The Girl that Fled (Bliss Book 3)

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The Girl that Fled (Bliss Book 3) Page 17

by Veronica Soliman

"I see your heart rate has sped up..." He pointed out.

  "Perhaps it's because that machine doesn't work and you're trying to incriminate me." She glared.

  When the light flashed green, Stan believed her. Interesting. Maybe my machine is broken.

  "Question Three. Did you murder Mr. Carnegie in his home a week after you went running at three am?"

  No, I didn't murder Adam.


  The light flashed green. His questions were easily misinterpreted. Some lie detector and yet he treated her like she was guilty the whole time. Technically, she was...

  "Thank you, Ms. Cooper." His eyes softened; I'll see how quickly I can let you leave. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused."

  And that ladies and gentlemen, is how you get away with murder. Eleanor smiled at him as he unlocked the painful cuffs and took them off.

  "Thanks." She simply said and rubbed her wrists.

  Stand left the room as she continued to sit and stare at the seat Stan was just at. There was always a way to get out of sticky situations.

  A few moments later, Stan appeared. "You're cleared from this station; however, we need to keep you on house arrest. This tracker is to be kept on your ankle. This case isn't over, and we need to be sure that our lie detector worked properly."

  He bent down to place the metals device on her ankle. She thought of kicking him and escaping, but they would only get her in trouble. She didn't want trouble.

  She wanted to speak to Adam and find out why he turned her in. If he was the one to turn her in.

  Chapter 31: You at Your Finest

  She put on a fancy dress and walked down the glass staircase, fluffy white carpentry awaiting her at the end. She smiled, twirling in circles at the top of the stairs. The ankle bracelet wasn't going to stop her. She'd come too far. And it was barely visible anyway.

  Of course, she knew nobody had just left her behind to navigate the world freely. That didn't happen. She was going to definitely be watched and investigated until the end of time. And it wasn't like she could fake her death again. She had to live with it and wait it out. Maybe a couple years down the line she could realize that she was wrong. But absolutely not now. And there was no way she could get the ankle bracelet off. For heaven’s sake she had to be home by 10 every night.

  Home. Where was home? She roamed mostly, forced back in New Jersey and renting an apartment with the money from her first paycheck. Modeling paid well.

  She had to watch her every move, her every word. She needed to be certain that nobody cared enough about her enough to search after the ankle bracelet was gone. If the ankle bracelet ever got off.

  "Eleanor!" Stephanie Cooper called from the bottom of the stairs.

  "My name is Ally." Eleanor pointed out for what felt like the hundredth time.

  "Look, I don't have time for this. Listen, we need to work on the look. Hurry down!" Stephanie Cooper spoke sharply. Eleanor quickly rushed down the stairs and met with the stern stare of her boss.

  "What's on your ankle?" She immediately looked down.

  "An ankle bracelet." Eleanor monotonously said. "I'm covering it."

  "It makes you look like a criminal." Stephanie said, "take it off before the next show or you're not going up."

  Eleanor's eyes widened, "I can't! I'd get in trouble if I did."

  "Sure, you can... go to the police station and tell them it's affecting your career. I won't let you perform until you get that darn thing off." And with those lovely words, Stephanie began to walk away."

  Wonderful. Just what Eleanor needed.

  "Wait! Maybe we can incorporate it into the looks! I'm almost 100% sure the cops won't take it off just because it inconveniences my work. Look it's almost fall, and Halloween looks are a thing." Eleanor pleaded. This was probably the first time in god-knows-how-long that she's actually had to beg for something. She needed the money. And stripping was something considerable except she'd need to leave before 10, which certainly wasn't ideal.

  Stephanie's eyes shined at Eleanor's suggestion. Her mind wandered and thought before she opened her mouth to speak.

  "No. Take it off of you don't perform. I won't say it again." And she left the room.

  Well I better start looking for a new job. Eleanor thought before climbing back up the stairs and changing back into her regular clothes.

