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Lawless Page 30

by Jai Williams

  “Okay,” replied Joshua.

  They hopped back into the car and drove back to the stadium. As soon as they got back, Dwayne showed Joshua all the new things built, from the arena to the cells. At first Joshua was a bit worried. “W-what happens if people find out we’re doing this? Won’t they try to stop it? Won’t we die in the process?” he said with concern.

  “We have a ton of men here. We have this place well-guarded and we get more men every day. The only way other people can get into this place, is if we let ‘em but that ain’t gonna happen, so don’t worry. Just tell me that you want to do this,” said Dwayne confidently.

  “Yeah let’s um, let’s do this. When do we start?” asked Joshua, feeling a bit keen.

  “Immediately. My men will train you and you’ll be ready just like that,” replied Dwayne with a smile.

  “What about the people you’re putting in the arena, who are they going to be? Not our people I hope,” said Joshua with concern.

  “No, not our people; that would be pointless. We always find people out and about when me and my team search around other places, so instead of instantly killing the people we find, we’ll just bring them back and lock them up in the cells and make ‘em fight each other. Over time, soon enough other people like us will hear about this place and head over here and soon I’ll have a fuckin’ army of men and no one will be able to stop us,” replied Dwayne as he was thinking how amazing the future was going to be. They stood in the arena, looking around the whole place.

  Joshua looked back at Dwayne. “Was this your whole plan? To do this and think it will bring others here?” he asked.

  “It sure fuckin’ was and when you see these seats filled with people cheering your name, you feel alive knowing that people love you. And there’s no better feeling than that except having sex; now that’s the number one greatest feeling, you know,” replied Dwayne.

  Joshua looked to the ground. “Ah yeah…sex. I think so,” he said.

  Dwayne looked at Joshua with a strange look. “Why are you staring at me like that?” asked Joshua. “Wait a second; you’ve never had sex before? You’re a fuckin’ virgin?” asked Dwayne.

  “What? No, I ah um ah. You got me. I’ve never had sex,” replied Joshua, shyly.

  “What, you’re like thirty or something and you’re telling me you’ve never felt the wet and tight inside of a woman’s pussy riding your dick?” asked Dwayne curiously.

  “Yeah, I know. It’s probably because I was always shy,” replied Joshua.

  “That’s going to change right now because you’re going to get your fuck on. I don’t care if you want to fuck all day because we can just start training you tomorrow. Okay, now let’s meet the girls and trust me, if you’re not packing much downstairs then it doesn’t matter to these girls because they’re all sluts and sex is the same to them,” said Dwayne with thrill.

  “I’m sorry. Packing much what?” asked Joshua with a confused look.

  “Packing much – you know, penis size, that’s all I meant,” replied Dwayne.

  “Well ah, not to brag, but I’m packing much down there,” replied Joshua confidently.

  “Good because what can you do with a small dick anyway, ha-ha,” replied Dwayne. Joshua followed Dwayne to a room full of hot, sexy and erotic woman. The room was all pink and had fluffy couches and beds everywhere. It was like the sex section of heaven. “Okay, take your pick and when you’re finished fucking, then come tell me, but remember, you can stay here all night if you want because that’s what I’d do, and when you see these women naked, man, you don’t ever want to leave. So have fun,” said Dwayne with a smile. Dwayne left the room and shut the door behind him. Joshua was just standing there having no idea what to do because he hadn’t done anything like this before. One of the women walked up to him; she was wearing a bra just covering her breasts, which were quite large, and was wearing a G-string and Joshua instantly got an erection, which the woman looked at and responded with surprise.

  “Oh my! That’s a big one. I wouldn’t mind hopping on that and riding it all day,” she said with a sexy voice.

  “I-I…ah I ah…um…” said Joshua nervously.

  “It’s ok if you’re shy. How about I tell you my name and then you tell me yours,” said the woman standing in front of Joshua.

  Joshua nodded. “My name is Destiny, and you are?” asked Destiny.

