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Lawless Page 36

by Jai Williams

  “You’re absolutely right and look at this place. I don’t mean the room we’re in now; I mean the cells, the arena and all those dead bodies piled up in those dumpsters outside the building,” whispered Ronnie with a serious look.

  “Wait, what dumpster full of bodies?” asked Max.

  “What, you haven’t seen that?” asked Ronnie.

  “No, I haven’t seen dumpsters full of dead bodies. I’d probably be even more afraid of Dwayne if he showed me that,” whispered Max.

  “Have you ever seen the fights in the arena?” asked Ronnie.

  “I have seen a couple but that was when I first got here and since then, I’ve stayed clear away from that area. The only areas I go in are this place, the cafeteria, sometimes the porn set, the party dance floor room and my room. Oh yeah, and the showers and toilets, of course,” replied Max truthfully.

  Ronnie looked at Max with a serious look on his face. “Wait, you’re afraid to go out there. You were afraid the first time you saw the fights and this is why you spend your time here, trying to avoid the screams of innocent people being slaughtered. I’m right, aren’t I?” he asked.

  “I um I, oh yeah it’s true. I was, well afraid wouldn’t describe how I felt; it was more that I was scared and I feared Dwayne when he told me about this place and I didn’t want to go into the pits, so I chose to join his team and follow his orders, and lately I haven’t killed or harmed anyone. So yeah, this is the place I go every day and I tell people I come here every day because I love drinking and fucking, which is true, but the main reason I come here every day is because this place drags me away from the horrible and inhuman things the world dishes out. This place also makes me feel safe. Don’t tell anyone I told you this,” said Max, showing a bit of fear.

  “I won’t. I promise,” replied Ronnie.

  “And though all Dwayne’s men look scary, don’t let their looks fool you because many of them are just as afraid of Dwayne as I am,” said Max.

  “Okay well, the main reason I brought you in here is because I need to ask you a favour,” said Ronnie.

  “And what’s that?” asked Max.

  “I need you to get everyone who hates Dwayne as much as me and you, and we need to attack. And I don’t mean one week from now or one day from now; I mean today,” replied Ronnie, hoping that Max would say yes.

  “Oh, that’s great. Yeah sure, why don’t we just dig our own graves while we’re at it?” replied Max sarcastically.

  “I know it sounds crazy,” replied Ronnie.

  “No, it sounds suicidal,” said Max, butting in.

  “But we can pull it off. I mean, how many men are under Dwayne’s control?” asked Ronnie.

  “Around one hundred to two hundred,” replied Max.

  “And how many of those men enjoy working for Dwayne?” asked Ronnie.

  “Maybe half or less,” replied Max, feeling a bit unsure.

  Ronnie paused for a second to think. “Okay, that’s good and we have cells full of prisoners who would be willing to fight with us, which means you’ll have to free them. And when this crazy battle goes down I will kill Dwayne and we will kill those who stand with him. So, we doing this?” he said with confidence that they could pull it off.

  “Whoa. This is going to be the craziest thing I’ve ever done but I can’t stay here for the rest of my life trying to ignore those screams of innocent people dying. I need to, we need to take a stand and fight back and stop this horror film,” replied Max with complete confidence that they could do it.

  “That’s the spirit. So, how does this work? Do I help you gather up the men who want to join us?” asked Ronnie.

  “No, you stay put because you roaming this place will raise suspicion and this battle will be over before it even starts,” replied Max.

  Max opened the curtains a tiny bit and took a peep to see if the coast was clear because he didn’t want anyone seeing them leaving together because it would lead to them being questioned. Max left the room first and as Ronnie was leaving, Angel the stripper came around the corner and spotted him.

  “Oh, my God, look who it is. You ready for another fucking before your fight?” she asked.

  “I um, I ah…” replied Ronnie as he was thinking for a second.

  “Shut up and let’s fuck,” said Angel, butting in. Angel grabbed Ronnie’s hand and pulled him into the room Ronnie just came from. She pushed him close to the bed and ripped his clothes off till Ronnie was fully naked. Angel took her bra and G-string off, so they were both standing naked, and Angel pushed Ronnie on the bed.

