Dark Dawn

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Dark Dawn Page 10

by J. J. Medina

  “I’m so sorry, Aria. Nothing I can say or do can take away that pain. But right now we have a second chance. Not only to mend the pain between us, but to mend the pain others are feeling because of Dagon. You’re the only one who can stop him. You’re strong, smart, driven.” A proud smile appears on her face. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted you to become. We can’t change the past. But together we can shape the future for the better. Please give us another chance. I need you. Your people need you. I’m sorry I made such a mess of everything. But know that I will try to be the best mother, friend, whatever you need moving forward. I love you.”

  She pulls me in for a hug.

  I hold on tight, feeling comforted and loved. I’ll never forget what she put me through. But I have a second chance with her. It’s all I’ve ever wanted. I’m going to make every second count. I pull away. “Why do you look different?”

  “I used an appearance-altering spell I needed to disguise myself here. Not everyone is loyal to the crown, and not all Crothinians that live here chose to.”

  Think, Aria. Think. I’m a conduit. There has to be a way that I can help her. “Wait, I got it.” I grab the Kimchi from under the bed. “What if we use this?”

  “The Kimchi? Where did you get that? No. It’s formed from dark magic. Every spell is written in blood.”

  “But you’ve used blood magic to help me. Now it’s not good enough to heal you? Give us a chance.”

  “That was out of desperation. How did you get it, Aria?”


  Selene shakes her head in disappointment. “We have to get rid of it. The more it’s used, the closer Dagon gets to discovering our location.”

  “I know it’s dangerous, but there has to be a way we can use it to our advantage.”

  She angrily takes it from me. The book begins to glow red and the light surrounds Selene. Her conduit abilities are absorbing the book’s energy. Her hair becomes coarse. Her skin becomes transparent, exposing her veins and muscles. She looks like a zombie. “This is what the book does. It makes you evil. It turns you against the people you love. It deceived me. Because of it, I brought Dagon back from the Dark Realm. It ruined my life and the lives of the people I cared about. Is that what you want?”

  I feel her pain and desire to take back what she did. I thought I had it bad. My suffering was nothing compared to what she went through.

  The book vanishes, and Selene reverts back to her normal self.

  The doorbell rings.

  I follow her to the front door before making a detour into the kitchen. I have the munchies. Drama always brings it on.

  Selene leads JP and Miranda into the middle of the living room. “I know you both know who Aria really is. And that I’m her mother.”

  “We got the low down,” JP says.

  “We know you’re training her. Can you do the same for us?” Miranda asks.

  “We want to take Dagon down for screwing with our lives,” JP says.

  Selene looks at me for confirmation.

  I shove cold pizza into my mouth and smile. “We’re a team.”

  “Good to hear,” Selene says. “We’ll start training tomorrow.”

  · · · · ·

  A floating pot of water spills all over JP. “This wasn’t what I had in mind when I signed up for this.”

  Laughing, Miranda uses a fire spell to dry him off.

  The backyard was warded. No one could see us. Otherwise, I’m sure the neighbors would be outside the house with pitchforks, torches, and a hanging noose. JP was trying to manipulate the water; Miranda was trying to do the same with fire.

  Being the divergent, I was currently trying to control the energy around me. To form it into a weapon. Just don’t let it consume you, Aria.

  “How’s everyone doing?” Selene walks toward us, Kimchi in hand.

  “I’m good,” JP says.

  “Same here,” Miranda says.

  “Good.” Selene places the Kimchi in the center of us after we sit. “I have an idea. I want us to try something.”

  What’s she doing with the book? “I thought you were gonna get rid of that. Are you going to go all zombie on us?”

  JP picks up a shovel. “Zombies? Now we’re gonna battle zombies?”

  “Put the shovel down,” Selene says. “I’m going to get rid of the book. But first, we need to use it to our advantage. Whoever uses it leaves an imprint. We can learn more about Dagon by seeing what he imprinted—his past, his intentions—when he created each spell. Aria, you possess more dark magic than Miranda and JP. You can link with the book’s magic. Your greatest challenge will be to resist its power. We’ll be here to guide you, pull you back from the dark.”

