Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1)

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Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1) Page 108

by Selina Coffey

  Erica smiled and nodded, calling the bartender for another drink. “We used to have a lion shifter right here in town, in fact, he still lives only one town over. Nicest guy I’d ever met, and highly protective of those he loved. It can be quite intimidating at first, but those who are lion shifters are fiercely loyal. You honestly can’t find a guy who would be more devoted to your happiness than him. This friend of mine, he once helped me when I was in a bad situation. After helping me out and making sure I was safe I got the scolding of my life for ending up in the situation to begin with, as it had really been my own fault, but I knew he would always be there for me no matter what.”

  “He has offered to walk me home every night since he bought the club, and I’ve seen him following us to make sure we’re alright when I decline. I just didn’t know how to react and needed to get away to figure it out.”

  “Completely understandable. Use this time to sort your feelings and if you need to talk, I’m here.”

  “Thanks. Next round’s on me.”

  While Julia was enjoying her time with Erica, Mike was interrogating Sarah without getting anywhere. “What do you mean you don’t know where she is? She can’t just disappear!”

  “All I know is that she stayed behind to talk to you last night, and when I came home early this morning she was gone and so were some of her belongings and her backpack. She left a note that she needed some time to think and she’d be in touch. I don’t know what that means and she’s never disappeared like that. She didn’t take her cell phone with her, so there’s no way to contact her until she contacts us. What happened?”

  “I asked her on a date and then told her something about myself that I felt she should know before agreeing to a date. It must have scared her because she practically ran out of here and disappeared. How could she have gotten out of town so fast?”

  “Have you called John? He left town this morning, maybe he gave her a ride somewhere?”

  Sarah had never seen a man move as fast as Mike did when he ran out of her apartment, down the stairs and down the road to places unknown. She had no idea why he didn’t just pull out his cell phone, but she had decided long ago that sometimes it wasn’t worth the effort to figure out what a man was thinking or doing.

  Mike was running down the street, trying to get to the club as fast as possible. He didn’t have John’s cell number programmed in his cell phone and belatedly realized that Sarah probably had it. The second he had looked it up he called, and almost sighed in relief when John answered on the third ring.

  “Hi John, it’s Mike. Hey did you by chance give Julia a ride this morning?”

  “I was wondering how long it would take someone to call. She clearly needed some space so I was waiting for someone to ask. She hitchhiked in my car, she was gone after I had stopped in a town called Jotson. I purposely stopped there as I know there’s another lion shifter there and you had told me you were telling her before asking her out, so I had a feeling that’s why she was running. Hopefully she’ll confide in someone and get another perspective on it.” John was one of the only people who Mike had told, as he had instantly taken a liking to the man and had trusted him fully with his secret. He had also inquired after Julia and after John had acted slightly protective of Julia Mike had realized that John was a lion shifter himself. John never transformed but he had the protective tendencies that Mike did, and after recognizing it in Mike he had known the club would be in good hands. It was actually what had pushed John to finally agree to the sale.

  “How far away is this town?”

  “About four hours. Look, give her at least another day to get her bearings, then go after her. You have to be patient with Julia, give her time to come to terms with everything. The only thing she has in life is her friends from the club, and she is terrified of ever losing that.”

  “Alright, thanks. She’ll be safe there?”

  “Yes. There is only one bed and breakfast in that town and it’s run by a Mr and Mrs Singer. I’ve stayed there multiple times, the lion shifter there and myself are old friends and I used to visit him regularly. I let him know Julia was there and her reason for being there before leaving town so she is being watched over. Mr and Mrs Singer know about lion shifters, Jason is their son.”

  “Perfect. Thank you John, I owe you one.”

  With that the conversation ended and Mike sank back into his chair in relief. Julia was safe and would be alright. He’d give her the night and go see her tomorrow afternoon, hopefully convincing her to come home with him.

  He still held that hope when he arrived in Jotson the following afternoon, and spotted Julia on the porch of the bed and breakfast with an elderly lady, who he assumed was Mrs Singer. “Good afternoon ma’am, Julia. I merely came to make sure that Julia was alright.”

  “I know about you,” Mrs Singer said with a smile. “You are just like Jason. Jason had breakfast here and had an enlightening talk with Julia. I’ll leave you two to talk, but I expect you to have a proper tea with me in an hour.”

  Mike joined Julia on the porch swing and for the first ten minutes neither of them said anything. Finally Julia decided that they needed to talk instead of just sit there and she looked at Mike, trying to figure out if he was angry or not. “Are you angry?”

  “I’m frustrated with you for leaving like that. I want nothing more than to scold you for doing something so reckless like hitchhiking in someone’s trunk but as we are not a couple, I’m not going to.”

  “If we had been a couple, would I be in trouble?”

  “Absolutely. I would have tracked you down the second I heard where you were and would have given you a very stern scolding about the danger you put yourself in before hugging you to death out of happiness that you were alright.”

  “I like that.”

  Mike looked at Julia, but Julia didn’t give anything away. “Explain. Please.”

