My Way Series: Books 1-3

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My Way Series: Books 1-3 Page 9

by H. J. Bellus

  Tamales & Tinsel

  We had all settled into a comfortable routine. I spent every night at Cree’s house. Actually, Lacey did, too—she just didn’t sleep with us. At first, I was nervous about staying the night and waking up in Cree’s bed. I just wasn’t sure about how he felt about it or how it would make Annie feel. Cree always insisted on being as honest as he could with his daughter. Ninety percent of the time, the little squirrel would end up cuddled between us in the bed. Olive was always cuddled up in bed with us, too.

  We had melted into a unique little family, and we were hell-bent on setting new traditions for every holiday. We decided on making tamales for Christmas Eve, and having a slumber party in the living room dressed in Christmas pajamas. Annie only had one day left of school before she was on Christmas break.

  The girls and I signed up to be the “room mothers” for her Christmas party. The night of the Christmas concert all three of us made a secret vow to never let Annie feel like she didn’t have a mother to turn to and share her love with. Willow was dead set on giving Annie’s class an “epic” holiday party. She dumped at least two hundred dollars into buying all sorts of toys and candies for the kiddos. I was just hoping that the three of us could refrain from using our foul language for a couple hours, and that Lacey didn’t scare any little kids off with her tattoos and piercings.

  Willow and Lacey were stuffing the loot bags for the kids while Annie and I started making sugar cookies for her class. Willow let Annie sift through all the goodies, picking out her favorites to stuff in her loot bag first. Annie set my phone into the docking station and cranked up some tunes for us.

  Annie was on the counter sitting Indian style, helping me measure out all the ingredients. Her face was covered in flour and everyone kept laughing at me, so I could only assume that my face looked the same. Annie was in charge of the kitchen mixer. Several times she sent clouds of flour and baking powder swirling into the air. We finally created a mixture that was consistent with sugar cookie dough.

  I started to roll out the dough when the song “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” came blaring through the speakers. I started singing into the rolling pin immediately. Lacey and Willow hopped up from their seat and started dancing wildly around the kitchen. Annie stared at us like we had grown horns and were on fire. It only took her about thirty seconds to hop up on the island and start shaking her little booty. I handed her a spatula to sing into.

  Halfway through the song, I grabbed a handful of flour and threw it up into the air while spinning in place. Lacey and I started chest bumping while singing the words at the top of our lungs. Willow grabbed Annie and twirled around the kitchen with her on her hip, while Annie kept singing into her spatula. When the song ended we all giggled and were out of breath. I noticed Cree standing in the doorway with the strangest look on his face, shaking his head.

  “Let’s do it again!” squealed Annie.

  We barely survived Annie’s class party the next day. Those kids were vicious little bloodsuckers when it came to sugar. Willow was amazing at running all the games and entertaining the kids. I sat by Annie through the whole party watching her giggle. I thought Lacey was going to come unglued when a little boy blatantly grabbed her ass and threw her a wink!

  Our next mission on the Christmas to do list was tamales. Cree claimed he didn’t want us slaving away on tamales, so he bought a couple dozen homemade tamales from Juan’s wife. I’m sure he was avoiding another impromptu dance party in the kitchen; we were still finding flour everywhere.

  We built a huge fort in the living room. We used blankets, kitchen chairs and couch cushions. We even strung white Christmas lights through the roof of the fort. We had two queen-size air mattresses and mounds of blankets. We said all of our, “I love yous.” Willow had to bound over to each one of us to hug and kiss us. Annie and Olive snuggled down between Cree and me. It took her all of five minutes before she was lightly snoring. Her rhythmic snoring and Cree’s hand holding me tight put me to sleep right after her.

  I felt a hand brushing my face and a whispering voice invade my dream.

  “Milly, wake up.”

  I rolled over to Cree’s smiling face. He held a finger up to his lips.

  “Come with me.”

  I rolled over to see Willow and Lacey putting presents under the tree. What freaking time was it? Do these freaks ever sleep? I wanted to snuggle right back up to my Annie and Olive. Cree tugged on my arm, almost pulling my shoulder out of the socket. He tugged me out to the garage with a huge smile on his face.