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for this.”

  “You are. I believe in you.”

  “Plus, if we do this, we’ll have the one-up on Dagon, right?” JP says.

  “Yes,” Selene replies.

  They’re all looking at me expectantly.


  “Miranda, JP, focus your energy on joining with mine,” Selene says. “Aria, feel our link. Pull on our energy when you want to return or if you’re feeling overwhelmed.”

  I close my eyes, feeling secure. Their energy’s so positive and bright. Redirecting my thoughts to the Kimchi, I focus. There’s nothing. Then a sensation of ice water shooting through my veins takes over. I see imprints linked to a handful of jumbled faces. I see Dagon’s and hone in on him.

  Images of him creating the book out of Crothinian elements rush at me. The hand he had in Crothinia’s destruction. How Selene was tricked to use the Kimchi to free him. I can feel Dagon’s hate for Father and love for Selene. Sarka suddenly appears. She’s stealing the book from Dagon’s chamber. She gives it to Nico? Wait, what? He’s working with Sarka? Forget him, Aria. I try to delve back to Dagon. The Kimchi isn’t letting me. It wants me to have all of Dagon’s spells imprinted in me. I want that power. I need to be stronger, so no one can stop me. Not even Dagon.

  “Aria, don’t,” Miranda says.

  “Stop, you’re hurting us,” JP says.

  It’s then I feel it. I’m draining them. What I’m doing is wrong. This is wrong.

  I hear Selene’s voice. “Aria, pull back or you’ll kill us. Fight it or you’ll be just like Dagon.”

  Just like Dagon? The destruction, the hate, the loneliness. No. Never. I take control of the power instead of letting it control me. Break free.

  “Is everyone okay?” I ask.

  JP mutters yes and Miranda nods.

  Selene comes over to me. “Are you alright, Aria?”

  “Yes, I am now.” That’s what they all needed to hear. But I’m not. I go over what I saw. “Dagon has followers everywhere. Including, Nico.”

  “No entiendo. Why are the fine ones always trouble?” Miranda says.

  “Doesn’t surprise me,” JP says. “I always knew he was a low life.”

  “Dagon has many followers and they all crave power,” Selene says. “We defeat Dagon, they’ll back down. We need to be prepared for when he strikes.”

  “We’ll be ready.” I try to ignore the weight of the universe on my shoulders.

  “Why don’t we all take a break. I have snacks and lemonade inside.”

  “I need a sec,” I say as they all head in. How did I lose focus again?

  “Aria.” An all too familiar voice fills my head.

  “Nico, how are you in my head? How were you able to pass Selene’s defenses?”

  “It’s the Kimchi. It’s connected with me, too. Meet me at Brooklyn Bridge Park tomorrow at three. I’ll explain everything.”

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea. Maybe we shouldn’t be seeing each other anymore.”

  “We both know that’s not true. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  · · · · ·

  The wind coming off the water is chilly. I lean back on the railing overlooking the east river and take in the passersby. People are happy, e
njoying their lives. They have no idea of the danger they’re in. How their lives will be turned upside down if I don’t defeat Dagon. This pressure is getting to me. I take a deep breath when I spot Nico a short distance away. As always, my heart beats a little faster and an excited thrill races through me. I hate that he kept this from me. Didn’t he trust me? Did he ever? JP does, always has.

  “Hi, Aria.”

  “You lied to me, why?” My voice trembles in anger.

  “I don’t want to fight. I just want to explain why I made the choices I did.”

  “How could you be associated with someone so evil?”

  He takes a step back. “I know of Dagon’s experiments. I was one, just like you. My parents worshiped him. They intended to give me to him when I was born. When they found out what Dagon was really planning, they tried to leave him. They had just enough time to hide me at an orphanage before Dagon killed them both.”

  “Wow, I’m sorry.”

  “Sarka rescued me and promised to help me get revenge on Dagon. She’s been training me ever since.”

  “She’s using you to help her accomplish her goals. To rule the dark realm, my planet, and Earth. Did Sarka send you here?”

