Princess and Wicked Witch

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Princess and Wicked Witch Page 3

by Julie Law

  Amelie came to herself breathing hard, having fallen to her knees in front of the other woman. Madeline didn’t seem to be feeling any better, though she remained standing, and there was a somewhat regretful cast to her features.

  A small voice inside of the princess told her to slap that regret away, to hit the witch that had startled her so, that had attacked her. It was a very small instinct, and one Amelie ignored easily, especially because she understood what Madeline had done. More than understand, she had seen how bright the other woman truly was, and she didn’t want anything to ever harm her.

  “Why?” She asked, somehow understanding, but wanting to hear Madeline’s reasoning. She needed to hear the other woman’s voice for some reason, needed to know she was back on reality and not standing amidst the other woman’s dreams and memories.

  “To know you better, to show you who I am.” There was regret in Madeline’s voice, but also a certain satisfaction. “I think I needed to. We both needed to trust one another, though I already trusted you.”

  “Why?” Amelie asked, shaking her head. “I captured you, I almost got you killed or worse.”

  “But you didn’t.” Madeline argued, taking a step forward and letting herself fall to her knees beside the other woman, reaching out with one hand and caressing Amelie’s face. “You caught who you believed was a wicked witch, like the one that harmed you and your sister when you were younger, like the one that cursed your family, and when you realized the truth you saved me, despite having all the reasons in the world to hate me.”

  “How?” Amelie had seen things in the witch’s mind, but nothing so certain as the woman seemed to have seen in her.

  Madeline smiled. “I have a little more experience with truth seeing than you do. I saw your past, your deepest fears and hopes.” She reached out and caressed Amelie’s cheek, and this time the princess did nothing to stop her. “I know what happened to your sister, I know all about you.” Her eyes drifted lower at that, and Amelie turned away, but a touch against her chin forced her to look back at the other woman.

  Amelie trembled and almost let tears escape from her eyes.

  “And there’s not an inch of you that I dislike or that disgusts me.” The woman’s smile told the truth of her words. “I love all of you.”

  Faced with such a proclamation, Amelie was unable to do anything but wait until Madeline’s lips met hers, and she closed her eyes at the kiss. It had been a long time since anyone had kissed her, and even then, these kisses had been fleeting things, barely more than pecks, with nowhere near the sheer want poured into them.

  Madeline’s kiss was different, full of emotions, some of them that Amelie couldn’t hope to identify. The other woman’s hand came to rest on her cheek, caressing it at the same time, and the princess shuddered, then leaned back, needing space to think and breathe.

  She opened her mouth, hoping for enough focus to say something, anything, but she could only gaze at the witch’s face, her heart starting to pound in her chest as she met Madeline’s eyes.

  The woman’s lips twitched, and Amelie found her eyes drifting down to look at them, and this time she was the one who initiated the kiss, needing to step closer and taste the red lips once more. Her eyes fell close at the contact. She could still feel the other woman shudder, and when Madeline moaned in something like pleasure, Amelie trembled in reply.

  It was incredible.

  It was unbelievable.

  Amelie didn’t understand why she couldn’t even think of parting from the other woman, or why her heart drove her to do what she did. She tilted her head and deepened the kiss, letting her tongue press against the other woman’s lips, begging for entry. Madeline granted it easily, eagerly, and their kiss became even more heated.

  She moaned when one of the witch’s hands came to rest at her side, then blushed when she realized how that had sounded exactly, and the blush only deepened when Madeline chuckled into their kiss.

  They leaned back once more, and their eyes met. Amelie wanted to say so many things in that moment, ask many questions, but she knew her voice would fail her, and contented herself with gazing at the other woman. The questions in her heart would have to find answers another day.

  When they kissed again, it was a far headier thing than those kisses they shared before, and it was accompanied by hands sliding over bodies, and they tried to touch each other. Amelie shuddered when the other woman’s hands started pulling her clothes up, and for a moment hesitation colored her once more, but Madeline pressed against her, and any hesitation vanished.

  She wanted to be touched by the witch and touch her back, wanted to feel the woman’s skin against hers.

  She didn’t want to think, she only wanted to feel. For a while, she wanted to forget about her self-imposed task and be free, to enjoy life, to enjoy … love.

  That thought startled her, and for a bit she stopped moving, stopped completely, and Madeline noticed, leaning back and looking at her. Amelie could barely think past the pounding in her head. Love? Was she so out of it that she was contemplating loving the other woman after only meeting her for a few days?

  When she looked at Madeline again, she couldn’t deny it. She didn’t understand how, but the other woman had wormed her way into Amelie’s heart, and the princess didn’t regret it at all. She was the one that reached out to Madeline this time, caressing her face, simply feeling the weight of her cheek against her hand.

  The witch smirked, and then returned to her earlier task, doing her best to take Amelie’s clothes off, and the princess did nothing to stop her. Amelie went so far as to start doing the same to the other woman, fumbling a little at it, never having done something like it before.

