at his shoulders. I had never been so close to him before, he smelled so nice. It was a mixture between sweat and coconuts.

  He cleared his throat, "What exactly are you doing, Jenna?" He didn't move away, he sat there and stared at my body. Probably picturing me naked, now that he had seen part of the video.

  "Something that I've been wanting to do for a very very long time." I dropped down to his eyes level, giving him a slow passionate kiss on the lips. His lips were so coarse and rough, but welcoming for me. With that small peck on his lips, I pulled back and waited for his reaction. I wasn't going to force him into anything he didn't truly want.

  "Do you want me to continue?"

  He pushed himself back, away from my body, and rose from his seat. His dark green eyes glared at me, "We can't do this Jenna. I know your parents for christ's sake. They would never approve of this." He pushed past me, looking at me one final time before he left the office.

  I stood there and smiled to myself. He might be saying that but his body was betraying how he really felt about me. In that brief interaction I could see how he liked his lips when he looked at me, his cock was pressed against his thigh, and his hands wanting to grip my body.

  I knew that with a little more push I could have him. I just needed to show Adam that this was truly what he wanted. A plan formed in my head, one that I knew would win him over. I would be putting my best assets on display and going for the point of no return. But, I didn't care.

  All I wanted at this point was Adam. Chapter 4: Assets on Display

  I hid behind his office door, quietly giggling too myself knowing how ludicrous this plan was. Once I was ready, I called out to Adam. There was no way this wasn't going to work. He would see that the lust that I held for him. What guy wouldn't want a college girl to fuck and be with?

  He entered the office, his whole back was drenched in what seemed like sweat. What exactly was he doing while I got ready? His head moving side to side trying to find me. I closed the door behind him, his suddenly turned around. The front of his belt was already unbuckled, I could see the outline of his red briefs. I looked at his face, how his mouth fell agape and his eyes widened. Well, that was definitely the reaction that I was hoping for.

  My plan was a very simple one. To completely undress until I was in my panties and bra. I would then call Adam in and try to seduce him. Try to make him see that he wants me just as much as I wanted him.

  "Adam, I know that you want me." I strolled over to him, my tits and ass jiggling with every step. "You can deny it as much as you want, but your body and reaction gave you away. You can't hide that from me." I grabbed his unbuckled belt and pulled. I didn't know what I was doing, but I rolled with the moment. I grabbed both ends of the belt, and pulled, until the middle of the belt met with such force that a crackle filled the room. This would be useful for later.

  He still hadn't moved, his eyes were glued onto my body. I wonder how long it had been since he had seen someone naked beside his bitchy wife? I inched closer to him, my eyes peering down at his cock. There it was, pressing hard against his dress pants. I had never been with a black man, but so far what I had seen on porn was right. Just the outline of his cock, sent my body quivering. I wondered if I could take it. I shook my head, I knew that I could and would take it. I would do anything for Adam.

/>   I brought my head close to his neck, lightly biting his black skin. A small gasp of air left his body, I felt his hands on my side.

  "This isn't right, Jenna." He whispered into my ear.

  "No, this is right. What isn't right was you being married to that cunt of a woman. Your the most caring and gentle man I have ever known, Adam. What I feel for you is much more than a crush. I've fallen for you, Adam." I murmured back, then continuing my small bites on his neck.

  His hands began to down the sides of my body, the palms of his hands were so soft and eager. I knew exactly what he wanted. I had watched enough porn to know that black men loved a nice big ass. I wasn't the skinniest girl, I knew that, but I did have a nice large ass. I was insecure of it as times, but I hoped that Adam would appreciate it.

  His hands moved until they were underneath my butt cheeks, I smiled to myself. His palms suddenly clutched onto my ass, pulling my body forward toward his. My breasts pressed against his body, the fabric of his dress shirt warming my cold body.