  “Well, it could be my last day on earth so I might as well have sex while I have time,” said Ronnie.

  “No, you’ll win because I have faith in you but for now, put it in me,” said Angel. Ronnie flipped Angel onto the bed and ploughed her like there was no tomorrow.


  Meanwhile, where no sexual action was happening Max went to those he trusted and knew didn’t care for Dwayne at all. He knew that because these men told him that they hated Dwayne. There were only ten men, which wasn’t much, so Max gathered them into his room to talk. As they all entered Max’s room, Max shut the door so they could have privacy so no one could hear what they were up to. “Okay guys, you are here because we all share a common interest and that is that we hate Dwayne,” said Max.

  “I don’t hate him, I fuckin’ hate him,” said one of the men.

  “Well you just added the fuckin’, but oh well. Anyway, we all want to kill him, we want him dead and he deserves to die for all the shit he’s done. I talked to a guy before I came to you guys and he told me to help him and God damn it, I think it is time to end Dwayne once and for all. I mean, how many of our family and friends has he killed?” said Max with a serious look.

  “Too fuckin’ many,” said one of the men.

  “Exactly, too fuckin’ many and that number keeps going up and up and it won’t stop. The body count will keep rising unless we do something about it. So, we’ll fight and I quote the guy who I talked to before, not one week from now or one day from now but today. Today we fight and stop this madness. So, how many more do you think would be with us?” said Max.

  “I know a couple of people that will help us,” said one of the men; all the other guys repeated the same thing.

  “Okay, go get them and bring them back. But be discreet about it; we don’t want to alarm those who are with Dwayne,” said Max. All the men apart from Max left the room to get the others they trusted and as they did that, Max looked over at a map of the stadium he had and he drew on it, to plan out the attack. A couple of minutes later, all the men came back to Max’s room, but they entered one by one because they didn’t want to alarm anyone. The room was full of men; there were about fifty men. Max wanted to clarify how many there were.

  “So, how many people have we got?” he asked.

  “About fifty,” replied one of the men.

  “Shit,” Max said to himself.

  “Is there a problem?” asked one of the men who heard Max say shit under his breath.

  “There’s only fifty of you guys and there’s probably one hundred and fifty we’ll be up against,” said Max as he felt a bit worried about the outcome of people who wanted to fight against Dwayne. “Isn’t there anyone else who would fight with us?” asked Max. No one replied. Max rubbed his eyes. “Oh, that’s right, the prisoners,” he said with relief.

  “I’m sorry, the prisoners? Won’t they just attack all of us?” asked one of the men. “Not if we tell them what we’re up to and if they’re like us and they want freedom from Dwayne, then they won’t hesitate; they will say yes,” replied Max with complete confidence. Max looked down at his map. “Okay, the plan is simple, we inform the prisoners. Wait, since they will soon help us we shouldn’t call them that. Okay, so first we inform the men and women locked up about what’s g
oing to happen. We will have two teams; one will be on this side of the building and the other will be on the other side, so we can attack them from both sides. Now as soon as we free the people we will head to the locker room on whatever side we’re on and gear up and get ready to attack. But to make things more surprising, some of us will sit down in the crowd and wait for the signal and some of the men and women we free from the cells can cover themselves to make it look like they’re not a prisoner. So, we understand the plan? We do all that stuff I said first, and when it comes to the attacking, we kill as many of the fuckers as we can and if some decide to join us while it’s happening, then don’t kill them, obviously,” said Max. All the men looked at the map to check the positions to cover. Max told them to break up into two groups of twenty-five. “Okay now, look at the men you’re with and remember, they’re the guys you’re with so fight with them. Protect one another and kill as many of those monsters as you can and just remember the killing of a person who deserves to be killed is a forgiving kill or so, that’s what I’m going to believe. And one last thing…thank you men; you are surely brave and for those who survive I hope to see you on the other side,” said Max, hoping that he would see all the men again. Max folded up his map and put it in his pocket.

