My Way Series: Books 1-3

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My Way Series: Books 1-3 Page 20

by H. J. Bellus

  “Mmmm…uuuhhh…ooohh,” is all that oozed out of me.

  “No, she doesn’t. Willow is coming in this afternoon,” Tripp replied for me because I was out of commission at the moment when it came to meaningful communication.

  I gripped onto Tripp’s shoulders and dug into him with my nails. His flesh was going to feel just how good I was feeling at the moment. As I turned off the water, my orgasm hit and it took everything in me not to yell out loud.

  As soon as the sensation settled between my legs, I threw Tripp’s chair up and stepped back from the evil douchebag. Mildred walked over and gave Tripp my brownie they bought for me. He gladly accepted it with the hand that was just inside me and started eating it rather erotically. He then licked each finger to show his appreciation of just how tasty the brownie was. Holy fuck buckets! The man just made me come again without touching me.

  “Thanks, Mildred,” Tripp replied.

  “Payback is a bitch, Tripp,” I warned him as I prepared to cut his hair.

  Tripp’s hair was gorgeous, thick, and almost shoulder length. I could only imagine how much fun it would be to pull on it while screwing his brains out, but summer was coming and he definitely needed a fresh cut. He was a new man and needed a new ’do to fit, so I grabbed my clippers and flipped them on.

  “Hold the phone,” Tripp jumped back in surprise.


  “I said a trim. Like snip, snip with the scissors,” he said while performing cutting actions with his fingers.

  “Did you even want a haircut? Or was this a ploy, you jackass?”

  “Lace, I’m just not ready to get it cut.”


  Tripp sat in silence, not making eye contact or moving, and it was clearly evident that something about cutting his hair struck a chord with him. There was a choice to make here. I could push him into a rage, pissing him off, but getting to the naked truth, or I could just be patient with him avoiding the situation all together. Neither was an option for me or him because he needed to let go of whatever demons his hair held to him, and he could trust me to take them away for him.

  I climbed into my favorite spot, Tripp’s lap, and made him look at me. Then I started to trail kisses up and down his very strong jaw line. “Please trust me,” I whispered.

  Tripp dropped his forehead to my shoulder and let out an audible sigh mixed with terror and relief. He then shook his head up and down, bonking his forehead off of my shoulder. We both started giggling at his gesture. It was like he was pounding his head against a brick wall. A very symbolic action in regards to being in a relationship with me.

  “It’s about time you have a style that can hang with mine, you little doucher,” I whispered into his thick neck. My tongue was just dying with anxiety to take a lick and taste him.

  Before jumping off of Tripp’s lap, I placed a long, hard kiss on his lips, and right when he was about to get carried away, I bit his lower lip. Tripp squealed in pain and slapped my ass as I hopped up. I grabbed my clippers and went to town because I knew exactly what I was going to do to his hair.

  The clippers took the first swipe of hair and I knew it would be the hardest part for him, so I spit my gum into the side of his ear to distract him.

  “Really, Lace? Quite the customer service you have.”

  I just winked at him in the mirror and continued sculpting my masterpiece. Towards the end I whirled him around, so he couldn’t see what I was doing in the mirror. He tried to protest, but I bared my fresh piece of bubble gum to him and he had no choice but to go with it. I pulled off his cape, dusted all the extra hair off his neck and lap and then praised my work.

  “Oh. My. God. You look so freakin’ hot,” I squealed.

  “Let me see it.”

  “Tripp, you have to promise to style it and keep up with it.”

  “Okay, okay,” Trip said in a nervous, but anxious tone.

  “You also have to promise to finger bang me every time I wash your hair.”

  “You are such a naughty little hairdresser,” Tripp hissed out as he pulled me down onto his lap.

  “I always end up right here in your lap. It’s the strangest thing.”

  “It’s where you belong and don’t forget it,” Tripp said, and then bit down on my neck.

  He whirled us around and he was now facing the mirror. His reaction gave away nothing. Minutes passed and nothing from him. My god! It was the hottest fucking cut I had ever given and no reaction from the jackwagon.

