Daring to Trust

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Daring to Trust Page 5

by Trisha Wilson

  She felt tears rolling down her cheek, and she shut her eyes in anguish, crying, oh Mark.

  Suddenly, hearing another boat not far away, she opened her eyes and looked around. She spotted one speeding toward them. Julia squinted her eyes and swore she could make out Mark in that boat. Big John heard it, too, and swerved in another direction, throwing her off-balance once more. When he started thought she better off in the floor of the shooting, she

  was probably boat, instead of sitting on the bench, so she stayed put.


  When Mark saw the other boat, he breathed a sigh of relief. After he noticed that Big John was in the boat alone, his heart took a nosedive into the pit of his stomach. He and Greg took cover once the bullets started flying. Matt joined them, as soon as he stopped the boat. Mark looked at Matt and said, “I don’t see Julia!”

  Greg pointed out, “I saw her, man, just before he swerved. It knocked her down, but she’s still in that boat.”

  Mark nodded, “Thank God. We can’t shoot or we might hit her.” Matt agreed and put on a helmet. “What are you doing?”

  Matt grinned, “We can’t shoot, but we can get closer.”

  Still confused, Mark asked, “But what’s with the helmet?”

  “Oh it’s bulletproof. You two can take cover while I drive.”

  Mark raised an eyebrow and looked at Greg, mouthing, “Bullet proof helmet?” Greg’s only response was a shrug. ****

  Julia wondered why Mark wasn’t shooting back at Big John. Then, she understood why. Because I’m in here, she thought to herself. She managed to get enough balance to pull up and hurl herself into the water. It was only after she’d hit the water that she realized what a mistake that had been. With her hands and feet bound, how was she going to swim? She felt something hit her jaw and she went under. Kicking her legs, she fought to get her head back above water, but it was no use. She was sapped of strength and had no more fight left in her.


  Once Matt got the boat close enough, Mark and Greg jumped over onto Big John. They were taking turns hitting him, but it didn’t seem to be doing any good. Suddenly, Big John went down, and they looked up. Matt had shot him, right between the eyes. Shrugging, Matt said, “I don’t know why either of you didn’t do it.” That’s when they all three became aware of Julia not being in the boat.

  Mark scrambled to look over the edge, “Where is she?” Seeing something below the murky water, he jumped in. Recognizing it was her, he hurriedly swam to her and pulled her to the surface. Matt and Greg were both ready and waiting, to pull them both in the boat. Matt began CPR, while Mark held her hand, whispering, “Come on baby. It’s gonna be okay. Just come back to me.”

  Finally, Greg took over the compressions, while Matt drove the boat back to shore. Once there, Mark carried her to his jeep and headed toward the emergency room. Greg stayed behind to wait on the authorities to take care of Big John, while Matt went in search of his dad.

  ~Chapter 10~

  Mark hated hospitals. He

  had been sitting there waiting to hear about Julia for three hours. He glanced around the room and saw everyone was there. Greg had arrived after the authorities had taken care of Big John, explaining they had found photocopies of Mark’s driver’s license and other pictures Quickly, contents of his wallet to make sure nothing was missing and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his and Julia’s wedding picture. He pulled it out and stared at it, remembering back to when he’d first put it in there.

  “Mark!” Not knowing what Julia was yelling at him for, he took a quick look at his feet and noted he had left his shoes off

