The Girl that Fled (Bliss Book 3)

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The Girl that Fled (Bliss Book 3) Page 9

by Veronica Soliman

  She sighed, she had money in her pocket, contacts in her eyes, and a wig over her head. She had no passport so the money seemed pointless, she couldn't leave the country without a passport.

  She groaned; she hadn't thought that far ahead. She sat on the curb where Adam had slickly drove off as soon as she got out. His wheels sounding loudly as he turned sharply and sped as far away as possible. He was clearly angry, and Eleanor had mixed feelings about what she had said to him. She had made him out to be a pathetic widower who couldn't get over his dead wife even though he was engaged to another woman and to be wed in March. He had every right to be upset and angry, he had lost someone that he had given his whole self to. And along with her, his entire heart and spirit was gone and whatever was left of it found itself buried in Magdalene's kitchen sink- probably the sewers by now.

  She regretted coming back to New Jersey. Maybe she could go back to Oklahoma and pretend to be Bree again. No- that made her already more suspicious. With no sense of direction, Eleanor waited for a cab to park in front of her.

  "Where to miss?"

  "Anywhere," she said, her normal American accent came back and the struggle to copy the English of the Britain's wore off. She didn't have to fake that anymore and she was grateful.

  And from that moment on, she swore to herself that she would never go back to New Jersey ever again.


  February 18th arrived and the small town in New Jersey felt the impact of Adam's grief. He was a month away from marrying another woman- and it seemed like it was for the sole purpose of moving on. He couldn't bring himself to even tell Magdalene he loved her, much less make love to her.

  It was the one-year anniversary of the death- the suicide- of Eleanor Carnegie. Typically, Adam would be out and about like normal, but today the images he had seen kept replaying in his mind.

  Her running out of his house. Him watching her run and forgetting he could actually move behind her. And when he finally got the courage to follow after her, she was gone. No longer in his presence as he heard the loud squeak of tires on the paved road and a loud scream escaped her lips. He quickened his pace at the sight before him, there was blood all over the ground, a very shocked truck driver rushing out to see what happened. Adam's fist collided with the man's face.

  "You killed her!" Adam shouted, his soul draining from his eyes as he became suddenly violent.

  "She ran in front of me." The hazardous scene was followed by a bunch of cop cars minutes later. There was no time for someone to bury Eleanor's body because she hadn't fully committed to her death.

  "That was my wife!" Adam's voice cracked as he tried to regain his composure. He shouted in the middle of the night, tears trailing down his face angrily as he threw another punch at the truck driver. He grabbed the old man by the collar and yelled loud enough to wake up the entire block. The chaotic scene was only stopped by an officer of the service as he pulled Adam away from the truck driver. The town had basically awoken to life now as more and more people came to watch Adam Carnegie lose his shit.

  "Relax son." The cop said, but that enraged Adam further as he directed his pain and anger onto the officer. He tossed a punch and was immediately pulled back and handcuffed.

  Eleanor was frightened as she watched the scene unfold in the distance. She had no idea what she would do now. She had no idea Adam would react like this- it was in his vulnerable state, handcuffed, that she hid silently and watched. And although she was sure of herself, she didn't know what she should do no. She wondered how crazy it would be if she stepped out of her spot beside the three large trees on the street but thought against it.

  She was too hurt, too scared to cry at the sight in front of her. Adam had erupted, Adam had gone crazy and took the meaning to a whole other level. Eleanor whimpered silently, crouching down in her spot for what seemed like hours as they cleaned it up.

  Adam remained handcuffed as he sat on the ground, his head was downcast, and his chiseled jaw dripped tears. It pained Eleanor to watch as he finally got up, hours after the cops had left and taken their handcuffs off of him. He wiped his eyes and began the walk home alone.

  Eleanor struggled to hold herself back, to prevent herself from running forward and hugging him ever so tightly that his pain would stop. But she hitched in her tracks and remained crouched behind the trees. She didn't think she could pull it off, but she had.

  Adam now lay on his bed, a year later and stared at the side Eleanor usually slept on. That side had been empty for exactly a year to this day.