  If she tried to take the ankle brace off, it would alarm the authorities and they'd be out of get her. She couldn't so instead she left Demetri Modeling Co and took a cab to her apartment.

  It was small, smelly, and uncomfortable yet it was the only place available on such short notice. The manager didn't even have time to replace the carpet before she moved in. It didn't matter though. Eleanor knew this was only temporary.

  It had to be.

  She'd find Adam and ask him why he betrayed her like that and then she would go live her life elsewhere. But she knew she wouldn't be able to do that. Adam was her life. Was.

  She wiped her eyes as she felt a tear on her cheek. It sucked. The way her life turned out was terrible.

  First, she was the high school bully to a totally innocent girl and then went to college and called this chic her friend. And immediately after struggling for four years to graduate, she was immediately forced into a wedding with a stranger who was certain that he could get her to live him without sex. Well- whoop-de-doo, it happened, and she ended up killing his evil father... and faking her own death. And here she was, pretending to be someone else while Adam knew everything, and she had nothing left.

  Her life sounded like something that could only happen in a book. But it had happened to her and if she could go back in time and change anything, she knew it would be faking her death.

  She regretted leaving Adam, even if at the time she felt it was the right thing to do. She, however, did not regret meeting Josiah who I rightfully was killed by a crocodile. He'd given the sweetest lightest kisses.

  Does that count as cheating? She hoped not.

  As she approached the apartment, a dark figure stood by the front entrance. It brought back deja vu moments of when she went on a jog and was kidnapped by Mr. Hank Carnegie. Asshole.

  She decided to pretend the man wasn't there and entered.

  "Excuse me." He called as she shut the gate, making sure to hear the lock click before she turned to him.

  "What?" She turned around, shock on her face at who she saw. "It was you!" She shouted and ran up to her apartment.

  She needed to get out of here. He was out to get her.

  Chapter 32: All Good and Pure

  Magdalene glared at her reflection. It was like everyone and everything had forgotten about her and left her in the dust. Adam had left her for some bribe! She was supposed to have Adam back by now! She was supposed to marry him and become rich again. She was supposed to 'pretend' to love him as her mother said but she actually loved him. He just couldn't love her... all because of a damn dead girl.

  Eleanor was supposed to make him love her then crush his heart until Magdalene could scatter it back together. It wasn't fair!

  Her smooth silky long hair fell around her shoulders as she ran her hand through it.

  Her eyes glared right back at her through the mirror as the phone in her other hand ran blank. She stared at the long list of blue messages she'd sent and the unreplying recipient Adam.

  Everything was fine until that wench arrived anyway. She'd have a bounty on her if it weren't illegal... and immoral.

  But who defines morals anyway.

  She wanted to pull her hair out and scream at the top of her lungs, she was going crazy, feeling like she'd officially lost it. Adam was hers for a time. And then he wasn't.

  Then he was gone and disappeared like a ghost along with her bribe. She had nothing on Eleanor anyway, she was just waiting to call her bluff. She'd tried to find something, but the name Ally Cooper and Eleanor Hays weren't even remotely connected.

  She wanted Eleanor: Ally, whatever that chic�
�s name was gone. She wanted her out of the planet and her memory gone. She wanted to be wealthy. She needed Adam back. She obsessed.

  So that night, she went out past midnight, searching for Adams address. It was dark, and he hadn't been home in almost a full month or two. She'd lost track of time. When she'd arrived, her eyes shut of their own accord. It was vacant, untaken care of, and his mansion just looked lonely. Early Halloween decorations she chuckled at her thoughts.

  Out of nowhere, a bright light came from behind her and the gate opened. The car stopped and a figure walked out.

  "Maggie? Is that you? What're you doing here so late?"

  Her heart beat a billion beats a minute, her eyes widening as she ran toward him.

  "Adam! Wherever you been! I was so worried about you, love." She said, staring into his tired brown eyes. It was those words that led to their fight to begin with. He couldn't say them back... because he thought he was in love with a dead girl. Her eyes began to tear up as she stared at him, in disbelief that he was standing right in front of her.