  “I spoke to Jason earlier, and based on your reaction you knew he was a lion shifter as well. He told me that lion shifters are incredibly protective and loyal, it’s in their blood. He also told me he had been told about you by John and that it sounded like I had acted rashly without really giving you a chance. I met Erica and she knows Jason and she told me that lion shifters aren’t bad people, just different. I had already decided to give you a chance, but I needed a little longer to get the courage to go back because I knew you’d be upset with me.”

  “So you’ll go out with me?”

  “Yes, I will. And if you need to yell at me I understand. I suppose I deserve it.”

  “I will never yell. There is a difference between a stern scolding and yelling. I don’t want you to ever be afraid to come to me just because I might be upset. I will never hurt you in any way, and if I ever do something to upset you feel free to scold me right back. Of course once I’ve had you in the bedroom, I will torture you there afterwards.”

  Julia flushed bright right and turned her head away from Mike, not wanting him to see it. He put a hand under a chin and turned her face back. “And don’t hide your beautiful blush from me. I’m not going to scold you this time, as long as you promise to talk to me instead of running next time?”

  “I promise. I think we should go inside before Mrs Singer scolds both of us for missing tea.”

  Chapter 5

  “Mike, I’m leaving. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Julia said with a smile at the end of her shift. She knew that regardless of what she said, Mike would show up at her doorstep with food in the morning just to make sure she ate something. They had been back in town for a few days but had not gone on their date yet, mostly because she had to work every night. Instead of a date, Mike showed up at her apartment every day and they had brunch together after which he either had to go to work or they’d spend time together.

  “Be careful walking home. I’d rather you waited for me,” Mike said, looking up from his computer.

  “I’ll be fine. I’ve walked this a million times. Besides, Sarah is at home with the flu and
I want to make sure she’s alright. Goodnight.”

  Halfway home Julia felt a prickling in her neck, but when she looked around she didn’t see anything even though it felt like she was being watched. Not quite trusting it to be nothing she started walking faster when suddenly she was sideswiped into the grass by a strong, muscular man. The man did not speak a word, but Julia started fighting him immediately. She had stopped carrying a purse when she worked, not having a need for one as her ID fit in her pocket, so she didn’t have anything to hit the man with. “Let me go!” she yelled, continuing her struggles.

  The man still didn’t speak, but instead started undoing the button on her jeans. Julia immediately knew he wasn’t after money and she found a renewed strength within herself to fight him off, even though she knew she was no match for him. Silently she wished she had waited for Mike, and secretly she hoped he had been following her like he had done many nights. She almost cried in relief when she found her freedom, not caring how it had happened. The man was on the ground next to her, and when she looked over she saw a large lion leaning over him, growling at him before giving Julia a penetrating look. Julia recognized him instantly, and also knew that the look meant to run for it, which she did without second thought.

  After arriving at her apartment she collapsed on the couch, adrenaline rushing through her mixed with fear, and when the adrenaline started to wear off the fear took over. It didn’t take long before she was a sobbing mess, and when strong arms wrapped around her in a comforting manner she sank into them, sobbing her heart out.

  “Shhh, it will be alright. I took care of it. I’ll always take care of you and protect you,” Mike said soothingly. His arms remained around Julia, knowing she needed the comfort. He motioned for Sarah to leave when she came to see what all the commotion was about, and was glad when she went back to her room.

  Julia didn’t know why she was sobbing the way she was, and when she finally calmed down she was embarrassed for Mike to see her like that. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. You were attacked, and if I hadn’t been there who knows what would have happened. I should not have let you leave on your own, and it won’t be happening again no matter how much you protest. I’m here, it will all be alright.”

  “Is he alive?” Julia asked in between hitched breaths.

  Mike chuckled at the innocent question, knowing he must have looked like he could kill the other guy. “He is, but he’ll be sore for a good long while. Serves him right, attacking my woman like that. Are you alright?”

  “I will be. Thank you,” Julia said with a smile, looking Mike in the eye for the first time. She realized suddenly that she had never felt as safe as she did at the moment and she felt like she should have always been in these strong arms. She reached up and gently kissed Mike on the lips, knowing that he had yet to kiss her as he didn’t want to pressure her into anything.

  Apparently he enjoyed the kiss as he was suddenly leaning down, kissing her passionately. Julia leaned into the kiss, eager to take their relationship, or whatever they had, to the next level, and soon her hands were wandering all over his body. They found their way under his shirt and she tweaked one of his nipples which caused him to moan into her mouth. “Don’t start something you don’t want to finish.”

  “Let’s take this to the bedroom and finish it then,” Julia said with a smile.

  In one big swoop Mike had her in his arms and stalked to the bedroom, dropping her unceremoniously on the bed which had her giggling. The giggles stopped when Mike took off his shirt and she swallowed her throat suddenly dry. Mike wiggled out of his jeans and Julia almost came just looking at him in his tight boxers, erection obvious. Mike leaned over her and started kissing her again before trailing those kisses down her neck, undoing the buttons on her shirt as he went. When Mike pushed one of her bra cups down and trailed a tongue over her nipple she arched up and moaned loudly, causing Mike to smirk as he looked at her.

