Made Men 8: All or Nothing (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Made Men 8: All or Nothing (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She went to walk, her legs shaking, she was so shocked at what happened. She looked down at her side. Her hand had a little blood on it.

  “He cut you?” Royce yelled.

  “What?” Brew asked. She saw their expressions and then saw Logic and Train coming over.

  “Royce?” Logic asked.

  “He cut her. Let’s get her upstairs. Are Harley and the guys handling the asshole?”

  “Yes,” Train said and eyed over Alda. A moment later, with her eyes glued to Royce’s fierce ones, her heart hammering inside of her chest and too many emotions going through her body, he lifted her up and carried her through the crowd and upstairs.

  * * * *

  Royce was fuming, fucking mad. One look at his brothers, their angry expressions and their concern and nothing else seemed to matter but keeping Alda close and protecting her. His heart was pounding inside of his chest and as the doors opened there was still chaos going on over Alessa. They walked into the room and Alessa was definitely on something.

  “What the fuck did he give her?” Brew asked.

  “We don’t know. Harley and the guys will find out. Then we’ll take it from there,” Cobra stated.

  “Should we call the police?” Donata asked.

  “Not yet. We need to find out what this dick gave her, then maybe find out where he got the shit,” Cobra said to her.

  “What for? You caught the guy. Let him get in trouble for doing this to her.”

  “Donata, remember that girl I told you about and her friend who wound up in the hospital?” Alda asked. Brew and Train were looking at the cut on her side.

  “Yeah. You think this is connected?” Donata asked.

  “We don’t know but if we can find out what it is and where it’s coming from then maybe we can stop it from spreading and get the ones responsible arrested,” Logic told her.

  “We need to see how deep this is. Come on,” Train said to her. Alda looked at Alessa and Donata and she was worried about her friend. She knew that Cobra and the team would take good care of her so she let Train take her hand as he, Brew, Royce, and Logic brought her into the other room.

  * * * *

  Train gripped her hips and stared down into her eyes. He reached up and cupped her cheek.

  “Okay?” he asked her and the tears fell. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her. When she hugged him back he exhaled, relieved that she didn’t push them away. After hearing about what she said to Brew, he didn’t think they stood a chance with her. He’d been fighting this attraction, as well, but every time he saw her with another guy, it pissed him off. Then when she was in danger tonight it sent him into a rage. Thank God their friends took care of questioning the dick that drugged Alessa and hurt Alda. He wouldn’t have kept the dick alive once he got what he needed from him.

  He pulled back.

  “We need to unzip the dress and see the damage. If it’s deep and you need stitches then we’ll need to make a decision as to what to do.”

  “I understand. You’ll want to question the guy to see what information you can get from him, and then pull all your stories together if the police need to come.”

  “Exactly, Alda,” he told her.

  She looked down. “I don’t think it’s bad. If you give me the first aid kit and direct me to a bathroom I could probably…”

  He shook his head no and she stopped talking.

  Royce moved in behind her.

  She held on to Train’s forearms as the zipper went down. The moment her breasts came into view, pouring from the matching silk bra, he lost his breath. Then came the tattoo on her hip bone below the knife wound and then the belly ring and her sexy hips. Behind her Royce exhaled and locked gazes with Train. Logic lowered down by her side and slid his palm along her lower back to her hip.

  “Sweet heavens, woman,” Logic said and she looked down at him.

  “This isn’t a smart idea,” she whispered.

  Train slid his palm up her arm to her shoulder and under her hair against her neck. He tilted her head up toward him.

  “Trust us to take care of you, and not hurt you.”

  She exhaled a laugh then squinted at him.

  “Seriously?” she asked, her voice cracking.

  She jerked as Logic began to clean up the cut and Brew stood watching, holding the kit in his hand, his eyes on her body.

  “You don’t need stitches, baby,” Logic said to her and she went to look at him but Train gripped her chin and jaw more firmly.