  He couldn't even bring himself to be tossed into the events prior to that fateful night, none of those twisted curves should have happened. He shook the thoughts away- it shouldn't have hurt him this much. They were never meant to fall in love. They were meant to be together forever.

  Adam's original plan was to marry Eleanor and have his father deal with the Hays money situation and then he could stay with her until his father said it was okay to leave.

  He had liked Eleanor; her looks were outstanding, and her beauty outshined the rest of the population. But within a day of marriage, he realized the sweet innocent girl he had met years ago had become a sex addict. She had changed so much, and Adam just knew he had to get her back on track.

  She cheated on him her first day at his home. She despised him and, in a way, that made him work harder for her attention. Eleanor was a great communicator, she spoke her mind and although she didn't care for him other than his body, she quickly got over that.

  The genie Adam hadn't realized was on the island had told them their fates and everything he had said had occurred, in a sick twisted sort of way.

  And at this moment of solitude, staring at the pillows where Eleanor used to lay her head, Adam cried for what felt like the billionth time that year.

  Chapter 16: Odd

  I need to come clean. I need to come clean. I need to tell Adam I'm alive. I need Adam to know that I still love him. Adam, I love you. Baby I never left you.

  The words echoed in Eleanor's mind as she awoke with the name Adam at the tip of her tongue. She wondered who had heard her and where she had even slept. She had no memory of how she ended up on the ground of whatever this place was.

  Eleanor missed Adam's company at this moment, but she couldn't go near him anymore. It was too much of a risk- even if he came to believe the lies, she spouted at him last night. Hopefully they would forget about her at this point.

  Eleanor was a master of disguise as she liked to call it and entered another store, bought another wig, and bought plain brown eye contacts. She didn't want to stand out whatsoever.

  She looked like an average person now. The same brown eyes as the majority of the American population and the plain brown hair. Eleanor wished she hadn't left Josiah behind, but it seemed that her pile of regrets just continued to grow.

  She looked at her sides, the stench of vomit near her, but not on her. Besides her lay several people sleeping on the floor. She glanced up at the counters and the selection of alcohol on the wall. She was at a bar, realization struck.

  She was aware she was still Eleanor's height, there was nothing that could be done about that, but her facial structure seemed different to everyone with the odd-looking contour she had on. She decided to step it up a couple notches, deepen the dark circles under her eyes and the creases of her cheeks and dimple.

  She couldn't dress how she would have as Eleanor and instead bought some ragged clothes and walked around in fishnets stockings. The money she had might as well have been burnt by a fire because it was useless. She wanted to store it in a bank- but she needed an ID if she wanted to create a savings account. She had none.

  She had headed to the nearby mall, with still a few thousand in her pocket. As she entered, she realized it would've been smart to spend it on an apartment, but this was too short notice. She wished she could go home to California and share her demise with her parents, but her nonexistent passport would probably only take her to another imaginary

  "Excuse me miss." A voice called and as she was about to turn around, the smell hit her first. She had met this person before, and the signature scent of sweet pumpkin hit her nose.

  "Stephanie Cooper!" She shouted, her eyes meeting with the woman. She was absolutely shocked- she knew Stephanie Cooper was in New Jersey, that was her home- but the luck of meeting her that early in the morning at the mall was incredible.

  "Yes, hello. You look like a very tall beautiful young woman, with proper measurements and some photoshop, we could get you on the cover of Rogue Magazine. I could see that face there- you look kind of familiar as well. Kind of like..." she paused for a minute, "kind of like Eleanor Carnegie. Hmm," she took a longer pause as she scanned Eleanor's body.

  Eleanor stood frozen as she heard her name. She contemplated punching the woman and running but was too frozen in place to move. Then Stephanie Cooper, model extraordinaire and possibly the best scout out there, spoke again, "I wanted to know if you would be interested in modeling? Those leggings sure do stand out and I would love to have you on the runway. Here's my card." The famous model spoke with such arrogance that just by intimidating Eleanor she couldn't refuse. "I've been Modeling for about twelve years now and I think you would make a great addition to Demeter Modeling Co."

