Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo) Page 71

by Sansa Gold

  I expected their eyes to be on my pussy as soon my panties dropped, but not these doctors. Their eyes were glued onto an imaginary point on my forehead. These doctors had more self control than most men today.

  "Your shirt, Mrs. Glass," Dr. Watson whispered, his body unflinching. With one swoop the shirt left my body, my tits bouncing as they left the cotton confides. One of these days I would buy an actual bra that fit me. When the bra was on the ground, one of the doctors knelt and picked up the clothes. He threw them over his shoulders, they landed on the table behind him.

  Instinctively, I covered myself as best as I could. Somewhere in here cold air was blowing through a duct. The draft traveled up between my thighs and wrapped around my nipples. One forearm hid my tits while the other covered my pussy.

  "What now?" I whispered.

  "Now we will see if your a good candidate for our experiment," Dr. Earnest replied.

  They pushed me away from the door, until we were in the middle of the room once more. Both of them knelt and pinched at my body. Dr. Watson focused on the front of me while Dr. Earnest was behind me.

  Dr. Watson moved aside the arm that covered my breasts, his hand grabbing at my breasts. I let out a small moan as his fingers gripped onto my nipples with a small tug. I hadn't expected him to be so rough with me. Behind me, I could feel Dr. Earnest's fingers move down the side of my body until they reach my ass. He palmed it with each hand, his warm breathe traveling down the side of my body.

  "Mrs. Glass, I need you to remove your hand from between your legs," Dr. Watson interjected.

  I looked down at him, his blue eyes sparking in front of me. If I moved my hand my pussy would open to him and his fingers. No man had ever seen or touched me down there. A chill ran up my body at the idea of his tongue lashing against me. "How come?" I whispered as the idea moved through me.

  "I'm not at liberty of answering that. Just know that its part of the procedure." He looked at my hand, waiting for me to move it aside.

  I did as he commanded. There was nothing I could do. They weren't going to let me leave anytime soon, not when I was dumb enough to sign all those forms. I couldn't say that I lied about reading all those forms, not now at least.

  Dr. Watson's hand climbed up the side of my inner thighs, shocks of electricity lightening inside of me. His hard knuckles bumped along the way up my body, until it stopped just below my entrance. He dragged his finger along my thigh, which was already wet. He brought his fingers in front of me and I blushed as he rubbed his fingers together.

  "Your quite wet, Mrs. Glass." He smiled as his hand shot between my legs. He pressed lightly on my clit, making me weak in my knees. No man had ever touched me like him. Was this experiment worth it? Something in my gut told me that I should stay and have a little fun, I deserved it after the last month.

  The only problem was that his touch was becoming too much for me to handle. Every little tug and roll of my clit sent shivers, shocks, and yearning down my body to the center of my core. A monster inside of me was waking up, one that wanted to throw itself onto the doctors. To show them how I wanted to be treated. How I wanted to be used by them right in this room.

  'Harder," I whispered between clenched teeth. A cluster of blurry stars danced on the outside of my vision, just a couple more circles and I would turn into putty.

  He didn't answer. He let his actions speak louder than his words, as he pushed down on my clit, lighting a spark inside of me. There was something electric about being used by the doctors. I was learning something about me I never knew. I liked to being used and taken, especially by two handsome doctors. A feeling began to take hold of me, clusters of ecstasy spreading through me.

  Dr. Watson's hand left my body as I moaned out in pleasure. They watched as the earth shattering orgasm funneled through my body. A slight ringing was left in my ear as the cool air rushed down my throat. A few seconds ago I felt like I was walking through a cobweb, everything around me had moved in slow motion. Now that I had regained my sense, I looked around me.

  Two smiles greeted me. No words were exchanged between them. Both of them pointed toward the wall behind the silver table.

  "Congratulations, Mrs. Glass. You passed Part One of the examination."

