Slow Burn (The Blake Boys Book 7)

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Slow Burn (The Blake Boys Book 7) Page 2

by Laurel, Rhonda

  * * *

  Michelle walked through the bookstore, satisfied they were ready for the holiday rush. She loved this time of year, the hustle and bustle of the customers always put her in a good mood. Today she would be doing orientation for her temporary holiday help, which included Morgan’s teenage niece Avery.

  “Hi, Michelle.” Avery came bouncing into the office and greeted her with a hug. “I’m here for orientation training.”

  “You’re very early.” She tossed the teen a blueberry scone she’d made that morning.

  “I wanted to be on time for my first day on the job. Dad says I should be an even better employee since Aunt Morgan owns the bookstore.”

  Michelle smiled. “Honey, nepotism is a time-honored tradition, take advantage of it. How’s the babysitting going?” Avery had been babysitting Morgan and Seth’s boys in her spare time.

  “Jake’s no problem. He keeps busy drawing or playing with his toys. But the twins are another story. The trick is to keep them busy until they collapse from exhaustion.” She giggled. “Uncle Seth pays me a hundred dollars each time I watch them.”

  “Maybe I should charge to watch those little twin Tasmanian devils.” Michelle flipped through the invoices. She loved Connor and Colby but often needed a vacation after babysitting the precocious duo. “Well, the orientation will be short. You’ll start next Saturday and we’ll work out your hours. I promised your dad it wouldn’t interfere with your studies, like that would ever happen.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Daddy likes to worry about everything.”

  “I made cookies for the last book club since this will be the last meeting for the holidays.” Michelle held up a tin.

  “Cool. I thought we could do a movie night of the books we’ve read that have been made into movies.”

  “That’s a great idea. I have a few motivational books I’d like to sneak onto the list as well. When your aunt comes back from Texas, we’re going to do some event planning for next year. I’d like you to take a more active role in the book club. What do you think?”

  “I love it!” She clapped.

  “I thought you’d like that.”

  Something on Morgan’s desk caught the teen’s attention. It was Tyler’s latest magazine cover. Full Throttle magazine did a full feature on what they called “the most impressive up-and-coming driver in the industry.” He looked absolutely sinful on the cover. Those green eyes sparkled, and those faint dimples sent chills down Michelle’s spine. The day it arrived, the store was flooded with women looking for their eye-candy fix. After the third skanky chick came and asked if they had the issue with Seth Blake’s hot younger brother on the cover, she hid them in the back room and watched Morgan look for them for half the day. It was only when Morgan picked up the phone to rip the distributor a new one did she confess they were all stuffed in her desk. Morgan just shook her head and laughed, telling her payback was a bitch. She’d often had to talk Morgan down when Seth had done a salacious photo shoot.

  “Did you watch Uncle Tyler’s race? He was awesome.”

  Yeah, it was awesome until the end. “I caught bits and pieces of it.”

  Avery took a seat in Morgan’s chair. “I have to admit I didn’t like racing until he became a driver. He’s amazing.”

  “I was thinking of another word.” Michelle lifted off the chair and handed Avery a floor plan. “Think you can help me create a kick ass display to attract teen readers?”


  Avery headed to the front of the store while Michelle looked over the orientation packets. Everything seemed in order and she hoped to get her temporary helpers working immediately. The bookstore was doing well and could do even better if they had a chance to expand. They kept up with all the latest titles but there were more things they could do if they had more space. Now that she was the store manager she could bring some of her loftier plans to fruition. She just needed Morgan to sit still long enough to listen to them.

  There was a tap on the office door. It was Nina and Gabby.

  “Hi, ladies!” Michelle got up and reached for the little girl, who was stylishly dressed in a winter white toggle coat like her mom’s, right down to the matching tam. “What brings you two by?”

  “Oh, I can only drop by when Morgan is here? I thought we settled that the last time you asked.” Nina laughed as she unbuttoned her coat.

  “Force of habit.” Michelle sat Gabby on the couch and handed her the latest children’s book they got in that had yet to be stocked on the shelves.