  He was shocked as she hugged him. He pulled her back, his hands on her shoulders.

  "Maggie, it's two am! What're you doing out here? Are you crazy?"

  "Maybe..." She was too happy to see him, he was too tired to share her excitement. "I went for a walk..."

  "A walk my ass." He chuckled.

  "I missed you!" He just chuckled. The night was euphoric.

  "Well since you're here would you want to just spend the night... whatever's left of it anyway?"

  She was shocked. He was too tired. They looked at each other for a few moments longer before Adam went to the passenger side of his car and opened the door.

  She followed him dreamily and it was as if things had relapsed back in time to how simple life used to be. He shut the door behind her and entered the driver's side. She missed this. She missed him. Her hand reached for his as he entered through the gate and parked near his home. They both got out as the clock struck 2:05 am. Adam's brown eyes seemed to shine as he held her hand and led her into his home, all the way up the sleek stairs of his giant mansion before leaving her in front of the guest room.

  It wasn't hard to tell that she was disappointed, but he didn't want conversations tonight. He was exhausted and slightly irritated. She wouldn't like him tonight but then again; Magdalene was full of surprises. He wondered if his wedding ring was somewhere in the sewage system by now. Had someone found it? Sold it for a million bucks?

  He didn't care. He couldn't think.

  He tried.

  He really tried...


  Pure smiled as Noah bent down and placed a kiss on her growing stomach.

  "What're we going to name her?" He asked in the broad daylight as the clear curtains that did nothing to shield the sun waved around with the wind.

  Pure paused for a few moments before wrapping her arms around Noah. The bright room was beautiful. They were going to paint it a light pink or beige.

  "I don't know if you'll like it," she giggled as he held her, "but I was thinking... and I know she wasn't always the nicest person, but you know to keep her memory alive... she eventually did become a really good friend to me..."

  "No," Noah gasped jokingly, "I was thinking that too."


  "Yeah, we should name her Eleanor."

  They smiled at each other, a warmth and happiness filling their souls.

  "Our beautiful baby Eleanor."

  They kissed as the sun let shadows play on the ground beside them, broad smiles on their faces as suddenly phones began to ring. Well, just one phone in particular and Pure was quick to ignore it.

  It rang again. Reluctant, Pure gave Noah an apologetic look before walking toward her phone.

  It was from an unknown caller. She decided to ignore it again. She considered blocking, but there was no number to block.

  Noah walked up beside her and stood over her.

  The phone rang for the third time with the same ID: unknown caller.

  She stared at it before picking it up. Whoever was calling must've had something urgent to say.

  "H...hello?" Pure's voice was shaky, worried it might be a parent calling. She had barely spoke to them aside from congratulating them on her baby brother Luke. Come to think of it, she had barely seen Luke in what felt like ages. It had been a year or so and she'd been married to Noah for almost two years and they'd been dating for over four.

  There was a long pause and what sounded like strained breathing. A huff came from the other end before a voice spoke shakily.

  "Pure, it's me Eleanor. I... I... I need your help."

  Chapter 33: The Sense of Touch

  April 4

  Eleanor stood across the room from him. It was a dark and empty room and the only lights that could be seen portrayed a reflection. A mere outline of his body as they could barely register that they were staring at each other. The feeling of cold air passed around her if she were standing by a vent. It tossed her memories back to their honeymoon. Memories were bound to disappear someday, right?

  "Why'd you do it Adam?" She whispered coldly across the room. She squinted in an attempt to see him, but the room only got darker and colder.

  "Why'd you do it Adam?" She said louder.

  No response. She huffed, tears threatening to leave her eyes as she approached the outlined figure.

  "Why'd you do it Adam?!" She shouted, running toward the blatant outline of a man she once loved. As her hands came into contact with him, he vanished into thin air.

  She felt alone. She knew she was alone.

