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Lawless Page 39

by Jai Williams

  “Drop those fuckin’ guns or you’ll see your fuckin’ friend’s dead with their fuckin’ brains all over the fuckin’ floor,” he said demandingly. So, Ronnie dropped his gun.

  “What are you fuckin’ doing? Just shoot him in the head,” whispered Max.

  “I’m not gonna take that risk. I’m not gonna risk their lives,” whispered Ronnie.

  “Everyone please drop your guns,” said Ronnie, raising his voice, Captain Harris and his soldiers dropped their guns but the others didn’t.


  “But we have gotten so close. Why stop now?” asked one of the men.

  Ronnie turned to the guy who just talked. “Because if we can do something to stop Dwayne from killing them, and by something I mean drop the guns, then we have to or else, if we let him kill them, then we’re no better than him, and I don’t want to see these people die. So, if you are still with me then drop your guns, but if you’re not with me then go join Dwayne. But I don’t think he’ll forgive you for what you’ve done,” said Ronnie.

  All the men eventually dropped their guns because they realized why they were fighting, they were fighting for freedom and no more bloodshed and if Finn and Alice died, they would feel horrible. Dwayne was pleased that they dropped their guns.

  “Good. Now, I’m not going to kill this man and woman, not yet anyway, but for all of you guys, well I’m very, very, very fuckin’ angry. But for some reason I am a bit proud. I mean, you all have successfully taken down all my men, apart from the ones you see here, and that is impressive. But actions like that have consequences and the consequences are terrible. If I were you, I would’ve just stayed where I was and not done all this damage. I mean, you’ve blow up fuckin’ walls and killed ninety percent of my men. It’s going to take a while to rebuild this place and my army of men. So, I’m not happy about that. So, you all will be punished and any of you who want to be back on my side, umm, think again because I don’t forgive that easy or at all. So, you’re fucked and I win, like always,” said Dwayne, with a smile of victory. “Okay, grab these men and women one by one and chuck them back in their cells. But grab Ronnie, Max, Stan and Harris and chain them up in the chain room with Finn, as well,” said Dwayne to his men.

  So, one by one all the men were taken and thrown into the cells down below and the women were thrown in the other cells and Ronnie, Max, Stan, Captain Harris and Finn were chained up in the room that Captain Harris was chained up in, the first day he got to this place. Not all of Dwayne’s men took the men and women to the cells; some stayed with Dwayne just in case some of the men and women tried something foolish, and Alice was pushed back into Dwayne’s room and tied to a chair. Who knows what Dwayne had planned for her? After all Dwayne’s men that were still with him put the others in the cells, Dwayne commanded them to stand by.

  Dwayne headed into the room that Ronnie, Max, Stan, Captain Harris and Finn were chained up in, and he laughed at them. “Ha-ha-ha. You fuckin’ failed. You thought you could take over this place and kill me and all my men, but you were wrong. You fucked up so bad, that all the dead presidents and police officers and yadda, yadda, yadda are angry at you and they would be disappointed. But those fuckers aren’t here anymore so fuck them, fuck you all and fuck those who are going to try and do stuff like that in the future because news flash, guys like you don’t win; in fact, you lose and will always lose because you don’t have the one thing that people like me have and that is, we don’t feel and by that I mean caring for people and shit. The only thing I feel is my dick in a woman’s pussy or ass or mouth or hand and I don’t care about anything else. Well, maybe I care about some of my men but apart from that, I get angry and happy but never sad. Emotions like that can suck my dick because if you’re emotional, you’re weak,” said Dwayne. Dwayne walked up close to Ronnie’s face.

  “Like you, just before when you had the chance to kill me which you could have but your friends were there, and you didn’t want to kill your friends because you care for them. So, that shows you and your enemy how weak you are. So, because of that you will always fall and people like me will rise because we don’t do things like that,” he said with a serious look. Dwayne walked over to Max, who was to Ronnie’s right.

  “Now Max, I’ve let you fuck and drink every day and I’ve been ok with that but this shit. This fuckin’ God damn motherfuckin’ shit. This traitor cunt disloyal disrespectful shit isn’t going unnoticed and you’ve seen the punishments I’ve dealt out to those who have turned on me or broken my rules and those people didn’t look good after I was done with them,” said Dwayne with a very angry look on his face. Max looked up from the ground.

