Tempt Him

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Tempt Him Page 11

by Jaymes, Olivia

  Except make me feel desired.

  His hands cupped my cheeks as he deepened the kiss. My own fingers rested on his chest and I could feel his racing heart under my palm. He was as affected as I was. He might deny it or say he didn’t mean it, but he liked it. I liked it too and I wanted more.

  I wanted it all.




  It was the only word I could use to describe all the sensations coursing through my body all at the same time. The tiny voice in the back of my head that was currently questioning my sanity had to be quelled so I knocked it out, placed a sack over its head, and dragged it into a closet, firmly closing the door. I locked that sucker too and then put a chair under the doorknob. I couldn’t be too careful. I’d waited literally years for this and my shattered heart was fully in charge. Maybe I’d let the little bastard of common sense out of the closet…later.

  Right now all I wanted to do was feel. Josh’s fingers glided up my thigh and for a moment my universe tipped and spun.

  Josh had his hand under my skirt.

  It was better than any of my fantasies because it was real.

  It shouldn’t have been a surprise, though. Going after what I wanted was far better than sitting at home dreaming.

  Hot. It was so hot in this vehicle. The windows were fogged up just like when I used to go parking in high school. Then the expectation was far more innocent. Kisses and maybe some wandering hands. If I really liked the guy I might let him put his hand under my sweater.

  I wanted these clothes off. A sheen of sweat covered my flesh and Josh’s and I pulled at the neckline of my dress, trying to cool off the overheated skin. I could taste the tang of salt under my tongue when I pressed my lips to the cords of his throat. Even with the sound of the radio, I could hear our ragged breaths and gasps as lips and fingers found sensitive spots. Unerringly, Josh nipped and kissed the base of my neck where the pulse beat madly, sending shivers of arousal straight to my curling toes. His hands had lifted my dress and exposed my thighs, his fingers stroking what he’d uncovered.

  Still going up in flames, all I wanted to do was toss aside my dress and that’s what I did, tugging it over my head like an old t-shirt instead of the pricey frock that it was. It landed on the seat next to me as Josh slid the driver’s seat all of the way back and pulled me onto his lap, straddling his legs.

  Our hands never stopped moving, almost frenzy-like in their urgency, as if someone had been holding us back and had finally let go. It was probably true for me but I didn’t know what Josh’s story was, only that he couldn’t seem to get enough of me, which I sure as hell wasn’t going to complain about. Just as I’d imagined, he knew his way around a female’s body and didn’t think only of himself. Most guys might have pushed a girl to her knees by now, but Josh slid those clever fingers inside my drenched panties to work some of his evil magic.

  Wet and slick, there was no resistance when a thick digit slipped inside of me. I gasped when he added a second, throwing my head back and moving my hips in time to his small thrusts, desperate for satisfaction.

  “Christ, Mia. So fucking tight.”

  I barely registered his words and I couldn’t have replied even if I tried because right then he started a thrumming motion on my clit with his thumb. My nails dug into the muscles of his shoulders and my entire body stiffened. Crying out his name, I tumbled over into the abyss but Josh was there to hold me as I fell. Riding his fingers until the very end, my forehead fell onto his shoulder as the waves ebbed. So good.

  But not quite enough. I was greedy and I wanted more.

  My fingers fumbled with Josh’s belt buckle and his hands clamped down on mine. At first, I thought he was pushing me away but then I realized he was trying to help me. In his haste, though, he wasn’t making any of this easier. Both of us panting like we’d run a marathon, we managed to undo the belt, his trousers, and pull down the zipper. Eager, I reached down and ran my fingers down his hard cock, reveling in the feel of it and drawing a tortured groan from this man that I had fantasized about for so long. There were so many things I wanted to do to him but this would have to suffice for the moment. Impatiently, Josh jerked down the front of his boxers, freeing his dick from its cotton prison.