  “What in the hell are we doing out here?”

  “I have to get Annie’s new bike out from Santa.”

  “Couldn’t I have kept Annie company?”

  “I want your company.”

  “I would stab you in the eyeball if it wasn’t Christmas Eve.”

  “Baby, this is what you do on Christmas Eve. You get up and put out all the presents,” he said, chuckling.

  Guess I wouldn’t know this little fact. I watched Cree assemble his little princess’ bike with a shit-eating grin on his face. He was damn proud of this purple bike with zebra accents. I grabbed his phone from the steps and snapped a picture of him in his pajama pants assembling the little bike, and sent it to my phone. It would be the perfect picture for my wallpaper.

  I had Lacey put out all my gifts from Santa. She was a night owl and perfect for the job. Lacey giggled when I asked her, because she knew I loved my sleep. Actually, she knew that I lived for my sleep. I had bought Annie her goldfish. That kid cracked me up with her requests.

  “All done! What do you think?” Cree asked as he sat down on the bike and twirled the fringe from the handlebars. I just laughed and snapped a picture as he stuck his tongue out at me.

  “Okay, now time for your present.”

  “Sleep! Yes, take me back to bed.”

  “Yeah, you’re going to bed—my bed.”

  I continued to protest, only wanting my soft warm pillow to cuddle up to. Cree threw me over his shoulder, smacked my ass, and climbed the stairs to his bedroom. He spent the next three hours wishing me a very Merry Christmas with his delicious body. We snuck back down to the tent and kicked Willow out of our bed. I closed my eyes just to open them forty-five minutes later. Annie was up at 6:15 to open her presents.

  Christmas morning was perfect. We each took our turns putting together toys for Annie. Willow cooked an amazing breakfast. Cree was glued to his new Xbox game, while Annie and I played girl Legos. Lacey snapped pictures and played with her computer program to edit photos. Cree bought all of us tickets to Disneyland. We decided we would go over spring break and keep it a secret from Annie. I was absolutely shitting my pants because Disneyland was on my bucket list thingy!

  Chapter 17

  Happy Birthday to Him!

  Cree’s birthday is Sunday and he has no idea what we have planned for him. I have been very busy planning his birthday weekend down to the tee. Cree and Annie have never been separated, so I knew she had to be a part of the plan. We are all going to Denver for the weekend, and at dinner I’m going to surprise Cree with tickets to a football game. There was a certain game he’s dying to watch on TV and I figured since it landed on his birthday, it was perfect. Some seducing plans are also in the works.

  “Okay, folks, it’s time to load up!” I call.

  “Milly, I need your help,” hollered Annie from her bedroom.

  “What’s up, Miss Annie?”

  “I can’t fit Daddy’s presents in my suitcase.”

  “Give them here, sweetie. I’ll sneak them into my suitcase.”

  “Thank you, Milly!”

  I took Annie shopping yesterday for Cree’s gift. She spent hours trying to find the perfect present for him. She finally decided on buying Cree a new iPad case, a travel mug and a t-shirt that says, “World’s Greatest Dad” on the front and on the back, “You Don’t Scare Me! I Have A Daughter!” She wrapped all the gifts by herself at The Shop while I closed up yesterday.
She was so proud of her gifts for her daddy.

  I made Cree drive us to Denver. He had to know something was up, but he played right along with our little game. I reserved two large suites with adjoining doors. We let the birthday boy pick the room he wanted. Cree, Annie and I were sharing a room and Lacey, Willow and Olive were in the other room. Annie ran to the bathroom as fast as she could to change into her swimsuit as soon as we entered the room. She wanted to go swimming like ten minutes ago.

  “Daddy, I need help. I can’t get it buttoned.”

  Cree and Annie were all decked out to go swimming in their swim gear. Annie had on a cute lime green striped suit and Cree was wearing a pair of Hawaiian floral orange swim trunks. They both had goggles on their foreheads and swim towels thrown over their shoulders. I threw Cree a hot pink zebra swim tube to blow up for Annie.