  “What the hell? Do you like it?”

  The asshole didn’t answer. He only continued to stare in the mirror at his new hair and I could only wonder what was buzzing around in the highway of his mind. Tripp was a thinker and a very brilliant man, so something was going on.

  “It’s been over three hundred and eighty-two days since I had my hair actually cut and you give me a faux hawk.”

  “It’s a faux hawk with a spunky whip to it, and you pull it off like no other.”

  “I am pretty fucking hot,” Tripp said as he craned his head to check out all angles of the cut.

  “Calm it down there, cowboy. Let’s just put it this way…I’d do ya.”

  “Thanks, Princess.”

  Chapter 5

  Burrito Slap


  Milly: Hey Hoochie! Can you babysit tonight?

  Lacey: Cree or the babies?

  Milly: The babies shitdip!

  Lacey: Maybe…

  Milly: Cree has a business dinner and I want to go.

  Lacey: You know I will bitch! What time?

  Milly: 5…love you.

  “Princess, your lunch has arrived,” came a very sexy voice.

  “Hey, Beast! What did you bring me today?”

  “Subs. Milly sent them. One has your name on it. She said you like all kinds of weird shit on it.”

  “Want to babysit with me tonight? Milly and Cree are going to some business thing.”

  “Only if I’m in charge of Annie and you are in charge of the little one who still shits his pants.”

  “Wow! You mean diaper, and yes, I get my little man. Now give me my food, fucker!”

  Tripp let out a loud laugh, grabbed his food and retreated to the couch. I cuddled up on his lap while I ate my lunch. We definitely had developed a routine with each other. I don’t know how to classify our relationship, and frankly, I am too scared of getting hurt by him to classify it. The man’s tongue has been down my throat and his fingers inside me, and all I know is that I couldn’t live life without feeling his touch again.

  We’re both broken people and not quite sure on how to approach a relationship. I’m going to take it as it is. As long as he lets me stay in his arms, I’ll keep riding the ride.

  “What are you thinking about?” Tripp asked, shattering the comfortable silence between us.

  “How weird of a couple we are. I’m short and plump, you are a tall, sexy Beast. We’re both way beyond repair.”

  “I think it’s pretty damn sexy, if you ask me.”

  “Really? Of course you would…you’re a typical horn dog.”

  “Lacey, I really like you. There’s something about you that makes me want to have you all to myself.”

  “You better only see me or I’d have to cut a bitch.”


  Holy shit! I don’t know how Milly does it. Mac is screaming, the water is boiling over on the stove and the phone is ringing. Tripp took Annie out with him to check pivots on the farm. I was ready to get all sorts of fucked up on cheap wine and it wasn’t even six o’clock yet.

  The spaghetti was ready to eat and still no sign of Tripp and Annie. Baby Mac and I helped ourselves to a heaping serving of pasta. Okay, it was all me. I was eating like I was pregnant, nursing and starving all at the same time. This mother and housewife thing literally blew big giant blue balls. Not for me!

  I devoured my dinner. No Tripp and Annie, so I settled on the couch with my little man and started perusing through mindless TV.
Mac really was a breath-taking, gorgeous baby. His dark hair, blue eyes and chubby cheeks were priceless. He was his daddy’s boy through and through. I loved spending time with him.

  Milly bestowed the honor of naming me Mac’s godmother the day he was born. There was an immediate bond formed between the three of us. The day I almost lost Milly in the alley still haunts me daily and having Mac in our lives even makes it worse. We had no clue back then, but she was carrying him in her precious, fragile womb. I thank the almighty powers above that I heard her blood-curdling scream that morning. A cold, haunting shudder ran through my body as the awful memory invaded my thoughts. As I rested my lips on Mac’s sweet little cheek, the toasty warm bundle of joy curled in my arms and warmed away the cruelness of the memories that haunted me.

  Thirty minutes later, the two hooligans came traipsing through the door, and they were armed with sodas, candy and fried food. All of which were Tripp’s favorites. He went from a drug addict to a complete junk food addict. The asswipe knew I was cooking dinner.