  Nina pulled an envelope out of her pocketbook. “I bring you good tidings. Here are your earnings from the Future Leaders event. I owe you big for coming to my rescue with those desserts.”

  “No charge Nina, you know that.” When the caterer Nina hired for an event flaked on her, she immediately called Michelle, who’d been only too happy to share her most decadent creations.

  “Nonsense. Everything you made was a big hit.”

  “And I helped a friend. End of story.”

  “Well, my friend, Oliver Mancini, the guy who produces cooking shows, was there and was very impressed by your work. I sang your praises and told him about your food blog. He said he was producing a new show about a budding superstar chef in the making and asked if I thought you’d be interested in auditioning!”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  Nina shook her head. “I wouldn’t dare.”

  Avery popped her head into the office. “Excuse me, Michelle, Uncle’s Seth’s friend Derek is at the front desk. He said thanks for the books and asked if you have time for a coffee with him.”

  “Thanks, Avery. Tell him I’ll be out in a minute.” Michelle couldn’t control the heated flush she felt creeping up her cheeks.

  Derek Popovich, the goalie for the Philadelphia Ice Pirates and good friend of Seth’s, had come to the bookstore a few times looking for books on the Alamo. It wasn’t until the third visit and two cappuccinos later that she realized he was flirting. The man looked like a Viking with a hockey stick in his hand when he was on the ice. She kicked herself every day for never giving Derek an answer the time he’d asked her to have dinner with him.

  She scooted to the other side of her desk to get out of the glare she saw coming from Nina.

  “How often do you and Derek have coffee?”

  “He’s just being nice. I’m helping him track down some hard to get books about the Alamo.” Michelle pulled at her sweater cuff.

  “You’re a bad liar, Michelle. Spill it.”

  “What? The man needs a book, I work in a bookstore.” Michelle looked away.

  Nina pouted. “I can’t believe Morgan didn’t tell me about this juicy gossip.”

  “I didn’t think it would be wise to tell Morgan, given my unhealthy relationship with Tyler, that Seth’s friend has been asking me out for the last three months.”

  “I can see the dilemma, especially after Tyler threatened poor Finn. Could you imagine Tyler getting into a fight with Derek? Shirts off. Hard bodies oiled up, engaging in a fight to the death for a chance to claim you. That’s a pay per view event I’d pre-order today.”

  “Do I need to get the hose on you? And Gabby is right there. She’s living up to her nick name. That girl tells Patton everything she hears and he repeats it to Seth.” Michelle pinched Nina.

  They peered through the crack of the double doors. Derek was standing there in all his glory dressed in jeans and a gray pea coat, looking simply gorgeous. He had a duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

  “What would be wrong about dating that hunk of a man?” Nina mumbled. “Have you seen him on the ice? He’s the reason I’m a hockey fan.”

  “I bet Patton would love to hear that. I’m totally going to blackmail you on that one.”

  “Why don’t you want to go out with him? Hell, sleep with him at least once and give me all the details. He looks like he knows his way around a bed post.” Nina’s cell phone rang. She reached into her pocket to see Morga
n’s face displayed. “Damn it, it’s Morgan. I think she can sense we’re having impure thoughts.”

  “You distract her. Try to sound natural. Her trouble radar has really sharpened since she had the twins. I’m going out to see what Derek wants.”

  “You know what he wants. Are you gonna give it to him?” Nina smiled and pushed Michelle through the double doors. “Hey, Morgan. No, nothing’s wrong…I just dropped by the bookstore to get something for Gabby.”

  * * *

  Nina was right, Derek did look delectable today. There were a few times when she imagined spreading whipped cream all over that broad chest of his. It didn’t help quell her fantasies when he smiled at her like he was doing now. It was enigmatic with a hint of devious, like he had a bad joke on the tip of his tongue.

  “Derek, nice to see you again.”

  He smiled. “I thought I’d check to see if the book had come in, and see you, of course.”

