Rise of the Moon (A Royal Shifters novel Book 3)

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Rise of the Moon (A Royal Shifters novel Book 3) Page 4

by L. P. Dover

  "Well, well, I have a feeling something happened to you. Am I right?"

  Usually, I'd come up with a smart ass comment, but I'm not in the mood. "You tell me," I reply.

  Sebastian chuckles and stands beside me. "Trust me. I know what it's like to have the jealousy, the need. I went through it with Tyla. She fought against it just to piss me off, and it about killed me."

  He can joke about it now, but I remember how volatile he was. "I know," I reply, my voice low. "I thanked God every day I wasn't in your shoes."

  "But now you are. And from what I'm gathering, it's with Laila."

  "I don't think she knows," I confess. "Even I'm not fully sure. I felt the bond at the party last night. The only female I wasn't around was her."

  Sebastian smiles. "You'll find out soon enough." Then his smile disappears. "I'm just sorry it's under these circumstances. I know Laila's mother, Alina, was a good fae, but like all creatures, there's always evil ones."

  I scoff. "Exactly. What if I can't protect her from them?"

  He squeezes my shoulder. "We all have that fear, Cedric. Laila's strong and an amazing fighter. She's put me on my ass plenty of times."

  Zayne beckons for Sebastian, and he pats my shoulder. "Take it easy, Convel. Things will work out."

  Somehow, I don't know if I believe that. Ryker speaks to more of the wolves and then comes over to me when he's through. With a heavy sigh, he nods toward Sebastian and Zayne. "I take it he knows?"

  "Yep. He figured it out."

  "Come on. I'll take you back to headquarters to get your truck." The pack starts to disperse, so we hop in his truck and head on our way. "Tomorrow is the full moon. Everyone is going for a run. Since Laila can't shift, she'll be by herself. Zayne will be around her, but I figured you'd want to be close as much as possible."

  I want to be there right now. There's this overwhelming sensation in my gut that feels like it's pulling me in her direction. I'm so used to being in control, but this bond is testing my resolve. I don't want to lose my shit like Sebastian did. I can't. Scaring Laila is the last thing I want to do.

  "I'll be there," I say. Just like I'll be there every night from here on out.



  Tonight is the full moon. Am I a little envious of my friends because they can shift? Well, of course. It has to be a magical feeling. I feel like I belong with the Teton pack, but not entirely. From what I've heard, shifting during a full moon is one of the most magical experiences in a shifter's life. It's also the time when mates complete their bond.

  "You sure you'll be okay?" Amelie asks. "I don't have to go with the pack tonight."

  "Same," Faith says as she walks into the living room. "We can watch a movie."

  I wave them off. "Girls, go. My father's outside and …"

  They flank me on the couch. "And," Amelie says, grinning wide, "him?"

  "No," I reply with a shake of my head. "I don't sense him out there just yet."

  Amelie glances out the window. "But you did last night, right?"

  "I did."

  Faith giggles excitedly. "That's why I want to stay here. I want to know who it is. If he came here last night, he'll be here again tonight. When I went out later last night to see if I could recognize his scent, it was gone."

  I had hoped she could tell me who it was. In a way, I want them to stay, but I know how important it is for them to be a part of the pack. Especially since we're all new members, now that Bailey and Tyla are pregnant, they don't shift as much. I could hang out with them, but Ryker and Sebastian want to make sure the fae don't cause any trouble. I can't blame them for wanting to keep their mates and their babies safe. It's been two days since Beck visited me, and I still don't know what he wants.

  I stand and face both Amelie and Faith. A howl sounds off in the distance, and I motion for them to go to the door. "Take your clothes off and go. I'll leave them folded up on the front porch for when you come back."

  Shifters are used to being naked in large groups, but I'm not. Since I've never been able to shift, I never had a reason to take off my clothes in front of everyone. With my old pack, they never cared. As long as I had my power, that was all that mattered.

