Complex Days

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Complex Days Page 2

by Shūsuke Amagi

  Felli's disinterested voice had turned toward Karian's skull.

  "Well then, next sample this"

  Felli said, while bringing out the next dish.

  "What......did you say?"

  A cold sweat poured from his head and the small of his back.

  Van Allen's Day.

  A name that he didn't worry about had, this moment today, carved a memory of fear and became a cursed name.

  Morning had come.

  They had to call a cleaning service. The reason for this was that the kitchen had fallen into ruin. Leaving this battlefield, Felli took a shower and washed away her fatigue.

  After sliding on the sleeves of her spare uniform, she undid the towel coiled around her head, used to dry her hair. It was an easy habit to get into, diligently brushing her hair to check her own appearance in a mirror.

  No problem. She grabbed her bag and left the room.

  On the living room table were the fruits from yesterday's battle. Resting on the palm of her hand, a small box sat neatly wrapped and tied with a ribbon. In order for it not to become too ruined, she placed it in her bag with great care and looked at her older brother's room.

  "Well then, I'm off."

  "......Try your best."

  The moan-like reply came from the other side of the door. The voice sounded rough. Did he catch a cold from being up all night? Since his movements weren't sufficient compared to normal, his body had definitely weakened. "Slovenly."

  "......Sorry, but can you convey the message that I'm resting today?"

  "I understand."

  "I'm counting on you."

  With that, nothing more could be heard from her older brother's room.

  With nothing left to worry about, she left the mansion.

  After being up all night till dawn, the sun's rays were intense. Felli narrowed her eyes and, until they became adjusted to the light, stood stock still.

  (Now, the problem is......)

  While viewing the slowly dimming early morning scenery with narrow eyes, Felli began thinking.

  The thing was completed. More time was spent than expected, but that was settled by reducing the duration of sleep.

  How to hand it over?

  That was the extent of the problem.

  To begin with, Layfon's year was different. If the year is different, facilities would also be different, and the chances of meeting a student of a different year would be small.

  At any rate, Zuellni was one of those places said to be a city only for students. The number of school buildings was nothing to be trifled with.

  If there was any chance to reliably meet Layfon, it would be the platoon's training hours. If it were left until after school, it would come up at the military arts training facility.

  (There is no other time to aim at but that one, is there?)

  After finally being able to open her eyes, Felli set out.


  How should she time the handing over?

  That was the next problem.

  After coming to the training would probably be useless. Surely, Nina would be faster than Felli, without a doubt. Above all, Sharnid would be an eyesore. It was only a matter of time before she would be discovered, and if that were to happen she didn't know if she could say something.

  (In that case, it would be better to be seen by someone unfamiliar than someone who was.)

  In the event that someone were to see, it would be better if that stranger didn't know her name as well.

  For that to happen, she would have to go to the first year facilities.

  It would be good if she could go. Sometime during school, at lunch break would be when to go and hand it to him. There was no other time to spend like that.

  (Fumu......Let's go with tha......)

  No, wait.

  All appearance of reasonable thought had suddenly halted. Her legs wouldn't stop. Calmly looking straight ahead while walking forward, her previously halted thoughts restarted.

  Going to the first year facilities. That's fine. Layfon would be there. If she were to hand it over at the training facility, an acquaintance, particularly Sharnid, would see her. It would be better to avoid that.

  In that case, the first year facilities. That was the conclusion she reached some time ago.

  There she ran into an issue.

  (Wait, Felli. You are forgetting something.)

  Warning herself, why did she sense danger, she thought.

  Who would be at the first year facilities? Layfon would be there. However, it wouldn't be just him.

  That's right......That girl was there.

  (Meishen Trinden......!)

  After remembering that person, Felli looked up towards the sky.

  With that cowering camouflage, that deceiver of men was there. That girl was there with formidable weapon-like cooking skills thoroughly emphasizing her familial appearance.

  (How absurd......)

  In the classroom Layfon is in, that girl was there. Those two women who protect that girl are there. If she were to hand it over, there would be no doubt that she would be stopped by the gaze of those three. She couldn't think of Layfon flaunting the things he received from other people, but if he were to face the curiosity of those three, what would happen?

  Layfon's weakness to pressure was first-class. They would be seen without a doubt.

  If that were the case, what would happen?

  Meishen would see the sweets, or something like that. Gambling on cooking, far outstripping Felli, Meishen had......


  How ridiculous.

  (Inside the school building, the gazes are too numerous.)

  In this hopeless situations, Felli's mood turned somber.

  As it was now, if a good idea didn't come to mind at this rate, she would struggle on to school.

  The restless atmosphere that plagued the classroom everyday had cleared up. Though the boys would always chat loudly and idly, on the contrary they seemed to prefer sitting motionlessly alone in their own seat today. Concealing their voices amongst themselves in a circle, the girls exchanged conversation and glancing at the boys, who asserted an unconcerned air.

