Letters to Penthouse III

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by Letters to Penthouse III- Hot, Bothered

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  Copyright © 1992 by Editors of Penthouse Magazine

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  First eBook Edition: October 2007

  ISBN: 978-0-446-53546-5


  Other Books in the Series

  Women With Women





  Oral Sex



  Bondage and Discipline


  Anal Sex

  Group Sex

  Men With Men


  Every story is fantastic. And every word is true. Penthouse readers keep it real, and their greatest pleasure is sharing it all with the world. This is sex at its most daring, its most exciting, and, ultimately, its most satisfying. Whatever your favorite position, your most cherished kink, your most outrageous fantasy, you'll find it here. Just when you think these shameless explorers in all things erotic have done it all, they're sure to surprise you with something you–and maybe even they–have never thought of. The possibilities are endless, and the lovers are inexhaustible. Can you feel the heat?


  Erotica from Penthouse

  More Erotica from Penthouse

  Erotica from Penthouse III

  Letters to Penthouse I

  Letters to Penthouse II

  Letters to Penthouse III

  Letters to Penthouse IV

  Letters to Penthouse V

  Letters to Penthouse VI

  Letters to Penthouse VII

  Letters to Penthouse VIII

  Letters to Penthouse IX

  Letters to Penthouse X

  Letters to Penthouse XI

  Letters to Penthouse XII

  Letters to Penthouse XIII

  Letters to Penthouse XIV

  Letters to Penthouse XV

  Letters to Penthouse XVI

  Letters to Penthouse XVII

  Letters to Penthouse XVIII

  Letters to Penthouse XIX

  Letters to Penthouse XX

  Letters to Penthouse XXI

  Letters to Penthouse XXII

  Letters to Penthouse XXIII

  Letters to Penthouse XXIV

  Letters to Penthouse XXV

  Letters to Penthouse XXVI

  Letters to Penthouse XXVII

  Letters to Penthouse XXVIII

  Penthouse Uncensored I

  Penthouse Uncensored II

  Penthouse Uncensored III

  Penthouse Uncensored IV

  Penthouse Uncensored V

  Penthouse Uncensored VI

  Penthouse Variations

  26 Nights: A Sexual Adventure

  Penthouse: Naughty by Nature

  Penthouse: Between the Sheets

  Penthouse Erotic Video Guide

  Penthouse Unleashed: Sex Tips

  Penthouse and its affiliated magazines have published readers' erotic letters for more than twenty years. The public's fascination with the intimate details of other people's sex lives is as intense today as it ever was.

  Still, one question persists in the collective mind of our readers. I've been asked it more times than I can count: Are those letters you publish real?

  Well, what is real? Do we receive them in the mail, in stamped envelopes? Are they written by people who read our magazines? Do they describe, in explicit terms, the details of sexual experiences?

  Yes, yes, yes. But then there's the inevitable response: Well, just because a reader sent it doesn't mean it's true.

  Therein, I think, lies the endless appeal of the Penthouse letters: What each reader chooses to believe is true, and what they feel is embellishment, correlates directly to the individual's personal sexual experiences. Sexual experiences they've had seem “true”; those they've never experienced seem made up.

  Perhaps our inability to believe these letters are real is just a subtle reminder that, sexually, there will always be for all of us, a road not yet taken. The more paths we choose to explore, the closer we come to the sure knowledge that all of it is true.

  John Borrelli

  Managing Editor

  Penthouse Special Publications

  Women With Women


  My wife and I were expecting a visit from our good friend. We have had a decent sex life, but we have never experimented with anything at all kinky, and we've had no bisexual experiences.

  Our friend arrived and we had much lost time to catch up on. For several days we showed her the sights and we totally let our hair down. One evening we let our hair down to unlimited bliss. My wife, Monica, our friend, Stacy, and I planned to hang around our apartment for a quiet evening of wine and videos. We ate dinner, drank some wine, and started to feel pretty good. The video we watched was an erotic film called Body Double. The movie had a lot of sensual dancing and some enticing masturbation scenes. We drank some more wine, and by now we were feeling no pain. The movie released desires within me which I could feel being generated by the girls also.

  When the movie ended we could each sense each other's excitement. I was feeling pretty bold, so I put in one of our even more explicit adult tapes. Feeling the embarrassment of an imminent hard-on, I left the girls on the couch, turned off all the lights, and took a place on the floor.

  After about thirty minutes of slamming and come shots came an extremely hot lesbian scene. At that time I felt Mother Nature calling and I got up to use the bathroom. Instead of breaking the moment by pausing the video, I thought I'd simply dash in and out of the bathroom in record time. After about five minutes I returned to the living room, but the sight in front of me froze me in my tracks. There, reclined on the couch, were Monica and Stacy locked in an extremely passionate embrace.

  Trying not to be detected, I hid around the comer and watched the passion that was unfolding before my eyes. I couldn't believe it! Here were my straight wife and our friend innocently exploring areas which only a woman could know about. I was shocked, but I was also highly aroused.

