The Girl that Fled (Bliss Book 3)

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The Girl that Fled (Bliss Book 3) Page 4

by Veronica Soliman

  She needed to leave this state, and soon. She didn't want to be found out. She lay there wide awake until the morning came.

  "Bree?" Josiah asked, looking directly at her, "Did you sleep at all?" He reached over and held her hand. She shifted; the bags had become more defined under her eyes now. She hadn't slept since they got here, and she couldn't until they left.

  "No, but we should get going today." She said, she had spent too much time here. She felt as though she had compromised her plan and she didn't want Josiah getting in trouble for her actions.

  "Yeah, but it's new year’s eve, the stations are closed... "More obstacles stood in her way.

  "We can walk then!" She erupted.

  "Bree, maybe you should eat something, relax, one more day is fine we can get home be tomorrow."

  "Josiah," she cried, "I haven't slept in three days! I'm exhausted and I just want to go home." She was being irrational, there was no way to possibly get home today, but she had to try.

  "I'll see if we can get a taxi, we have four thousand dollars right now, so maybe we can get home in a few hundred." Josiah smiled sweetly as Eleanor looked up at him with watery eyes.

  "Thanks Joe." She whispered, scooting closer and hugging him. She got out of the bed and went to the bathroom.

  After brushing her teeth and taking her time in the shower, she walked out to find Josiah's eyes popping out as he stared at the screen.

  The volume was intensely loud as she heard the mouse comforting familiar voice go hard.

  "I am looking for a girl named Bree Walker. She has dark brown hair and blue eyes. She's about five foot seven or somewhere along those lines. If you see or hear from this girl, please call the police and report her to me. Bree if you are hearing this, we need to talk."

  My heart stopped. Adam was staring directly at the camera, his brown eyes boring into the souls of the millions of people watching.

  "Damn it." Eleanor muttered.

  "Is there something you want to tell me?" Josiah asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

  Eleanor had forgotten he was still there and tugged on her braid.

  What had she gotten herself into. She had some serious explaining to do.

  Chapter 6: Half of a Truth

  "This is hard to digest," Josiah muttered, grabbing the bed frame as he sat down. "So, you're not actually Bree Walker... you... you lied to me?"

  "Josiah please, I did a bad thing and I..."

  "And you're hiding from your husband? Why?"

  "I'm dead. I mean, Eleanor is dead. And my getup here isn't working anymore the brown hair isn't enough. Look, please help me. I can't do this by myself. I need to hide."

  "On one condition."


  "Tell me why you faked your death," he said.

  Her eyes grew glassy as she stared at him. She couldn't speak about that; she didn't want to; it would send her straight to jail. She knew she could trust Josiah, but this secret, the fact that she murdered her husband's father, that was far too much. She couldn't say it out loud. She couldn't even think about it without feeling disgust toward herself.

  At the time she'd done it, she was proud that she'd ended the man who was fated to destroy her life. But pondering back, looking back at what her actions had done, she knew it was stupid. She shouldn't have done any of her stupid thoughts. But at the time- she was wild! She wanted what she did, she wanted a new life, she didn't want people meddling with her life until she began living in fear. Sometimes, she wished she had actually died that day- but she knew she'd regret that too.

  "Eleanor," Josiah spoke her name for the first time as the tension seemed to thicken. She wanted to walk out; she didn't want to deal with this.

  "Please call me Bree. I don't want it slipping out. Look Josiah, nobody knows about this! It's a huge secret and I've been keeping it for a year! Please, I'm begging you don't tell anyone that you know I'm Eleanor." She wouldn't meet his eyes.

  "Fine. And how did you manage to... " He began but she gave him a look that could shatter hearts. He froze, his heart rate rising as he looked into her sad eyes.

  "I need you Josiah, I need you to trust me and help me. . . please," Eleanor said, a tear falling from her eyes. Josiah nodded silently, walking over to hug her. "I'm sorry I kept it a secret from you. I just didn't want to be found. I wanted a new life away from all the stress of being a Carnegie." She cried silently as Josiah engulfed her into his arms. He was too good to her.