  “Joshua,” replied Joshua. Destiny pointed to a bed. “Well, why don’t we head over to that bed over there and see what surprises you have under there,” she said in a sexy tone. They headed over to the bed and Destiny pushed Joshua onto it and she started to strip. She took her bra off first, followed by her G-string and she climbed on top of Joshua with her naked body, rubbing up and down on him. Destiny started kissing Joshua from his neck and she pulled off Joshua’s shoes and went to his genital area and pulled his belt off and unzipped his fly on his jeans. She slowly pulled them off him and she grabbed Joshua’s underwear and pulled them off so that he was naked from the bottom. Joshua pulled his shirt off as quickly as he could and threw it away. Destiny stroked Joshua’s penis and started to lick it, she but her mouth around it and started slowly sucking Joshua’s penis. Joshua felt so happy and blessed that this finally was happening. Destiny stopped and grabbed Joshua’s rock hard penis and pushed down on it with her moist vagina and slowly went up and down on it.

  “How’s that feel, huh? Feels amazing for me it, feels like I’m losing my virginity again, oh my, oh my,” she said sexually. Destiny started going faster up and down on Joshua’s penis; she started having an orgasm or maybe she was faking one but Joshua didn’t care because he was enjoying himself too much. “OHHH YEAH. OHHH BOY, COME ON, I’M NEARLY THERE. OHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK YEAH,” screamed Destiny, sexually. Joshua came inside Destiny’s vagina at this point; his mouth was open wide open as he had an orgasm inside her. Destiny got off Joshua and she laid beside him. Joshua and Destiny were trying to catch their breath.

  “How was that, huh?” asked Destiny with a smile.

  “That was amazing. It was the best,” replied Joshua, smiling.

  “Well, get used to it because this is going to happen more often,” replied Destiny, keen to have sex again.

  Joshua looked at Destiny. “Wait, I wasn’t wearing protection; doesn’t that mean you’ll get pregnant?” he said, worried.

  “No silly, because I had my tubes tied, so we can fuck without protection and that feels so much better than wearing a rubber,” replied Destiny. Joshua stayed in the room with all the women and had sex again and again, all night long. The next morning Joshua went to see Dwayne to start training.

  “Well Joshua, how was last night? The best night you’ve ever had, I’m guessing,” said Dwayne.

  “Well, sex, sex and more sex. Yeah, it was the best night ever,” replied Joshua.

  “Good. You can fuck more later but for now let’s start your training,” replied Dwayne. Joshua followed Dwayne to the arena and there were four of Dwayne’s men standing there with gladiator armour on and with wooden swords. Dwayne introduced Joshua to his men. “Okay Joshua, these are the men you will train with. We’re using wooden swords because no one’s dying in training. Okay, now men teach him and I hope you teach him well so in a week’s time we can get this guy in proper fights,” he said, smiling. Dwayne left them there to train and they trained all day and every day until a week and a half later when Joshua was ready and fully trained. Dwayne was pleased and so he set out to grab the first victim he had in the cells to fight Joshua, the first of many who was going to feel the wrath of Joshua, The Judge. Joshua went into a locker room and got prepped up; he was armoured up so the only way one would kill him, is if they knocked off his helmet and cut his head off or slit his throat but Joshua was a tall guy so it would very hard for someone to do that. Joshua was given a large sword and told to head out to the arena where an innocent man was waiting there, shaking in his boots and holding a mace. When Joshua showed himself, in the eyes of th
e man he was fighting, Joshua looked scary as fuck; the armour covering all of him gave a kind of monster look to him and would make anyone piss their pants.

  Dwayne was sitting in his seating area around the arena and he grabbed his mic. “Welcome to the first game ever. The opening game between some guy pissing himself and The Judge. The rules are simple: whoever kills the other person wins. Okay, now fight,” he said, cheerfully. There wasn’t many people sitting and watching the fight because it was just the beginning of this fighting arena. But eventually, they were going to be filled with people cheering for blood. Joshua walked over to the guy and swung his sword; however, the guy jumped out of the way. This kept happening until the little guy swung his mace at Joshua’s stomach. Joshua grabbed the mace and ripped it from the guy’s hands and tossed it away. The guy was shaking; he feared for his life, so he ran away toward Dwayne’s direction but Dwayne forgot to warn the guy about the fence and the guy got shocked and fell to the ground. He wasn’t dead but he was in pain and couldn’t get up which allowed Joshua to catch up to him. Joshua pulled his sword above his head and swung it at the guy’s head, decapitating him and leaving a pool of blood with it. The crowd cheered and Joshua looked up at Dwayne and Dwayne gave him a smile. Joshua left the arena and Dwayne told everyone to stay put for another fight. When Dwayne got to Joshua, Joshua didn’t care about the guy he killed.

  “What’s with the nickname?” he asked.

