The Girl that Fled (Bliss Book 3)

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The Girl that Fled (Bliss Book 3) Page 12

by Veronica Soliman

"Yes, mother."

  Chapter 21: Talking Dead

  Eleanor slept in Stephanie Cooper's friend's mansion as soon as the show ended. It wasn't as nice as Adam's, of course, but who was she to judge. She was on her way to creating a new reputation- no- a new persona for herself and she didn't need the baggage she had left behind. The next morning, she woke up with a strange man sitting on top of her.

  His hand was grasping her breast and his mouth was on her neck.

  "What the hell?!" She screamed, kicking him where the sun doesn't shine as he flew off. She ran out the room. Suffice to say, she never stayed at Stephanie Cooper's friend's house again.

  When she pointed this out to Stephanie the next day, she said it was normal for him to do that. That he wasn't accustomed to American Culture and thought anything with legs- and other female parts- was for one purpose. It was disgusting that Stephanie had accepted that her friend was a rapist. If Eleanor hadn't woken up when she had, she might've ended up pregnant or something.

  Or something...

  Her mind slowly wandered to Adam. She needed to get him out of her mind before she drove herself absolutely insane. But how could she get him out of her mind when he was... standing nearby?

  She had to blink several times before she realized that Adam was walking through the doors of Demeter Modeling Co. and would soon make it to the second floor of the glass building. He could potentially make it so high up that there was no stopping him.

  But the second floor was for models only, hopefully they wouldn't make any exceptions. Hah! Knowing the businessman that he is, he could probably make his way to the roof with no problem. He could make it to mars if he wanted to. Eleanor frantically rushed to hide somewhere- anywhere. She found a door behind a long line of clothes and headed inside it. The clothes had toppled, and some had fallen but not enough to give away her hiding spot.

  She was afraid of confrontation and that Adam might send her to jail for killing his damn father. Could he do that? Did he even know? Is faking your death a crime? Is killing your husband's father a crime? After all the hurt she caused him- Eleanor was the puppy a child gets on Christmas and what she did to Adam was take the puppy that he loved and killed it and then it came back to life to kill Adam's father.

  She was panicking and her cover was obviously blown. She couldn't image how Adam could have found out. She regretted ever going to New Jersey. She should have just stayed with Josiah in Clearwater Oklahoma and spent her days baking at Lavela's. Although a dull life, a safe one.

  When she looked at the strange room, she realized there were stairs and she headed up to reveal the roof. Nobody could spot her up here. She glanced down and Adam was nowhere in sight. He had probably entered through the giant glass doors of Demeter Modeling Co. and Stephanie Cooper probably had hopped right on him. A Carnegie would be a great way to spread the knowledge about her company. Which by now had already received so much coverage for finding a doppelgänger for Eleanor Carnegie. Demeter Modeling co was quickly blowing up and would easily surpass all others by the end of the week.

  Eleanor sat silently, staring at the clouds until they moved to reveal the blazing sun in her eyes. So, she turned another direction and again it seemed like the sun was following her. The cycle continued until Eleanor got annoyed.

  She headed downstairs and hid again behind the door to the second floor.

  "Has anyone seen Ally?" She heard Stephanie Cooper's voice; it was faint which indicated that she was still a way away. "I literally just saw that girl."

  Eleanor decided to stay in the room for another few minutes until the door opened to reveal none other than Stephanie Cooper.

  "Ally, what are you doing in there?" She asked, "has the pressure gotten to you already? The tabloids love you and your performance last night was outstanding." She didn't care to mention the other performance that had happened in her friend's home this morning. Eleanor choked on her breath.

  "Yeah, the pressure is really getting to me." She forced her voice to go a bit higher. Her voice needed to be unrecognizable.

  "Well, I know what can help. There's a lovely gentleman downstairs who wants to see you!" She beamed and Eleanor wanted the Earth to swallow her whole.

  "Really?" She feigned excitement, "who?"