  "I don't actually have a phone." Eleanor laughed, bring a hand up to play with the long brown wig.

  "Not at all a problem. Just here, meet me at this address tomorrow morning and my team can evaluate you. We have a few tests... I mean, to see if you'd do well on a runway or on the cover of a magazine or even both!" Stephanie exclaimed, her bobbed blonde hair shimmering. For a forty-year-old woman, Stephanie didn't look a day above twenty.

  Eleanor was hopeful, perhaps she could continue to live like this. Lurking in the shadows and pretending to be a bunch of different people while staying away yet close enough to billionaire Adam Carnegie. A highly esteemed romantic who was incapable of letting go of his late wife. But was it actually a good idea to stay in Jersey.

  Eleanor knew about modeling. She'd done it maybe once or twice before and she knew that you never stay in one place. If she was lucky enough, she'd be able to travel on a private jet- no ID necessary. A plan began to form, although a slow escape, an escape, nonetheless. Maybe she'd end up somewhere in Europe where she can get made fun of for her terrible impression of a British accent. Somewhere safe and away from where she'd drive herself insane.

  She nodded at Stephanie Cooper, one of the major representatives for the Demeter modeling company.

  Stephanie handed Eleanor her card with an address scribbled on the back.

  "Thanks." Eleanor smiled as Stephanie shot her a wink and headed on with her day. She wandered around the mall until closing and hid inside a furniture store under a couch. She needed somewhere to sleep after all.

  As soon as the lights of the store shut off, Eleanor snuck out from under the couch and found a nearby bed where she lay her head and dozed off.


  "Didn't realize I forgot to lock up last night." A voice laughed as Eleanor's eyes shot open. Her heart rate skyrocketed as she hopped out of the bed.

  "Shit." She muttered, she had merely intended to leave before the store opened but now in front of her stood the store manager laughing. "I just... I was just leaving." Eleanor said quickly, hopping out of the bed and running out the door. She had fallen asleep with her contacts in and thankfully they stayed put.

  She ran as fast as her legs would allow and pushed past the early stragglers of the mall. She searched for the exit and ran into the fresh morning air.

  Her wig had been well worth the money as it clung to her head like it was actually her hair. Eleanor pulled the card from her pocket that she had been handed by Stephanie Cooper herself.

  "Well, what else have I got to lose?" She muttered, as a familiar determination filled her.

  Life doesn't play by any rules. Eleanor roamed the streets until she found the building. It was large, sleek, and very pretty. The walls were the color of snow and were as shiny as a newly polished shoe. She had been here before- as Eleanor- and had received a modeling position which she turned down reluctantly. It was during the two months Adam was away.

  Eleanor sauntered toward the door and pulled it open to be met with many busy people walking all around. She didn't know where to go. The place was huge, white walls surrounded by glass that portrayed the perfect view of the sky. There was a second story that looked like a stage and a third story that was purely glass. It was gorgeous and smelled of flowers as soon as she walked in. The bustling people were all wearing white suits with a small signature on the front breast pocket that read in fancy blue writing "Demeter Modeling Company Established 2000".

  Although she'd never been inside before, the place looked sleek, clean, white, and shiny as hell. She wanted to explore the second floor which was mostly hidden, it looked carpeted and comfortable from where she stood on the tile.

  "You made it!" Stephanie Cooper herself had approached her, rushing from behind a blue curtain, and hugged Eleanor tightly. "Alright Ally," she said, "that is your name, right?" She asked and Eleanor jumped at the opportunity of not having to choose another name because she was idiotic and blew her cover again.

  "Yep" Eleanor nodded.