  “That could have been you they drugged. You, that piece of shit attempted to take out of here. No one would have seen a thing. We could have kept ignoring these feelings we have for you and you for us, and acted pissed off and kept our eyes off of you. Instead we couldn’t keep our eyes off of you, because you’re so fucking perfect. So sexy, classy and gorgeous. This has to fucking end, Alda.”

  “Train.” She said his name and began to shake her head but Train covered her mouth, kissing her. Logic had already placed ointment on the cut and covered it when Train pulled her close, ran a hand along her ass, squeezing her to him. He cupped her breast as she moaned into his mouth. Then Royce gripped her hair where Train was holding her and he suckled against her neck. She tightened up but then rocked her hips against Train, feeling aroused by both of them touching her, kissing her.

  “Holy fuck. Do you guys feel it?” Logic asked.

  “It can’t be real,” Brew said to the side of them.

  “It’s real. It’s fucking incredible,” Royce said, lifting from suckling her neck. Slowly Train released her lips. He stared into her wide eyes, saw her stunned expression.

  “Things are going to fucking change, Alda. You understand me? Change,” he ordered. Then there was a knock at the door and he pulled her close. Brew went to answer it.

  “We’ll be down shortly,” Brew said then closed the door.

  “What did they say?” Logic asked.

  “You know Harley. He’s got a way of making people talk and give up information quickly. They need us.”

  Train reached down and stroked her jaw.

  Royce kissed her neck from behind her and she closed her eyes and leaned back against him, feeling the attraction.

  “You stay upstairs with Alessa while we handle this situation. Understood?” he asked.

  “Yes, Royce,” she said and he eased her dress back into place.

  Then Logic fixed the material and pressed close, kissing her. “Do not leave that office,” he ordered. She nodded. He slid his hand along her ass and they walked her into the other room where Alessa lay on the couch completely sedated. One look at Cobra and Lenox and Train knew they were pissed.

  “Look at her. She wouldn’t know or feel a thing right now. I could undress her, place her where I want to…fuck!” he yelled out and Alda jumped, grabbing on to Train’s waist.

  “We got to her in time. She’s safe with us,” Royce said, sliding by Alda and bringing her hand to his lips. He kissed it.

  “Alda, you saved her. That guy would have taken her out of there. We couldn’t even see you guys where we were standing,” Lenox said to her.

  “We all were there. We saved her together,” Alda stated.

  “How is the cut? Need stitches?” Cobra asked her.

  “No. She’ll be okay,” Train said and squeezed her to his side.

  Alda stepped from his hold and Royce’s and knelt down next to Alessa. When she turned around to look at them she had tears in her eyes.

  “Find out who these people are and where this drug is coming from, and stop them. Please,” she said. A tear fell and she wiped it away and then caressed her friend’s hand.

  They all headed out of the room, leaving Alda, Alessa, Cobra, Lenox and Donata in the room together.

  * * * *

  “I don’t know who the supplier is. I got it from a dealer. I had to pay five hundred bucks for one fucking pill,” the guy yelled at them. Brew slugged him in the mouth again.

  “We want a name.
A number and location,” Harley demanded.

  “They’ll kill me. The guy that hooked me up said they only distribute fifty of these pills a week.”

  “Fifty?” Harley yelled through clenched teeth.

  Brew was raging. He couldn’t believe the shit he was hearing. That’s how many poor unsuspecting females would be loaded up on this drug and unaware of what was being done to them. Scumbags.

  Brew pulled out his revolver and pressed it against the guy’s temple. The guy screamed out in a high pitched tone. “You think I’m not going to fucking kill you, asshole? You got five fucking seconds to tell me where you got the shit. The number you called, who hooked you up and what your fucking plans were.”

  As the guy rambled off numbers and a name then a location Brew was getting more pissed off. Then he explained that he was bringing Alessa to a house where there was a party of guys who chipped in for the thousand dollars to get two women. That Alda was the second one. He called her the sexy brunette with the green eyes. Brew felt sick.