  Amelie and Faith take off their clothes and hand them to me. "We'll be back later," Amelie promises.

  Once they're outside, I watch as a shimmering veil surrounds them and turns them into their wolves, a beautiful arctic and a magnificent gray. Sometimes I wonder what I'd look like in my wolf form. A part of me envies them for being able to run free, to see the world through a wolf's eyes. I'm happy with who I am though. I still have wolf senses, but my fae blood is what I've embraced more than anything. My magic gives me a sense of freedom.

  Amelie and Faith take off into the woods, and all I can do is watch them. Howls echo through the trees, and I can feel the pack's energy; it's light, powerful, and clean, whereas my old pack was dark and full of malice. It used to make me feel tainted being around them, dirty even.

  A set of glowing blue eyes catches my attention, and I smile. I wave and nod toward the inside of the house. "You don't have to stay out there, you know. My friends are gone. I know you prefer the whole lone wolf thing, but it's just me right now." I'm seriously hoping he gets over that soon. Granted, my father's happy being around Colin and me since he was Colin's protector until he became an alpha himself. Also, Colin works for him. Other than that, my father only talks to the others in the pack if he has to.

  My father huffs, and I take that as a no. Surprise, surprise. "The offer still stands, old man!" I shout.

  He doesn't look like an older man, but he sure does act like one. The single women in our pack salivate over Micah, and I know they'd do the same with my father if he actually showed his face at the parties. The man looks like he's thirty years old. I know he misses my mother and blames himself for her death, but one day he has to realize that what happened wasn't his fault. What's it going to take to get him to? I have no clue.

  He huffs again, and I wave before shutting myself up in the cabin. Once I have my hot chocolate made, I sit down on the couch and turn on the TV, flipping through the channels until it lands on a Christmas movie. Perfect. Grabbing Amelie's quilt off the back of the couch, I wrap it around my shoulders. I don't ever really get cold with being half arctic, but you can't watch a Christmas movie without bundling up.

  I bring the mug of steaming hot chocolate to my lips, and a blast of cold air hits me from behind, causing me to spill it all over my hands. "Dammit," I hiss, jumping to my feet. Hurrying into the kitchen, I grab a handful of paper towels to dry off my hands and clean up the mess on the floor. Something shimmers in my peripheral, and when I look over, a piece of paper floats out of nowhere down to the floor. There's writing on the other side, so I flip it over.

  I need to talk to you. Just don't alert the wolves of my presence. There's a lot you don't know.


  “This isn’t weird at all,” I say out loud, hoping Beck hears me. My mother makes a mention in her journals about how the fae are crafty and sneaky, and about some who are evil and will do anything to get what they want. Then again, that’s with any species. Shifters are the same way.

  There are large windows in the front of the cabin that don’t have curtains so I move to one of the back rooms that Tyla used as an office. There’s only one window and it’s covered. That way if anyone is outside, they won’t be able to see him.

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I lean against the desk. “All right,” I whisper. “I’m not going to freak out unless you give me a reason to. You should be safe from the wolves.”

  A few seconds later, there’s a shift in the air and Beck appears, stepping out of an invisible door of sorts; it ripples and shimmers. Beck looks like a warrior with his sword strapped to his back, dressed all in black with his dark hair and icy blue eyes. I can see the other side for a brief second before it disappears. There was snow and trees of ice, very beautiful.

  Beck s
miles and nods his head. “Not that I need your help to keep me safe, but thanks for not freaking out. I appreciate it. I didn’t really feel like being ripped apart tonight by your pack.”

  I narrow my gaze. “Who says you’re safe in here?”

  He smirks. “If you’re referring to yourself, you and I both know you can’t shift.”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I stare right into his eyes. “I may not be able to shift, but I can take care of myself.”

  Beck takes a step forward and I hold my ground. “Oh, I know,” he says. “You have more power than me. I’m not stupid enough to take you on.” His presence is strong so something tells me that’s not exactly true. He’s not a normal winter fae.