  Hot, hard, and impressive, but velvet to the touch. His cock was long and thick and I shuddered with anticipation thinking about how amazing it was going to feel deep inside of me. Running my hands up and down the shaft, I smiled when he moaned, his hips bucking upward sending me an all too clear signal. He was more than ready and frankly so was I. There was only one tiny detail. That voice in the closet was screaming now through the gag and I had to concede it might have a point.

  “Condom?” I asked, my thumb swiping over the head of his cock. He trembled and hissed, his grip on my hips tightening.

  Josh always placed his wallet on the dash when he drove. He said that he didn’t like to sit on it so retrieving the foil square wasn’t as difficult as I’d imagined. Not thinking too deeply about what in the hell I was doing, I helped him roll the condom onto his cock and spread my legs a little wider. My damp skin stuck slightly to the leather of the seats making a loud, out of place sound and I froze for a moment, holding my breath, but if Josh noticed he didn’t act like it. Distracted, he was already pushing the straps of my bra down to bare my breasts, his fingers teasing the rock hard nipples.

  Positioning myself over his cock, I sank slowly down, feeling every inch of him until he was into the hilt. Not moving, I savored the feeling of being so full, my walls clutching him as if my very life depended on his invasion.


  I said his name like a prayer, if only to assure myself that this was really happening. After all this time, Josh was as deep inside of me as a man could get, and it was better than I ever could have imagined. Neither one of us said a word, but our bodies began to move in a rhythm as old as time. Thousands of years ago, a man and a woman might have been on this exact spot doing this exact dance.

  The interior of the vehicle must have been a hundred degrees and our sweat-slicked bodies slapped together as I rode his cock, pressing my clit against his groin with every thrust of his hips upward. This was no gentle coupling, two tender lovers exploring each other’s bodies for the first time. We were fucking each other like animals, pawing at the clothes we hadn’t bothered to shed if only to bare a few more millimeters of flesh.

  Josh bit at my shoulder, surely leaving bite marks I’d need to hide the next day but I paid him back with the nail marks on his shoulders and arms, red half-moon shapes that would mean long sleeves for a week.

  The one thing neither of us would be able to hide was our expression of pure satisfaction. Others might see our smug smile but only we would know what it truly meant.

  The coil of arousal in my belly had tightened painfully and I was teetering on the precipice of my orgasm, almost afraid to let go. I didn’t want this to end but I couldn’t hold back forever. This march was inevitable and when Josh dipped his head and closed his mouth over my nipple, his teeth scraping the tender bud, the game was over.

  I went off like the fireworks on the Fourth of July. Stars and white lights flickered behind my lids and the world seemed to speed up on its axis. Josh followed me over, an expletive on his lips. Teeth gritted and jaw tight, he thrust up one last time, his grip on my hips punishing. There would be bruises there tomorrow as well, although covering them wouldn’t be an issue. His head fell back against the seat and the cords of his neck stood out in stark relief against the smooth golden skin.

  There had never been a more beautiful man, of that I was sure. Seeing him like this was worth the wait.

  When it was over, we collapsed together in a tangle of sweaty limbs and sticky clothing. Sucking air into my aching lungs, I stole a glance at Josh. His eyes were closed and his breathing ragged and labored. The reality of my current position and situation was slowly seeping into my pleasure addled brain.

/>   I’d just ridden Josh like a pony. No, maybe more like a bronco rider but thankfully it had lasted far longer than eight measly seconds.

  I was half-dressed and my makeup probably resembled a Picasso painting by now. My bra was pushed aside and my boobs were hanging out. The soaking crotch of my panties had been shoved aside and Josh’s cock was still inside of me.

  I’d vigorously fucked Josh in the front seat of his BMW sedan.

  And I didn’t regret it.

  However, it might prove to be the dumbest thing I’d ever done. I had a feeling that I was going to find out very soon.