  “Fuck you, fuck your loyal men, fuck your rules, your arena and fuck everything you’ve done. Your just a monster, you deserve to die and I’m glad I helped out and killed your men and destroyed your place because it’s time that you learn that people like you don’t belong in this world,” he said with hatred. Max spat on Dwayne, Dwayne wiped the spit away, grabbed his hand gun from his holster and shot Max right in the head without blinking. Blood dripped to the ground and splattered on the wall behind Max and some landed on Dwayne’s face and on Ronnie’s face. Everyone chained up in the room were scared; they saw that Dwayne wasn’t messing around. He was past rewarding and giving out deals. He didn’t care and any one of them could be next. Dwayne wiped the blood off his face. “Now, Max died because he was an asshole. I mean, did you hear that cunt ass shit that was coming from his mouth? I don’t need to listen to that shit, so bang, cunt’s dead, and the same will happen to you guys if you say the same shit. I’m not fucking around. I am very pissed off,” said Dwayne, with a serious and mean look.

  Dwayne walked up to Captain Harris, who was to the left of Ronnie. “Do you remember when you were in here? Of course you do; it was the first day you got here. Well, to be more specific, it was the first day you were brought here. And I told you what you had to do in this place to stay alive and you were doing exactly that until today, when you fucked up and joined these assholes. Now, the question is, how did you escape? And I already know the answer. Some assholes unlocked the cells and freed you all, which is my mistake. I shouldn’t have given everyone a key to the cells but I thought I could trust everyone, but apparently not. So, when I get this place fixed up and probably make some improvements, I will choose my men more wisely and make sure they don’t secretly want to kill me,” said Dwayne, still with anger.

  Dwayne walked over to Stan, who was far to his right. “I thought you wanted to kill Ronnie; you know, like you told me. So, tell me, why did you change your mind?” asked Dwayne, giving Stan an angry stare.

  “Because you’re a monster and everything you did was a setup to push me into hating Ronnie,” replied Stan.

  “Wow, monster – that’s like the billionth time I’ve heard that. Why don’t you come up with something else like um…nah, monster pretty much tops everything. And yes, it was all a fuckin’ setup because I already knew what you guys were planning,” replied Dwayne.

  Dwayne walked over to his left to Finn, who was chained next to Ronnie. “Now, remember what I told you and the others you were with the first day you came here?” he asked.

  Finn responded with a nod. “Okay, you do remember, but tell me, why do you think Ronnie did this? Is it because he doesn’t think you’re his friend or is it because he, well how do I put this kindly, fucked your girlfriend and thought maybe if you died during this fight that he could be with her, with you out of the picture,” said Dwayne.

  “Do not listen to him. He’s just messing with your head,” said Ronnie, butting in.

  Dwayne walked over to Ronnie. “Oh, so you didn’t do the nasty with Alice – is that what you’re saying, because I’m not a liar. I’ve been honest with you guys since day one. I told you guys how this place runs and what goes down; in fact, you guys have bee
n the liars. So, can you look at Finn and tell him truthfully that you never slept with his girlfriend?” said Dwayne.

  Ronnie turned his head to Finn, “I um…see, it didn’t…it wasn’t my fault, it just. Ah,” he said as he hated that he had to tell Finn this way. He was planning to tell him after they were free, so Ronnie had no idea what to say to Finn.

  “Of course, you did. I mean, when I saw you fighting out there in the arena I knew that that’s not the same Ronnie I knew. So, the killing got to your head and you had sex with my girlfriend and you didn’t even care about me. You just… I can’t look at you,” said Finn, angrily. Finn turned his head away from Ronnie.

  “I was drunk. It was a huge blackout and I only realized that I had sex with her when I woke up the next morning, so I never planned it. I would take that night back if I could because your friendship means more to me. So, please, I’m not asking you to forgive me straight away; I’m asking you to understand that I didn’t mean to do it,” said Ronnie, feeling guilty.