  "None other than the renowned Adam Carnegie. He wanted to meet the Eleanor Undead. You've really brought a lot of attention to Demeter Modeling Co. I was actually thinking of giving you a raise already- or partnering with you or something to keep you here because I know those scoundrel other companies will try to steal you from me. Anyway, if you haven't heard of him- Adam is the owner of a Law firm and business company called Carnegie Hall." Stephanie said with a determination in her voice. "Now hurry- he's an impatient man and he's waiting downstairs." Lies. Lies. Adam was he most patient man on earth! Eleanor wanted to slap Stephanie for saying that.

  "Sure." Eleanor replied nonchalantly.

  "Anyway, you shouldn't keep him waiting. He's right downstairs. Just pretend you're Eleanor, give him a kiss or something and ask if he will sponsor our company. Okay?" Stephanie pinched Eleanor's cheeks so hard that they turned pink.

  Eleanor stood up from her spot behind the rows of clothes. She walked past the mirrors and the vanities and the wooden stairs. She stared out the glass walls and into the beautiful city. It was as though her life was flashing before her eyes.

  It was fated in the stars that they would meet, and these sorts of things don't happen without cause. And certainly not by coincidence.

  Eleanor took a deep, full breath and let it out.

  Show time.


  The first thing his eyes focused on were the long-tanned legs taking slow steps down the glossy tiled staircase. His eyes traced her body and finally landed on her eyes. She was breath taking and he couldn't help the fast pace of his heart that made him wonder if this was actually his beloved wife. Her eyes refused to meet his and he refused to look away. His breathing shallowed as he stared at her.

  "She looks just like her, doesn't she?" Stephanie Cooper appeared out of nowhere and stood beside Adam, wrapping her arm around his. He nodded wordlessly- his mind a jumble and his heart in a severed panic. In truth, he was speechless and relieved to finally see the love of his life alive- and standing right in front of him.

  Without putting thoughts to his actions, he rushed over to her and wrapped his arms around her in a warm embrace. He felt the fire and passion that had been there a year ago. He felt the love they shared and the pain they went through. He wanted to kiss her, to bend his neck and press his lips onto hers. But he wasn't sure- he didn't want to make scenes.

  "Eleanor," he breathed her name out like the whistle of wind in a forest. She too was frozen.

  "Uhm. . ." Stephanie Cooper and her staff all murmured simultaneously. Whispers broke out about how Adam Carnegie had officially lost it. How would Magdalene deal when she heard that he cheated on her. Did a sensual hug and an almost-kiss even count as cheating. He didn't care- his love was standing right in front of him with her arms planted at his waist and his hugging her.

  "Look Mr. Carnegie. I know you're accustomed to American culture and all, but I don't think it's appropriate. You'd probably be the second man today that's tried to grope this poor girl. Isn't that right Ally" Stephanie said to deaf ears.

  It was as if the entire world had disappeared and solely held Adam and Eleanor in it. Once Adam pulled away from the trance, he turned to Stephanie.

  "Would you mind if I spoke to your model outside?" He raised an eyebrow, challenging her to say no. "I might consider investing if she says the right things." Adam winked at Stephanie as Eleanor desperately begged Stephanie with her eyes. Please don't make me hurt him even further.

  "Why yes Mr. Carnegie, take her for as long as you need." She winked and gestured to his tightened pants. "Back to work everyone." She clapped and turned away as Adam grasped Eleanor's hand. It was an unspoken agreement that what they saw wouldn't be spoken of- not unl
ess Demeter Modeling Co wanted to lose everything it was worth.

  He led her outside and into his limousine where Max was siting patiently.

  "Hello again Miss Eleanor." Max said, giving her a knowing look.

  "Again?" Adam asked.

  "Yes, she was the redhead that you tossed out a day or so ago, I've already told you." Max laughed heartily, "I'm going to step outside and give you both a minute ." He quickly exited the limousine and walked a bit before pulling out a cigar. Adam wasn't even certain if this random doppelgänger was Eleanor. All he had was a confirmation that she might be alive. Any girl could be Eleanor.

  "My name is Ally." Eleanor said. Her eyes trained on the door. She was afraid of giving in. She wasn't going to give in. She worked too damn hard- she hid too damn much to have her cover blown that quickly.

  "Yeah, and it's also Bree Walker and Elena." Adam muttered. He was so overwhelmed with emotion that he didn't know where to begin. Eleanor was shocked that he knew but she refused to show it.