  “Well, you see, when I find someone guilty like in a court when someone finds someone guilty, I will put them in the arena with you and you will deal with them. So, The Judge kinda makes sense, you know,” replied Dwayne.

  “Oh, ok then. What’s with the electric fence?” asked Joshua as he felt a bit annoyed that he wasn’t informed about the fence.

  “Oh, it’s so no one escapes. I guess in the future I’ll warn people so the fight won’t be so quick and easy,” replied Dwayne. Days and weeks went by with fights happening every day. Months later more people heard about Dwayne’s stadium and decided to join him and soon enough an army was built and Dwayne was king in this city and for Joshua he lost sight of who he once was and never again answered to Joshua, only The Judge, and The Judge had never been beaten; he had always killed his opponent.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Stranger Next Door

  Captain Harris was pulled out of the cell by one of Dwayne’s men. Ronnie looked at Captain Harris with a worried look on his face and shook his head, signalling why are you doing this, why are you taking the blame, but Captain Harris just looked away. Dwayne’s man pushed him down the hallway and Dwayne looked back and forth at the cells Ronnie and Roger were in. “Okay you guys take this as a warning, because it could be you next,” he said with a mean look. He walked away with all of his men and headed upstairs.

  Stan looked at Ronnie with a displeased look. “Why didn’t you speak up and say it was your idea?” he said.

  “W-well, he didn’t give me a chance and when I gave him a look of what the hell are you doing, he shook his head like he didn’t want me to say anything. I know I should’ve said something but now it’s too late and he’s probably gonna – ah shit, I don’t want to say it,” replied Ronnie as he felt so angry at himself.

  “Well, the Captain’s a strong and brave guy and a name like what, The Judge, was it? Anyway, a name like that won’t scare him. So, he’ll be fine but that’s not the point; the point is that you let him take the blame. So, in the future please just take the blame. Who knows, if you said you did it, Dwayne probably wouldn’t care because he has a plan with you and Dean, so he wouldn’t kill you,” said Stan.

  A voice came from another cell. “He’s good as dead, you know,” said the mystery man.

  “What? Who was that?” asked Stan with anger.

  “It’s me, Lewis, you know, from before – the guy who warned you about your so-called escape plan,” said Lewis.

  “Oh yeah. B-but what do you mean by he’s good as dead?” asked Ronnie.

  “Your friend, the guy who was pulled away; he’s gonna die,” replied Lewis.

  “Shut up. Don’t say that shit. You don’t know our Captain. Our Captain is one tough guy. He can kill the so-called Judge. So, why don’t you shut up and stop butting into our conversation,” said Stan, irritated.

  “I’m sorry to say it but it’s true. I mean, why would I lie about something like that, and you know I’m not a liar because I told you before that your so-called escape plan won’t work and you didn’t believe me until one of your men got gunned down. So, believe what you want to believe, but this is the last time I ever warn you,” replied Lewis.

  “Captain – you’re calling him Captain again?” asked Ronnie as he looked at Stan.

  “Yeah,” replied Stan. Ronnie looked over to Lewis.

  “Wait, I guess, thank you for the warning. I just wished I listened and trusted you, but I just couldn’t wrap my head around trusting someone else in this place except those I came here with. So, tell me this, why do you think that the guy that went with them will die?” asked Ronnie.

  “Well The Judge isn’t just a pretty nick name; the name has a purpose. Years ago, this guy named, well, nobody really knows his name except Dwayne and some of his men, so I can’t really say what the name is. Anyway, this guy was a normal nice guy until Dwayne forced him into becoming this beast, a monster. He used him as a weapon, so when someone was disloyal to Dwayne or disrespected Dwayne or anything else that pisses Dwayne off, then he would send that person in the arena and that person would have to fight The Judge. And why he’s called The Judge because it’s like you’re in the court and you’re guilty so The Judge deals out your punishment by killing you. And no one, I repeat no one, has ever beaten him because he’s so tall and large and he wears armour all over his body so it’s very difficult to kill the man unless you knock off his helmet and cut his head off or something,” said Lewis.

  Ronnie looked to Stan. “Well I ah…” said Ronnie with a worried look.