  in his possession. Mark scanned the

  when he came in, so that couldn’t be it. Finding her in the bedroom, he said, “What’s wrong, honey?” She looked up, grinning from ear to ear, “Our pictures finally came back!” Confused, he asked, “What pictures?” She playfully slapped his arm, “Our wedding pictures, silly! Here, look at them.” He was in shock, thinking they had gotten lost somehow or they’d been ripped off by the photographer. “Wow. Really? It’s been two years; I’d given up on them.” Smiling, he sat down on the divan beside her and started looking at them with her. When he spotted the pose of them gazing at each other, oblivious to everyone else, he just stopped and stared. His wife was absolutely breathtaking. He already knew that, of course, but whoever said ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ got it right. All the other poses were good, too, but this one was his favorite and he wanted a copy of it. When she stepped out of the room, he fumbled around trying to find the box with the wallet sizes. Finally locating it, he’d barely got one out and stuck it in his pocket before she stepped back into the room. He hadn’t been trying to hide it from her, but he knew he’d feel a little embarrassed if she found out he wanted to carry it with him. He had never been big on words, so sometimes it came hard for him to express how he felt toward her through talking. He’d rather show her. Grinning at her, he stood up and went to her. Mark crooked his finger, saying, “Come here, you. Have I thanked you lately for being my bride?” Giggling, Jules glanced at her watch, and then smarted off, “No. Not lately, sir. Isn’t it time you remedy that?” Narrowing his eyes at her cheekiness, he proceeded to do just that. They later believed that to be the night they conceived their first baby.

  This picture has gotten me through a lot of rough times, he thought, putting it back in his wallet.

  When he snapped out of the past, he realized everyone was staring at him, “What?” Looking closer, he noticed all the women were crying and all the men were looking at him like he was an idiot. “What?” he repeated.

  Abby spoke up, “Mark, you know I don’t like you, right?” When he nodded, she continued, “That was the sweetest, most romantic thing I’ve ever heard, so maybe you’re not such a big jerk after all.”

  He quickly glanced at Greg, sitting beside him, “Was I thinking out loud again?”

  Greg patted him on the back, “Yup. You sure was.”

  Groaning, Mark asked him, “Why didn’t you shut me up?”

  Smirking, Greg asked in return, “Now what fun would that have been?”

  Without bothering to answer, Mark stood up to stretch his legs when he saw the doctor coming through the double doors. They all gathered around and the doctor turned to Mark, “Sorry for keeping you waiting so long. We wanted to run a few more tests just to make sure but she’s going to be fine. Luckily, the tape that had been on her mouth when she was underwater saved her from getting water into her lungs. The cut on her cheek was from a bullet. It didn’t go through, but it did a little more than graze it, and she required six stitches from that. Even after the stitches are removed, she’ll have a scar for the rest of her life, unless she chooses cosmetic surgery, which personally I don’t think it’s necessary. It will fade in time, and will be hardly recognizable. However, she had lost some oxygen to her brain and she has cerebral hypoxia. We’re going to keep her for a few days for observation. With severe cerebral hypoxia, she could experience seizures or could even stop breathing. In minor cerebral hypoxia cases, also, there can be a decreased motor ability, so she might have problems getting around for a while, along with some others. If that’s the case, we’ll start her on physical therapy as soon as she’s up to it. We’ll cross those bridges if, and when, we reach them. Having her here, we’ll be able to keep a close watch on her so we can take immediate action if something should happen. Since we’re unaware of how long she was underwater, we can’t determine if she has a severe or minor case at this point. The longer she’s unconscious, the worse the side effects will be. I’m not trying to scare you folks, but I don’t believe in sugarcoating my patient’s condition, so family is never taken by surprise if something should go wrong. After she’s wheeled into a private room, y’all can go back and see her. I’ll send a nurse out to get you when they get her settled. She is hooked up to a few machines, but don’t let them worry you. They’re only safety precautions.”

shook his hand, “Thanks, Doctor.” He looked at Jae, “Do you know anything about that stuff he was talking about?”

  She replied, “I’ve only seen a couple of cases of it. Every person is different, so let’s just wait and see how bad Julia’s case is. She’s a fighter, and we’re all here for her. She’ll get through it!”

  Ellen piped in, “That’s right. She is a fighter and we have to believe she’ll get through it. We’ll have everyone praying for her and she’ll be back to her normal self in no time, regardless of any side effects she has from this nightmare.”

  Mark nodded, “You’re right, I know you’re right.” They gathered in a circle and joined hands, so William could lead a prayer on her behalf.