  “Well, guess you two missed the memo,” I spat out.

  “Sorry, Aunt Lacey! Unky really wanted a burrito instead of your ‘ghetti.”

  “Did he?”

  “Yep, he said your ghetti pretty much sucked,” Annie said as she nibbled on her candy.

  She was so innocent and had no clue what she just revealed. I laid Mac down in the pack ‘n’ play that was nestled in the safe corner of living room and waltzed over to Tripp. He had a bag of fried burritos in one hand and a huge fountain soda in the other. I grabbed a burrito out of the bag and a smile spread across his face. He thought he was out of trouble for ditching dinner and insulting my cooking. The idiot couldn’t be further from the truth.

  I grabbed the burrito and slapped his face with it. It made a loud slurpy, smacking sound as the greasy burrito left a smear across his cheek.

  “You want me to slap you with my burrito, Princess?”

  “You couldn’t slap me with your burrito if you tried,” I taunted.

  Then the burrito slapping contest was on. I flew across the living room as Tripp chased me down to slap me with his burrito. (The food burrito…head out of the gutters, people.) He got a good slap in across my shoulder. I whirled around and waylaid him across the face again with my burrito.

  “Level one goes to Lacey,” Annie announced. She was perched comfortably on the back of the couch and declared herself the referee of “Slap You With a Burrito.” We went back and forth hunting each other around the house with burritos. We had one explode on us, and at one point I was armed with two burritos, leaving no survivors behind. Annie was in on the action before long.

  We had been at “Slap You With a Burrito” for hours and had finally championed to level six. This level was intense with a hot lava pit and sharp spears sprinkled throughout the obstacle course. Annie and I buddied up as teammates to battle the mighty Beast. Couch cushions were strewn in the middle of the living room floor as hot lava and the spears were random Legos lying around that would cut your ass up if you landed on one. If any part of your body came in contact with hot lava, you automatically failed level six. Landing on a Lego and squealing with pain was an automatic DQ.

  We created an evil plan to take down the ever mighty king of the burrito slapping contest. We each took a side on the hot lava and stampeded towards Tripp. We had the enemy in our sights. I reminded Annie it took only one slap of the burrito to master level six. Annie took a swipe with her burrito and missed, which sent Tripp sailing in my direction, but the sneaky bugger juked his way out of my grasp.

  “Attack! Attack, Annie!”

  She made her move and whipped her burrito with ferocious force across Tripp’s torso!

  “Sweet victory, Annie! We are the champions of “Slap Yo’ Ass With a Burrito.”

  As the word ass flew out of my mouth, Cree and Milly stepped into the living room. Busted! The three of us could only offer a sympathetic, you know you love me, type of smiles.

  “What’s going on? It’s a school night and 11:30,” roared Cree.

  “Dad, we are on level six and just kicked Tripp’s ass!”

  Oh shit! I’m in double trouble. It was time to make nice and kiss some serious ass.

  “What Annie meant to say was, we’re just on our way to tuck your beautiful little princess into bed,” I said.

  “Ya, cuz’, no worries. We’re just going to tuck Annie in.”

  Annie seized the opportunity to reach up and slap Tripp in the gut with her burrito for extra bonus points. Damn, that little girl had truly stolen my heart.

  “Unky, I just scored ten extra bonus points!” Annie squealed as Tripp threw her over his shoulder and headed upstairs. I started to pick up the lava pit, spears and the burrito carnage, avoiding eye contact at all cost with the pair of seething, pissed-off parents.

  I quickly slipped upstairs to find that Tripp was still tucking Annie in. I leaned up against the wall and listened in on their conversation. He was attempting the impossible task of explaining to her that the word “ass” isn’t very nice to say. He also added that he was going to wash out Aunt Lacey’s mouth for using such a disgusting, horrid word. He rattled off a list of other choices that would be completely perfect to use in place of the word ass such as booty, badonkadonk, butt, tooshy, and buttocks.

  “I had fun tonight, Unky, and I promise I won’t say ass again.” Tripp could no longer keep his serious face and started laughing.

