Made Men 8: All or Nothing (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Made Men 8: All or Nothing (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 18

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She blinked. “I feel it, too.” Smack. Smack. Her lips parted, her voice cracked.

  “Yours. Make me all yours,” she said and Logic lowered down and kissed her. When he lifted up he climbed onto the bed and brought his cock to her lips just as fingers slid into her cunt.

  Her gasp was stopped by the thick bulbous top of Logic’s cock. She sucked and moaned.

  Smack, smack, smack.

  She tightened and came.

  “Fuck,” Brew roared. She bobbed her head up and down as Brew removed his fingers and replaced them with his cock. He shoved right into her from behind, his fingers dug into her hips and he rocked deeply. Her breasts bounced and swayed as Royce cupped one and Train caressed her back. They were all touching her, taking from her, possessing her.

  “Heaven. Your body is heaven and I’ll never get enough, Alda. Never,” Brew stated and rocked faster and faster.

  Logic’s hands gripped her hair tighter. “Fuck, her mouth is perfection,” Logic said.

  “Train, the lube. We need her together,” Royce stated.

  Brew pulled out, she moaned but then Logic pulled from her mouth.

  “Logic,” she called out and moved toward him to take his cock back into her mouth but the men had other plans. Train slid in underneath her as Brew lifted her up and placed her onto his cock. She lowered down and took him inside of her as she ran her palms up and down his chest, gripping his muscles, needing to absorb the feel of him. Then Logic gripped her hair again and brought her mouth to his cock. “Together, as one, the way we’ll always be,” he said and she held his gaze as she accepted his cock in her mouth while Train thrust up into her cunt.

  Fingers filled with lube pushed into her ass and it burned at first before the need, the desire overtook all else. In and out Brew thrust lubed fingers into her ass and then cursed.

  “Fuck, I’m going to come just from watching her asshole suck in my fingers.”

  Smack, smack.

  She jerked, not expecting the smacks to her ass. Then Brew’s fingers pulled out and his cock replaced them.

  “Ours. We own every inch of this body, your heart and your soul, just as you own ours,” Brew said fiercely then slid into her ass. They all moaned and the thrusting, chanting, lovemaking began at once.

  In and out, up and down they worked together to satisfy their needs. Logic came, shooting his seed down her throat and then Brew came next, grunting and rocking. Smack, smack, smack. He spanked her hard and she cried out another release.

  “I love fucking and spanking this ass. This body is exceptional and made for us,” Brew said and slid out of her ass. Royce took his place, sliding his palms along her body, gripping her hair and kissing her on the mouth before trailing his mouth along her shoulder, her spine as Train thrust his hips harder, faster, upward. She gasped, losing her breath from Train’s strokes and then cried out, her voice cracking as Royce thrust into her ass. The two men worked their cocks deeper, ran their hands everywhere, cupping her breasts, tweaking the nipples and then moaning and growling like cavemen. “Ours. She’s ours, brothers,” Royce yelled out.

  “Fuck yeah,” Train said and came. Royce continued to thrust into her then growled out loudly. “Alda!” he exclaimed and came inside of her.

  Alda collapsed to Train’s chest and he cuddled her, caressed her skin. When Royce pulled from her ass and caressed it she moaned at the tenderness. Brew chuckled.

  “A nice pink ass. Remember that next time some other man approaches wanting a kiss to the cheek, a harmless hug. We see that and all hell will break loose on that ass,” Brew said and spanked it.

  “Brew!” she reprimanded. His words so carnal and wild. Train chuckled, the rumbling in his chest against her ear made her insides giddy. She couldn’t believe what just took place. She allowed four men to spank her ass, punish her as they called it and claim ownership of her body, heart and soul. She should be mortified, embarrassed, and…hell no, she felt amazing, cherished and loved. She wanted to be their possession, if that was what being the lover, girlfriend of made men meant. She would learn to understand their words, their actions as examples of their desire and care for her. She realized how much she cared for them and when she thought about work, about Antonio, Tatum and her career, they meant nothing without having these men as hers.

  She lifted up as Train pulled from her body and eased her to the side. Brew and Logic were there to clean her up with washcloth and towel. She reached up and cupped Logic’s cheek.

  “I don’t care about work, about what they think or that I won’t be able to be the cover model for the cosmetic line. I care about the four of you more. I can find another job. I’m not scared. I have money saved and—”

  “Whoa, whoa, what are you talking about?” Brew asked, cupping her cheek.

  She lowered her hand from his and Train finished wiping off his cock with the towel and turned toward her. “They said something to you about us?” Train asked.

  “Haley was saying that it would look terrible if the public found out that I was screwing four men, that it would be bad for the company,” she told them. Brew narrowed his eyes at her and Train cupped her cheek.

  “Sorry she said that to you. A lot of people don’t understand this type of relationship,” Train said to her.

  “It’s new to all of us, baby, but we wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize your job, or your happiness. If this means that much to you to do this cover model thing—” Logic added to the conversation and she interrupted him.

  “No, no, Logic, being with the four of you means everything to me. I actually felt pretty uncomfortable doing the shoots, and posing for the product line. I don’t really want to do it if it means being away from the four of you.”

  “You would need to travel and do gigs and stuff?” Royce asked, joining them on the bed.

  “There was that possibility, but ultimately it’s really just my face, my body that’s a representative for the makeup line,” she told them. Train caressed her cheek.

  “You’re a gorgeous, sexy woman, they would be crazy not to use you because of your personal lifestyle.”

