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Lawless Page 27

by Jai Williams

  They left the cafeteria and headed up to the lookout area where they could see the whole stadium. The room was changed; it didn’t look like what it would have normally looked like back in the day. There was a DJ area, a dance floor, and a huge bar setup, so it just looked like a night club. “Now guess what type of room this is?” asked Dwayne with a smile.

  Ronnie and Dean looked around in the room and saw people dancing and drinking.

  “Well, from the dance floor to the bar, it looks like a party room,” said Ronnie.

  “Well, more of a nightclub kinda room, except we can party whatever time we want. Chris is one of my best men and he used to be a rapper and he gets up on that DJ stage and fuckin’ raps his new shit he makes every night. Hopefully, one day you’ll see it. Because it’s things like these that we keep and will never get rid of because drinking, partying and pussy – man they’re the best thing you can do in the world. And when you become a champion you’ll get to join us – and you will become a champion, I see it in your eyes. The anger, the hate – man, it’s almost like you want to kill me, but that’s all right if that’s what gets you through every fight. So, go ahead, dream away, thinking you can kill me because soon enough just like everyone else who thought that, you will forget and accept that you will join me and rule this world till you die,” said Dwayne.

  They left the room and headed to another large room. All they could hear in the distance before they even got close to the door was music, just doof, doof and when the doors were pushed open it was like entering heaven except instead of angels it was hot chicks. Dwayne proudly presented the room. “I give you the best room in the house. I present to you pussy palace. It’s a strip club I built – well, forced people to build and to easily describe it to you, it’s a place where hot women strip and dance on poles and your lap. So, what do you think? And if you don’t stare at all the sluts’ tits then I’m sorry but you are motherfuckin’ gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that except that the sex would be unsettling, that’s what I would assume. But I don't judge, I ain’t no homophobe. In fact, there’s also a male strip club somewhere in this building. So, gay or straight, who cares, but I choose tits and pussy over cock and balls,” he said with excitement. A sexy half-naked woman walked up and rubbed up against Dwayne.

  “Give me that dick and I’ll show you things you could never dream of,” she said in an erotic tone.

  “I hate to refuse but I gotta show these crazy-ass killing machines the place and the perks that they will soon get,” replied Dwayne. The woman walked over and stood in front of Ronnie and Dean and they couldn’t help but look at those large, round breasts. The woman rubbed her breasts. “You like these, do you? Well, they could be yours. Just promise me you’ll be brave and strong for me in the arena and you’ll get to have them,” she said as she licked her lips in a sexy way. She cupped her hands around Ronnie and Dean’s genital area and gave a sexy moan. She walked away, shaking her ass as she walked. Dwayne turned to Ronnie and Dean. “How badly do you want to fuck Angel? Because man, the first time I saw her, boy oh boy, I fucked her brains out – not literally, but you get what I mean. Angel isn’t the only fuck machine in here; there’s many more and every week my men find more and this is how amazing life can get. It can’t get any better. Party, sex and blood–man, that’s the dream and we’re living in it – well, not you guys yet; you’re only on the blood trail. Soon, very soon you’ll be here fucking and partying till your nuts fall off,” he said.

  They walked through the room, looking at all the hot and sexy woman dancing; some were fully naked and some were wearing bras and underwear. Dwayne led Ronnie and Dean into a back area of the whole room and there were cubicles left and right of them with curtains closed so they couldn’t see what was inside. They heard grunting and moaning; people were having sex in these rooms. “Guess what these rooms are?” asked Dwayne with a smile.

  “Ah, by the sound of people moaning, I can only assume that these rooms are rooms that people have sex in,” replied Dean.

  “That’s right, sex rooms, fuck rooms – whatever you want to call them,” replied Dwayne. Dwayne pulled open a curtain from one of the rooms and revealed two women having sex with each other. The women were scissoring each other; they were sweating and rubbing their breasts. “Woooooo man, this is some sexy shit right here. Love me some lesbians. What about you boys?” said Dwayne with excitement. The women in the room kept going; they didn’t care about them peeping. Ronnie and Dean just stared.