  The sound of that deep voice coupled with that gorgeous smile always got her. She was impressed that he didn’t have any false teeth, a common occupational hazard for hockey players.

  “I did some digging and found a few more books that weren’t on your list. I was able to get them shipped to the store. How did you get so interested in the Alamo?”

  “I fell in love with Texas after visiting Seth at his ranch. He took me on a tour of the Alamo and I felt a strange connection to it. I think it was a fascinating period of time in American history. Did you do something with your hair?” Derek pushed a lock of hair away from her eye.

  She smiled. “I got some highlights last week. Thanks for noticing.”

  “How about that coffee? I have time before I go to the stadium.” He motioned to the café area.

  “I’m sorry, I have an orientation with the seasonal helpers in an hour and I must get ready.” He wasn’t making it easy. Why was she trying to dissuade him again? Yeah. The non-committal cowboy she slept with months ago.

  “Perhaps we can have dinner at the Slap Shot.”

  “I don’t—” Michelle stopped herself before she could refuse. Tyler had just kissed a woman on national television, living up to his playboy reputation. Why should she keep chasing a man who clearly wasn’t going to change? Why shouldn’t she get on with her life? She gave him her biggest smile. “I don’t have any plans for the weekend. Dinner would be nice.”


  She watched him walk out the door, thinking about what Nina said about Derek and Tyler wrestling around half naked, vying for her affections. Michelle picked up a flyer from the counter and waved it back and forth in front of her face. It may have been December, but it was suddenly hotter than a July heat wave in the bookstore.

  Michelle walked back to the office after Nina signaled her twice to get back there.

  “Well, well. He’s persistent.”

  “How did you know what he said?”

  “I hit the intercom button.” Nina pointed to the phone system.

  “If only that jerk Tyler would put half as much effort into seeing me.” Michelle noticed Nina had snuck the envelope in between the pile of invoices on her desk.

  Nina shrugged. “Some men are not comfortable with expressing their feelings.”

  “He can express lust just fine.”

  “Well, I say do what feels right, and then do it all the time.” Nina smiled. “So back to the audition. How about it? I think it would be a great opportunity for you.”

  “You think?”

  “There’s five thousand dollars in that envelope. What do you think?”

  Michelle smiled. Maybe it was time to try new things.

  * * *

  Tyler dumped the bags of ice over the beers in the cooler. Winning a major race that catapulted his racing career into the limelight didn’t mean squat when he was back at home and relegated to the role of little brother. Tonight his brothers were playing poker in J.J.’s new home, which he shared with his girlfriend Sam. It was an architectural masterpiece that boasted big spacious rooms to accommodate a large family. Sam loved the holidays and it showed. There were Christmas decorations in every room and a huge tree that seemed to take up half the living room, a vast contrast to J.J.’s ex-wife Eden’s refusal to celebrate anything.

  Tyler pulled out his phone and scrolled his contacts in search of Michelle’s picture. Seeing that bright, infectious smile always made his heart skip a beat. He pressed call. The phone rang a few times, then went to voicemail. His ears perked up at the new greeting.

  “Hi, it’s Michelle the Novel Foodie. I’m busy right now conjuring up delicious new recipes. Please leave a message if your name isn’t Tyler Blake and I’ll call you back as soon as I can.”

  He ran a hand over his face and disconnected the call. Maybe he’d have better luck at poker tonight.

  “Tyler, you gonna be all day with those beers?” J.J. yelled from the living room.

  “I’m comin’!” He picked up the cooler and headed in. “I don’t know why you’re in a hurry for me to take your money.”

  His brother Tate took the cooler from him and set it by the card table. “No risk of that. You stink and you have a million different tells.”

  “Quiet before I call Isabelle over. She’ll distract you and it will make taking your money all that much easier.”

  “No way,” his brother Channing said. “This is a woman-free zone tonight. Thank God.”

  “Woman trouble?” J.J. grabbed two icy beers from the cooler and passed him one.

  Channing took it and popped the cap. “Just when I think I’m making progress with Emma, she goes in a totally different direction.”