  "Adam?!" She cried, confined in the dark room with nothing and nobody but her thoughts. Her heart was racing, and tears rushed down her eyes. "Adam, you hurt me, Adam please come back..." she yelled through clenched teeth and unwanted tears.

  Blink. The sun slashed her eyes as she gasped awake. A nightmare. Damn it.

  She lay in bed staring at the nothingness of the wall. She couldn't think, and if she could, she didn't know what to think.

  She decided to be productive today. Go to work and act like nothing ever happened. She had too many regrets and that was a great way to be miserable.


  "Adam." She gasped, feeling choked as she awoke. She had fallen asleep on his bed and he didn't have the heart to wake her up. Magdalene blinked once, twice, the bright lights of the room penetrating her cornea.

  He glanced at her from across the room as the lights filled it. He shut his eyes, the couch was comfortable, but he'd definitely preferred sleeping on his bed. His and Eleanor's bed.

  Too much had happened. He felt exhausted even after hours of sleep.

  "I'm so sorry!" Magdalene shouted as she hopped out of the bed and walked toward him on the couch. She reached for his hands and sat beside him. "I'm sorry for rushing you into loving me... I still love you and if you need more time I understand. I'm sorry for throwing your wedding ring down my drain. I've been searching for it with a crew for weeks and we found it last week. I have it at my house. But most importantly, I'm so sorry for taking you for granted, I just want you back Adam. I miss you." Magdalene had this speech prepared for months and it felt good to finally say it to the face she'd imagined saying it to.

  Adam tilted his head; he readjusted his tie. At the thought of the ring, he felt repulsed and excited all at once that he wished time could rewind.

  "It's ok Maggie," he forced a smile, "but, I do need some time and a bit of space. A lot has happened." He wiped his eyes, rubbing the sleep away.

  "I totally get it," she began, "but... could we get coffee every morning? Just as a gesture of friendship in the meantime? I'll bring your wedding ring tomorrow, or we can drive to my home today..." she just wanted to be around him, surrounded completely by his presence.

  He shook his head, "I'm not sure Maggie. And we can get the ring today. I need to close a chapter in my book of life before opening another one. I'm sorry for wasting your time." He said an
d her entire demeanor changed. She didn't understand why he was basically breaking up with her when she'd shown him her love, again not to mention.

  "Will I be in the new chapter?" She asked curiously, her eyes boring into his.

  "I'm not sure." He said. Magdalene's heart sank. It felt like a hurricane arrived and began tugging at it and the air was knocked out of her. She stared at him in disbelief, the man she loved and needed. He returned nothing to her and left her confused.


  Eleanor tore the chain off her ankle. She was going to do it tonight. She'd had enough of this unfair life and made plans to cancel it forever. The anklet rang for a couple of moments before going completely silent. The wrench she'd used to pry it off herself had scratched into her ankle and blood ran down her foot now. No matter, in a few hours she wouldn't even have any liquid blood, it'd all be dry by then.

  She took a deep breath. She wanted the nightmares to stop. Her life was unfulfilling and unsatisfying. She wanted to join Josiah in heaven.

  She grabbed a weapon and pondered for a couple of moments. Would people believe her death a second time around? Even with a body this time?

  She looked at the clock.

  1:03 pm. The sun wouldn't set for a couple of hours. She took a deep breath, cleaning her thoughts.

  "Why is this so difficult?!" She complained to nobody and proceeded to prepare herself for the afterlife. She stared at her reflection for a few more moments.

  Eleanor undead, the semi-famous model with a past. She truly didn't believe she could possibly outlive her past. She stared further, willing herself to do it. Fucking do it! Tears ran down her cheeks as she fought with herself. Attempting to justify her actions was harder than she thought.

  Too much bad had happened. It outweighed the good or any thoughts of good that could happen.

  As soon as she lifted the weapon near her, the doorbell to her apartment rang. She decided to ignore it. Besides, whoever was on the other side would not want to see her like this.

  Whoever was outside was fairly persistent as they began knocking and ringing the doorbell loudly and nonstop.


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