  Unprepared for the thick atmosphere that hung over the classroom, Felli secretly let out a sigh.

  Even though up until last night Felli held something like scorn for that atmosphere, now she was joining in. After feebly greeting her classmates while exhausted from betraying herself, Felli fell prostrated at her desk.

  (However, coming this far, it would be irritating to withdraw......)

  How should she go about losing the public gaze while getting the chance to hand it to him? In her mind, this continued to torment Felli.


  With her name called, Felli came to her senses and then lifted her head.


  An unfamiliar female student stood nearby. The uniform, like her brother, was from the Law and Administration Department.

  Meaning she wasn't a student of this class, but not only that, she was also an upperclassman.

  "What is it?"

  "Well, Karian-kun isn't here today and so I was wondering, what's going on? Everyday before class, he comes to the student council room, but it doesn't appear that he will even come to class......"

  "Ah, if it's about my brother......"

  On that subject, Felli completely forgot about the message Karian had entrusted her with.

  "His physical condition is poor, and so he said he's taking today off."

  "Eh, is that so? You say he's taking the day off, is it that serious?

  The female student listened with an awfully flustered look on her face.

  "Is he alright?"

  She probably thought it was just a case of lack of sleep.

  "Oh, well......Karian-kun has a usual habit of pushing himself on the student council work and so fatigue probably caught up with him."

  It was her own thought however, the female stu
dent in front of her had arbitrarily came to her own conclusion. Without the willpower to stop her, Felli left her to her own devices .

  "Hey. You and Karian-kun live together, don't you? I want to go nurse him , would that be alright?"

  Felli rolled her eyes at this girl's proposal.

  "Ah, troublesome?"

  It seems she had an unusual facial expression.

  "Ah, no. I have no objections. Do you know the address?"

  "Yeah. That's alright."

  "Well then, do as you please."


  With something between smiling and laughing, the upperclassman, whose name she did not know, left the classroom.

  "I see."

  Watching her from behind, Felli had come to an understanding on her own.

  In other words, if there wasn't a chance for them to be alone together, she would have to create a chance to be alone with him.

  Afternoon recess. Felli turned up at the school building's rooftop. One could say the rooftop was usually left empty, and with benches left forgotten, this place wasn't very popular. Nearby, there was a park with a better appearance. Unless a student took the time to prepare a meal beforehand, they wouldn't come to this place.

  But, of course today would be different from normal.

  Each and every spot on all of the benches were completely filled. Couples. Pairs happily chatting away while eating seemingly hand made lunches that would end with the giving of sweets.


  In order to not be caught in these couples' field of vision, Felli concealed herself in the shadow of the entryway.

  After restoring her dite, she released her flakes.

  The place targeted was the first year facilities.

  And yet, Layfon's figure was not in the classroom.

  "Good grief, what am I doing."

  Irritated, Felli broadened the scope. Within a corner of the hectically processed maelstrom of information, an image of Layfon eating Meishen's handmade bento came to mind.

  Before, there were times where she would disperse flakes as a diversion and gather those images. By no means has she thought today she would be searching for Meishen on her own prerogative.

  She and those two noisy girls she called her childhood friends were having lunch alone.

  Layfon wasn't there.

  In that case where is he? The thought of Layfon's absence putting Felli at ease, she continued to broaden the scope.

  (Good grief......)

  After meeting Layfon for the first time, this phrase which had become her favorite had once again come out, after which Felli thought.

  (I am probably throwing myself at that hopeless boy.)

  Even though she thought that, she couldn't stop her search. Felli sighed as she searched for Layfon's figure.


  Finally found him.

  With a feeling of relief, she confirmed his surroundings.

  Layfon was alone. However, a slightly tense atmosphere hung in the air, as psychokinesis other than Felli's was in the vicinity. The warehouse district. At this place which stored provisions and things produced in Zuellni, examining Layfon's side of the situation, he was concealing himself.

  "Fon Fon?"

  [Uwah! ......Felli?]

  Silencing himself in panic and checking the situation, Layfon timidly responded to her.

  "What are you doing?"

  [This is for my part-time job with the City Police, however......]

  At the reply made with a concealed voice, for an instant Felli had furled her eyebrows, but immediately reconsidered this as a chance.

  (If that's the case, it is possible to be alone together.)

  Known as the warehouse district, the place did not have a good business condition. The problem was the existence of another Psychokinesist, but if Felli proposed to collaborate on this, the probability of her taking charge of Layfon was high.

  "With the city police......? What is it this time?"

  [Well......this is. This incident concerns the illegal importation of alcohol.]

  "This again?"

  [This time it is something different. It's seen as an ingredient in cooking. Being targeted, it's being used to lure out the culprit......

  Somehow in addition, there seems to be a somewhat strange group for support, or something......]

  And so, is he alone at that kind of place?

  If that's the case, the proposing to collaborate would probably not be strange.