  The doctors began to clap, confusion spread through me. I passed part one of the exams? What did that mean? I didn't even know that I was being tested for something. I replayed the events inside my head trying to figure out what the test was.

  A low hiss filled the room. It drowned out the applause of the doctors. Or had the applause stopped? I wasn't certain because my eyes were too focused on the other side of the table. The wall had began to split. On the other end, darkness welcomed here. I turned around to look at them. All of them nodded in unison.

  There was no where else to go. I walked forward into the darkness. From now on, I would make sure to read the terms and conditions no matter how long they were.

  Chapter 2

  I walked into the darkness of the room. Clattering footsteps followed close behind, I didn't need to turn around to see what it was. I knew the doctors were watching my every move. What they were looking for I had no idea.

  I was enveloped by the darkness. The footsteps behind me stopped and I was left with the silence. The wall behind me that had been open seconds ago had closed. There was no escaping this now. I was their little experiment, there was no doubt about that.

  "Hello?" My voice seemed to reverberate around the room. Nobody answered. At least that was a good sign because it meant the room was small. This would have been harder if I was forced to make my way through a endless dark maze.

  I held my arms out as far as I could. They weren't going to see me smack my head against the wall. Each step that I took was short and deliberate, making sure to feel the area in front of me. For all I knew there could be trap doors in this experiment.

  "Dr. Watson?" I whispered out into the abyss. A chill ran up my body. An overwhelming feeling began to take over me. Had I just screwed myself over? Did they figure out that I was lying on that application?

  Brightness. Everything around me was white. I closed my eyes and readied myself. There was no telling what they had planned for me at this rate. I cracked open my eyes and looked around the room. I was at the right most side of the room.

  I was right. The room wasn't that big. It was probably the size of a hospital waiting room. The whole place had a medical feel. Everything was covered in white. Everything looked lean and sterile.

  To my left was a wall of different instruments, all held by hooks on the wall. A few of them I recognized like tongs, a speculum, stirrups, etc. Others looked like something out of a medical show. Instruments I had seen, but couldn't remember the names to.

  I turned around taking in the rest of the room. In the middle of the room was a black leather table that had a white sheet running down the middle of it. It was a medical table, one that everyone saw when they went to the doctor. It was the only object in the room that wasn't white.

  On the other side of the table the two doctors waited. Each held a manila folder in their right hand, a clipboard in the other. They alternated between me and their pages. Each time that I moved their pens moved on the paper.

  "What's the next step?" I looked at Dr. Earnest.

  "Have a seat on the table." He pointed at the table in front of him.

  My breasts shook as I walked over to the table. I had given up trying to hide my body. There was no need for it since they already violated me. There was little they could do that would surprise me now.

  I aligned myself at front of the table and grabbed the end of it. I hoisted myself onto the table, the warm touch of the leather greeting my bottom. I moved back until the end of the table rested underneath my knees.

  One positioned to my left and the other to my right. This time there was no chill that ran up my body. I had gotten used to their little experiment?

  "What's next, doc?" As much fun as I was having I still needed t
o leave at some point. The sooner I left the sooner I got my money. I just hoped that there was nice bonus for making it this far.

  "Lie down on your back." He grabbed my forearm and pushed me down on the table.

  As he forced my head onto the table, my eyes wept. The lights were much brighter than the other room, blinding my surroundings. All I could see was a stream of hands as they moved at my feet.

  I couldn't see much, but there was one thing that couldn't be avoided. Dr. Watson's cock was hard as the table. He was trying his best to hide it, but was failing miserably. I was glad that our little escapade in the other room had turned him on so much. He saw me staring at him and smiled.

  "Open your legs," Dr. Earnest commanded. I did as I was told.

  Dr. Watson broke away from the table and walked toward the wall with the hanging tools. He grabbed at his beard as he searched the wall. There was something that he wanted, something that he needed. After several minutes past, he finally gripped something off the ground.