  “Welcome to the club,” Seth said and began shuffling the cards. “Now sit down and ante up.”

  The doorbell rang. J.J. went to answer it and came back with Bo Jr. “Look who decided to join us.”

  “Bo!” They all yelled.

  Bo wore a navy blue sweater over a striped dress shirt without a tie tonight. It was pretty daring casual dress for him on a Friday evening.

  “Bo, so glad you could make it.” Tyler smiled.

  “I come bearing gifts.” Bo put two bottles of single malt scotch on the table.

  “Now we’re talkin’,” Seth said, and headed to the kitchen for glasses.

  “Nice,” Tate said. “I’m almost going to feel bad about taking your money, Jamison.”

  Bo laughed. “And I won’t feel bad at all about supplementing my retirement fund by swindling money from you losers.”

  “Big talk from a man who once had a pig chase him at the county fair.”

  “That pig had it in for me.” Bo rubbed his hand over his face. “Congrats on your win, Tyler.”

  “Thanks, man.” Tyler nodded. “When was the last time you came to a poker game?”

  Bo pulled up a chair. “That would have to be the night Seth played Texas hold ’em with your dad for the ranch.”

  “That was an epic night,” Tyler said. “Daddy let Seth win.”

  “Did not!” Seth yelled from the kitchen.

  Channing tapped the chair next to him. “This is the section for the lovelorn.”

  “You too?” Bo asked. He and his girlfriend Felicia had recently broken up.

  “Yeah. But the good news is that Tyler may be off the market soon.” Channing waggled his eyebrows.

  “Oh, that pretty woman you were slow dancing with at the wedding until Seth’s little boy cut in?” Bo laughed.

  “Her name is Michelle. And don’t remind me about Jake using his cute bit. He’s getting pretty good at it,” Tyler huffed.

  “That’s what you get for using my son when he was a baby to hit on women. The student becomes the master.” Seth returned from the kitchen with glasses and bowls of chips and salsa.

  “So what are we doing for the holidays this year? I have to put my order in soon for the ten turkeys I’ll need to cook,” Tate said.

  “We’ll all be at Momma and Daddy’s house this year,” Channing said.

nbsp; “I can’t wait until the boys see what I go them for Christmas.” Tyler grinned.

  “Ten turkeys?” Bo mused.

  Tate laughed. “I remember that big appetite you have, Bubba. I do believe after that pig stopped chasing you, you put him on a spit and barbecued him.”

  “What about that pie eating contest he’d enter every year?” Channing asked. “Why you never gained any weight was beyond me.”

  “I have a naturally high metabolism and I work out.” Bo held up his shirt to reveal sculptured abs.

  “Let’s play. I’d like to see my woman by midnight.” J.J. tried to suppress a grin and dealt the cards.

  “It’s good to see you happy J.J.” Channing grinned. “It’s a bit disgusting seeing you two make out all the time, but I’m still happy for you.”

  “So Bo, are you coming home for Christmas?” Tyler asked.

  Bo nodded. “There’s no place else I’d rather be.”

  Tyler loved poker nights. He loved each and every one of their rowdy asses. It was the love of this family that spurred a feeling that it was time for love in his life. Maybe it was time to stop running from the one woman he couldn’t get out of his mind. Too bad she wasn’t returning his calls.

  Chapter Two

  Michelle stared at the computer screen hoping the answer to her recipe problem would magically manifest. She and Morgan were working on her new apple pie recipe, hoping to put a new spin on an old classic. It had been two weeks since she started her cold-turkey program to rid herself of Tyler Blake. Morgan tried to bring it up, but Michelle politely declined to talk about seeing Tyler’s television smooch. With all that behind her, she was doing remarkably well, and she funneled her energy into cooking for the holidays. The only problem was her apartment—it was beginning to look like a bakery. Each time she thought about precious wasted moments she’d spent on that cowboy, she’d bake something. There were cakes, pies, cookies and tarts everywhere. Which was why she was using Morgan’s kitchen, instead.


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