  “Love you, little girl!”

  “Unky, will you be my t-ball coach? Since you played baseball in the big leagues and were famous.”

  “I’d love to, Annie! Not because I was famous, but to spend time with you.”

  When Tripp made his way out of Annie’s room, I grabbed his hand and led him down the dark, quiet hall.

  “Stay with me tonight,” I whispered to him.

  Locked in my room, we stripped out of our clothes without saying a word, but never breaking eye contact. Tripp was wearing a pair of skin tight bright blue Diesel briefs. I was left in my skimpy thong and cami. I clutched his hand in mine and tugged him down into my bed.

  We were nose to nose with our bodies sealed tight together.

  “Tripp, I’m scared,” I whispered.

  “I told you I won’t hurt you, Princess.”

  “I have only let men use me since my childhood. I have never felt worthy of being loved until you, and it scares the ever loving shit out of me.”

  “You have to believe there’s good in this world, Lace, and you have released my inner wild soul that has never been able to be free.”

  “I want to run fearless and free into the future with you, but I’m fucking scared.”

  “We don’t have to have it all figured out to move forward. Let’s just be us today.”

  Tripp reached down to place a sweet tender kiss on my lips. In that one simple kiss I felt his love and comfort hug my fragile soul.

  I squeezed my eyes shut as I couldn’t bear his rejection, “I love you, Tripp.”

  Before he had the chance to not say it back, I started kissing him passionately. My tiny hands pushed him on his back. I clambered on top of him, losing myself in him. My whole body was quivering with intense passion and love for this man. Tripp sat up so that I was straddling him. He pulled me closer to him and started raining kisses down my very sensitive neck, leaving a trail of goose-bumps in his wake. This was my favorite part of the night.

  He lifted my cami over my head, which exposed my naked, plump tits to him. He grabbed both of them while working his mouth down to taste them. I grabbed his tussle of hair that was left and threw my head back as he started to taste each of my sensitive nipples. His hard, thick cock was throbbing underneath me. I started grinding down against it as shooting pleasure started coursing its way through my amped up body each time I pressed down.

  In one swift movement, Tripp slammed me into the bed on my back and went downtown. He tore my pretty pink thong from my body. The sight of his brown, sp
iked hair between my legs made me instantly orgasm before he even touched me. I bucked my hips up to ride out my orgasm against his face. He went to work sending me over the edge again and again and again with his sweet, delicious tongue.

  “I want you inside me.”

  Tripp rose up to my face and settle between my legs. His cock was still shielded by those damn blue Diesels. I could feel his heated hunger pushing down on my hot, wet center. He kissed me and I could taste the zing of my release on his lips.

  “Tripp, inside me—now.” It wasn’t a question or plea, but a mandate.

  “Baby…I don’t have any condoms.”

  “I don’t care.”

  I truly didn’t care about a condom right now. The rebel in me threw caution out the window every chance I got. I needed Tripp inside of me now and the absence of a piece of rubber wasn’t going to stop me from consuming him.

  I grabbed the top of his briefs and started to inch them down his tight ass and massive thighs. He helped pull them off the rest of the way and tossed them over his shoulder. I reached down between us to grab him. He looked like he was well hung when I saw him bulging in those ever so sexy blue briefs. He didn’t disappoint. He was thick, lengthy and raging steel, and he was mine for the taking. My hand ran up and down him before I guided him straight towards me. Tripp’s was at my entrance and all he had to do was push into me. It was his choice now.

  Tripp squeezed his eyes shut and lowered his forehead to mine. He pressed into me, filling me to the brim. Our bodies easily melded into one. My fingers dug into Tripp’s shoulders as he deliciously worked himself in and out of me. Tears rolled down my cheeks as he continued to make love to me. A man has never made love to me. I have screwed, fucked and been used, but never this.

  “Am I hurting you?” Tripp whispered down to me.

  My vocal chords were paralyzed by his passion and lust for me. I just gently shook my head and continued to let my hot tears roll down my cheeks. Tripp rested his forehead on mine and then placed his lips over mine.


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