  There was no mistaking what they were, I had seen them before at the gyno doctor. In each of his hands were stirrups. He opened each one of them at a time and hooked them to the underside of the table. He grabbed my feet and set them into the cold metal. With each one firmly set he pulled down on the clamps that surrounded my foot.

  I wiggled my foot, but it didn't give. The only thing that I could do was move my toes. There was no where to go now. They had complete and utter control of me. Arousal took hold of me. A dirty thought slinked into my head.

  They could do whatever they wanted to me.

  Dr. Watson walked back to the wall, this time he was decisive about what he wanted. His footsteps echoed inside the room as Dr. Earnest and I watched him move along the wall. He grabbed two contraptions that resembled the stirrups.

  "Mrs. Glass, I need you to rest your arm on them," Dr. Earnest said.

  "Excuse me?" I stuttered.

  He grabbed my forearm," I need you to rest your arm here. Now." He thrust my arm onto the metal contraption. When it was fitted down the side of my arm, he clicked a button.

  The machine came alive. It grabbed hold of my forearm, as a series of clamps wrapped around each part of my arm. There was a soft click as a lock came into place around my wrist, elbow, and shoulder. There was no way for me to escape this.

  Panic consumed me. I don't remember volunteering myself for this. For all I knew they could sell my body on the black market if they wanted too. I dug my nails into my shoulder trying to get the clamp off.

  I pulled and screamed, but nothing gave way. "Help me," I shouted at them. They did nothing. Instead, Dr. Watson grabbed my arm and brought it down on the other side. Just like before he pressed a button and it came alive.

  I was trapped. I pulled at my legs. Nothing. I heaved my chest and pulled at my arms. Nothing. There was no where to go now.

  "Sit still, Mrs. Glass. This will all be over soon enough." He pressed his hand on my forehead. I looked into his eyes.

  I needed to relax. I wasn't going to get out of this by panicking. Not right now at least. I needed to show them that I was willing to relax and trust them. Maybe, they would trust me and I could use that to my advantage.

  "Yes, Doctor." The words stung as they left my mouth.

  "Just remember that you signed up for this. I had nothing to do with choosing you. Lets begin shall we?"

  I nodded my head.

  I wanted to spit in his face. There was no way that I would have signed up for this. Not with what I knew now. Being forcibly tied against my will? Hell no, would I have signed up for this.

  Dr. Earnest pulled out his folder, "It says here that your still a virgin. Is that correct, Mrs. Glass?"

  No that wasn't correct. Another lie that I used to get into these clinical trails. Recently, it seemed like a pre-requisite to be a virgin to get accepted. Of course, I lied. I followed the trail of money that left behind.

  I looked away from him. I didn't want to answer him. I was scared of what he might do if he found out that I had lied.

  "Tsk tsk." He hit the top of the pen on his chin. My face probably gave me away. No truthful person would try to hide their face from such a simple question. He leaned and whispered something into Dr. Watson's ear.

  They nodded their heads.

  "Alright, Mrs. Glass just this one time we will make an exception. We are astonished with your progress." He smiled as his hands wandered down my body. It rested underneath my neck. With a bit of force he cranked my neck up making sure I looked at him. "Just remember this favor," he spat the words out like venom.

  They seeped into my brain. He didn't seem like someone I wanted to double cross more than once.

  "Yes, Doctor."

  "Very well, lets begin then." He looked over at my legs. He moved along the table until he was between my legs. They were completely open for him, my pussy right in front of him for the taking.

  For some odd reason, I felt more secure with him between my legs. Although, I didn't necessarily like him. He was the one I felt the closest too.

  "The next part of the examination is standard. All of our patients undergo this at some point. It is necessary for the last step." He undid his belt as he spoke.

  Dr. Watson said nothing. Instead, he continued to jot in his folders as I talked. Something told me that it would lead to this eventually. "Are you ready for this?" He stroked his cock in his hand, a drop of pre-cum already on his head.