  Before he could even react in anger, Roman decked the guy and knocked him onto the floor. Brew realized in that moment how much Roman cared about Alessa. It also made Brew see that these feelings he had for Alda were real and not bullshit. It really could have been Alda drugged up too right now. Obviously she didn’t drink that drink by the bar.

  Back upstairs as she stood there practically naked, looking like some sexual fantasy come true, and his brothers kissed her, and they surrounded her, he was shocked by the power and connection. It scared the hell out of him. He was afraid to be close to that. To touch her, never mind kiss her with his brothers there, too. It was something insane but knowing she was almost taken from them brought on these feeling of protectiveness and possessiveness that he knew only one way to relieve. He needed to hold her. To make sure she was fine, and with him and his brothers where she was safest.

  * * * *

  “Are you sure that Alessa will be okay with Cobra and them?” Alda asked as she sat in the back of the SUV leaning against Logic’s shoulder. She was exhausted, and it was late.

  “She’s in the safest place she could be. With men that care about her and that will protect her,” Royce stated from the driver’s seat. Brew was in the passenger seat and hadn’t said a word. Logic and Train sat on either side of her and Train’s hand caressed her thigh. She had her legs crossed but was leaning into Logic.

  She inhaled Logic’s cologne and absorbed the feel of having both men so close to her, caressing her, making her feel safe.

  “I can’t believe Alessa was drugged and that the guy was going to take her home,” she said aloud.

  “To a party,” Train said.

  “What?” she asked and lifted up. Train and those dark brown eyes, stern expression and the goatee added to the man’s intense demeanor. He and Logic were so big that she was squished between the two of them in the backseat.

  “He was going to take her to a party where a group of guys chipped in for the drug,” Logic said to her. Tears filled her eyes. Guys did that kind of stuff? Seriously?

  “He was going to take you, too, Alda, but you didn’t drink the drink that was left for you. Alessa drank hers,” Brew stated from the front seat and he sounded so pissed off.

  “Through the surveillance video in the club we saw that dick put a pill in each glass. It was while that big guy came over to harass you, wanting to dance,” Royce said to her.

  “A setup?” she asked, as a tear fell.

  “Not sure. Couldn’t find that big asshole anywhere,” Train told her, then reached over and wiped away the tear from her cheek.

  “I can’t believe they were going to take Alessa to some party and that guys paid to drug a woman. That’s sick,” she said, her voice cracking.

  “They paid a thousand dollars to bring two women, you and Alessa to a party with a bunch of fucking asshole guys who would do whatever they wanted to you,” Brew said. His voice sounding distorted.

  “Oh God.” She covered her mouth.

  Train cupped her cheek and looked into her eyes. “It didn’t happen. You’re both safe so don’t even think about it. You’re safe with us, remember that,” he told her firmly. She held his gaze and lowered her hand from her mouth.

  “It was that easy. It would have been that easy to just take two women of their choosing,” she said and gulped.

  “Don’t,” Logic said and squeezed her thigh. She closed her eyes and thought about the situation, and about how she wanted to keep away from these men, when they were the ones looking out to protect her.

  She reached out and cupped Train’s cheek. “I pushed you all away. What if you weren’t watching me? What if —”

  Train turned his head and kissed her palm. The SUV stopped and the engine died.

  Train looked at her.

  “We’ve always kept eyes on you, Alda. How could we not?” he whispered.

  Logic opened the door and offered her a hand. They were walking her up. Maybe staying with her. She didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want them to leave her, yet she feared knowing that nothing would really come of this thing between them. It would be sex. Just lust, a need deep in their bodies after experiencing this crazy night and thoughts of what could have happened but didn’t. She was safe because of them.

  She used her card key and punched in the code giving them all access to her apartment building. The anticipation of what would come was overwhelming as they reached the elevator and she debated about making them go home and leaving her here alone. Alone. The thought of it made her shake. She kept a hand over her waist where the tear was and the bandage that was below it. Train hit the floor number and the doors closed. They were quiet.