  "Okay Ally," Stephanie backed up to get a full look at her. "Ya know, if you were a blonde, you could definitely pass as Eleanor Carnegie. Oh dear, I shouldn't have mentioned that named. Jacob always gets upset. "

  "I don't." A shorter gentleman with a perfectly shaped white beard said, "I get angry that such a beautiful rich girl with so much potential and so much wealth- not just monetary wealth, but she had Adam fucking Carnegie wrapped around her finger. Do you know how many people in this world wanted that man? Many! My daughters gushed after him the second his father announced him as the heir to Carnegie Hall. Do you know who they gush about now? Brandon something- because he's not depressed over his perfect wife killing herself. I can't believe she would dare kill herself.

  She chose a permanent solution to a short-term problem and that's not amendable. I don't get upset; I get remorseful that someone like her would hurt so many people like that even if she was in pain- she should've sought help!" He said, grabbing a coffee from somewhere nearby and heading away.

  Eleanor watched her surroundings. The old man had a huge point- suicide was never the answer, but Eleanor wanted to get away, she wanted Hank Carnegie behind bars. Sure, she went about it the wrong way, but she got the job done even if she lost everyone and everything she loved and destroyed her parent’s happiness by killing their last living child. She felt burdened at that moment. Staring at the direction where the bearded man, Jacob, had went, she attempted to shut her mouth, shock and surprise were all she could muster until Stephanie spoke again.

  "Actually, that's not a bad idea, we could dye your hair blonde Ally and call you 'Eleanor risen' or something. Do you have any idea how that would get our modeling company out there?" Stephanie's eyes shined with every word, she grinned with such a stealthy motivation that Eleanor was almost afraid. Demeter Modeling Co was already, how Stephanie called it, "out there". It was the number 2 Modeling company in the nation second to EDD Models. Bringing up the dreadful death of Eleanor would definitely bring more attention to Demeter.

  Then the thought actually struck her. If she passed as the 'Eleanor who rose from the dead' nobody could suspect that she actually was Eleanor. Especially not with the brown eyes she wore. Even if they made her get blue contacts, she could always pass as herself by being someone who was a poser. Perfect. The plan seemed to fall into place. And all because she was at the right place at the right time.

  Or maybe she was cutting it close. Maybe people would begin to realize she was Eleanor. She would need to create a new image for herself as Ally, Eleanor's spitting image. Nobody would fall for that.

  Unless a certain Stephanie Cooper made everyone believe it. Eleanor felt indecisive, but she needed a so
urce of income somehow; she couldn't sleep in malls and roam the streets forever.

  "Deal. Is there a contract?" Eleanor asked as Stephanie burst with excitement. Eleanor felt iffy about saying contract as memories of a certain deal popped in her mind.

  Till death do us part. Was she really doing a disservice by ruining her marriage to Adam. She couldn't regret killing Mr. Carnegie because fact of the matter is, she had wanted him gone, she wanted them both gone, the second she had heard about that contract. But she had fallen into the measly rollercoaster of love and it physically hurt her to break free.

  "Come with me." Stephanie said, snapping Eleanor out of her dark thoughts.

  "I need a place to stay." Eleanor burst out as they were walking.

  "Sure thing, I've got a friend who owns a really nice home. I'm sure he will let you rent a room."

  "But the thing is..." Eleanor continued, "I can't afford something luxurious until my first paycheck so... I."

  "Don't worry Ally. You stress far too much and I've known you for less than an hour."

  Eleanor glanced away, following behind her through the sleek yellow painted hallway that seemed more like a dome.

  "Welcome to my office. Before you can officially call yourself a Demeter Co. Star, we need to try you out for a photo shoot. Then we can possibly try a blond wig on you to see which looks best. So, I will need you to walk into that room, the doors don't close but you will have enough privacy to undress. We will do a nude shoot with two objects to cover whatever you want and then we will do a lingerie shoot. Possibly for the cover of our magazine. But we will see. You're pretty tall so perhaps runway modeling." Stephanie rambled on as Eleanor looked around silently.

  Everything felt weird.

  Chapter 17: I’m a Baker Not a Shrink

  He was back in Jersey, wearing a confident smile on his face. Adam was back and better than ever before. Or at least that's what he wanted the media to think as thousands of paparazzi snapped photos of him driving into his awe-inspiring mansion.


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