  "You're okay baby." He whispered, letting her cry into his chest and kissing her hair. "Just tell me what you need me to do, then we can leave. We can go home... we can pretend that none of this happened. But what ticked him off to your real name?"

  "He doesn't know... the truth about me. I dropped off my wedding ring... it was so stupid of me. I just wanted to be rid of it! The damn ring was holding me back from my new life, so I told the guy at the gate that I was Bree in case he decided to toss the ring. But I wasn't expecting Adam to go crazy like this. I expected us to be home by today." Absolute silence filled the room as Eleanor began speaking, "can you... I need colored contacts and a wig. That's enough I think to completely change my appearance. Please help me..." She muttered.

  The air was as thick as water. They wouldn't look at each other, the only sounds came from their hard breaths and beating hearts.

  "I'll be right back. Just stay here and please don't cry too much. We can get home after you disguise yourself." He said, a warm smile forming on his face as he got up and walked out.

  Eleanor sat on the bed patiently, she then decided to wash the rest of the brown from her hair, her blonde hair would show again, and she would be harder to spot as Bree Walker. But she was still Eleanor Carnegie and if anyone pointed out the similarity, she'd be caught. She quickly washed the brown out and sat on the bed again. Her eyes glued to Adam's masculine features as he spoke with someone in an interview.

  "Mr. Carnegie, could you tell us how you feel about your deceased wife as your anniversary approaches. We've heard about how amazing she was, but did Eleanor do anything to tick you off? What will you do to commemorate her memory this year?"

  Adam looked at the interviewer, they say in polish couches on the set that looked fairly familiar to the late-night shows. He opened his mouth and shut it again. Eleanor tilted her head, staring at Adam's face. Her heart fell, he would've said more by now. Adam would have been talking the interviewer's ear off my now, but he said nothing, just silently sat there.

  Adam was looking at the camera and she just knew he was onto her. He was suspicious about her death and she could see he was about to spout a lie. Her heart raced. She needed to get out of here, her plan had failed. She shouldn't have tried to tie any loose knots; she should've just kept the ring- sold it even and bought Josiah a new car. Her life was ruined, and she wanted it to ruin her. She was stupid enough to try to head home, she should have left her past where it was.

  She sat for a few more minutes, her fingers tapping the bedframe as her body shook. It was freezing inside, and she was extremely nervous.

  Perhaps Josiah couldn't be trusted or maybe he could be, but she wasn't about to take another risk. She felt stupid as is for giving Adam her ring back and telling him her real fake name, she shouldn't have even gone near her old home. As regrets started to possess her, she began to panic, her heart was sprinting as she stared around the room, searching for something- anything.

  She shuddered, her heart racing rapidly as she put a scarf around her entire head and wore a blanket over her body. Maybe she could pass as a Muslim or something. She quickly covered her hair until nothing, but her eyes could be seen. Nobody could recognize her now.

  She could hide somewhere, perhaps wait for Josiah to get back even. She had taken a few hundred from the stash of money they'd collected from selling Josiah's car, leaving an IOU note on top.

  She took a deep breath and walked out into the freezing air as snow rained rapidly. There weren't many cars out and for that she felt gratef
ul. She walked down the street her breath making smoke in front of her as she entered a costume store. She could see Josiah purchasing her hair dye and contacts, but she had a better idea in mind. She felt guilty but convinced herself that this had to be done.

  She planned on ditching him, he would be a liability at this point. He would get in trouble if she were caught. She watched him leave as she grabbed a red wig and makeup, reaching for green colored contact lenses.

  She had to disappear and fast. She had to change her name again and become a nobody. Silently she paid for her items and walked into the shop a door over, she changed in the dressing room, drawing freckles on her face and wearing thick black eyeliner. She walked out of the restroom, leaving her scarf and blanket on the ground and wearing jeans and a coat.

  She walked out of the shop. It was colder than a freezer out here as the snow turned to hail and began pounding down on her. She needed shelter immediately.

  She froze, taking painful steps around the snow, her limbs were numb. Eleanor gazed at the sky as the sun began to show through the snow now, she couldn't recall how long she had been walking but the sun began to set. Her brain was on autopilot and she knew she had to get to safety.