  Julia felt like a two-ton truck was sitting on her chest. Why couldn’t she breathe? Struggling to open her eyes, she thought, “Oh well isn’t that great! Someone glued my eyes shut, too.” What was wrong with her? Was she dreaming? If she was dreaming, shouldn’t she be able to wake up? She didn’t know what was going on, but she didn’t like it. She opened her mouth to scream but no sound emerged. She kept hearing voices, talking like she wasn’t there. “I’m right here,” she wanted to scream. Suddenly, she felt her muscles tightening up and she could feel herself jerking. Was she drooling? “Please someone tell me what’s happening to me!” She felt defeated when once again the words wouldn’t come out.


  After an hour had passed since the doctor had come out to talk to them, Mark wondered what was taking so long. He walked up to the nurses’ station to ask, only to be told someone would be out shortly. Sighing in frustration, he started pacing back and forth in front of the double doors. A few minutes had passed, and Janet walked over to him, put her hand around his arm. She looked at him with compassion, “Mark honey, you need to sit down and try to relax. She’s going to be okay.”

  He glanced at her and then looked away, saying under his breath, “I should’ve never come back here and she would be fine.”

  “Marcus Allen Turner! I better never hear you utter those words again! My baby girl has been the happiest since you’ve been back, and I wouldn’t trade her smiles for the world. You better straighten up. She’s gonna need you and you best be the man I know you can be or you’re gonna answer to me! Do you hear me?”

  “Yes, ma’am!” he saluted her smartly.

  She slapped his arm and he watched her go back to sit down next to her husband, whispering something to him as she did so. When Mark saw William stand up and start walking in his direction, he groaned inwardly.

  Slapping him hard on the back, William said, “Let’s walk.” They began walking down the hallway and when they got out of sight of everyone, William stopped and faced him. “Janet said you wished you hadn’t come back. That true?”

  Sighing, Mark said, “Yeah I said it.”

  “Well, let me tell you something, sonny boy. When you come back, I wanted to knock you back to where you’d been, afraid you’d hurt my baby again. But, after I saw that sparkle come back into her eyes, boy, if you leave again, I will come after you and you’ll wish then that you’d never met me.”

  Mark glanced away, unsure of what to say, when William continued, “Look at me. I know you love her and whatever fool notion you got up there in that head, you just get rid of ‘em, ya hear me? She loves you and if you leave again, it’ll crush her. I know you told me about how you felt guilty last time and that’s the reason you left. And if I’m reading that look in your eyes right, you’re blaming yourself for her being hurt in there now, ain’t ya?”

  Quickly wiping away a tear before the old man saw it, Mark said, “Yes, sir. If it hadn’t been for me, Big John would’ve never come after her.”

  “I’m gonna leave you with this, and I want you to think about it. If it hadn’t been for you, my daughter wouldn’t have known love the way you’ve given it. Granted you were an idiot four years ago, but it appears she’s forgiven you. If she can forgive you, so can I. So get over yourself and make it up to her for the next seventy years.”

  “Yes, sir,” Mark replied. After William walked away, Mark done something he hadn’t done in four years. He hunkered down and cried.


  Julia’s head was spinning. She had this strange taste in her mouth that wouldn’t go away, but she couldn’t seem to make herself move to get a drink of water. She was still hearing those voices, and had been for quite some time. She’d finally lost her mind. She knew it was coming, but she figured she had several years before she went totally crazy. Not knowing how to get anyone’s attention, she nodded back off to her dream world.

  ~Chapter 11~

  About two o’clock the next

  morning, a nurse finally came out and said to follow her. Mark asked, “Is she okay? What took so long? The doctor said hours ago that it wouldn’t be long.”

  The nurse smiled gently at him, “I’m sorry, sir. She’s fine now, but she kept having seizures. We decided it was best not to move her yet, not until they had stopped. She hasn’t had one for a couple of hours now, so hopefully they have stopped.”

  “But, she’s okay?” he persisted.

  Just then, they came to a closed door and the nurse opened it, saying, “See for yourself.”

