Rise of the Moon (A Royal Shifters novel Book 3)

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Rise of the Moon (A Royal Shifters novel Book 3) Page 1

by L. P. Dover

  Royal Shifter Series

  Turn of the Moon

  Resisting the Moon

  Rise of the Moon

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written consent from the author.

  L.P. Dover

  Copyright © by L.P. Dover

  Edited by: Briggs Consulting

  Cover designed by: RBA Designs

  Created with Vellum


  1. Laila

  2. Laila

  3. Cedric

  4. Laila

  5. Cedric

  6. Laila

  7. Cedric

  8. Laila

  9. Cedric

  10. Laila

  11. Laila

  12. Cedric

  13. Laila

  14. Cedric

  15. Laila

  16. Laila

  17. Cedric

  18. Laila

  19. Laila

  20. Laila

  21. Laila

  22. Cedric

  23. Laila

  24. Cedric

  25. Laila

  26. Laila

  About the Author

  Also by L.P. Dover



  My heart pounds the closer I get to him, and his beats even harder. Zayne Lyall, my father. I stare at his back, and I long to see his face. I've seen it in my mother's stone, but that wasn't good enough. I wanted to run and jump in his arms; to tell him how, even though I don't know him, I love him. Maybe it's stupid of me to think we can have a normal relationship. But I have to try.

  Sebastian, my father's brother, accepts me as his niece. If all else fails, I'll have him and Tyla, who is now his mate. Swallowing hard, I close the distance, leaving only three feet between us. I don't know if I should say the first word or wait for him to turn around. I've heard of the Lyall stubbornness and figure it's probably best if I make the first move.

  "Hi," I say, my voice just above a whisper. My father stiffens and doesn't turn around. It's crazy, because the man looks like he's my age although I know he's close to three hundred years old. That's how it is with my kind. We don't age like ordinary people; it’s much slower than humans. A shifter can be a hundred years old and only look like they’re twenty. In human years, I'm thirty, so I have a long way to go before I start aging.

  "My name is Laila," I continue, realizing I'm an idiot for even saying my name, "but I'm sure you already know that by now." Still, I wait for him to turn around, and he doesn't. It doesn't matter as long as I say what I have to say. "I know all of this has come as a shock to you. It was the same for me when I found out. I just want you to know I don't blame you for not knowing you were my father. How could you? Nobody knew, other than my mother, but by then it was too late."

  His shoulders hunch, and his head falls, breaking my heart. "Please talk to me," I plead. When he doesn't, I hold back my tears. I remember what it had been like on the day I found out the truth. It had taken me some time too. "There's something I want to give you. It was my mother's." In my hand, I hold a black, velvet bag that keeps her pink stone safe. I lay it on the ground behind him and step back.

  "I don't know if you ever saw her with it, but it's her rose quartz. She spelled it to capture her memories. It's where I saw you for the first time." I take another step back, hoping he'll face me. "If you ever want to find me, I'll be at Tyla's. She was nice enough to let me stay at her place now that she's living with Sebastian." For another few seconds, I wait before realizing nothing is going to come of it. My throat closes up tight. I don't think I can speak anymore, even if I wanted to.

  Turning on my heel, I pull out my phone to text Sebastian, but think better of it and put it away. He'll only get pissed if he finds out my father ignored me and probably start some big fight.

  "Wait," my father's voice calls out. Heart pounding, I turn around quickly. He glances down at the velvet bag and picks it up, keeping his gaze on it. When he looks inside, a sad smile spreads across his cheeks. "I gave this to your mother when we were kids. She used to carry it around everywhere. I found it in the creek by my house."

  My moonstone is in my pocket, and I pull it out. "I must take after her then. I always carry my favorite stone with me too."

  He takes a deep breath and lifts his gaze to mine. Eyes wide, he stares at me. "You look just like your mother." His voice cracks, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks.

  I turn my head. "I know it pains you to look at me. If it's too much, I'll understand if you don't want to see me again."

  He takes a step forward, and then another until he's right in front of me. His fingers lift my chin, and I lose the battle with my tears. "Don't ever think that, Laila. Seeing you makes me miss your mother more, sure. But now I have a piece of her here with me. I just wish you knew how much I hate myself right now."

  "Why did you leave her?" I ask.

  His fingers fall from my chin, and I can feel his anger. "Being a protector has always been my way of life. I knew when the time came, I'd have to make a choice. I was prepared to defy my pack to be with her. And so, the night after your mother and I were together, I left to go back to Canada. I was meant to be back in a couple of weeks, but it ended up being closer to a month. I had given everything up to be with her. When I showed up at her house, she was gone. There wasn't a trace of her anywhere."

  "Vincent," I growled. Vincent Connery, the Sierra pack's alpha, and the man I thought was my father, had taken her.

  He nodded. "But I didn't know that at the time. I searched and searched for Alina, and there was nothing. I figured she'd gone back to the Land of the Fae. She visited there often, so it wasn’t unusual for her to disappear at times. The only reason she'd stayed in the mortal realm was because of me."