  “Who are you exactly?”

  He bows his head and smiles. “You already know my name. I’m part of the winter guard.”

  “No,” I reply, trying my best to figure him out. “You’re more than that. I can feel it. Who are you? And how did you know my mother?”

  “Very good,” he says with a chuckle. “I was wondering if you’d be able to tell what I was, especially since you’re not fully fae.”

  I point at the hilt of his sword. On it, is the royal crest of the winter court. My mother had drawings of each crest in her journal. Not to mention she was good friends with the winter queen. “Are you a winter court prince?”

  If he is, then that means our mothers were best friends. Could it really be so?

  He bows once more. “I’m the eldest son of King Brayden and Queen …”

  “Ariella,” I say, finishing his sentence.

  “Very good,” he says, shocked by the expression on our face. “How did you know?”

  “My mother’s journals. She mentions her time in the winter court.”

  Beck nods. “Our mothers were friends. I was six years old the last time your mother came to visit. She was pregnant with you. She asked that if anything were to happen to her that we would come for you. On that day, I made a vow to do so.”

  “And here you are,” I reply.

  His icy blue stare makes me tremble. “I just wish it didn’t have to be this way.”

  My stomach clenches with his words. I don’t like the sound of it. “What way?”

  “Laila, you’re in danger. I know you’re surrounded by wolves, but you have to believe me when I say that this is serious.”

  The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. “Danger? From whom?”

  He blows out a sigh. “From the other fae who are stuck in this realm. Some were cast out from my land, some are half-fae and half mortal, but the worst of all are the dark fae. They are the ones who have been searching for the others, turning them against us.”

  I’ve never heard of them. There was nothing in my mother’s journals about it. “Who are the dark fae?”

  Beck steps closer. “Many years ago, there was a dark sorcerer who tried to take over the Land of the Fae. His name was Alasdair. In the end, he lost and was killed, but not before making sure he had a backup plan. None of us knew about this plan until recently.”

  Shivers run up and down my spine. “And that is?” I ask.

  His gaze hardens and the air in the room turns cold. “His army. In between his attempts to take over my land, he was busy here in the mortal realm, hunting out every half-fae woman he could find. Surely, I don’t have to go into detail to tell you what he did to them.”

  The thought sickens me. I hold up a hand, refusing to hear anymore. “I get the picture. How many of his spawn are we talking?”

  Beck’s jaw tightens. “Several hundred. We’ve already been to war with them before and they lost.” He runs a hand through his hair and looks away. “A couple of my close friends were killed in the last battle.”

  I’ve seen more death in my thirty years to last several lifetimes. “I’m sorry,” I whisper. “I know what it’s like to lose some of the people I love.”

  “Exactly.” He turns back to me. “Which is why I’m here for you. You’re not safe here in the mortal realm. You have to come back with me to the Land of the Fae. It’s the only way Dorian can’t get you.”

  “What?” I gasp, going on alert. “Who’s Dorian?”

  Anger flashes in his eyes. “The eldest of Alasdair’s sons. His goal is to get his army into the Land of the Fae. In order to do that, he needs someone with pure magic to get in. His kind have magic and they’re lethal, but they can’t use it to make a portal. People like you and I can. Your fae side is dominant. That’s why he’s on the hunt for those like you, to use you to get to my land.”

  “How come I never had to worry about this before? I’ve been in this world for thirty years.”

  “That’s because my father and the other kings in the Land of the Fae defeated Dorian’s army many years ago. Dorian survived, but he’s back now. You were just an infant during the last war, too young for him to bother with you. I can feel his power again, stronger than before. There will be another war soon. It’s only a matter of time.”

  I shake my head. “I’m not going anywhere. I can conceal my presence. Dorian won’t be able to find me.”

  Beck hangs his head and huffs. “I knew you’d be difficult. All Summer fae are.” He lifts his head and I can see the sadness on his face. “He’s not your normal fae, Laila. It doesn’t matter what you do or how much you try to hide your magic. He’ll find you.”