  Madeline smiled and helped her, and Amelie’s hands started trembling. Only then did she start to realize how nervous she was, and hesitation swirled inside her head, but she didn’t stop. The years since her sister was cursed hadn’t been easy, and there were precious few moments she could say were happy, and none of them even approached what she was feeling now.

  Her thoughts might be plagued by indecision, fear and doubt, but there was something else, an urge, a desire, a longing, that overwhelmed those emotions, made her want Madeline. And she would have the other woman, she had no doubt about that.

  They kissed again, and when they finished baring each other’s torsos they pressed their bodies together, and Amelie knew heaven. The sensation of the other woman’s breasts against hers, Madeline’s peaks digging into her skin, making her perfectly aware of them, was too much, and the princess moaned without meaning to.

  It made Madeline chuckle, but she too moaned when the other woman leaned in and laid a kiss against the crook of her neck. Amelie didn’t quite know what came over her, but she didn’t want the other woman to laugh; she wanted to hear Madeline beg, plead, for her, not to chuckle.

  Hands roved over backs, and their lips met again. Both of them got lost in each other, forgetting about the world around them, forgetting about everything.

  Amelie froze when Madeline’s hands started to wander lower, playing with the buttons of her pants, threatening to open them, and without really meaning to she reached out and grasped the other woman’s arms, forcing her to stop. Madeline looked at her with a reassuring smile. “I love all of you,” She whispered, and leaned in to press her lips against Amelie’s chin. “Nothing about you disgusts me. I want you.”

  It was hard for the princess to believe the words. She had never looked at herself with good eyes, not after what happened, though part of her wanted to believe Madeline, wanted to trust the witch in this, but it was hard. She still did nothing to stop the other woman from doing what she wished.

  Her heart almost stopped when Madeline undid the first buttons and pushed her pants slightly down, revealing her undergarments. There was no hiding what made Amelie different from other women any longer, and the princess was expecting the first hint of disgust to appear in the woman’s face, but it never happened.

; The witch smiled at her, and reached out with one hand, cupping Amelie’s groin through her undergarments. “I want this.” She whispered, and Amelie swallowed.

  She hated her body because of that, because of the rod the witch had cursed her with, but now that Madeline was there, looking at her with desire in her eyes, part of Amelie only wanted to use it. Please the other woman with it, sink it into Madeline and make the woman scream in pleasure.

  A shudder ran through her body, and it was noticed by the witch, who smirked.

  Amelie almost leaned in and kissed her, wanting to do anything to make that smirk turn into something else, but Madeline avoided her mouth and leaned down, letting her mouth come to rest atop one of her breasts. The princess inhaled sharply when the other woman licked.

  She wasn’t expecting it, she had never felt anything like it before, and she didn’t know what to do. Then Madeline’s lips tightened around one of her peaks, and there wasn’t even enough time to think. Amelie moaned, and her hands came to rest on the other woman’s head, pulling her against her chest.

  Madeline didn’t waste the chance. She made Amelie beg and plead, and then pushed the princess against the ground and crawled atop of her. There was some indecision from Amelie’s part, probably because she processed what was going to happen between them, but Madeline didn’t let it take control of the other woman.

  She moved down.

  Amelie inhaled deeply when Madeline stopped above her rod, fidgeting like she hadn’t since she was a child, trying to ignore the sensation of hardness that echoed from between her legs. The witch smiled at her, seemingly trying to reassure her, but the glint of lust in Madeline’s eyes only made Amelie more nervous.

  Then the other woman leaned down, her mouth tasted that cursed part of Amelie, and the blonde stopped thinking completely. If what Madeline had done to her breasts was pleasing, this was on another level all together. At first, she didn’t even know how to react, and then her body took over and she moaned without thinking, shifting her legs and trying to thrust against that touch.

  Madeline chuckled, and kept her ministrations, teasing Amelie until the other woman almost lost her mind. She used her mouth and hands, her tongue and fingertips, making Amelie wild with pleasure. The princess would have difficulty describing all that she enjoyed under Madeline’s caresses.

  The only thing she could truly say was that she enjoyed it as she never enjoyed anything before. And then, the witch leaned in and her mouth took hold of Amelie’s rod, moving up and down, and she only released it when the blonde exploded in pleasure.

  The princess breathed harshly, trying to form words and unable to, and only looked at the other woman. The witch chuckled at the gaze she received from the princess, and leaned down to kiss her, letting Amelie taste herself in her mouth. Then, without hesitation, without waiting for anything, Madeline reached out with one hand and teased Amelie’s rod once more, getting it to harden, and when that happened, she passed a leg over the other woman’s waist and pressed herself against Amelie’s core.

  Madeline’s skirt settled around their groins, hiding the action from sight, but Amelie could still touch, and the bare skin against her member made her realize either Madeline didn’t use any undergarments under her skirt, or she had gotten rid of them without her noticing. Whatever the reason, Amelie could feel Madeline’s bare sex resting against her skin, and her rod finished getting hard almost immediately.

  The witch smiled and raised her hips, her hand came to rest on Amelie’s flesh and pointed it at the right place, and she let herself fall down.