  With our bodies this close I could feel his cock against my inner thigh, the slack of his pants made it dig hard into my body. I brought my leg up and rubbed against it, wanting to feel its every bump. I wanted to grow accustom to it, before we became even more introduced with one another.

  "Your ass is so fucking great." As he dug his fingers into my body.

  "You don't think its too fat?" I asked, hoping that he would comfort my worries away.

  He released his hands, pushing me until we were looking at each other, "Nonsense. You have the best ass I've grabbed in a while."

  I laughed, "Well, the only ass you've grabbed for the last twenty years was your wife's."

  He chuckled back at me, seeming to be amused with th idea, "True, but she never had an ass like yours for as long as we were together." He brushed my brown hair out of my eyes, "Are you sure you want to do this? Your parents will be furious if they find out?"

  I put my serious face on, I needed him to know that this wasn't just a fling for me. "I don't care what my parents think. All I want right now is you..." I giggled, "...and that cock."

  "Well, I can definitely deliver that to you." He beamed that smile of his.

  His hands fell on my ass, grabbing it harder than before, sending me on the tip of my toes. I took the opportunity to nibble on his ear, before releasing it and diving down toward his chest. I grabbed the sides of his shirt and pulled, the buttons flew everywhere. We both chuckled, but dove back into the heat.

  His hairy chest stared back at me, not like all the clean and shaved chests of all the other guys I had seen. I ran my fingers through it, savoring the feeling of them. This was a sight that I could get used to. I buried my head into his chest, lightly pressing my lips and tasting his body. I worked my way down his body, as his hands moved up mine.

  I reached the seam of his pants, and I stopped. I wasn't sure that I could handle the next part, it was something that I had no experience in. I felt my hands trembling as I brought them to the final button, I bit my lip with anticipation. There was a sense of wonderment that filled me, I was scared but also very excited. I had waited for this moment for all of high school and the majority of college. I didn't want to fuck it up.

  "Whats the matter?" His eyes peered down at me, I could see the small stubbles on his chin.

  "Ummm...there might be a problem." I dug my face into his pants with embarrassment.

  I felt his hands brush slowly rub the side of head. "What problem?" He answered back.

  I cleared my throat, hoping that this wouldn't deter him from continuing on. "I've never been with a man."

  A smile spread across his face, "That's not a problem at all Jenna. Do you want me to teach you?"

  I feverishly nodded my head.

  "Alright, I can do that. First, I need you to unbutton my pants and pull them down."

  I moved forward, gripping his pants and pulled them down. His cock jumped into the air, it swing side to side, it was larger than I had ever imagined. The head of his cock stared back at me, beckoning me forward toward it.

  "We will start off, I want you to slowly grip it from the shaft and place it on your tongue."

  I gripped his large black cock, pushing my tongue out into the air. I could see small drops of pre cum on the tip of his rod. I brought it upon my tongue, a warm sensation of saltiness filling my tongue.

  "That's a good girl. Now, suck on the head and stork the shaft."

  With the meat of his head in my mouth, I began to stroke it. Adam moved back, sitting on his desk. I inched forward, following his cock wherever it went. An idea popped into my head, I had seen it in some porn videos before. I brought his head deeper into my mouth and rolled my tongue around it, a grunt emitted from Adam.

  I could feel his hands run through my hair, until they stopped at the back of my head.

  "I'm going to inch you forward onto my cock. I'll go slowly, don't worry."

  I felt the pressure applied my head, as my head began to move forward. My saliva and his pre cum mixing as it rode deeper into my mouth. Just as we got half way, I felt the pressure of his helm on the back of my throat.

  "Ok, I'm going to have to be a little more forceful now. You ready?"

  I nodded my head. I would do anything to please him. I gripped onto the side of his legs with my arms, as the ride began.

  He clamped onto the back of my head harder, he pushed forward with his fingers. I felt his gigantic cock pushing down my throat, any chance of swallowing was completely blocked off by it. I began to panic, as I felt myself gasping for air. But, I didn't want him to stop. I wanted to give him everything. I held myself together, as he pushed onward, knowing that I would be at my limits within seconds.