  Dwayne shut the curtains and they continued walking. “I thought you used women as slaves and shit. This looks like they’re just roaming around free,” said Ronnie.

  “Oh no-no, the ones who embrace this lifestyle we let free, but the ones who don’t we use as slaves and fuck them,” replied Dwayne.

  “So, you rape them?” asked Ronnie with a serious look.

  “Wow, you said it, not me. If they enjoy it, it’s not rape, and some don’t enjoy it, so yeah, we rape some of them. Okay, moving on,” replied Dwayne.

  They left the room and headed outside the building and headed near an area that had a couple of very large and long dumpster bins.

  “Ah what’s-what’s here? Why are we outside?” asked Dean. “Well, I showed you party town, sex-ville and now I’m showing you the rest of dead land,” replied Dwayne. There were steps leading up to all the dumpsters. Dwayne stepped up to the top and looked in one of the dumpsters. “Guys, get up here,” he said demandingly. Ronnie and Dean were pushed up the steps by Dwayne’s men, who were still behind them. When they got to the top they could see what was in there; it was horrible and disturbing but mostly horrifying. There were dead bodies everywhere in it; some looked days old and stunk. “Now every day we pretty much fill these three dumpsters with bodies. Guess how many bodies that is?” asked Dwayne with an evil look. They didn’t reply; they just had a sickened look on their faces and felt pissed off about what Dwayne just said. “You could say about one hundred. What, one hundred? No way, that’s too many. Well, I was lying a tiny bit. Some days, we fill them up and other days maybe it’s just one or two of these dumpsters that are completely full,” said Dwayne.

  “So, what, your men just carry the bodies out here and throw them in without a care in the world?” replied Ronnie, still with a horrified look on his face.

  “Well, not exactly,” replied Dwayne. Dwayne, Ronnie and Dean looked up to a walkway area high above them, like the one Ronnie and the others used to enter the building. There were two men carrying a dead body and they dropped it into one of the dumpsters. “That’s how we do it. Easy and quick – just grab the bodies from the arena or wherever they died, and drop them into these. Then at the end of the day, we burn the bodies till they’re ashes so that we can make room for the next day’s bodies. And we repeat it again and again every day. So, there you have it, that’s the tour of my palace and I hope you enjoyed it. Party, sex, tits, pussy, blood, death and a whole lotta shit,” said Dwayne with a smile.

  They stepped down from the dumpsters. “So, what do you think? It’s a great place, huh? From one to ten, how do you rate it?” asked Dwayne.

  Ronnie and Dean looked at each other and turned back to Dwayne. “We loved it. I give it a twenty out of ten,” said Ronnie sarcastically.

  “When it comes to me asking someone a serious question like that and they answer with sarcasm or they lie, then I get a bit angry because they can’t answer me truthfully. So, if you guys don’t like this place, maybe because of all the killing, then just say so. Don’t bullshit me because I hate it, just hate it. Okay?” replied Dwayne with a bit of an angry look. Ronnie and Dean nodded. “Good, now let’s get you back to your cells,” said Dwayne.

  They headed back inside and headed down into the cold and dark cell area. They headed down to the far end were Ronnie and Dean came from. Ronnie and Dean were pushed into the same cell as Captain Harris. All the men in the two cells looked surprised because Ronnie and Dean were both alive. They thought how
the hell is this possible?

  “All right, listen up, you crazy kids. Now, you’re probably thinking what? They’re still alive? How? And the reason for that is, because these two guys well, umm…I’ll just let them explain it, because I can’t be fucked. Ronnie and Dean, you remember our deal, so you pick which two will fight each other but you two can’t be involved. Okay, I’ll see ya tomorrow,” said Dwayne. Dwayne and his men left and headed back upstairs.

  Stan walked up to Ronnie and Dean. “H-how are you guys both here?” he asked as he was relieved that Ronnie and Dean were both alive.