  “Are you swimming with me and Daddy, Milly?”

  “I don’t know if I can handle the two of you in the pool.”

  “Please, Milly? Pretty please?”

  “You know, it is my birthday, so I should have the final say. You’re going swimming.”

  “Brat! I think this birthday thing is getting to your big head. Plus, your birthday isn’t until Sunday, and it’s only Saturday.”

  We spent all day at the hotel pool. We took turns playing with Annie and relaxing in the hot tub. Cree made Annie take an hour break for lunch. Willow had pizza, salad and breadsticks delivered to the room. Annie watched the clock and as soon as her hour lunch break was up, she was dragging us all back down to the pool. I swear the kid was part fish! We all swam for two more hours.

  “Okay, Mermaid Annie…it’s time to get out. Milly has dinner plans for us.”

  Cree put Annie in the tub to wash all the chlorine off of her. We threw in all of her swim toys for her to play with. Cree was in his typical kneeling position by the tub, playing along with his daughter.

  “I’m going over to Lacey and Willow’s room to get ready for dinner. Send my Annie Bug over when she’s done with her bath and I’ll do her hair.”

  “Kiss, please.”

  I just shook my head and went over and kissed Cree on the lips.

  “Kiss, please,” Annie said with a grin.

  I bent over the tub and gave her a kiss. These two were too much sometimes.

  “I put your favorite beer in the fridge, Captain. You can enjoy one while we take our time getting ready.”

  I made good on our promise and took my time getting ready. Lacey was on hair duty and Willow was on outfit patrol. They went to work styling away, and I just chilled with my bitches.

  “So how do you plan on banging the man this weekend?” asked Lacey.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well, you really need to come up with some kind of plan to get laid.”

  “Elevators are on my bucket list thingy.”

  “You are not talking about doing my brother in an elevator right in front of me, are you? That’s just fucking gross!”

  “Well, I’m hoping to sink my teeth into him at some point this weekend.”

  “Enough talking about fucking my brother.”

  Lacey never knows when to quit, and she went in for the kill this time.

  “Milly told me your brother knows how to eat pussy like no other.”

  I’m rolling on the floor laughing by this time and Willow looks like she is going to lose her cookies at the mention of her brother and pussy in the same sentence.

  “Sounds like you ladies are having a little too much fun in here.”

  Cree walks in with little Annie on his shoulders, all dressed with sopping wet, tangled hair. Willow starts dry heaving which causes Lacey and I to laugh even harder.

  “What’s so funny, ladies?”

  “Oh, I was just sharing some of your talents with your sister, and she didn’t appreciate it. Oh, by the way, I only know of your talents because Milly told me. It’s not like I spy or anything.”

  Cree passed off the princess and retreated to his room. We took our time getting all fancied up. I combed and braided Annie’s hair and Willow insisted on putting some makeup on her. I figured she could duke that one out with her brother. We had to take a group picture because all of us girls were wearing leggings, boots and sweater dresses. It was so junior high, but so damn fun at the same time.

  We went to Cree’s favorite Italian restaurant in downtown Denver. We all packed our gifts with us. Annie slipped up in the truck on the way to the restaurant, telling her dad that she bought him a new shirt. Her little hands flew to her mouth when she realized what she had said. Cree made her feel better by starting to guess the color of it. She refused to tell him and insisted it had to be a surprise. We all enjoyed an amazing pasta dinner and cheesecake for dessert. We put candles in Cree’s cheesecake and made the staff join in on a very loud rendition of “Happy Birthday.” Cree was trying to eat his cake, while Annie crawled up on the table shoving gifts in his face.

  “This one is from me, Daddy! Open it! Open it!”

  He opened each of Annie’s gifts, making an exaggerated scene about each one. He then opened one from Willow. Willow had bought him a gift certificate to the local hunting store. That girl was big on gift certificates. Lacey told him he could get a year’s worth of free haircuts from her. I saved my gift for last. I had let Annie sit by her dad and Willow sit by her brother. I actually quite enjoyed watching the three of them interact with each other, and I wanted to see Cree’s face when he opened my gift. I must say it was hard keeping my hands off of him during dinner, but if I had my way I would get him all night long. I’m not going to lie, I would have preferred to be sitting on his lap with my tongue down his throat. I slid an envelope across the table to him.