  Whomever was banging around in my kitchen would soon be dead. Of course, I knew good and well it was my sister Shelby. There was no way I could walk out of her engagement party last night with Josh and not get interrogated this morning but I’d sort of thought she might sleep in. One glance at my phone told me that it was seven-thirty in the morning and I hadn’t fallen asleep until four. Three and a half hours of rest wasn’t going to do much for mood nor my appearance.

  There were no messages from Josh either. That wasn’t going to help.

  Dragging on a robe, I padded on bare feet from the bedroom to the kitchen where my sister was making coffee as loudly as she possibly could. A passive-aggressive alarm clock dressed in yoga pants and a sweatshirt.

  “If you break my coffeemaker you’re buying me a new one.”

  Shelby jumped and placed a hand on her chest. “You scared me to death.”

  “I scared you? You’ve got nerve. You broke into my house. I’m the one that should be calling 911.”

  “I have a key to your house. It’s hardly breaking in.”

  “That’s for emergencies.”

  “Is there any bigger emergency than you leaving with Josh last night? I heard he decked Trent. What in the hell happened? I only heard Trent’s side and might I say he sounded a little shady. Brad had to talk him out of calling the police and pressing charges.”

  I could only imagine the story the little weasel told Brad and Shelby. One where he was the poor put upon victim and Josh was the big bad wolf. Screw him.

  “He deserved it. In fact, he’s lucky I didn’t do it myself because I was getting ready to smack him with my high heel.” Shelby’s eyes were round as she pulled down two cups from my cabinet. “Let’s just say he thought I owed him something for pretending to be my boyfriend. Charming friends your fiancé has. In no way does he deserve the title of best man, and I won’t be doing anything with him at your wedding other than keeping my distance. What a tool.”

  She poured two cups and I accepted mine gratefully, adding cream and sugar before taking an experimental taste.

  Ahhh. There was nothing like that first sip of the day. I could almost feel the caffeine start to whiz through my veins like a racecar at Le Mans.

  “I’ll talk to Brad about Trent. I’m sure he has no idea his friend is like that with women.”

  Plopping down on the couch, I set my coffee on the end table. “I bet he knows, he just probably doesn’t think it’s a big deal. Boys will be boys and all that. I’ll bet you five dollars that Brad defends his friend and says that I blew this entire situation out of proportion.”

  Shelby came to sit next to me, tucking her legs underneath her and leaning back on a large cushion.

  “Brad would never do that.”

  I held out my hand. “So it’s a bet?”

  Narrowing her eyes, she took my hand and shook it. “Fine. You’re very cynical today. So what happened last night?”

  A half smile curved my lips. “We went to the lake.”

  “The lake?” Shelby echoed. “What lake? There isn’t a lake around here.”

  Sometimes I worried about my sister. She was the smartest person I knew but she had zero memory about the past.

  “Charlotte Lake,” I explained. “Where we used to go when we were kids.”

  “I haven’t been there in years.”

  “Neither have I but that’s where he took me.”

  My sister’s gaze ran from my toes to the top of my head. “Did you go swimming or something?”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “Of course not. The water would have been…oh, about fifty degrees. I’m not a polar bear. At first we just talked.”

  “Talked?” Her brows shot up. “Wait…at first?”

  I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. “You had your engagement party last night. Shouldn’t you be lolling around in bed with Brad this morning?”

  “Brad had a flight to New York at six so I’ve been up since four. He and I have a lifetime to…loll, as you put it.”

  “That’s the most unromantic thing I’ve ever heard. He just left this morning?”

  “He had an important meeting. Life doesn’t stop just because I’m getting married. Now let’s get back to you. What did you do after you talked?”

  There was no avoiding it. I’d tell her eventually because we told each other everything.

  “Josh and I…had sex.”

  I couldn’t call it making love because we’d gone after each other like beasts in the front seat of his car. I was pretty sure I had a bruise on my lower back from the steering wheel hitting me there with every thrust of Josh’s…

  Like she’d been touched with a cattle prod, Shelby sat straight up, slopping coffee on her sweatshirt.