  Monica broke the kiss and moved her pouting mouth to Stacy's neck. She sucked and tongued her sensitive skin as Stacy threw her head back and let out a little gasp. Stacy's full breasts needed some attention, which my wife was willing to give. Monica unbuttoned Stacy's blouse to expose her erect nipples. She gently took a nipple into her mouth and nibbled on it. Judging by her reaction, Stacy obviously has sensitive breasts. She began to grind her pelvis into my wife's thigh, and they realized that they were at the point of no return. They tenderly undressed each other and returned to their private moments. />
  Stacy took the lead and laid her head on my wife's stomach, sucking and nibbling at her flesh. Stacy slowly descended her way down to my wife's love nest. My wife parted her knees to allow Stacy access to the slick folds and fragrant scent of her special place. My wife squirmed and raised her hips as Stacy's tongue darted in and out of the wet areas. After several minutes of this excitement my wife could no longer hold back. She grabbed Stacy's head and pulled it deeper into her dark caverns. Stacy zeroed in on her throbbing clit. She sucked it hard, which sent my wife into a seizure of orgasms which she had never before experienced.

  My wife seemed to drift in and out of consciousness as her hips bucked in the air. Then, after what seemed like hours, my wife collapsed into a euphoric state.

  While watching all of this erotic behavior, I noticed that I was unconsciously stroking my rock-hard erection through my pants. I needed some relief immediately, so I pulled my cock out. I was so aroused that within three or four strokes I lost my load on the wall!

  As I was cleaning up my mess, Monica came around the corner and said that she and Stacy were going to bed. She also mentioned something about the couch giving Stacy a backache for the past few nights, and asked if I would mind if she slept in size bed with us. Although nothing was mentioned about what had happened, I had no objection! Sensing my wife's shyness and anticipating more sexual activity ahead, I wanted to give them more time alone together, so I stated that I was not yet ready for bed and would stay up to watch some tube.

  As the girls went through the charade of getting ready for bed, I inserted a movie in the VCR to indicate that they wouldn't be bothered for a few hours. The girls were in bed as I sat on the couch going through the motions of watching a comedy. I was very sexually excited about what had happened and was thinking about what was now happening.

  I drank some more wine and sat with my heart pounding, not paying any attention to the movie. Excitement got the best of me, so I crept into the dark hallway toward the bedroom door, and ever so slowly opened it just a crack. Knowing that the bed was opposite the door, I could get a view without being noticed. The room was dark except for the streetlights peeking in through the Venetian blinds. My eyes quickly adjusted and confirmed my suspicion as I stood in the hallway.

  Stacy and Monica were fully nude, and were too engrossed in each other to notice my presence. Stacy lay on her back, arms about her shoulders and legs slightly parted. Monica was between Stacy's legs, sensuously kissing an erogenous area behind a gently bent knee. Slight moans could be heard from Stacy as Monica worked her mouth and tongue slowly up the silky flesh of Stacy's inner thighs. An eternity passed as Monica slowly sucked one thigh, then the other, methodically working her way toward her final destiny.

  Stacy trembled slightly as my wife made her descent to the moist cleft of love. Monica slowly ran her tongue up one side of Stacy's private gates and down the other. Then Monica wrapped her arms around Stacy's thighs, holding herself in place as she lapped Stacy like a hungry puppy. Stacy's body was now shaking more and more intensely. She opened her legs wider for Monica's wet tongue. I didn't know how long I could stand watching or listening to the slurping sounds of Monica's hot tongue on Stacy's pussy. Stacy halfheartedly pushed Monica away as if to actually be inviting her in. Her tongue was now deep within Stacy's cunt, and Monica sucked like a wild banshee. Sensing Stacy's mounting climax, Monica pulled her tongue out and sucked on Stacy's excited clitoris with passion. Stacy let out a stifled gasp, grabbed Monica's head and pulled it back into her special place. Stacy held Monica's head and wildly ground her hips against Monica's face as she went through what seemed like one incredible orgasm after another.

  After the fervor died I snuck back into the living room for fear of ruining their private moment. I drank more wine, stroked myself off and fell asleep. Late the next morning I was awakened on the couch by two beautiful, smiling faces.

  Monica and I have since discussed her bisexual encounter, and she insists that Stacy is not a lesbian. She simply stated that there was a spontaneous attraction felt between them, as well as a certain experimental curiosity that they had to fulfill. Curiosity or not, I'm secretly saving money and vacation time for a tour of Stacy's town!—Name and address withheld


  There was only one female bathroom in our barracks. The showers were in one room, with nothing separating them. I couldn't resist looking at the other women in the shower. The way they lathered their bodies, rubbing the soap over their well-muscled arms, legs and asses, never failed to turn me on. I could feel my clit swelling as I watched them. I always imagined what it would be like if we all made love in that steamy, pussy-filled room.