  “No-no-no. Don’t you listen to that guy. I know he was right about the first thing but the second thing, no. I don’t believe him because the Captain is a tough guy, like I’ve said before, and he ain’t gonna die by the hands of The Judge, which is a fuckin’ stupid fuckin’ gay ass name. So, Captain Harris will be back and we’ll get to show that asshole Lewis that he was wrong and he can suck a dick,” replied Stan with complete confidence that Captain Harris would return alive. Stan walked over to the back of the cell and sat down and leaned against the wall because he didn’t want to listen to Lewis.

  “Okay Lewis, let’s say you’re right about this,” said Ronnie.

  “I am,” replied Lewis, confidently.

  “Okay, well then how would one stop such a terrible thing from happening?” asked Ronnie.

  “What, you mean stop the fight?” asked Lewis.

  “Yes,” replied Ronnie.

  “Well you can’t; I’m sorry. Once Dwayne makes up his mind he sticks with it and you can’t convince him out of it,” replied Lewis.

  “We’ll see,” replied Ronnie with confidence that he would stop Captain Harris from dying.

  “What, you’re going to escape and stop him? How are you going to escape? There’s no way out of here,” said Lewis.

  “There’s always a way,” replied Ronnie.

  “You better think of a way out of here quick because the fight will start shortly,” replied Lewis.

  “How did you end up here, if you don’t mind me asking?” said Ronnie.

  “You want to know how I got in here? Well, that’s a crazy story but since there’s nothing else to do then I’ll tell ya. See I was with this group and we were safe; we were living in the middle of nowhere but we built huts and had tents and built lookout towers and had a large barrier around us so we had a pretty good setup away from the madness. We scavenged and hunted for food and anything else we needed. There were kids, men and women of all ages in this group I was with and we lived there for–well, I think years; it’s ki
nda hard to tell what day and month it is when you don’t have a working watch or phone. So, we just counted the days we were there and yeah, it was years and for all those years we never ran into trouble. We kept our fires low so that no one would know where we were, for weapons we used spears and crossbows; we did have guns but noise would attract people so we kept quiet. We had doctors and all kinds of people there, so we were like a small colony. We in fact called the place tree colony simply because there were trees around us. So, yeah, it was a good life, compared to being here, of course,” said Lewis.

  “That sounds great but I don’t think that answered my question, which was how you got here?” asked Ronnie, curiously.

  “Oh right, sorry I just got carried away. I mean, I wish I was still there. So, about a month ago…” said Lewis.

  “Oh, so you’ve only been here for a month?” asked Ronnie, butting in.

  “Yeah, I think. Anyway, about a month ago it was just a normal day until we heard gunfire and screaming, so some of us men ran to the noise and the women and children hid away. We had a plan for when we got attacked and this was the first time, so we grabbed our guns we had found over the years, and ran to the noise, like I said. Me and the men got to the barrier area and saw nothing until we heard the noise of a car and more screaming, then boom, a car came smashing through the barrier, which was made out of steel and wood. We saw these men hop out of the car armed with guns and we didn’t recognize them, so we opened fire and killed them. This was the first that any of us had ever killed somebody but if we didn’t shoot them then they would’ve killed us. So, we ran over to the car and looked through the hole in the barrier to see if anyone else was there and there was a bunch of our people running for their lives heading toward us. So, we got into position to fight, after our people got to safety, of course. It was quiet for like a minute until we heard women and kids screaming and it was coming from where we left them. So, we ran all the way back and saw this horror show. There were women being dragged and kids and the men were getting shot. So, when we got there, we opened fire at these men trying to take and kill our people. It was a war zone. Our men were dying and their men were dying; it was something that you wish would never happen. We got so caught up in thinking this place was safe that we never expected this to happen, but when it did, we fought like we never fought before. We weren’t going to give up this place, not after all these years but in this world we can’t have freedom and safety because people like Dwayne take it from you. So, all hope in saving our place was gone. We were gunned down and vulnerable so the last of us alive had to surrender. We were surrounded by these men and that’s when Dwayne walked up to us. There was five of us and we dropped our guns and that’s when Dwayne said grab these guys; we’ll take them back with us. We thought he would say kill them but no, he wanted to keep us alive. So, we got blindfolded and brought here where we were told that we had to kill to survive, so we did. We killed other innocent people in the arena. Three guys I was with died in the arena and there was two of us left when that guy I told you about planned to escape but I didn’t go with him and he died. So, now it’s just me here all alone with no friends just trying to warn newcomers not to make mistakes and to fight because that’s the only way you can survive in this place and you should already know that,” said Lewis.


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