  “You went back to Josh’s house and had sex?”


  Her mouth fell open and her gaze drifted to the hallway that led to the bedroom. “Oh my God, is he here?”

  We could do this all day but I decided to end her misery.

  “No. Listen to me. Josh and I had sex. In his car. Then he brought me home and left. He is not here. If he was, I’d have been pushing you out of the front door.”

  She kept brushing at the coffee on her shirt. “I don’t understand.”

  “We had sex in his front seat.”

  Saying it made it sound incredibly awful. Cheap and tawdry. That made me cheap and tawdry too, which didn’t help my mood. Luckily the coffee was kicking right in.

  Shelby leaned forward, her hands wrapped around her cup. “How? I mean…logistically…”

  For fuck’s sake, that’s what my sister was concentrating on here?

  “We were very determined.”

  That wasn’t a lie, either.

  Rubbing at her temples, my sister let out a loud sigh. “Maybe you should start from the beginning.”

  Always the therapist.

  “How far back do you want to go? Childhood? Or just last night?”

  “Let’s start with the party and work forward.”

  How did it all start? Right…he’d asked me to dance and it all went south from there.

  * * *


  We’d poured more coffee and I’d told my sister the entire story with most of the detail. Emphasis on most. The really juicy stuff I kept to myself but she definitely got the picture.

  “And he just dropped you off here and didn’t say anything?”

  Shelby sounded scandalized for me but I was fine with it. Actually, I was glad he hadn’t felt the need to fill the shocked silence with a bunch of words that he may or may not feel the next day.

  “What did you want him to say? Marry me and have two point five kids and a dog? He made sure I was okay and was very sweet. I didn’t invite him in, either. I think both of us needed some space after what had happened.”

  “So what are you two now? How do you go forward? Has he called?”

  I held up my cell phone which right now might as well be a paperweight. “No messages. I checked when you woke me up. As for what we are now and how we go forward? I don’t know. Our friendship has taken a turn. It might be destroyed.”

  “And you’re okay with that?” There was disbelief in my sister’s tone. “What if you never see Josh again?”

  It wasn’t a huge town that we lived in. I would see Josh again at some point. The
only question was in what context?

  I’d given this a lot of thought last night after he’d dropped me off. It was the reason I hadn’t fallen asleep until four.

  “I’ll be fine,” I assured my sister. “I don’t regret last night. I know you probably think I do or that I should, but I don’t. I wanted it to happen. I had ample opportunity to back out. He didn’t push. I walked past the line of our friendship with my eyes wide open and I’m glad I did.”

  “I am so lost right now. Clearly, you threw out my book and went off the path.”

  Not in the least.

  “It was your book that helped me. Don’t you see? It was your words that convinced me that I don’t need to accept anything half-assed anymore. If Josh doesn’t feel the same, then I have to move on. He either wants to try a relationship with me or he doesn’t. Full stop. I have to stand up for what I want and I might lose him in the process. I’m okay with that. He’s not the one if he can’t make the effort.”

  Shelby looked at me with new respect. “Um…wow. It’s hard to believe that my little book has done all of this. But I have to say that I hope you and Josh can work this out. What if he doesn’t call?”

  I’d thought about that.

  “He’ll call. I don’t know when but he will. He hates situations that don’t have closure. He’ll call if only to tell me that he doesn’t feel that way about me.”

  “What will you say?”

  “I’m going to tell him the truth. Most of it, anyway. I won’t tell him how I’ve been in love with him since I was a little kid but I will tell him that I have romantic feelings for him and that I want a relationship.”

  Shelby was shaking her head. “Sis, don’t do it. You’re giving him way too much power over you.”

  “No, he had way too much power before but not now. After what happened that night at the convenience store I’m completely awake. I can see things that I didn’t before. I deserve better than some guy’s smallest efforts.”


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