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Lawless Page 11

by Jai Williams

  Ronnie pulled two gun silencers out of his pocket. “That’s why I brought along these bad boys,” he whispered with a smile. Ronnie and Dave attached the silencers to their assault rifles.

  “Okay now, I’m going to head out and when you see me near those cars, that’s when I want you to head over to the tree. Ok?” whispered Ronnie.

  Dave’s hands were shaking from holding the gun but he took a deep breath in and out and stopped. “Okay, I’m ready,” he said with confidence. “Let’s do this,” whispered Dave.

  “Remember, I’ll wave. We’ll then count to three and we’ll shoot, and make sure you aim for the head,” whispered Ronnie before he headed off.

  “Got it. Wave, count to three, headshot,” whispered Dave.

  Ronnie patted Dave on the shoulder and he headed out in the same direction and path they came from because there was no cover that led from where he was, to the alleyway he was heading to. Ronnie headed to the bus and went down the zigzag car line back into an alley. He ran down and turned left so he was now on track. He got to the road and ran across to the alleyway he planned to go down and from there he kept running until he turned left. He ran and ran until he slowed down and made another left turn, at which point Ronnie went back into stealth mode. He approached the exit of the alleyway and waited for the snipers on the roof of the school to look away and when they did, he went from the alleyway to the closest car to him. From there, he stealthily travelled from car to car until he finally got to the wall of the school and from there, he headed down towards the tree near the front entrance of the school where the two men were standing. Dave was in position. Ronnie held up his gun and took a deep breath in and out and poked his head out from the tree, and he saw Dave behind the other tree. Ronnie waved his hand which was the signal, so Dave aimed his gun at the guy that was on his side and Ronnie aimed his gun at the guy who was on his side. “One, two, three,” they both whispered beneath their breath, and they pulled the triggers on their guns and bullets went flying into the men’s heads and killed them. They fell to the ground and blood ran down the stairs. Ronnie and Dave walked up to the dead men and looked at them for a second and they looked up at each other. “Well, that was easy,” whispered Ronnie.

  “Yeah, well, better them than us,” whispered Dave.

  “Okay, we have to hide these bodies,” whispered Ronnie. They both grabbed the men they had shot by the legs, and they dragged them behind the tree Ronnie came from.

  They walked to the front entrance and Ronnie slightly opened the door so that there was a gap he could just see through. He saw men at every classroom door. “Okay Dave, this is going to sound nuts but if we pull it off, it would be a great story to tell our grandkids someday,” he whispered as he looked at Dave with a bit of a worried look.

  “Exactly how nuts is it?” asked Dave with a serious look.

  “On a scale of one to ten, I give it an eleven,” whispered Ronnie.

  Dave gave Ronnie a wide, unblinking stare. “So, what’s your crazy idea, then?” he asked.

  “Well, I silently open this door and we start shooting every man we see quickly, so that we don’t alert everyone in this building,” whispered Ronnie with a strange smile.

  “That’s a terrible idea,” replied Dave with worry.

  “I never said it was a good idea but I see no other way of doing this,” replied Ronnie as he was trying to build up confidence that the plan would work.

  “Okay then, if this is a story that we will tell our grandkids one day, then we better make it a good one,” whispered Dave.

  Ronnie looked at Dave with one hand holding his gun and the other on the door. “You ready?” he asked.

  “I’m ready. Let’s do this. motherfucker,” replied Dave as one of his hands was on the other door and the other was holding his gun.

  Ronnie and Dave slowly opened the doors until they were wide open and they let go. They could see five armed men, each standing outside a classroom door, but these men didn’t yet acknowledge that Ronnie and Dave had just entered the building. Ronnie aimed his gun at the first guy and pulled the trigger. He put a bullet through the guy’s skull, blood splattered over the door and before he fell to the ground, Dave shot the next closest guy in the brain as well and just like the first guy, blood splattered over the door, giving it a new paint job. Before the next closest guy could turn to see what was going on, Ronnie fired another bullet. It went through this guy’s heart, and as soon as Dave killed his first guy, he shot at another, once again scoring a bull’s-eye. The fifth guy that was far down the hall way saw and he turned to point his gun and the guy was about to shoot when Ronnie and Dave both at the same time fired a couple of bullets into his chest and the guy fell to the ground. Ronnie and Dave approached the part of hall way that split up left, right and forward. Ronnie took the right, which only had two men, and Dave took the left, which also had only two men, so they ended up killing nine men.