  “Happy Birthday, Captain!”

  Cree opened the card, and five blue and orange tickets fell to the table. He picked them up and read them carefully.

  “You have to be freaking kidding me!”

  “Nope, we’re going to the big game tomorrow!”

  “Are you ‘effin serious?”

  He was all smiles. He then started to read the card.


  Well first of all, happy birthday. I know how much you love football. So, here ya go, Captain. I will miss the sight of you shirtless, lying on the couch with your beer watching the game, but I will let it slide this one Sunday. I love you so much.

  Love, Your Milly!

  PS—I have another present in my suitcase if you can get Annie to stay the night with Willow. It involves your favorite colors…green & yellow!

  Cree looked up and gave me an evil smile and said, “Annie, don’t you think it would be fun to have a sleepover with Aunt Willow tonight? We can rent you a movie and everything. And as much candy as you want!”


  “Get your ass out here, Milly, before my balls explode!”

  I couldn’t help myself from giggling. Cree was completely revved up about his second present. I stepped out of the bathroom wearing a green thong that covered absolutely nothing and two yellow pasties on my nipples. My hair was down, and I was wearing one of his trucker ball caps.

  “Like what you see?”

  I strolled across the room, shaking my titties at my birthday boy. I circled around the bed and continued shaking my goods for the man.

  “I hear it’s someone’s birthday today.”

  “You heard right.”

  “I wonder what the birthday boy would like for his birthday.”

  Cree let out a low growl, telling me exactly what he wanted for his birthday. I wasted little time and grabbed him from his boxer briefs.

  “Mmm…I love feeling you hard for me, Captain. It kinda makes me want to taste you, and it makes me really wet thinking about sucking you on your birthday. Should I?”

  I was taunting him and boy was it fun. While still holding him, I bent over and breathed heavily down onto him. I spit down on his length and then started licking up and down his shaft. When he was nice and wet, I started
to go up and down his mighty shaft with my mouth. I let out a loud moan as I felt a rush of hot liquid pool between my legs from just sucking him.

  “Bring your pussy up here.”

  I didn’t argue. I situated my body so that my bits were by his face. He put both his face and hands to good use and before I knew it, I was straddling his face and sucking him hard. It felt so incredible that I couldn’t suck him at certain times because the sensation between my legs was simply overwhelming. I started screaming around his thick shaft as my orgasm hit and I rode out the wave by grinding down onto him.

  “Cree, I need to taste you. Let go in my mouth.”

  I started stroking him again with my mouth and tongue as his hand cupped my pulsating sex. It took only a couple more strokes before I felt the rush of Cree’s hot liquid flow in my mouth. I swallowed his release as I moaned and licked up the extra juice from him.

  Cree flipped me off of him and threw me onto my belly. He bit down on my shoulder, grabbed my hips and thrust himself deep into me.

  “Oh my god, Cree…”

  He didn’t say a word, instead he relentlessly continued to fuck me. I felt his hand leave my clit and rub down my ass. He started rubbing the entrance to my anus. It was a strange sensation, but felt fucking good at the same time. My mind told me not to, but my body told me to grind back on it. So my hips started to fuck back on him. His finger entered and I howled with pleasure. My hips were bucking faster against him, and I started to feel my release building up. He reached around with his other hand and started massaging my clit. I instantly combusted into the hardest orgasm my body has ever experienced. I felt Cree’s hot release jet into me seconds later. He collapsed on top of me. I was face down into the bed with the love of my life laying limp on me. I giggled and said, “I guess you liked my present.”

  “You have no fucking idea, Dolly.”

  Cree’s hot come felt so good in me, and I could still feel him pulse inside me. I naturally started to push back against him. The sensation of his slick come inside of me and his hardness was unnerving. I couldn’t help myself and continued to buck my ass up against him. Pretty soon, he was joining the action.


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