  Brew remained facing away from her as he rubbed his jaw. Train placed his hands on her shoulders then rubbed her arms and pulled her into an embrace, her back against his front. She leaned back, absorbing the masculinity and the scent of his cologne. The doors opened and they headed out and down the hallway to her door. It was surreal. Having all four men here with her in the small hallway about to enter her apartment and more than likely make love to her. She reached into her small purse for the keys and her hand was shaking. Train covered it with his. “Relax,” he told her as she looked up into his eyes.

  He opened the door and they all walked inside. She noticed that Logic looked around the place, but Brew stood there breathing funny, rubbing his jaw and looking intense.

  “Great place. It’s pretty big,” Logic told her.

  “Thank you. It’s more than enough room for me.”

  “What made you choose this neighborhood?” Train asked her.

  “The security, and the school right next door.”

  “Plus this view of the park, too, huh?” Royce asked, looking out the side window.

  She looked back at Brew. He appeared extremely serious as his eyes landed on her.

  “Brew, what’s—”

  “Don’t,” he snapped at her and she gasped. Felt her heart racing.

  “Brew,” Royce said his name and his tone warning, and then suddenly the man stomped toward her. Brew pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight. He held her so snuggly and with such intensity to what she felt that she hugged him back as tears fell from her eyes and she kissed his neck.

  She could hear his rapid breathing, feel his palms smooth all over her back, then her ass as he turned his face, she sought out his mouth as he lowered down and kissed her. It was wild, and she never in her entire life felt so turned on and out of control. She wanted his hands everywhere. Their hands and mouths everywhere. When he unzipped her dress and started backing her up, she pulled back and started to unbutton his shirt. Her dress began to fall and he pushed her hands away from his shirt, lifted her up and against him as she straddled his waist and he carried her down the hallway.

  She wanted, needed this so badly and kissed him on the mouth hard. He pressed her up against the wall right before the bedroom and thrust his hips against her mound. She kissed hi
m deeper, ran her fingers through his hair and cupped his cheeks. When she pulled from his lips he looked insane.

  “Tell me you’re on the pill, baby. I want nothing between us.”

  She stared down into his eyes as he pulled back and started bringing her into the bedroom.

  “I have an IUD but you should use something.” He lowered her feet to the floor in front of the bed. The others joined them, undressing, looking hungry and needy.

  “No. We’re safe,” he told her. His hard, commanding voice shocked her system and he started kissing her neck and reaching behind her to undo her bra.

  “Seriously, Brew, you have a reputation,” she told him.

  He lifted up and cupped her cheeks, staring down into her eyes.

  “I’ve never had sex without a condom. This is fucking different. I want. I need all of you with no barriers, Alda. Now I didn’t ask for any proof that you are on birth control, did I?” he asked her and she got it. He wasn’t playing games and neither was she. This was special. There were no lies, no more walls, everything came down tonight.

  She nodded her head and he let her bra fall from her breasts.

  “Fuck,” Royce whispered, climbing up onto the bed behind her and leaning closer to kiss her skin. She felt the hands on her hips and then fingers explore her tattoo of cherry blossoms along her hip and to her belly.

  She glanced at Logic as he entwined their hands, brought hers to his lips and kissed the top before he licked his lips, eying over her breasts as his other fingers caressed the bandage on her hip. Logic looked so serious and emotional. Like he was truly upset that she had a bandage, a cut on her hip and had been hurt.

  Brew undressed quickly and Train took her other hand, brought her fingers to his lips and kissed them. She was surrounded by four extremely sexy, muscular men and they all wanted her.

  “Oh God,” she whispered as Brew lowered down in front of her, kissing along her belly and the belly ring. The tattoos and muscles were everywhere. His expression so hard, demanding, wild, it both scared her and turned her on. His fingers started to push her panties down, then he pressed his nose to her mound and inhaled against the material. Was that a growl? She shivered.


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