  They saw a stairway on the right corner of the hall so they cautiously walked up it. It was just like a regular two-story school stairway. Ronnie and Dave got up to the top of the stairs and saw two men to their right and two men to their left. There was also a woman, which was Selina, but she quickly hid behind her desk before Ronnie or Dave could see her. So, Ronnie this time took the left and Dave took the right. Dave shot the closest guy to the stairs first, splattering his brains all over the door. At the same time, Ronnie took a sharp left turn and fired two bullets at the first guy and another two at the others he saw and, just like all the other men, they fell to the ground and before the other guy that was on Dave’s side of the hall way, could shoot, Dave fucked him up like he did with all the other guys and killed him.

  “Okay, there’s a corner up here. How about a slide kill to finish off the rest?” said Ronnie, raising his eyebrows.

  “A slide kill?” asked Dave with a confused look.

  “Yeah, we slide across the floor on our knees and shoot – well, in your case, you slide across the side of your body since you’ve got a cut on your leg,” replied Ronnie.

  “Sounds fun; let’s do it,” replied Dave with a smile. They ran and before they got to the corner Ronnie slid on his knees and turned to his left and Dave slid on the right side of his body and as soon as they saw the two men around the corner they opened fire. It was like a scene from an action movie. Ronnie and Dave got up. “Wow, that was insane,” said Ronnie.

  “It sure was,” replied Dave.

  “I wonder what these men were guarding in these rooms?” asked Ronnie with a curious look. Ronnie walked over to one of the classrooms and pushed the dead guy on the floor out of the way and tried to open the door but it was locked.

  Dave searched one of the dead guys’ bodies and found a key. “I found a key,” he said, so he threw it over to Ronnie and Ronnie unlocked the door and pushed it open. He flicked a light on and what he saw in the room was horrible. There were men and women of all ages just lying on the ground in pain. They looked like they had been tortured and it seemed like they hadn’t had food and water for weeks.

  “Please leave us alone,” said one of the men lying on the ground in pain.

  “No, we’re not here to hurt you; we’re here to save you but I need you to help with something,” said Ronnie.

  All the men and women in the room sat up. “You’re here to save us?” asked one of the men.

  “Yes, but I need help with something first,” replied Ronnie.

  “What do you need help with?” asked one of the women, crouching and in pain.

  “A group of people I was with came here to rescue someone that was captured by these people but I don’t know where in this building they are. Do you know where they are?” asked Ronnie.

  “We never leave these rooms unless the boss wants to torture us,” replied the same woman.

  “The boss tortures you?” asked Ronnie with a horrified look on his face.

  “Yeah, he does; in fact, anyone new that gets brought here gets tortured, so that�
��s where your people might be,” said the same woman.

  “Which room does the boss torture people in?” asked Ronnie.

  “I could show you,” she replied. The woman fully stood up while shaking and she walked over to Ronnie. “Follow me,” she said.

  “Are you sure you can walk?” asked Ronnie.

  “I’ll be fine,” she replied.

  “Don’t leave us,” said the men and women in the room.

  “We’ll be back, I promise,” replied Ronnie.

  Ronnie shut the door and he and Dave followed the beaten-down poor woman. She led them down the same stairs they came from and from the bottom of the stairs she turned left and left again towards two men that were killed by Ronnie. She led Ronnie and Dave all the way down the hallway. “Through this door on your left and down those stairs, that’s where you will find them and that’s where you’ll meet the devil himself,” she said.