  Amelie moaned again. Madeline was tight around her, and she had never felt anything like it before. Then the woman rocked, and she moaned, hands moving to grip Madeline’s waist. She didn’t know if she wanted the other woman to stop or move faster, and in the end, she only held on and let the witch do as she wished.

  She didn’t regret it one bit.

  The other woman knew what she was doing, or so it appeared, and Amelie was more than happy to cede control of their lovemaking to the witch.

  Madeline closed her eyes in something like pleasure, and the princess reached out with one hand and caressed her face, wanting to burn it into her mind, wanting to remember it until the end of her days. She had always looked at her curse as what it was, a curse, but now Madeline was showing her it could be something different.

  The witch shifted her hips, back and forth, letting Amelie take refuge inside of her again and again.

  Their cries of pleasure filled the air, and if Amelie had been in her right mind she would be completely embarrassed about it, but desire had its hold on her, and the only thing she wanted was the pleasure that was just around the corner.

  She had never experienced anything like it before, and knew she couldn’t live without it any longer.

  It didn’t take them long to reach their zenith. Madeline sped up, then became tighter, and Amelie realized her partner was close. She wouldn’t last much longer either, and didn’t resist the temptation to touch Madeline’s breasts, caressing those mounds, cupping them. That sent the witch over the edge, and her pleasure was audible.

  Amelie followed her in short order, and held tight unto the other woman’s body, thrusting as much as the position allowed her to, letting herself rest within Madeline when she couldn’t keep going any longer and came undone. The other woman held her back, and the two stayed like that for a long time.

  Chapter 3

  “Once upon a time there were two princesses. Both were happy, bright and beautiful, and very loved by their family, and they in turn loved their family and each other, for they were the best sisters in the world.

  “They grew up and became beautiful young women, and started to be desired. Princes came from far and wide in hopes of becoming their husbands, young men tried to take a glimpse of them whenever they walked out of the palace, hoping to get their attention. This was normal when one was dealing with such beautiful princesses, but unfortunately, they didn’t just draw the attention of young men.

  “On a hill, outside the capital, lived a witch, an old witch, though she wouldn’t appear so. A powerful witch. She heard so many rumors about the princesses’ beauty that her jealousy grew and she decided to see them for herself. She expected to find some plain women, barely worth her effort, but she was surprised when she saw them, and to her chagrin felt as enchanted by the princesses as most of those who saw them.”

  Amelie’s voice was low and hard to hear, but Madeline was so close to her she could hear it nonetheless, and pressed deeper into her beloved. She had struggled with indecision before asking the blonde what happened to her and her sister, who had cursed them, but she needed to know all she could if she was to help the other woman.

  “She wasn’t like most however, and whatever she wanted she usually got.” The princess continued, retelling the past. “And she intended to know more about the two sisters. So, she hatched a plan, and soon got her wish.”

  Amelie breathed deeply then, and Madeline squeezed her gently, resisting the urge to do more than that as her naked skin pressed against Amelie’s.

  “The old witch assumed another form, one very pleasing to the eye, which allowed her to pass as a noble and infiltrate the palace. It didn’t take her long to become close to the princesses and her fascination with them grew.

  “The oldest princess had magic of her own, though she wasn’t aware of it. The witch could feel it however, feel how powerful the other woman could grow to be, and she hesitated, not knowing if she should reveal herself to the woman and teach her.

  “The youngest princess fascinated her in other ways. She was beautiful and her smile made the witch’s heart beat faster, and the woman soon realized she was falling for the blonde.

  “For a time, the witch was happy. She decided to trust the older princess and started teaching her about magic, and the rest of her time was spent with the younger one, and they grew to be very close friends. It wasn’t enough for her though, and want cla
wed at her heart. When a betrothal was announced for the younger princess, the witch’s desire turned into anger and pain.”

  Here Amelie stopped again, and Madeline reached in and kissed her, understanding how much the tale was hurting her lover. The blonde smiled, but couldn’t hide the tears threatening to fall from her eyes. “She became angry at me, even though I couldn’t understand why, and despite the fact it wasn’t my fault. I didn’t ask to be married off, I didn’t even know the prince my father wanted me to marry, and I certainly didn’t know why she was so angry about it. She never told me she was in love with me.”

  Her words were soft, and what had been a tale became a confession.

  Madeline tightened her hold once more. There were many things she wanted to ask, from the name of the witch to how was Amelie’s life as a young girl, how her sister was, so many things, but she understood it pained the other woman, and that it was already hard enough for her to speak of what she was. She could wait to learn more later.

  “I sincerely don’t know what I would have done if she had said anything.” Amelie continued, eventually. “I enjoyed her presence, she made my day brighter, but at the time I don’t think I could have considered loving another woman like that. It just wasn’t something I even knew could happen.”

  “She didn’t confess?”

  “No, not as you are thinking about it anyways.” Amelie shook her head. “She grew angry, moody and I didn’t know why. She started spending more time with my sister and ignoring me for the most part, and it hurt, but there was nothing I could do about it. Then my fiancé came, and it all blew up.”

  She sighed, and Madeline squeezed her shoulder, trying to reassure her.


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