  "Yes, doctor." It's not like I had much choice in the matter. He was going to take me regardless of what I thought. And something inside of me wanted his cock inside of me. I was still completely drenched from earlier, so it wouldn't be hard for him to slip inside of me.

  He smiled as his hand moved up the inside of my thighs, he licked the top of his lips. My body shuddered at his touch, almost as if awakening from a slumber. A finger played with my clit, as I felt his length at my entrance. I closed my eyes and readied myself for him, unsure if I could take him whole.

  "Open your mouth, Mrs. Glass." Why did he need that from me? The light burned as I opened my eyes.

  At some point, Dr. Watson had dropped his pants. His stood by my side stroking his cock, as Dr. Earnest positioned himself between my legs. Was I suppose to take both of them? Before, I could ask the question Dr. Watson pushed his instrument inside my mouth. A wave of electricity coursed through me as I licked off the pre-cum

  Dr. Earnest pushed inside of me and I moaned in surprise, my hot breathe moving down the side of the Dr. Watson's cock. I took his cock inside my mouth, as Dr. Earnest stretched my little pussy. There was no hesitation from the other doctors. Their hands grasped at any part of my open body, as they stroked their hardness.

  "How does that feel, Mrs. Glass?"

  I tried to turn my head, but was too preoccupied. I would have gladly answered if I could, but there was too much fun to be had. I only wished that I could use my hands and stroke them all into bliss.

  My clit burned with fire as Dr. Earnest pushed himself deep inside of me. Every thrust sent a shiver running up my body, tears already gathering at the edges of my eyes. Every little stroke inside of me sent my body into an orgasm that broke my little world. This whole adventure was becoming too much. I couldn't believe that I was going to get paid for this.

  "I'm going to cum," Dr. Earnest moaned as I felt his hot liquid shoot inside of me. As he filled me up, his hands gripped the side of my body. The inside of my cunt filled up with cum as he pumped the last drops inside of me.

  "Is that it?" I asked when I had a moment to breathe.

  "Almost," Dr. Watson answered.

  Dr. Watson moved between my legs, his slapped my pussy before diving inside of me. I moaned out in ecstasy as I felt Dr. Watson let his cum loose into me, while Dr. Earnest stroked my hair. His soft, warm, electrifying kisses spreading down the side of my body. I had never been used like this. It had awakened a side of me I never knew was possible.

  With my eyes closed, the last bit of
fireworks erupted inside of me. My body quivered as their cum dripped down my taint, the soft trickle onto the tile floor. "Are we done?" I asked, completely tired by the whole ordeal.

  "We are done," Dr. Earnest answered, his hand moving a piece of hair to the side.


  Book 43: Her Foreign Doctor


  He doesn't waste any time. His hands grip my inner thighs for a moment, before moving forward toward my pussy. I can't look at him, not when he was going to touch my pussy and find out how wet I truly was.

  My hand slides down between my legs, checking if I was a wet as I thought. Not quite, but there's definitely a heat, a raw, wet craving that he will be able to feel as he works his way up.

  I want him to feel me, but at the same time I don't. There's a weird dance of pleasure and denial running through me, my hand still cupping my pussy.

  "Your going to have to move your hand if you want me to find out what the problem is." He grabs my pinky and pulls me away, exposing myself to him.

  I can't hold back the moan that washes over me. It comes from deep inside, pulses out my mouth, as he touches me. No man had ever been here before. No man that I truly wanted until now.

  My breathe quickens with each probing touch. My chest bows up, pushing against the gown, giving my buds a little friction.

  So much for regaining my breathe. By the time, his touch leave me, I'm panting, struggling not to pass out from my first taboo touch. I want him to go a little further, to put his job on the line and fuck me. I've already made up my mind that I wouldn't say anything to anyone.

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  Chapter 1

  The door finally shuts and I sink into the bed. It took a lot of work to get them out of the hotel room, but it was going to be worth it. My ear presses against the door until I'm sure I can't hear their voice anymore. I giggle to myself with excitement as I hop into bed.


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