  “Just stay here. We’ll be back,” replied Ronnie. Ronnie and Dave left the woman and opened the door and headed down the stairs and when they got to the bottom they saw two men outside a door which they could just make out because it was quite dark. Ronnie and Dave killed them and headed straight to the door and opened it, and they saw Jay, one of the soldiers, strapped to a chair and they saw the rest chained up kneeling on the floor, and there they saw Ted with Lucifer, his beloved weapon, held high and about to land it in Finn’s skull. “HEY ASSHOLE!” yelled Ronnie with an angry look.

  Ted turned around while slowly lowering Lucifer. “How the fuck did you get in here?” he asked with a frustrated look and at that moment Ronnie aimed his gun at Ted and pulled the trigger…

  Chapter Eleven: No More Pain

  Ronnie angrily pulled the trigger on his gun and a bullet went flying though Ted’s shoulder. Ted fell to his knees with his right hand still holding onto Lucifer and his left hand grabbing his shoulder that was just shot. Ronnie ran up to Ted and still with an angry look on his face, he with all of his force swung his right fist and smacked it right across Ted’s face, which forced Ted to fall to the ground and at that moment he let go of Lucifer. Ronnie started rapidly punching Ted with both his fists. Ted’s face started bleeding; his left eye started puffing up.

  “That’s enough,” said Captain Harris just as Ronnie raised his left arm and was about punch Ted again. Ronnie looked at Captain Harris, still with his arm in the air.

  “Enough? This guy deserves to die,” said Ronnie, feeling confused as to why Captain Harris said what he said.

  “No, we need him alive,” replied Captain Harris.

  “Why?” asked Ronnie with hate still in his eyes.

  “He’s our mission. We are to bring him back to our base and get information out of him,” replied Captain Harris.

  “What information?” asked Ronnie.

  “That’s classified,” replied Captain Harris, so Ronnie lowered his arm.

  “Of course, it is.” he replied.

  Ronnie walked over to Finn. “Are you all right?” he asked, looking all around Finn’s face and body for injuries.

  “Yeah, thank God you got here in time or else I would have been a dead man,” replied Finn as he looked at Ronnie with relief.

  “Well, it was my time to save your life,” replied Ronnie.

  Dave walked over to Ronnie.

  “There must be keys lying around somewhere,” he said, so Ronnie searched Ted’s body and found a key which he used to unlock the two cuffs that were around Finn’s wrists and ankles, and he pulled the chain away that was around the cuffs and around the half metal circle loop that was stuck in the ground and Finn was finally free. Finn stood up and stretched and Ronnie went on to free the soldiers, Captain Harris and John. They all were finally free.

  “Thank you, Ronnie. How the hell did you get past all the men in the halls?” asked Captain Harris, still in pain.

  “We didn’t get past them; we had to kill them,” replied Ronnie.

  “Well, you did what you had to do and for that, my men and I are grateful,” replied Captain Harris with a smile.

  Ronnie walked over to Jay, who was still strapped in the chair. “Are you ok, Jay?” he said with a worried look.

  “Yeah, I’m still kicking,” replied Jay in pain. Dave walked over to Ronnie and helped him unstrap Jay from the chair, and they put their arms around him and helped Jay get up.

  “We need to get out of here and we need to get you, Captain Harris and John fixed up,” said Ronnie.

  “Okay men, we need to grab this piece of shit and take him with us,” said Captain Harris as he pointed to Ted.

  “Oh wait, there’s those men on the roof with snipers. Shit, we forgot about them,” said Ronnie with a worried look.

  “Okay, some of you men go with Ronnie and the other guy to the roof and take out those snipers,” said Captain Harris as he looked at his men. Ronnie and Dave gently placed Jay on the ground.

  Ronnie, Dave and three of the soldiers headed out of the room, leaving Jay, Finn, John, Captain Harris and three soldiers behind. They headed upstairs to the ground floor and the three soldiers grabbed a gun each off the dead guys that Ronnie and Dave killed.

  “Wow, you killed all these guys without them alerting anyone?” said one of the soldiers, giving Ronnie and Dave a surprised look.