  "Miss?" A voice said.

  "Yes?" She breathed, hot air creating smoke in front of her.

  "Are you lost?" The woman said, she was an elderly lady, but as soon as Eleanor recognized her, she wanted to turn back. She didn't want to be near this lady or in this damn state anymore. She wanted to go home. This world was too small, and she picked the wrong place to live in.

  "Y... yes." Eleanor stuttered, her jaw shivering. She hoped her red wig and green eyes would be unrecognizable to this woman. Eleanor was literally frozen now, hoping her disguise was enough.

  "Do you know where you're going? Uh..."The woman asked. Eleanor shook her head, turning slowly to look at the empty road.

  "Well, come with me then, I was going to visit my son, just needed to bring a gift for him and his fiancé." The woman, Adam's mother, said.

  It truly was a small world after all, what an awful coincidence. Eleanor wanted to refuse, but she couldn't. She physically couldn't shake her head anymore; she was frozen and in need of warmth.

  Chapter 7: Mansions and Hotels

  Adam paced across the room, waiting for Zac to enter. He had become engrossed in this investigation ever since he realized the handwriting matched with that of Eleanor's and fresh fingerprints had been on the box. His hope was restored, and the search had begun.

  He had announced on National Television that he was searching for a hazel-haired girl with the eyes of Eleanor. He couldn't recall who she was until he realized that it might have been the girl who he'd spoken to a night before his birthday.

  "Adam, you look absolutely exhausted! When was the last time you slept?!" Adam's fiancé trudged into the room as he continued to pace. He couldn't dare tell her why he was stressed unless he wanted to ruin the engagement of course.

  "I'm fine, how are you Magdalene?" He asked as she stopped in front of him. Her fingers snaked around his arm as she demanded his attention.

  "What's the matter? You never call me Magdalene."

  "Nothing Mags, I'm fine, I should get some rest now," Adam said, hoping she would take the hint and leave.

  "I thought we were having movie night?" Magdalene said, confusion enveloping her.

  "Not tonight Maggie, I'm too tired." Adam easily lied.

  "Mr. Carnegie, I have news." Zac barged in, his folder flying on the floor and the pages flying out. Adam's office felt tight now, he wanted to break a window and throw Magdalene out of it. She raised her eyebrows, her curiosity obviously peeked.

  "Maggie, do you mind?" Adam asked as she gave him a look. She rolled her eyes, now staring at him, demanding an answer. "We'll talk later Mags." Adam pleaded as she huffed, turned on her heel, and left the room.

  "You're keeping this from your fiancé? What if Eleanor is actually alive?" Zac blurted out, his gaze meeting Adam's.

  "What if she's dead?" Adam spat. "I don't pay you to butt into my private life." Adam scolded, his face hardening.

  "Yes, sir. Thought we'd become friends now." Zac said as Adam's mouth hung open. He didn't have time for friends.

  "Just because you know my biggest secret does not make us friends Zac." Adam scoffed, a smile forming.

  "Well actually, it kind of does. My girlfriend actually wanted me to invite you and Magdalene to dinner actually. Mr. Carnegie." Zac spoke with such false confidence that you would've believed that Adam worked for him.

  "We'll see. Enough of this," Adam gestured with his hands flailing and pointing at Zac, "what news have you found?"

  "There's this guy, his name is Josiah, I think. He called the cops reporting a missing brown-haired blue-eyed wonder named Bree. Just thought you might want to know. Would you like me to investigate him privately or send him in?"

  Adam contemplated for a second, walking over to his desk and taking a seat on the black leather chair.

  "I don't know." Adam finally decided. "Investigate him privately first, become his friend even, we'll see where it goes from there. Get him to trust you, let me in on the details."

  "Yes, sir." And with that, Zac turned and left the room, a newfound determination filling his senses.


  "Where are you from sweetheart?" Adam's mother asked Eleanor, the master of disguise. She'd worn a red-haired wig, her eyes a highly pigmented green, freckles were drawn on her face, and she wore thick black eyeliner that was smothered across her whole face now, making her look like she had been punched in both eyes.