  Mark walked in, followed by William, Janet, Matt, Ellen, Abby, Jae and Greg. When he first saw her, he wanted to throw up. It was because of him she was here, and now he had the visual reminder of his guilt. He stepped closer and picked up her hand, engulfing it in his large one. Rubbing the pad of his thumb across the back of it, he whispered, “I’m sorry, Jules.”


  Julia was hearing voices again, but this time one of the voices sounded like Mark. She sighed. At last he was here. She wondered what had kept him. She knew everything would be just fine now. Feeling something rubbing her hand, she instinctively knew that was Mark. She tried so hard to open her eyes or move her hand, something to let him know she needed help. Maybe he would see whatever it was keeping her immobile and get it off her. Assured that he would save her, she drifted back off into a restless sleep.


  Mark wasn’t going to let go of her hand. He needed to be close to her. He needed that connection with her, if nothing else but to convince himself she was okay. He noticed Jae squeezing in to get closer to her, and then she started pointing. “I thought I saw that back there, but I had to get closer to make sure. Her eyelids are moving!”

  He looked closer and sure enough, he saw it, too. “It looks like she’s trying to open them.” Then, speaking to her, he added, “Come on honey, wake up. We’re all here. Come back to me.”

  They all stood there in silence, just watching for a few minutes, each one taking turns to touch her hair or rub her hand. Suddenly, a collective sigh went up as they watched her gradually open her eyes. Greg said, “I’ll go get the nurse.”


  Julia opened her eyes to see everyone she loved standing around her bed. When she tried to speak, no words would come out. Mark must’ve sensed the problem and put an ice chip under her tongue, saying, “Sorry honey, but I don’t know if you’re allowed anything to drink right now.”

  She was confused. Why wouldn’t she be allowed to drink anything? She glanced around the room and that’s when she noticed she was in a hospital room. She wondered what she was doing there. The last thing she remembered she was putting up groceries, and trying to figure out what she was going to cook for supper. Did something happen? Was there a fire? Is that why she was having trouble breathing? She searched her mind, but couldn’t remember anything. Looking at Mark, she silently begged him to tell her what had happened. When she heard the door open, she tried to focus but the light was blinding her.

  A voice somewhere to her left, “Hi there honey. How’re ya feelin’? It’s good to see those pretty green eyes of yours. You want some water?” She nodded and someone raised her head up, putting a straw to her lips. Sighing, she kept drinking, unable to get enough. She was s
o thirsty. Then, she heard that voice again, “That’s enough for now, honey. Just lay back and relax. The doctor will be in soon, I had him paged.” Julia blinked her eyes when the door opened again. Dim the lights, she said, only to realize the words were only in her head, because they never materialized where anyone else could hear. Why couldn’t she talk?


  Mark was getting worried again. For someone who loved to talk, Julia still hadn’t said a word. When the doctor came in, Mark asked, “Doc, why isn’t she talking?”

  The doctor gave him a look, and then said, “Remember what I told you earlier. This could be one of those other side effects. If she hasn’t said anything in a couple of days, we’ll start her on speech therapy.”

  Mark watched the doctor look her over, and everything seemed to be in order. He still couldn’t help but be concerned though. He glanced at the others after the doctor walked out and said, “I’m staying here tonight. Y’all just go on home and get some rest.”

  One by one, excluding Greg, they hugged her and said something to her. Before Janet left, she walked up to Mark and hugged him, whispering, “If either of you need anything, call us. We’ll be back in the morning, if we don’t hear from you before then.” Once they had all left, Mark pulled a chair up to her bedside, and grabbed hold of her hand again.

  With all the love he had for her shining in his eyes, he whispered, “Jules, I’m not going anywhere this time. I’m here to stay, whether you want me here or not.


  Julia smiled at Mark, or at least she thought she did. She couldn’t really feel her lips, so she wasn’t sure. She thought, “Silly man. Why wouldn’t I want him here? I love him. He’s the missing piece to my heart.” Pleased that he was there with her, she felt safe to go back to sleep.


  Two months later, Mark and Julia were at her parents’ house, following her check-up. Her mom walked up to them, “What’d the doctor say?”


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