  "No sir, Mr. Carnegie, sir" Eleanor tried. "My name is Ally Lawson. I have heard of your wife and I'm very sorry to hear that. I am not her, however. I'm just a look- alike hired for the purpose of being your wife... Eleanor Undead. I'm just a doppelgänger that Stephanie found a few days ago in the mall. I'm sorry for your loss sir, but your wife is gone. I just happen to look like her."

  "Take your contacts out Eleanor." He wondered how stupid he would be if this girl was just some rando- and not his long-lost wife.

  "I can't! Sir, this is my eye color. You want me to take out my eyes?" She gasped, feigning surprise to the best of her ability.

  "Bullshit." Adam's excitement had slowly withered away as confusion came to replace it. "Eleanor-"

  "Look Mr. Carnegie. My name is Allison Ray Lawson and I am nothing more than a model for Demeter Modeling Co. so if you will excuse me, I have to get back to work." It pained her to say this, but she had to keep the lie going for as long as she could. For the sake of her life, sanity, and happiness. She didn't want to go to him for murder- she didn't want a repeat of what happened between her and Adam. Though their love was strong, dark forces working against it were stronger.

  "Eleanor," Adam whispered, "I thought I had lost you forever," he grabbed her hand carefully and rubbed it with his thumb. It was like he wasn't even listening to her declaration. "Eleanor, I love you, please don't leave me. I love you." He repeated.

  The words were caught in her throat- she didn't want to confirm anything for him. She wanted him to leave and lead a normal life without her. What she did was unforgivable.

  "Eleanor, I'm begging you. Please look at me," his voice cracked, they sat in the limousine, a strong tension filled the air and wasn't leaving anytime soon. She glanced into his brown eyes, then looked away quickly.

  He broke her.

  Chapter 22: The Hole that is My Heart

  The whole point of living is to survive. Regardless of rank or what you do in life, your goal is survival. And against a world of sharks, it's hard being a starfish. Eleanor is the Patrick to the bikini-bottom. Oblivious and stupid, but somehow useful to the entire plot of things.

  Eleanor could have gazed into those brown eyes for years and at the end of their sitting in the limousine, Adam had given up. She had gotten extremely close to wrapping her arms around him and kissing him senseless, but she held her own. She'd done too much to return now.

  "I'm sorry if I'm not who you were expecting sir." Eleanor lied through a sad smile as Adam removed his hands from hers.

  Adam's heart dropped. He physically felt pained at hearing her words, but he hid it well as all good businessmen do.

  "I understand." He said, urging her to leave. She sounded just like Eleanor- her voice so vaguely engrained in his memory.

  It took him a minute to realize that nobody could feel his pain, nobody could comprehend it or know it even if he faked it. He felt empty and broken, he felt like he was in a dark hole that he couldn't climb out of. He felt choked and exhausted.

  The world was gray and bare and hazy. It was ugly actually. There was nothing beautiful anymore. Eleanor stood outside the door of her family home in California. She'd traveled by train to get here and then turned right around and took the train to the end of its route. She didn't care anymore. She was sick of hiding.

  She ended up back in New Jersey- back at the doors of Demeter Modeling Co. and back where she started. She stood outside of Adam's home and rang the bell. She had a terrible internal monologue, screaming at her. She didn't know what to do. She didn't want to hide anymore. She wanted to accept the reputation as Ally Lawson- Eleanor Undead. Without realizing what or where she was going, Eleanor walked straight to Adam’s home.

  She wasn't sure what had brought her there, but she needed to confirm that there were no hard feelings between him and Ally Lawson and that she would keep all that happened and all he had said to them private. And it was a great excuse to see him again. She hadn't seen him in two weeks and had no doubt that he would marry Magdalene soon. She wanted to be happy for him- happy he'd found love again, but the jealousy began to spew from her guts.

  "Do you know where liars go?" Max appeared at the gate in uniform. He glared at Eleanor as she grimaced at his threatening gaze.

  "Heaven" She smirked jokingly.

  "Wrong Mrs. Carnegie- they go to the deepest pits of hell." He looked at her angrily.

  "I'm not Mrs. Carnegie. Although I wish I could be- Adam is absolutely stunning and a total sweetheart."