  “When do we attack?” asked one of the men.

  Before Max could answer Ronnie opened the door and entered. “W-who is it? Oh, it’s just you Ronnie,” said Max. Ronnie walked over to Max and Max introduced Ronnie to the men in the room.

  “Guys, this is Ronnie and Ronnie, these are the brave men who are willing to fight with us,” he said.

  “Well there’s not many of you, but once we get the people in the cells joining us, then we will have a small army, enough to win this fight,” said Ronnie as he looked at all the men in the room.

  “That’s our plan, to grab the people from the cells. See we’re breaking up into two teams: one team will be on this side of the stadium and the other team will be on the other side and when we get the signal, we’ll start to fight,” said Max. “The signal?” said Ronnie. “Yeah, we need something to signal us to begin the fight,” replied Max.

  “Oh yeah-yeah. Um, how about this: when I’m in the arena I will signal you guys by pointing my sword towards Dwayne,” said Ronnie.

  Max turned to all the men in the room. “Everyone got that? Ronnie will signal us to fight by pointing his sword at Dwayne,” he said with a clear voice.

  “Yeah,” replied all the men. Max told all the men to get the prisoners because Ronnie was about to fight, so they headed into their directions and Ronnie and Max headed back to the strip club, so Dwayne wouldn’t know that they were up to something.

  As the fight between Ronnie and Stan commenced, all the men that were going to fight headed down to the cells. One team went down to the cells that imprisoned all the men and the other team headed down to the cells that imprisoned the women. The women prisoners were easier to persuade but the men prisoners were tough to convince to fight.

  Captain Harris saw the men. “HEY, OVER HERE!” he yelled, so a guy walked over to Captain Harris.

  “So, you’re saying we’re fighting our way out of here?” asked Captain Harris.

  “Yeah. Freedom,” replied the guy standing outside of the cell.

  “W-who’s idea, was it?” asked Captain Harris.

  “His name was Ron um Ron, ah…” replied the guy, trying to think what the person’s name was.

  Captain Harris corrected him. “Ronnie,” he said.

  “That’s it, Ronnie, that’s who it was. So, you with us; do you want to fight?” asked the guy.

  “Fuck yes. It’s time to get out of this bitch,” replied Captain Harris with purer confidence. It took a while but most of the men wanted to be free from Dwayne’s horror; the only men who didn’t join were some of the higher ranked prisoners and the champions, the champion prisoners were not in the cells. All the men and women who wanted to fight followed the ones who freed them to the locker rooms to arm up; some were given melee weapons and others were given guns because it wasn’t going to be a close encounter fight because Dwayne’s men always carried their guns with them, so there was going to be bullets flying. It was going to be a bloody fight.

  Present time

  Back in the arena, Stan looked at Ronnie with an impressed look. “So, you have a plan to escape this place, which means I don’t have to kill you?” he asked.

  “There was no way I was going to let Dwayne get to me and turn me into what he is, no fuckin’ way. So, now I’m going to ask you this…” said Ronnie.

  “Ask me what?” asked Stan as he lowered his hatred towards Ronnie.

  “Are you ready? Because it’s going to be a bloody fight,” replied Ronnie.

  Stan responded with a nod. Ronnie pulled his sword up and got in a fighting position. “Let’s fuckin’ kill these cunts,” he said confidently. Ronnie turned his head up to Dwayne and pointed his sword with one hand at Dwayne, signalling the others that it’s time to fight. Ronnie looked back at Stan. “Let’s kill these fuckers. Let’s show them who’s really boss and more importantly let’s get our freedom back,” he said with a smile.