  Sensing the truth in his words, I can’t deny how much it terrifies me. My royal arctic blood helps me conceal the shifter part of me, and that’s kept me safe my entire life. I’ve never had to worry about keeping myself hidden from other fae.

  “I can’t leave,” I reply more adamantly.

  Beck runs a hand through his hair and paces the floor. “I wish you knew how serious this was. Don’t you want to see your family? I can take you to them.”

  I’ve wondered what it would be like to step into the fae realm and see what it’s like. I never really thought about the family I had there. “I have family and friends here. People who love me. I can’t just leave them behind. Plus, I …”

  His brows furrow. “You what?”

  I open my mouth to speak, and that’s when I feel him. He’s close. Literally, just a few yards away from the cabin. “I have a mate,” I say, meeting his gaze. “Only I don’t know who he is at the moment.”

  Beck takes my hands in one quick movement. I can feel his power and it calls to mine. “If you mate with him, all of this will be lost.” He glances down at our hands. White bands of magic swirl around them. “You’ll be more wolf than fae if you complete the bond.”

  I pull my hands away. “What are you saying? Will I not have my magic anymore?”

  He shrugs. “I’m not fully sure. All I know is that you won’t be the same. It’s possible you could lose your fae magic completely.”

  A part of me questions him, but deep down, it’s as if I’ve known that my entire life, only I never figured I’d find my mate. If I complete the bond, my mate’s blood will be a part of me. I might even be able to shift when it happens. Do I want to give up my fae magic? Of course not. There has to be a way to keep it. Seraphina is the only person in the pack who might be able to help.

  Beck takes a step back and another. “It’s your choice, Laila. A war is coming. If you don’t leave, the wolves will be in just as much danger as you, especially those who want to protect you.” The air ripples behind him and I can see through to the other side, the winter court. “Your pack is strong,” Beck says, stepping through the portal, “but they’re no match for what’s coming. You know the power you hold. Imagine that times a hundred, but in the wrong hands. You just have to decide what’s more important.” And just like that, he’s gone.

  Taking a deep breath, I walk over to the window and pull back the curtains. The sky is clear, giving me the perfect view of the full moon through the trees. “What am I going to do?” I whisper to myself. I can’t just up and leave the pack, but I also don’t want to put them in danger. Sitting down on the win
dow seat, I close my eyes and lean my head against the cool glass. “All I need is a sign, something to lead me in the right direction.” When I open my eyes, they land on something in the distance. A massive gray wolf with glowing gray eyes. I can feel the pull to go out there to him, like a magnet calling me home. Usually, I’m a patient person, but I don’t feel like that right now. I want to know who he is, and I want to know now. However, as soon as I stand, he takes off into the woods.

  The impatience grows stronger. One way or another, I will find out who he is.



  It's definitely her. Laila is my mate. The second I looked into her eyes, there was no denying it. She feels the pull just as much as I do. Unfortunately, I'm not ready for her to know it's me yet. She doesn't even know who I am.

  In wolf form, I run through the woods away from her cabin. Amelie and Faith are close by, and so is Micah and Zayne. It kills me to be away from her, but I know she's protected. Not that she needs protection. I've heard her powers are beyond comprehension. Still, she's my mate, and I have a responsibility to keep her safe, to be by her side.

  It feels like I've run for hours, but there's only one person I can trust to be honest with me. Brutally honest. It's what she's known for. When I arrive at Tyla's house, she's on the front porch with her feet propped up on the wooden railing with a bowl of ice cream in her lap.

  She doesn't look my way, but I know she senses me. "Are you lost, sweet puppy?"

  Once I'm out of the forest, I shift to my human self. "Ha-ha," I grumble as I climb up the stairs and join her on the front porch.

  Tyla's grin widens. "What? No witty comeback? You're off your game tonight, Cedric."

  I don't even feel like myself anymore. "I need to talk to someone. You're the only one I know who can help me."


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