  “Well it’s a long, crazy and bloody story,” replied Ronnie…

  Chapter Twenty-Six: The Horrible and Difficult Choice

  “So, how did you, umm, I mean, how are you both here alive and unharmed? Surely, Dwayne didn’t do this with the kindness in his heart. There must be a reason and I bet it ain’t a good one,” said Stan.

  “Well uh, it started off with me and Dean going to different sides of the building and picking a piece of paper from a hat, which written on it, would be the weapon we had to use. So, I got a sword and Dean got a baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around it and we headed into the arena, which I won’t spoil it for you, but trust me there’s no way you can escape the arena. So, Dean and I refused to kill each other because we couldn’t and we wouldn’t do such a thing. So, when people in the arena refuse to fight, Dwayne sends in his men to kill them. So, we killed four of his men but Dwayne wasn’t upset; in fact, he wanted to see us. He told everyone who was watching the fight to go home,” replied Ronnie.

  “People were watching? That’s fuckin’ wrong,” replied Stan with disgust.

  “Yeah, there were lots of people watching. So, anyway, some of Dwayne’s men pushed us to the showers and we had to clean ourselves up,” said Ronnie.

  “You guys showered?” asked Jay.

  “Yeah, and not just that; Dwayne also gave us food. It’s like he was friendly to us, but I’m not forgiving him for what he did to my parents and what he did and does to other people because killers like that can’t be forgiven, only killed. So, we made a deal with him, which at first, I said that none of us were going to kill each other but the only deal he would accept, is where two of you have to fight. So, one more fight and that’s it, he said. And I guess he wanted me and Dean to choose,” said Ronnie.

  Stan clenched his fist tight, “Of course, he wants another fight between two of us. He’s probably doing this because we killed some of his men,” he said with anger.

  “What else happened?” asked Captain Harris.

  “Well, he gave us a tour of the place, from the party nightclub room to the strip club room,” said Dean.

  “Strip club? You mean tits and pussy and all that shit?” said Stan as he lowered his anger.

  “Yeah, that’s what I mean. It was awesome from the entrance all the way to the two women having sex,” replied Dean.

  “What, you mean full on touching each other?” said Stan.

  “No, more like their vaginas rubbing each other,” replied Dean.

  “Fuck yeah, I want to sneak into that place,” replied Stan as he forgot how much of a monster Dwayne was for a second.

  “Well, you won’t have to. You will eventually be allowed to go in there freely,” said Ronnie.

  “What do you mean?” asked Stan.

  “Well, Dwayne told us about this ranking system he has with all the prisoners down here. The more you kill, the higher rank you go up. See, we start down here in this shit cell and all the way down at the front near the stairs is the champion cells. The champion prisoners get a warm bed to themselves and not a wooden piece of shit. And the higher rank you are, the more food and water you get,” said Ronnie.

  “Wait-wait-wait, are you telling me we have to kill to get more food? What the fuck is this guy’s problem?” replied Stan with a disgusted look.

  “Well ah…I don’t know. I think he’s fucked in the head. But listen, this is what we do: we kill and rank up and make him trust us, till the point where he asks us or one of us – at least one of us has to get to this point. Anyway, the point where he wants us to work for him and no longer fight in the arena and when one of us gets to that point we sneak down here and free each other and those who we think we can trust and grab weapons and kill all the motherfuckers. But please, I beg you, let me kill Dwayne,” said Ronnie with confidence, thinking that his plan would work.

  “Well, I was going to tell you this but you were taken, so I’ll say it to you now. It was one of Bruce’s dying wishes that he wanted you to be the one to kill Dwayne,” replied Captain Harris.

  “That’s nice of him to say. I feel bad I never got to know him that well,” replied Ronnie.

  “You would’ve got along fine,” said Stan.

  “Psst, Dean and Ronnie, you guys still have to pick who will fight each other and not to be selfish, but I don’t want to be the one who dies or has to kill one of you. So, who will you pick?” asked Roger from the other cell.

  “I ah, I don’t want to pick any of you, but if me and Ronnie don’t then Dwayne will pick and I don’t want that,” replied Dean.

  “Let it be me. The one who dies,” said Captain Harris.