  “Yeah, we were just that good,” replied Dave. They headed to the stairs and got to the second floor; from there they turned left and left again, passing the classroom that Ronnie and Dave checked out before. They opened a door that had a stairway leading up, which they assumed led to the roof, so they ran up it. “Okay, we can assume that there are six or so men armed with snipers on this roof. So, make sure we kill them all without them firing back,” whispered Ronnie. Ronnie opened the door that led to the rooftop and Ronnie, Dave and the three soldiers ran through the door one at a time and shot all the men. Ronnie ended up killing two men because there were six snipers just like he assumed and there were only five of them.

  “Okay, look around. Make sure there’s no one around that would have heard that gunfire,” said Ronnie. They looked around and two of the soldiers saw the two men that were around the playground and shot them. Two other men that were guarding the main back entrance of the school ran out to see what was going on and the soldiers killed them as well.

  “Okay, it’s all clear,” said one of the soldiers, so they headed back into the school and ran all the way back down to where they left Finn and the others.

  “All clear now?” asked Captain Harris as Ronnie, Dave and the soldiers entered the room.

  “Yeah, all clear, sir,” replied one of the soldiers.

  “Good. Now we can head out. We’ll take two of their trucks and head back to the motel,” said Captain Harris.

  “What about all the prisoners here?” asked Ronnie.

  “We’ll get every vehicle we can find and take them with us. Also search the place and grab whatever you can find – guns, ammo, food, water and whatever else could be useful – and load it in the trucks,” replied Captain Harris, as he was still in pain. “Pick up this piece of shit too, and bring him,” said Captain Harris as he pointed to Ted, who was still lying on the ground with blood coming out of his shoulder.

  All the men in the room headed out, with Ronnie and Dave at the front, followed by Finn, one soldier helping Jay walk, two soldiers pushing Ted, one soldier helping Captain Harris walk and two soldiers helping John walk. They headed upstairs to the ground floor of the school and from there, they headed out the front entrance. They saw three army trucks outside parked where school buses used to drop kids off. Ronnie, Dave, Jay and the soldier helping Jay walked over to the truck on the left side and they put Jay in the back of the truck. Finn and the two men pushing Ted walked over to the truck in the middle and the two men threw Ted in the back of the truck. Captain Harris, the soldier helping him, John and the two soldiers helping John walked over to the truck on the right and the two men helped John get into the back of the truck.

�Okay, I need one man to stay with that criminal and make sure he doesn’t try to escape. I then need someone to stay with Jay and one man to stay with the old man and the rest of you guys can help escort the men and women trapped in the school out here,” said Captain Harris.

  So, Hank walked over to the back of the truck Jay was in and stayed with him. Stan entered the back of the truck where Ted was in and made sure he didn’t escape and Roger hopped into the back of the truck where John was and stayed with him. Captain Harris just leaned against the side of the middle truck and Ronnie, Dave, Finn and the rest of the soldiers headed back into the school. Ronnie, Dave and Finn stayed on the ground floor of the school to help the men and women trapped in the classrooms and Bruce, Alan and Jackson headed upstairs to help the men and women up there.

  “I have to ask. How did you escape all those men that you lured away from us?” asked Finn.

  “I made them follow me through the woods and then I got to a road, where Dave came driving by and picked me up, and then we crashed, killed some men, killed some more men, went back to the motel and saw Captain Harris’ plan and we came here and recued you,” replied Ronnie.

  “Well, I’m glad you’re alive,” replied Finn with a smile. Finn looked at Dave. “It’s nice to meet you, Dave,” he said.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too,” replied Dave.

  “Was Alice ok?” asked Finn with a worried look as he looked back at Ronnie.

  “Yeah, she’s fine,” replied Ronnie.

  “Good. Oh, and by the way, it was my idea to come to the school. Captain Harris first thought that the men would’ve taken John to the police station,” replied Finn with relief.

  Ronnie, Dave and Finn got to the first classroom door and Ronnie searched the dead guy on the floor for a key to open the door. He found the key and opened the door and flicked on the light in the room and they could see five men and women lying on the floor badly hurt. They had cuts and bruises all over their bodies, and their clothes were all torn up and stained in blood. Ronnie, Dave and Finn walked over to them. “It’s all right, everyone. We’re here to help you,” said Ronnie, giving them all a smile.


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