  "England. My boyfriend and I came here on a Christmas vacation, our car broke down, and our flight got delayed. He left me once I told him I loved him." She lied easily; feigning hurt as Mrs. Carnegie's face turned into a mesh of emotions.

  "Darling, you've been through a lot, you must be freezing." Adam's mother said, taking off her warm gloves and handing them to Eleanor. "If you need a place to stay tonight, I'd be more than happy to offer."

  "No, that'll be fine, I have a couple hundred," Eleanor said.

  "Are you sure, we can get you a warm place to stay tonight, a comfortable bed, and clothes to change into tomorrow morning. If you like, you could save that money for a trip home later."

  Eleanor shook her head, "I'll be fine." She said, shaking rapidly now, the cold sinking into her skin and overpowering any warmth she had left.

  "No, dear, I insist." Mrs. Carnegie said, crossing her cold arms over her chest as she reached for Eleanor's arm, "let's head inside, frankly we're the only two people out here and you must be freezing." She said.

  Eleanor didn't want to comply, but in the cold weather, she couldn't refuse. The nearest hotel was the one Josiah was staying at and she didn't want him recognizing her, even with this new mask on. It might be more difficult, but he had caught onto her habits pretty quickly. One word from her mouth and that'll be all it took- especially with her bad impression of a British accent.

  Her voice was fresh on his mind, as well as easily recognizable. She needed to hide that. She'd fake an English accent once her brain could work again, once she could actually process what was going on.

  The cold breeze flew past her, her entire body hurt to move as she followed Mrs. Carnegie into a nearby restaurant.

  "Why are you helping me?" Eleanor shuddered, the smoke still leaving her lips as the door opened and she defrosted. She rushed inside, now her body felt like it was being stabbed with a million needles as the heat began piercing the cold away.

  "Believe it or not, but you remind me of somebody that I used to know. I never caught your name dear." She said, changing the subject as they took a seat.

  "Hello, welcome to Lucky Spoon, may I take your order?" The waitress saved Eleanor a few minutes to come up with a name. Emily perhaps, Bella, Amelia?

  "Take your pick darling, it's on me."

  "I couldn't..." Eleanor said politely, "you've been too kind." Ele
anor forced her r's to disappear as a light accent took over.

  "No, please, don't make me beg." Mrs. Carnegie smiled warmly. Eleanor returned the smile and shook her head laughing.

  "Thank you." She replied then turned her attention, "Could I have something warm, tea or soup perhaps?" She spoke with such elegance that she believed she could easily pass as a Brit.

  "Why not both?" Mrs. Carnegie pushed, "We'll take two cups of chamomile or Jasmine tea if you have that. And a chicken noodle soup for her, you're not a vegetarian are you sweetie?" Eleanor shook her head as the waitress quickly scribbled on her notepad and walked away.

  It was deliciously warm inside, a dim orange light filling the room as the darkness of the outside world hovered through the shadows. It was a comforting warm cafe with booths colored red for further comfort.

  "Thank you miss... "Eleanor began, trying her best not to say Carnegie, she needed to pretend, to act like she had no idea that the woman sitting across from her was her mother-in-law.

  "Mrs. Carnegie." She replied, a prideful grin on her face. Eleanor feigned surprise as she stared at her with her mouth agape.

  "Like, Adam Carnegie's mother?! How amazing! I've had such a huge crush on him since he'd married Eleanor!" Eleanor blurted out, faking her admiration.

  "Thank you darling. And yes, that would be my son. A rascal that boy, but he's oh so sweet. If Eleanor was still alive, she wouldn't have known how much she hurt him. He puts on such a cover, but I can still see he's hurting. Even with a gorgeous girl like Magdalene. He can't love her like he loved Eleanor- that's kind of obvious. Anyway, you probably heard all this on the news, so this is nothing new..."

  "I'm Elena." Eleanor blurted, she never agreed with herself on that name, she had chosen Claire in her head, but her mouth had other plans.

  "Well, it’s nice to meet you darling. My escort will be in front of these doors in thirty minutes, so we will need to eat quickly."

  "May I ask where we're spending the night?"


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