  He turns the stone over in his hand and rubs it between his finger and thumb. "After months and months of looking, I went back to Canada to fulfill my duty as a protector. Sebastian and Micah still had time to explore the world, and it was Sebastian who found out Vincent had killed her. Only, he didn't tell me until after he'd already killed him."

  "And you were mad because it was your right to do it yourself," I add.

  "I loved her, Laila. For the past thirty years, I've lived in a darkness I can't seem to find my way out of. And now there's you, a daughter I had no clue existed. The thought of what you went through while being with those monsters plagues me. And again, my brother was the one who ended them, when it should've been me."

  I shake my head. "Life isn't all about vengeance. But if it makes it any easier, the Sierra Pack never hurt me. They knew they couldn't. I was the one who turned on them and delivered death to their door. Sebastian and Amelie helped, but it was my doing. Take comfort in knowing that it was me who did it as well. I'm a part of you, which means you were there too."

  He brushes a finger across my cheek. "Wise beyond your years."

  "I must take after my father in that respect." He chuckles, and it makes me smile. "I don't know much about my mother, and I'm hoping you can help me with that. All I have are a couple of journals written in Elvish that I can't translate."

  He smirks. “Guess it’s a good thing I speak the language then.”

  I gasp. "You do?"

  He nods. "Your mother taught me. I'll help you with anything you need."

  Jumping in his arms, I don't care if it's overstepping my boundaries or not. I'm surprised when he wraps his arms around my waist. "I feel like I've waited an eternity for this one moment."
  "So have I, my dear. And I promise I won't let you down."

  For once in my life, I finally feel like I belong.



  One Month Later

  My name is Laila. Laila Lyall.

  It used to be Laila Connery until I became free from the Sierra pack. The alpha thought he was my father, but I knew otherwise. He was evil. Vile. Pretending to be his daughter was a secret I carried with me for thirty years. I had to wait for the right time to unleash the truth. When it came, I was ruthless. I gambled with my friends' lives to bring down the Sierra pack. Did it work? Yes. Do I feel guilty for putting those I love at risk? More than anything. Luckily, everything turned out okay.


  I grab my mother's journals out of my dresser. They're all written in Elvish, her native language. She was murdered by the Sierra pack alpha, who forced her to be his mate. After she gave birth to me, he killed her. He got what he wanted, a wolf and fae hybrid. Only he didn't realize she was pregnant by my father before he took her. I've known for years who my true father was, but I couldn't get to him. However, fate led him to the Teton pack, and now I'm here as well with him.

  He's a royal arctic wolf, which makes me one too. But that isn't all. My mother was a fae, a magical being, not of the mortal realm. The only problem is that I don't know what it makes me. Yes, I'm a half-wolf and half-fae. Can I shift into my wolf? No, I can't. I can feel her inside of me, but that's as far as it goes. My fae side is the dominant part of me. It doesn't bother me, though. The magic is what helps me feel close to my mother.

  "Laila! You coming?" Amelie shouts from downstairs. "Seraphina's waiting on us."

  Inside my drawer, I reach for my mother's rose quartz crystal necklace and kiss it before securing it around my neck. "Be right down, Am!" I holler back.

  I've only been with the Teton pack for a month, and I already feel at home. Amelie is my best friend who also just joined the Teton pack. She deserves a better life after all she's been through. So much has happened in just a short amount of time. We're both away from the evil clutches of the Sierra pack, and now we have our freedom. I can live my life the way I've always wanted.

  Holding my mother's journals to my chest, I bounce down the stairs. Amelie and Faith are at the door, waiting on me. What a trio we make. Amelie is a gray wolf, Faith is a royal arctic, and I'm half royal arctic and fae. We have no blood relation, but they feel like my sisters. My father and Faith's father were all part of the Royal pack many years ago before they were ambushed and most of our people killed. Now, we've all found our way back to each other. The Teton pack is full of royal arctic wolves, grays, reds, and a single hybrid like me. We're also the only pack in the country with multiple alphas. That's because a lot of the royal arctic wolves have alpha blood in their veins. It makes things interesting.

  Amelie opens the door for us, and I walk out, followed by Faith. "How much have you and your dad translated?" Faith asks.

  Papers are sticking out everywhere with my translated notes. "All of them," I reply happily. "Seraphina was going to help me do it, but when my father said he'd help, I couldn't pass that up."

  I glance back at Faith, and she smiles. "I don't blame you. I wish my father were here to see us all together."

  I hand her the journals. As she looks down at them with her bright blue eyes, her whitish-blonde hair falls in her face, but she tucks it behind her ear. That's one of the characteristics of arctic wolves. Most of them have light-colored hair. Amelie comes up beside her and takes a glance. She has caramel-colored hair and gray eyes. Shifters can always tell what each other are by their scent. A shifter can color their hair red to make it look like they're a red wolf, but their scent would say otherwise.