  "I see, shall I lend you a helping hand?"


  "......What is it?"

  Somehow, Layfon's voice rather than sounding surprised, sounded more like her presence was inopportune. Differing from her expectations, Felli felt offended and asked in response.

  "Would my involvement be useless?"

  [Th, That isn't what I meant exactly. Errr, what I was saying, this time there's something of a rather special circumstance, and so nothing would come out of this if I don't use my own discretion.........]

  "Such a repetitive response......what is that for? If we talked it over with that upperclassman, wouldn't it be fine?"

  [That isn't quite the case......]

  "Well then, what would you call it?"

  [Ah, please wait one moment.]

  The other psychokinesist addressed Layfon, Felli became sullen and kept silent.

  [I'm sorry, eh? Agh, is that true!?]

  Suddenly, Layfon shouted.

  [Aah, no......]

  "What happened?"

  [Sorry, I am in a bit of a hurry, so with this. ......Ah, it doesn't look like I will be able to go to today's training, so please convey the message for me!]

  After saying that in a low voice, Layfon rushed from the area at high speed.


  Flakes had yet to be deployed in Layfon's area. It may have still been possible to pursue him, but in the blink of an eye, she lost sight of him.


  Allowing psychokinesis to flow smoothly at this range, even Felli would succumb to exhaustion.

  "Even though people have their own problems......"

  If she were persistent, she would make an error, but today that feeling wasn't there.


  Her body felt heavy even though the fatigue from the sleepless night seemed to just set in. Along with a breath, whatever was driving her till now slipped out.

  When afternoon break met its end, Felli trudgingly returned to class. It seemed in the time Felli was away, several Van Allen's Day struggles had come to a close. Clearly, there was a divide between guys in good spirits and those who weren't. They were in luck as almost all of the gifts guys gave to the girls were high class reservations to shops. That approach directed the formation of a different atmosphere.


  From the seat positioned next to the door, a cheerfully speaking voice could be heard, at which point Felli froze in horror. Up until now, she could coldly brush it all away with the phrase, "Not interested." On the contrary, feeling the self she brushed aside, she felt miserable.


  Staggering forward through the stifling atmosphere where it would be good if she could walk straight, she somehow managed to struggle to her own seat.


  Really now......with that overlapping a sigh, Felli lifted her head. Come to think of it, this environment wasn't uncomfortable.

  Upon lifting her head, she met the eyes of the female student sitting in the seat next to her.

  "Ah, good after......noon..............." ` After finishing her greeting, that female student had once again started looking at the desk with vacant, drooping eyes.

  Feeling an overwhelming sense of failure, Felli unintentionally overlooked the situation and inquired further.

  "What is it?"

  The girl's name was Eri. With beautiful, long black hair, she didn't think that image was bad, however usually she cut herself off from the rest of the class and stay
ed in darker corners of the room. Similarly, Felli who didn't usually associate with other classmates, was treated as equally eccentric.

  "Fu, fu, fufu......" While looking at the desk, Eri leaked a voice with laughter. "Sweets, huh? I lost them somewhere."


  "Fufufu......So many times remaking it, and working late into the night, the sweets, huh? fufu, fufufufufu......"

  "That is, how should I make this clear......"

  "Fufufu, that is alright. It was clumsy of me. Fufufu............At least today is what I thought."

  At long last, that dry laugh subsided.


  "Fufufu......Such a miserable conversation topic."

  Eri also had someone she wanted to hand sweets to.

  "Please don't be discouraged. Besides, if not today, there will be another chance."

  "No." At Felli's consolation, Eri shook her head. "The times you see me summon up my courage, doesn't amount to just today."

  "That is......"

  "This personality of mine, I well understand that gentlemen do not have a preference for it. I would also like to fix it, but by no means............ Nevertheless, I thought it would be today, but......"

  After sighing, Eri sank into silence.

  After the upperclassman turned up, class began. Felli silenced herself to allow class to proceed normally. While doing as such, she observed Eri's situation. Sometimes, letting out a sigh and often seeing girls making hollow glances, Felli would be infected by that feeling.

  (At this rate, this won't be good.)

  After blowing away the contagious feeling of losing, Felli said, "All right!" and nodded.


  At the end of class, Felli hurriedly cleaned up and spoke out to her.


  In a depressed state, Eri had a slow reaction.

  "We're going."

  Eri slowly tilted her head. Felli seized her hand, forcibly pulling her outside the classroom.

  "Eh? Eh? Eh?"

  Being a full head taller than Felli, Eri seemed to be stumbling as they departed from the school building.

  "Say, what are......?"

  "We're going to go look for the thing you lost."

  "Eh? But class has......"

  "There is no meaning in a class you aren't listening to. Spacing out there is a pointless waste of time.



  As the time till the start of the next class approached, there was no sign of life. When Felli stopped pulling on her, she turned to face Eri.


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