  Finn responded with silence. Dwayne slow clapped. “Bravo, in the same day you’ve fucked up a friendship, you’ve fucked up my trust for you and just generally you’ve fucked up,” he said, smiling.

  Ronnie looked at Dwayne with a furious look in his eyes. “GRRRRRRRR,” he growled.

  “Oh, you’re angry. You’re like a lion; you’re about to attack your prey but in this situation I’m the fuckin’ hunter and I’ve chained you up, ready to skin you alive,” said Dwayne.

  Dwayne stepped back from Ronnie. “Okay, I’m going to leave you guys here and I’m going to take care of those in the cells – well, the ones who were in the fight. So, don’t go anywhere, ha-ha, like you can,” said Dwayne.

  Dwayne left the room and left two of his men guarding the entrance of the room from outside and he headed down to the men’s cells to start his punishments on those who were in the fight. Some of Dwayne’s men that he had left were down in the men’s cells and others were guarding the women’s cells. When Dwayne got down to the men’s’ cells, he gave the men in the cells a disappointed and angry look. “We’ll do one cell at a time. Now tell me what cells still had prisoners in them when you got down here,” he said to his men.

  “Some of the champion cells, boss, and some of the higher ranked prisoners,” said one of Dwayne’s men.

  Dwayne walked over to one of the champion cells and Brad was in it. Brad was the guy who faked being Ronnie’s friend the other night. “So, Brad, looks like our plan didn’t go well, but oh well, looks like we’ll just have to kill them. I know how loyal you are to me but take all this in and think, yeah I should never ever cross Dwayne and if you can do that, then you’ll live a long and great life,” said Dwayne.

  “I understand,” replied Brad.

  Dwayne walked over to one of the other cells that had some men that were in the fight. “Okay, we’ll start with this cell,” he said. In the cell Dwayne was looking at, there were a couple of Dwayne’s disloyal men as well as Steve and Jackson, who were two of Captain Harris’ soldiers. Dwayne’s men grabbed all the men from the cell. “Boss, w-where are we taking them?” asked one of Dwayne’s men.

  “To the arena. That’s where they will be executed,” replied Dwayne, so Dwayne’s men pushed all the men from the cell to the arena and Dwayne followed.

  When they entered the arena, Dwayne looked around and saw all the dead bodies and blood, and he responded with anger.

  “This is… Just fucked, just horrible. Oh well, put these men to their knees,” he said. All of Dwayne’s men forced the other men to their knees. Dwayne pulled out his handgun from his holster.

  “You know, there’s just too many of you disloyal bastards, so I gotta kill you the easy way, with a gun; it’s quick and simple. So, do you guys have any last…nah, you don’t deserve last words,” said Dwayne. Dwayne aimed his gun at the first kneeling guy and shot him in the head. He continued doing this to the rest of them and when he got to Steve and Jackson he stopped.

  “Now your Captain failed you. He probably told you that he was going to keep you safe and protect you, but he was wrong. So, bye-bye,” said Dwayne. Dwayne shot them both, adding them to the other pile of bodies and blood. “Okay, let’s go get some more assholes to kill,” said Dwayne to his men, so they headed back to the cells to get the next bunch of men to kill.

  Back in the room where Ronnie and the others were chained, Ronnie was trying to talk to Finn but he wasn’t responding. “Finn, please man, just say something, anything. It doesn’t have to be you forgiving me but I need to know that you’re not giving up and that goes for the rest of you guys. I know the plan didn’t go exactly as planned but we can still get out of this. I mean, we have to. We didn’t survive this long and kill just to die now; no, our story continues,” said Ronnie, still with hope.

  “What story? The story that a couple of men were forced to kill people in an arena just to survive? Is that the story that continues?” said Captain Harris.

  “No, it’s about stopping people like this and putting the world back together like it was years ago. That’s the story that will continue and those we killed and lose in the process will be remembered every day. Their sacrifices won’t go unnoticed,” said Ronnie.