  Chapter Thirty-Five: The Reckoning

  All the men and women were ready to fight. They were blending in with the crowd of people cheering. Dwayne looked at Ronnie, who was looking at him with his sword pointed to him. Dwayne was thinking that something was odd about it, but Ronnie lowered his sword away and held it with both hands and got in a fighting position, so Dwayne thought that Ronnie was ready to kill Stan. The signal was made and everyone was ready; it was time to end this once and for all, and it started, the men and women from the crowd who were with Ronnie started killing all the people in the crowd, armed or unarmed, they didn’t care, because if they were sitting down and watching these fights they deserved to die for not stopping these fights in the first place, and many of the people in the crowd were Dwayne’s men. People’s throats were getting cut, heads were getting cut off, gunfire was going everywhere; it was crazy and no one was expecting it, not even Dwayne. Dwayne got up from his throne and grabbed his mic with rage. “FUCKIN’ KILL THEM ALL!” he yelled, angrily. Dwayne ran inside before anyone could get to him.

  As for Ronnie and Stan, who were still in the arena, they kept close together and some of Dwayne’s men, the ones that weren’t with them, opened the doors and entered the arena. These men all had swords like Ronnie and Stan. “Want to show these fuckers why we’re champions?” whispered Ronnie.

  “Well, I’m not really a champion yet,” whispered Stan.

  “You are to me,” replied Ronnie. There were three men on each side and they charged at Ronnie and Stan, but Ronnie and Stan didn’t panic; after all, they didn’t get to where they were with fear and they weren’t going to die today, not by the hands of Dwayne’s men. One of the men swung his sword at Ronnie as another man swung his sword at Stan. They were aiming for their necks but Ronnie and Stan ducked and rolled out of the way, which made those two men swing their swords into each other’s necks about halfway, which was bloody, and they fell straight to the ground, colouring it with blood. The four remaining men looked at Ronnie and Stan with fury and they charged at them, hoping they wouldn’t make the same mistake, which they didn’t. Ronnie and Stan both had two men on each other. They were rapidly countering the two swords swinging at them. Ronnie did an amazing manoeuvre and in the process he cut one of the guy’s hands off, which was the hand holding their sword. Ronnie picked the sword up quickly and swung both the swords into the other guy’s neck, cutting his head off instantly.

  Stan was still trying his hardest to block the attacks of the two guys who were trying to kill him and just when Stan thought he had this, he tripped himself and the sword he had flew from his hands and landed far away from him. The two men were standing there in front of Stan laughing at his misfortune. “Ha-ha-ha, fuckin’ dumb cunt,” said one of the men.

  “Do you want to be the one to kill him?” aske
d one of the men.

  “I think we should both do it. I’ll stab him in the head and you can stab his heart,” replied the other guy, so they walked up close to Stan and they raised their swords, ready to kill him. Ronnie killed the other guy who was trying to kill him and he saw that two men were about to kill Stan so he ran over and came up quickly behind them and pushed both of his swords into the back of their necks, cutting straight through from the back to the front. Stan moved out of the way and as Ronnie pulled the swords from their necks, the men dropped face-first to the ground with gushes of blood flowing from their necks.

  Ronnie walked over to Stan, dropping one of his swords to the ground, and helped Stan up. “Holy crap, that was close. I um, thank you. You saved my life,” said Stan with relief.

  “It’s all right, you would have done the same thing,” replied Ronnie as he was picking up the sword he just dropped to the ground.

  “Yes, I would. You know why? Because everything Dwayne did to convince me you’re not you anymore was just a lie. I want you to know I’m sorry and I didn’t mean what I said before,” said Stan with a smile.

  “Don’t worry about apologies now, worry about that later. Right now, we should focus on killing these assholes,” replied Ronnie.

  Back up in the crowd area, men and women were fighting each other with hand to hand combat and weapons. Many of them got stabbed, shot and died in the most horrible ways, but after all, this was a battle for freedom and it wasn’t going to be a peaceful let’s just walk out the front door fight. There were going to be many who were going to die in the process. Dwayne was heading to his bedroom; it seemed like a cowardly move to walk away from his men who were fighting to save this place but Dwayne had a plan that would stop this madness but he didn’t inform his men what it was; he just told them to be prepared to kill as many of the people as they can. Dwayne didn’t wish for this to happen but he had planned something just in case this ever happened. So, he went into his room just by himself and some of his men guarded from outside his room. Back outside the battled continued; there was blood being spilt everywhere.


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