  Before, I knew it my lips touched the base of pelvic, his meaty cock was entirely within my throat. I wanted so dearly to pull back, but I felt Adam's fingers messaging my throat. I felt myself lose consciousness, I gripped his body and pushed away. I gasped for air, pre cum drizzling down the side of my mouth.

  "Wow, Just wow. Nobody has taken my dick that far. I'm impressed, Jenna. You sure this is your first time?"

  I coughed, "Yep. Never done that before in my life."

  "Well, its very natural for you then. I'm very impressed."

  He rose, moving his chair out of the way. "Come here, so I can please you know."

  I got up and made my way, facing his body. I moved the keyboard aside, sat down, and opened my legs for him. I had been anticipating this moment for years. I heard the crinkle of the condom wrapper, sadness filled me.

  "No. No condom."

  "You sure about that, Jenna?"

  "Positive. I want to feel your cock inside me. I want you to cum in me."

  He didn't wait for me to change my mind, he knelt down and moved my panties to the side. His tongue dove between my wet flaps, as his fingers gently tugged at my pussy. I instantly moaned, my hands gripping onto the back of his bald head. I pushed him harder onto my body, wanting his tongue to dive deeper into me.

  Doing so pushed his head further up my body, now his tongue danced at my clit. He moved his fingers around my slit, teasing me at the entrance.

  "Put it in." I begged.

  He shook his head no. He wanted to tease me, before he gave me his cock. I felt the tightness in my body, it started in my gut and traveled up. I closed my eyes, savoring this moment. My thighs pressed against his ears, I had long lost control of them. Long and winded moans left my body, the heat in my stomach growing.

  "Keep...keep...keep going." Was all that I could muster through the rolls of pleasure.

  With one final swoop I felt his tongue and finger leave my body. My body began to shake uncontrollably. The euphoria of heat washing over me, I've never felt this strong feeling before. Once it washed over me, I opened my eyes and stared at his beaming grin.

  "You looked like you enjoyed that."


  "You ready for the next part?"

  "Mhm." Still recove
ring from the torrent of emotions.

  He grasped the side of my hips, pulling me off the table. He turned me around, pushed down on my back until my chest was against the table.

  "I want to grab your fine ass while I fuck you."

  I licked my thoughts at the image of that. I felt his hand move my panties to the side, the warmth of his cock on my cunt. I tensed up, waiting for that large cock to enter, hoping that it didn't hurt as much as people said.

  He must have sensed it, "Don't worry I'll go slow."

  I felt his hot rod move past my flaps, beginning to stretch my tight pussy apart. There was a jab of pain that ultimately left and was replaced with deep pleasure.

  "God, your so fucking tight." He roared, as he pushed his member forward.

  I felt him stretch me apart, the amount of pleasure was out of this world. I felt my breathe get caught in my throat, not pushing forward no matter how much I willed it. My nails dug into his table, I needed to grasp onto something. I didn't know why but I just needed to hold onto anything, maybe that would contain the passion within me.

  I felt my nails dig into his table, pulling away the nice wood, but I couldn't control myself at this rate. He was going deeper in me than my fingers ever had.

  "There we go."

  I could finally breathe, as I pushed it out and gasped for more. Adam's hands were gripping hard onto my ass. He made me feel so loved.

  "Slap my ass."

  He did as I commanded, giving it a slight scrape.

  "HARDER." I roared back at him.

  A shock of thunder roared up my body as his palm met my cheek, I loved it. He began to thrust into me, as his hands played me like some kind of drum. He must have laid down twenty lashes against my ass in quick succession, each one harder than the last. I moaned out in pleasure, as saliva dripped down the side of my mouth. I tried to egg him on, but the words that left my mouth were not coherent.


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