  Meanwhile Dwayne’s men dragged out a couple more men that Dwayne was going to kill to the arena. Dwayne reloaded his gun and looked at the men kneeling in front of him. “Now, as you can see, there’s no getting out of this. The last group of people knew that, you’ll know that and everyone else that was disloyal will know that. So, like I said to the last group of people, you don’t deserve last words. So, bye-bye, you fuckin’ traitors,” said Dwayne. Dwayne shot them all in the head, adding more bodies and blood to the pile.

  Meanwhile, back where the others were, Ronnie was trying to think of a plan to get out of this mess. “Okay, I think I’ve got an idea. When Dwayne comes back to get us, resist and quickly grab whoever’s behind us and steal their gun and bang, bang, we’ll kill them all. It’s the only thing I can think of and if we do it quick enough we’ll pull it off,” said Ronnie.

  “No, we won’t,” said Stan.

  “What?” replied Ronnie.

  “Just give up, Ronnie. We’ve been beaten and there’s no way we can get out of this and Dwayne isn’t stupid; he’ll see it coming,” said Stan, feeling hopeless.

  “So that’s it, huh? We’re just giving up after what we’ve been through and done? You just gonna give up like that? No, this is just a setback,” said Ronnie, trying to deny what Stan said.

  “No, it’s not a setback; it’s the end. See Ronnie, we’ve been thinking that the world can be saved but we’ve been wrong this whole time. For God’s sake it’s been like twenty or so years since this world was sane and a couple of us can’t fix it. So, we have to accept our fate, we have to accept our death. Which is hard for me to say, but it has to be said,” said Captain Harris.

  Ronnie turned his head to Finn. “Do you think this way too, Finn?” he asked. Finn turned his head to Ronnie, still with hate towards him.

  “Yeah, this is the world now, and we have to accept it. So, that includes us accepting our death and I won’t see you after this; you’ll go to hell and we’ll go to heaven and our life will be great because will be out of this nonstop horror show. Except the only downside is, that we will be dead, but that’s how the world runs now, it runs on death and rape and oh yeah, betrayal,” said Finn. Finn turned his head away from Ronnie.

  “So, I guess that’s it; it’s over. It’s been a huge waste of time. It seems like we should’ve just joined Dwayne this whole time instead of planning to escape. God damn, how foolish was I to think that what we’ve all been through, was actually going to work and get us out of this mess. Okay guys, looks like we’re all giving up. We’re all fuckin’ failures and we’re all just…” said Ronnie as he was slowly losing hope.

  All the way back at the strip club where the women were hiding, Angel got up and looked around at all the women. “Guys, I thi
nk we should go check if it’s all clear,” she said.

  “Are you nuts? You wanna get shot?” replied one of the women.

  “No, I’m not nuts but if they’re in trouble, then we need to do something. I mean the gunfire stopped, which either means that we win or they win,” said Angel.

  “Which side are we on?” asked one of the women.

  “We’re on the side that wants freedom from Dwayne. So, if they’re in trouble then we need to save them,” said Angel.

  “Yeah, but we aren’t exactly fighters,” replied one of the women.

  “Our body is our weapon. So, we’ve got this,” replied Angel confidently. All the women were convinced and they wanted to get out of the place as much as the others wanted to, so they headed quietly down the hall. It was complete silence until the women heard a woman yelling for help, so they headed upstairs towards the noise and it led to Dwayne’s room but there was one man standing outside of Dwayne’s room.

  Angel and two other women walked up to the guy, leaving the others behind so it didn’t look like an ambush. The guy saw the three women approaching.

  “What’s going on? We’re so scared. We need a big, strong man like you to protect us,” said Angel in a sexy voice while she slowly rubbed her hand down the guy’s chest.

  The guy pulled Angel’s arm away. “Don’t do that right now. I need to focus. And wow, you girls are not dead. I thought you would’ve died in the fight,” said Dwayne’s man.

  Angel looked at the other women. “Yeah, this plan is working,” she said and before the guy could respond Angel took one of her high heels off and jabbed it into the guy’s throat. He bled to death and fell to the ground and the other two woman looked at Angel with a frightened look. “What? He would’ve killed us and I don’t know about you but this guy really forced himself on me and I didn’t like it,” said Angel.

  Angel opened the door of Dwayne’s room and she saw a woman tied to a chair, so she and the other two women ran into the room to help the woman.


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