  “Sarka doesn’t know I’m here. She has no intention of hurting you. We want you on our side. Whether or not you agree, you must know that the war will only get worse. At least think about it. Give us a chance.”

  “Life as you know will come to an end.”

  That’s Dagon’s voice. What the hell? Out of nowhere storm clouds gobble up the sun. The temperature drops. I’m suddenly freezing my ass off.

  “This is what awaits you if you continue on your path.”

  The Brooklyn Bridge collapses into the East River. The buildings in Manhattan crumble. A cloud of dust and debris grows out of the most famous borough in the world, smothering the Statue of Liberty, flipping boats in the river, heading for me like a swarm of hungry locusts. I brace myself. The cloud of death slams into me. I can’t get air in my lungs. I fall on my back. The ground beneath me shoots me upward a hundred miles per hour. I break through the dark clouds. The warm sun hits my face. I take a calming breath. I hear waves crashing and birds chirping. There’s not a cloud in the sky. I get up. I’m at the foot of a flowery mountain overlooking a white sandy beach. Palm trees sway in the breeze. I don’t feel a care in the world.

  “What I showed you is the constant struggle that’s in your head.”

  I turn back. Nico is walking toward me in swim trunks, looking fine as hell.

  “You’re deciding if you want to be part of darkness or light. You know as well as I do that darkness is winning, Aria. I care too much to let you get hurt. We can run away together. Forget all our problems. I know you’ve thought about it. I’ve seen it.”

  He leans in to kiss me. I punch him in the mouth. The fantasy disappears. We’re back in realty. Nico is holding his hand over his mouth.

  “Why’d you do that?”

  “Stay out of my head. Look, I have strong feelings for you, Nico. Always have. Always will. I know you want to shield me from my problems, the pain my journey will eventually bring me. But I don’t need anyone to rescue me. I can tackle my problems head-on. JP understands that. He wants to help me find out who I really am. I’m sorry, but my place is by my father’s side and with my people. And if Sarka or anyone else tries to stop us, they’ll regret it. That’s a warning, Nico.”

  “Then I guess that’s it then.”

  “Yeah, I guess so. Goodbye, Nico.” It hurts to say the words, but I have no choice. I have to do what’s best for me and the people who are counting on me. I can’t let my feelings stop me from doing what I need to do. Turning my back on him, I walk away.


  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

  BECOMING STRONGER AND HONING OUR magic skills became our obsession for weeks on end. Our only escape was getting ready for tonight’s Night of Stars event.

  I snap my fingers. The zipper on the silver metallic jumpsuit we designed shoots up, hugging my body.

  A toilet flushes. Miranda comes out of a stall, sweating. “I love these suits but trying to pry it off to pee is freaking ridiculous.” She wraps her arm around me as we look in the mirror. “You look like you’re ready to kick ass, Aria.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know. Come on, it’s our turn to shine. Let’s find JP.”

  We walk out the bathroom and spot JP. He’s surrounded by Summer and her sidekicks.

  “I hear your dad’s back in rehab,” Summer says. “I hope he doesn’t screw up the way you and your friends will tonight.”

  “Conchole, I give you credit, Summer. It’s not easy being such a prissy pain in the ass, but you pull it off flawlessly—every time,” Miranda says.

  “Big words for someone who’ll be forgotten after we win again,” Summer says.

  “I don’t know about that,” I say. “Something tells me all eyes are gonna be on us.”

  “Keep dreaming.”

  Mr. Mills announces Summer’s group. She smirks and leads her parasites away.

  “So is everyone ready?” Miranda’s mom asks. Selene’s by her side as they approach us.

  “They’re ready,” Selene says. “They’ve all worked so hard to get to this point. I’m proud of all of you.”

  “Thanks, we couldn’t have done it without you,” I say.

  The biggest smile lights up her face. The last couple of months have been simply fantastic. Besides training, we’ve been spending every minute together, filling each other in on the things we’ve missed, talking about our dreams and hopes for Crothinia. I’m on eggshells knowing I might lose her again. It hurts just thinking about it.