  Mike’s hands were clearly experienced as they continued down, undoing buttons and zippers, until Julia found herself without any clothes on. Mike was on top of her, making sure to cover every part of her with his tongue and Julia was starting to get highly frustrated as Mike would stop each time she came close. “Damnit Mike, what are you for?”

  “Patience Julia, patience. We’ll get there.”

  Julia growled at Mike before her hands found their way into his boxers and trailed down to his balls, which caused him to almost lose composure. Mike pushed down his boxers and angled himself above her. “We’ll do this your way this time, but know that I’m in charge in here.”

  He entered her in one swift movement, and seconds later Julia came undone. She had been close to the edge and he didn’t have to do much, even though he continued moving while she clenched around him. Apparently he had been close as well because Julia was barely coming out of her orgasm induced stupor when Mike came with an exploding intensity that almost sent her over the edge again.

  “I normally last much longer but you have this effect on me,” Mike said once he had caught his breath and they were side by side on the bed. “Don’t leave.”

  “This is my bed, where would I go?”

  “I meant don’t leave my life. You are like a drug I can’t let go.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. Why would I when I have this perfect man who wants me for some reason. And don’t worry, I’ll be happy to let you walk me home and to let you take charge in the bedroom. If this was an indication of what happens when you can’t control yourself, I look forward to seeing what you will do when you can control yourself.”

  “Perfect,” Mike said before pulling the covers over both of them. “I hope you don’t mind but I’m staying.”

  “Hmmm I would have tied you to the bed if you had tried to leave.”

  “Oh you have that all wrong baby. You’ll be the one tied to a bed soon.”

  The End

  Part XIII

  Jaguar Mated

  Shifter Romance

  About the Book

  Mira Clark has lived a lonely life. Then her grandmother dies, leaving her feeling even more alone in the world. A lifetime of boarding schools, university, and being on a different coast, have left Mira with a strong sense of self-reliance, but with an emptiness that she thinks can never be filled. Being a BBW doesn’t help matters as most of Mira’s relationships have ended when her partners grew bored with her.

  Then Salvador Perez walks into her life, stunningly handsome, and jaw-droppingly gorgeous, and even stalwart Mira can’t resist turning into a giggling teenager around him. But he has a strange tale to tell her, and even she can’t help but think the man calling himself a were-jaguar is insane. Then he tells her that she’s one too, and that she has a long family history she didn’t know about in Mexico. If she’s brave; if she’s willing to take a chance, she might find far more than she’d bargained for in her ancestral home. But then again, she might find the heartache of a lifetime.

  A moment of passion with Salvador is far more than Mira can resist, and the trip of a lifetime is more than she can pass up. Mira follows Salvador not knowing if her future holds happiness or more loneliness, but sometimes you have to take that leap to find out, or risk facing a lifetime alone regardless.

  Chapter 1

  “History shows that mankind is very unkind to those they deem different. Every human settlement on earth has brought about destruction to native populations or to nearby populations. Subtle differences in religion or gender found in peer-groups have even led to death, expulsion, or other forms of abuse for those deemed too different, or out of the norm, of so-called civilized society. Because we are so very different, so very strange to those that do not have our abilities, we have to hide who we are and what we are. We are natural animals, the same as any other animal on this planet, but because we can change our shapes, our appearances, we would be hunted, killed or used for warfare as a weapon in some way. For our very survival we cannot go public; we must hide in th
e shadows, and we must not allow the world to know we exist. Our nature must be hidden if we are to survive.”

  Mira closed the dusty old book, wondering if it was a work of fiction or that of a deranged mind. She could tell by the age of the cover and the paper that the book was at least one hundred years old, but the last few entries had been done in ball-point pen; which is not that old. The older entries were certainly done with a quill and ink; that much was obvious by the scratches and blobs of ink found on some pages, but the newer ones were definitely modern ink pens. Mira thought the books strange, there were three of them that she’d found so far, hidden in her grandmother Angelica’s mattress, but she wasn’t able to translate the older writing yet. It appeared to be in Spanish, and though she could read Spanish, every time she looked at the pages her eyes went blurry, and she was unable to make out the words. The portions written in English were as clear as day, but the Spanish portions just made her eyes water.

  Putting the book down on her grandmother’s nightstand, she looked round the room. She’d never been allowed in this room as a child and it was only now, after her grandmother’s death, that she was able to walk into the other woman’s sanctuary. The room looked like it had been decorated around 1930 and left as it was. The furniture consisted of period pieces that were simply made, but serviceable in a pink color that apparently appealed to ladies back in the day. Mira called it ‘bismuth pink’; it reminded her of stomach ailments, but her grandmother must have loved the color because the whole room was painted the same shade.

  Mira thought about the lines she’d read again; she was certain she had found a hoax, an early example of fictional monster writing, anything but the true account of a nineteenth-century shape-shifting were-person. Were-people! Mira thought if this type of person truly existed now, science would have discovered it, examined it, and published numerous articles on the discovery. Such a discovery would have been reported world-wide, surely!


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