  “What? No. If you die then Bruce died for nothing. So, why the fuck would you say that? That is what Bruce said to you before he scarified himself. Yeah, that’s right guys, Bruce sacrificed himself so that the Captain could live, and you want to just end it like that! I know I said earlier that I wanted you to die, but if you did go out there and let one of us kill you, then that would be selfish of you just leaving us here without a leader to guide us. So, rethink what you say in the future,” said Stan with an annoyed look.

  “I know that this sucks. I should’ve tried harder to convince Dwayne to accept my deal. but I hesitated and just said yes, to his offer,” said Ronnie as he felt disappointed at himself.

  “It’s not your fault, Ronnie. It’s not your fault that you couldn’t convince a psychopath to spare our lives. I mean, even God couldn’t do that. So, I don’t know what we’ll do,” replied Captain Harris.

  One of the other soldiers from the cell that Roger was in stepped forward. “I’ll do it. I’ll be the one who dies. After all, I’m the oldest person here. I’ve had sixty good years – well, forty and the other twenty were just living through this crazy world, but I’ve lived and I want you guys to live. So, please let me be the one to not kill myself but sacrifice myself like Bruce did, so that you guys can live on and fight,” he said.

  “Wow Luke, I ah…I don’t want you to die,” said Captain Harris.

  “It’s not your call to make, it’s mine. Besides, I’m doing myself a favour and freeing myself from this world because if I don’t, then I’ll just grow old in this world and I don’t want that. I’m not saying that the world will stay like this forever, I’m just saying it wouldn’t change in my time being here and I don’t want to live the rest of my years in this terrible world with murder and pain. I want to live in the world where I had a wife and kids, where I had a normal job and could walk around freely. So, don’t think it as me giving up, just think of it as me moving on from this world. I hope you will see what the world once was, and for those who were born in this crazy time, you’ll get to see how great the world once was,” said Luke.

  Captain Harris felt so distressed and angry about Luke’s decision, he hated that it came down to them choosing who was going to fight each other to the death. It seemed cruel and inhuman, but if it wasn’t going to be Luke then it was going to be someone else. So, out of all of them, Luke seemed the bravest and they all respected Luke for showing that.

  “So, the question is, who will fight Luke, or to put it more cruelly, who will be the one to kill Luke?” said Captain Harris loud enough so everyone in his cell and Luke’s cell could hear.

  No one replied; no one wanted to reply. “Are you sure that whoever fights in the arena can’t do what you guys did?” asked Stan as he looked at Ronnie
and Dean.

  “I think Dwayne wanted someone to die and by that, I mean none of his men. So, I’m sorry. I don’t think that’s an option; if it was, I think Dwayne would’ve said so,” replied Ronnie.

  “First Hank, with those rogues, then Bruce here, now Luke and who knows how many of our people were killed by Dwayne’s men back at our base,” said Stan as he felt wretched.

  “Oh shit, the base. Damn, Finn was there. Aw man,” said Ronnie with sorrow.

  “And many others were there too, not just him,” replied Captain Harris.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry. I know, it’s just Finn was the first person I had come face to face with, since my parents died years ago and he’s also the first person I’ve trusted since then, so I feel so sorry that he probably died or maybe he escaped and he had listen to those voices screaming for help but he couldn’t do anything about it,” replied Ronnie. “I know that some of our people could’ve escaped. I just wish we had known about the attack so we could warn them but I didn’t think; I just wanted to find Dwayne and kill him. So, if anyone’s to blame, it’s me for not being cautious,” replied Captain Harris.

  It was silent, no one spoke for a minute or so, they just stood and sat there in the cold and dark thinking how badly they messed up and wishing they were cautious about everything because that’s what got them here and that’s what killed Bruce. “So, how long until Dwayne comes back?” asked Jay.

  “He’ll come back tomorrow morning, so we have a couple of hours to figure out who will be the one to fight Luke, or maybe we’ll come up with a plan to escape. And I thought I said before that, Dwayne was giving us till morning,” replied Ronnie.

  “You probably did. Sorry, I forgot,” replied Jay.


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