  Selene hugs me as if she knows what I’m thinking. We watch Summer’s team perform. They’re so good they get a standing ovation.

  “How do we compete with that?” JP says.

  “Just be yourselves,” someone behind us says.

  We turn to see JP’s father striding toward us. Everyone’s eyes are pretty much glued to him, star struck.

  “Dad, what are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to see my son show the world how talented he is. I know this day’s important to you. I wanted to support you in person.”

  “Really?” JP asks. “What’s the catch?”

  “No catch. I need to make amends with those I’ve hurt, those I love. I know you’ve been at the end of countless empty promises. But that stops today. I’m sorry, son. I swear, from here on out, I’m by your side. And I know your mother is always with you in spirit. She told me herself last night. She showed me what my life would be like without you. It was a lonely place. I don’t want that.”

  JP throws his arms around his father. Breathing an audible sigh of relief, his father closes his eyes and hugs him back.

  I’m happy for him, for both of them.

  Mr. Mills announces us onto the stage.

  I grab Miranda and JP’s hand as we walk onto the stage. We take our positions. We sing Rihanna’s “Towards the Sun” A cappella. The chorus is flawless. The crowd’s already standing. Once the beat goes up-tempo we mix in Macklemore’s “Can’t Hold Us,” the crowd’s even more hyped. I glance backstage at my mom, spotting Summer beside her. She looks pissed. Ha! Sure sign we’re doing an awesome job. I face the audience, about to sing solo, when a thunderous explosion stops our performance. The sky darkens rapidly. A churning vortex appears directly above us. What? Three streams of lightning shoot out, hitting the trees surrounding the stage. The crowd panics—the majority starts running in the opposite direction. Ear-splitting roars drown out the screams.

  “Uh…what is that?” JP asks.

  “I don’t—”

  “It’s Dagon.” Selene runs on stage, cutting me off. Miranda’s mother and JP’s father are behind her.

  “What’s happening?” Miranda’s mother asks, terrified.

  “No time for questions,” Selene says. “Da
gon’s found us. Miranda, JP, Aria, hold hands.”

  We do as she says. Three Sethians break out from behind the trees.

  “Whoa,” JP’s dad says. “What a time to stop drinking.”

  JP and Miranda stiffen in fear. If I had no battle experience and my magic wasn’t up to par, heck, I’d be flipping out, too.

  “JP, Miranda, clear your minds,” Selene says. “Aria, use your teleportation skills to get everyone to safety. Link to Miranda and JP’s energy in case you need help.”

  JP and Miranda’s energy mixes with my power. I fight the urge to totally absorb their energy. Two Sethians jump on the stage. Their roars are deafening. Flicking their tentacles, they begin sucking the soul from Miranda’s mother and JP’s father.

  Shit! There’s so much at stake. “I need help.”

  Selene touches my shoulder. A field of energy shoots out of me and into the vortex, pulling on its power. Come on, Aria, you got this. I need to get everyone to safety. I focus on the gym at school. Dozens of people, including Miranda’s mother and JP’s father, vanish.

  “Yes!” Miranda says. “Pero…where’d everyone go?”

  When an image of people crowded together appears in my head, I know it worked. “The school gym.”

  “This stage is definitely not big enough for all of us,” I smirk. “Let’s show them what we’ve got.”

  We blast the Sethians with our powers, driving them back.

  A blaring high-pitched scream comes from somewhere in the remaining crowd. Summer. A Sethian is standing over her, Olivia, and Sawyer. I teleport in front of them, firing a stream of energy into the Sethian’s chest. It falls head first into a serrated tree, dying on impact.

  “I told you all eyes were going to be on us tonight, Summer.”

  “Whatever, I just want to get out of here!” Summer says through tears.

  I teleport the three of them out of the park.

  A beam of energy slams into my back. I hit the ground hard. Sarka appears from the trees, striding toward me. Nico’s by her side.

  And to think I would have given him everything.

  “It doesn’t have to be this way,” Sarka says. “Join us. We both want to end Dagon.”


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