  One night when I went in me shower, I noticed that five of the most gorgeous women in the unit were there. The first one, whom I'll call Marie, was tall with long, blond hair. She had the most beautiful hips imaginable. She lifted weights, and her slim, tanned, and toned figure made me instantly horny. Susan was also there. She was tall as well. Her blue eyes looked me up and down as I dropped my towel on the floor and entered the shower. Dawn had short brown hair and a beautiful smile. When I looked at her, her green eyes sparkled. The fourth woman was Pam. She was new in the unit. I couldn't help noticing her wonderful tits. They were large, smooth orbs of sexual splendor. Finally there was Tina, whom I didn't really know that well. She was shy and quiet, with warm brown eyes and a small, voluptuous body.

  I turned on the faucet and felt the first hot splash on my size 38C breasts. As I held the soap in my hand and washed my throbbing clit, I noticed that Susan was washing Marie's back. It seemed more like foreplay than anything else. As I watched, I began to imagine it was me washing Marie's back.

  As my pussy began to fill with love juice, I closed my eyes and began squeezing my tits. I was suddenly surprised to feel someone's lips on one of them. I opened my eyes to see Dawn sucking on my left nipple. She began rubbing my aching clit with a bar of soap. Then path came over to us and began rubbing her hard, soapy body up and down my back. There I was, moaning in sweet ecstasy, sandwiched between two beautiful, passionate women.

  I reached down to feel the soft, slippery warmth of Dawn's cunt. It was so hot and juicy that my finger slid deep inside her with ease. She let out a soft, low moan and leaned up against me, arching her tits up into my face, rubbing her pussy against mine. I used my mouth to play with her nipples, sucking and teasing them with my tongue until they were hard.

  Pam grabbed the soap from my hand and let it drop to the floor. As I continued to suck Dawn's soft, bronze breasts, path slipped her finger into my pussy. I let out a whimper of pleasure and began thrusting my hips back and forth while still sucking Dawn.

  We heard Marie's moans of pleasure as Susan began to suck her clit. I began playing with my own clit, but someone grabbed my hand, pushed it away and started opening my pussy lips. I looked down and saw Tina kneeling before me, ready to plunge her long, hot, hard tongue into my muff. I screamed as her lips began playing with my clitoris. I couldn't control myself any longer. I began to feel faint from my own excitement. I sank down to my knees, removing my finger from Dawn's dripping cunt, and pushed Tina down to the floor. Dawn began kissing and licking Tina's face, neck, lips and breasts while I began stroking her stomach and thighs. I put my head between Tina's legs and began tenderly sucking her freely flowing love juice. As I slipped a finger inside her, I was electrified by the feeling of someone's tongue on my own clit. It was Marie, who had by then grown tired of playing only with Susan.

  I looked behind me and saw path licking Marie's clit, and Susan finger-fucking Pam. By this time Dawn was sitting on Tina's face, rocking her hips back and forth and squeezing her tits. I continued feasting on Tina's tasty hole.

  Tina came with a cry, followed almost instantly by Dawn. They fell back, exhausted. I turned my attention to Marie. I grabbed the soap and began lathering her smooth, round tits and rock-hard abdomen. As I leaned over her body, she raised her head to grab my ni
pple with her lips. I pulled my breasts away and kissed her lips, nibbled her earlobe, then sucked her neck. I slid my tits over hers and began rhythmically moving my body up and down along her muscled torso and throbbing mound. I slid my tongue into her mouth and kissed her deeply. Her excitement from Pam's tongue licking her sopping-wet hole caused her to suck my tongue even harder. Then path turned around to face Susan, and the two of them began to caress, stroke and play with each other. Tina, who had by then been revived, was being finger-fucked doggie-style by Dawn.

  I covered Marie's body with my own and continued to kiss her. I ran my hands gently up and down her body, circling her breasts and teasing her nipples to keep them erect. We moved our thighs and pussies together, feeling each other's wetness. I couldn't stand it anymore. I turned around and we positioned ourselves in a satisfying 69. I worked her clit with my tongue while I simultaneously inserted my finger between her swollen, red, luscious lips, stroking them, sliding in and out, making her groan with each inward thrust followed with a sweet, hot flick of my tongue. We began thrusting against each other faster and faster, building up to a hot, sweet climax.

  We lay spent on the floor of the shower. I couldn't believe I was surrrounded by five beautiful women.

  The water suddenly turned cold, rousing us from our sexual reverie. We collected our soap and towels, laughed and promised to get together again for more showers.—L.D., Dallas, Texas


  I recently returned to college after a five-year absence. I am a very attractive lesbian, and have won several beauty contests in my day. I am now twenty-seven and still very shapely, although I have a bit of a tummy that I'm constantly trying to tighten. My small breasts have remained as soft and firm as ever.

  I dropped out of college—I was more interested in making women than good grades. I returned because I wanted a degree to enable me to find a better job.

  When I got to my dorm I found I was to live with three other girls—Pam, Samantha and a sweet blonde named Tori. I fell in love with Tori right away. It wasn't just her body and looks—I loved her personality as well. Samantha and path were both good-looking too, but Tori was incredible. It only took a couple of days for the attraction between Tori and me to develop.


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