  We get in my car, Amelie in the front seat, while Faith takes the back. Her attention is solely on my mother's journals. I can see some of the pages as she flips through them. My mother used to love doodling around the edges of the paper. Her handwriting looked magical in itself.

  "The Land of the Fae sounds so beautiful. Do you think you'll ever see it? It tells you how to get there."

  I glance at Faith through the rearview mirror and then focus back on the road. There was a time when I considered leaving the mortal realm for good, but I couldn't do it. I know I have my mother's family there, but I also have my family and friends on this side of the realm. "I've thought about it," I admit truthfully. "I'm just afraid that if I tried to go, I wouldn't be able to come back. I don't know all the rules, especially since I'm only half-fae." I'm the only one of my kind. No one knows what my future holds.

  Amelie reaches over and places a hand over mine. "Smart choice. I don't know what I'd do without you. I kind of need you here."

  I squeeze her hand. "I'm not going anywhere."

  Faith gasps. "Wow, your mother was good friends with the winter court queen, Ariella. She talks about visiting her a lot."

  "She had some famous friends," I say, remembering how fascinated I was when my father translated those parts. My mother was a summer fae, and so was Ariella before she bonded with a winter court prince and became queen. They still stayed friends, and my mother visited her often. She wrote how beautiful the snow was, but how it was always cold in the winter court. I'm half summer fae, but I can handle the cold because of my arctic wolf side. Fire and ice.

  When we get to Seraphina's, she's sitting on her front porch, wearing a long, white dress. She's an elder and one of the oldest in the pack. It's evident by the long, white hair and wrinkled skin. What makes her different among the rest is that she has supernatural powers like me. A lot of alphas will employ witches to join their ranks. It's uncommon to see a wolf with magical capabilities.

  Seraphina stands from her rocking chair and waves. "Hey, girls." Then she focuses on me. "Ready for tonight?"

  I shrug. "Yes and no."

  She grins wide. "You get to meet all the men. Maybe one of them will be your mate." Her grin turns to Amelie and Faith. "The same goes for both of you."

  It's been a month since I've joined the Teton pack, but I've only spent time around a select few. Every morning, I attend fight training with my uncles, Sebastian, and Micah. Then, I go to my dad's to spend time with him, especially now that I've started working for his building company. And lastly, at night, I'm with Amelie and Faith. Tonight, I'm going to meet everyone else from our pack and the other alphas from the council. The bar is going to be full of wolves. I'm thankful to be part of a group that gets along with others.

  Amelie scoffs and sits down in one of the rocking chairs. "A mate is the last thing I want."

  Faith hands me the journals back and leans against the porch railing. "I don't know. I'm kind of curious to see if I'll find mine. He has to be somewhere."

  Seraphina nods down at the journals in my hands. "I want to hear everything about them." I follow her to the door, but Amelie and Faith don't budge.

  Amelie waves me on. "Go. We'll stay out here. It's supposed to start snowing soon. I like to watch it come down." There will be a lot more snow in Wyoming than what we're used to in North Carolina.

  I look forward to it, especially with Christmas coming up in a few weeks. There will also be a full moon that night.

  Seraphina holds the door for me. "I take it you've been getting along with your father?"

  "I have." I can feel him close by. Not only is he my dad, but he's sworn to be my protector until I find a mate. It gives me comfort knowing he's around, but I'm fully capable of taking care of myself.

  Seraphina giggles as she closes the door. "I sense him in the woods."

  I set the journals on the kitchen table. "Yeah, he keeps his distance to give me space. If being my protector helps him, who am I to say no?" He still blames himself for my mother's death. I don't know if he'll ever get over it.

  Seraphina takes the seat across from me. "I'm glad he was able to help you translate the journals. Hopefully, spending time with you will help ease his pain. I can feel the torment
in that man's soul every time he's near."

  It breaks my heart too. I've tried thinking of ways to console him, but nothing ever comes to mind. He prefers to be alone, except for when he's working. He'll meet with clients, but that's about it.

  With a heavy sigh, I open the first journal and hand it to her. "Yeah, I feel it too."

  Seraphina reads some of the entries and smiles. "This is amazing. You can almost feel her magic in the pages. Like there's a trace of her in them."

  My eyes start to burn. "I know."

  She points at one of the entries. "Right here, it tells you how to make a portal into the Land of the Fae. Have you tried it?"

  It's a simple process. In theory, since I'm half-fae, all I have to do is close my eyes and think of the fae realm. A portal will open up, and you just have to step through it. My mother details it in her journals and even has a drawing of where she used to live.

  Shaking my head, I look down at my mother's drawing. "Been too nervous to try. Since I'm only half-fae, I doubt it'll even work."

  Seraphina snorts. "Oh, it'll work. Your fae side is the dominant part of you."

  "What about you?" I ask. "Do you think you have some fae in you?"

  She shrugs. "I don't see how. My parents were full shifters, and their parents were and so on. I don't feel anything other than my wolf. My magic came later in life. One day I woke up and felt a connection. The Great Luna works in mysterious ways."


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