  "Why did you come here Eleanor. Do you not realize how much pain you've caused already."

  "Once again Mr. driver, I'm not Eleanor, the only thing I did was speak the truth to Mr. Carnegie. I am not the Eleanor he wishes I was- I am Ally Lawson, a model for the Demeter Modeling company." She ensued.

  "And I'm the president of the United States." Max glared at her. "Anyone can say they are something they aren't Mrs. Carnegie."

  This argument seemed pointless, it would clearly be a never-ending cycle of her telling Max that she wasn't Eleanor and Max not believing her.

  "Look, Mr. I came here to apologize to Mr. Carnegie and let him know that there are no hard feelings. I would also like to inform him that what he said to me remain private and the skepticism of my being his late wife will be forgiven and forgotten."

  "Fine. Ally Lawson, I will deliver the message. You can go now."

  Eleanor's anger bubbled. Max was never this infuriating in the past. She wanted to say those words to Adam herself. Noticing Eleanor's scowl, Max spoke again.

  "Nothing against you Ms. Lawson, but I don't think he wants to see you or any girl that looks like Eleanor ever again." And with that, max turned around and walked away leaving a baffled Eleanor staring at the gate. Max wasn't the gatekeeper- perhaps Adam had seen her and sent Max to speak to her.

  Eleanor grew glum, annoyed, she walked the two miles back to the apartment she now rented. Her first paycheck was a beautiful number- allowing her to live in a comfortable home now. She lived in Jersey, a mile away from Demeter Modeling Co and five miles from Adam's home. It would take her a while to hear back, and that was fine. She needed time to think.


  "What did she want, baby?" Magdalene day on the couch beside Adam, a broad smile on her face. She felt the comfort of being surrounded by strong arms, her weight shifting into his muscular torso.

  "Huh," Adam had forgotten that Magdalene was there, he had lost all sight of her and he realized that he desperately needed to move on. "Oh, nothing Maggie."

  Back to square one. He would wed Magdalene and lead a quiet and peaceful life. That was all Adam could conjure up at the moment. He was sad constantly- still grieving even after a year had passed. He contemplated moving to Oklahoma after marrying Magdalene. A nice quiet town where everyone knew each other- they might even take up church like all the other townspeople of Clearwater. Perhaps Josiah could be a friend to him there as well as Lavela and her delicious cookies.

/>   "So how far back are we pushing the wedding, I'm eager baby." Magdalene spoke, her long eyelashes blinking and staring straight into Adam's sparking brown eyes. He had the light brown that passed as hazel, they were such a light brown at times yet could turn dark so instantly. That was one of the many things she loved about Adam.

  "I'm not sure yet Maggie." Adam smiled, "I'll have to check my work schedule to see if I need to go on any more trips before we get married."

  "Okay baby." Magdalene leaned forward and planted a kiss on Adam's lips. "I love you Adam." She said, awaiting a response.

  Adam pressed his lips on hers as their mouths moved in synchrony. The butterflies in Magdalene's stomach couldn't be contained as she let out a moan.

  "I have to check on a project really quickly Mags, I'll be back later." Adam smiled at her as he stood up and left the room. Magdalene sat on his couch alone.

  He never returned the I love you. She thought, still star struck from the kiss they'd just shared. He made her feel things nobody had ever let her feel before. She craved his attention, she wanted him. They had almost slept together once, but he stopped halfway, out his boxers back on, and declared that he had some work to do.

  Magdalene wondered if she repulsed him that much. She wasn't ugly- not even close to the definition of that word, but she wanted to get closer to him. And to do that, she'd need him when he's at his lowest low. If she had been able to snatch him up right when Eleanor committed suicide, she'd have been filthy rich by now and at the side of a gorgeous man. But she hadn't met him yet- she'd only fantasized about him.

  Magdalene grew angry, wanting to interrogate him. Wanting so desperately to ask him why he never wants to kiss her, why he never returns the love she spouts when he's around, why he never wants to sleep with her. She was mad as she got off the couch and wiped her lips- wishing that made her feel more powerful, but it did nothing.

  She paced back and forth across the room and waited.

  She pounced on the couch and called her mother. They cynical old woman who would've made best friends with women like Eleanor.


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