  “I know that, and you know that, but Haley, Antonio, and his company have the final say. I’ve worked so hard bringing MAX Industries and their products to the public eye. Maxwell, my boss, who is super nice, is so proud of me and thankful,” she told him.

  “What does he say about all of this?” Brew asked her.

  She thought about that a moment.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to him really. He kind of put a lot of the control in Haley’s hands. She’s the one that knows Antonio and Tatum so well.”

  “I don’t like her at all. There is just something about her, about that Antonio guy too that’s off,” Royce stated.

  She looked at him. “What do you mean?” she asked.

  He explained their feelings and observations, and how Antonio hadn’t really reacted seeing their guns or maybe knowing they were made men. She thought about that, too.

  “He’s pretty pompous and confident,” she replied.

  “Got that from the text messages alone,” Logic stated, looking angry again. He reached out and stroked her breast. She held his gaze.

  “What did he say?” she asked.

  “Doesn’t matter. Hopefully your lack of response will be enough,” Logic said. She lifted up. Logic stood up by the edge of the bed and she knelt on her knees and reached out to him.

  “Don’t be jealous, Logic. I’m here with you, aren’t I?” she asked him. He stroked her hair and she caressed his muscles on his chest. He ran his palms along her back and to her ass then back to her cheeks. He cupped them.

  “Yes, you are here with all of us. That’s why I’m not raging still. However, it is going to take a lot more love making to really ease this jealous, angry feeling inside of me.”

  She lifted up and kissed his chin.

  “I’m yours. I accept all of your rules, your commands, your possession of my body, heart and soul. Are al
l of you mine, too, body heart and soul, because it’s all or nothing, Logic, Brew, Train, and Royce,” she said and turned to look at each of them.

  “Oh baby, you did not just threaten us,” Royce said, looking at her sideways. She licked her lips and stared at his cock as it grew before her eyes.

  “What if I did?” she teased.

  Smack. Train spanked her ass.

  “Round two begins now. I don’t think she got the message,” Brew said and Logic released her hips as Brew wrapped an arm around her waist, hoisted her back to the bed and then pressed over her body, spreading her thighs wide with her arms pressed above her head.

  “You’ve got a lot to learn about being the woman of made men,” he said to her and held her gaze.

  “Teach me,” she stated.

  “Oh man, she is asking for it,” Train said, rolling over to cup her breast.

  “And she is going to get it,” Brew told her and kissed her lips, then her breasts, down her belly to her cunt.

  “Oh, Brew.” She moaned.

  “You have a lot to learn, Alda, and we are definitely the men to teach you,” Royce said and all of them began to kiss her, arouse her and get her ready to take them all inside of her again. She loved them, and it didn’t scare her to admit that, it made her accept them and their dominant, controlling ways even more, and nothing else mattered but loving them all.

  Chapter 11

  “I think we have a problem,” Salento said to Lou Carvetti.

  “What problem would that be?” Lou asked.

  “The guys you have picking up the shit and doing the deliveries, they’re skimming off the top. They’re also selling on Garlitto territory. I can’t have any fuck ups, man. No one can know that we’re involved with this drug.”

  “I can take care of it. Have them move elsewhere just as a precaution. I’m sure Garlitto knows nothing,” Lou stated.

  “That won’t be for long. Some dicks gave the pill to a friend of the Coglonies, Fiorres and fucking Royce Brooks and his psycho team of guys. They’re after blood because they knew the woman as well as another woman that could have been drugged.”

  “Holy fuck. Of all the fucking bitches to try and snag, some assholes chooses them, women associated with the families. Shit.”

  “Exactly. If they find out we’re connected, those men will think nothing of offing us.”

  “What do you want to do, Salento? We can pull back now.”

  “They’re asking a lot of questions. You need to call in the guys and make sure they know to seal their fucking lips.”

  “Who were the two women?” Lou asked.

  “The fuck if I know. Why?”

  “Just asking to see if I know who they are. All those men hang out with hot fucking women. Classy, professional ones, not whores.”

  “My guy, the one making this stuff, has his eyes set on some woman. He was pretty fucking pissed that she didn’t show up at the party last night. He isn’t planning on staying in New York much longer. His cousin is a fucking psycho though. Something is wrong with that guy. Anyway, just secure the guys you have and make sure they keep their fucking mouths shut.”

  “Got it. By the way, we sold out fast. This whole waiting for supply thing is genius. People are willing to pay whatever price we put on the pills.”

  “Well, keep it at a thousand for now. I’m hoping to get another supply in shortly. Like I said, he hinted about leaving town for a bit. Take care of things. I’ll be in touch.”

  * * * *

  C.J. Ruffinno looked at the picture in the newspaper his mom showed him. She was so proud of Alda and her accomplishments. News of the potential opportunity as cover model for a makeup line at the company she worked for was in negotiations. What he hadn’t expected to see was the picture with her and two men. The one man was the one who handed over the large bag of drugs to him and Fogerty the other night. How was this guy connected? He needed to ask Fogerty about him. Did his cousin know what this guy was into? C.J. had the feeling that this was coincidence. Fogerty carried on about no one knowing who the guy was that supplied the drugs but that he was wealthy, had connections overseas and was into crazy shit. Could one of these men, or both, be the main supplier?

  His phone buzzed and he saw it was Fogerty.

  Meet me in twenty minutes at the Station House bar. It’s urgent.

  He didn’t like the sound of that as he stood up from the table and downed the rest of the iced tea.

  “Mom, I need to go. Thanks for lunch.”

  “Sure, honey. Isn’t that great news about Alda? Her parents would be so proud if they were alive. She’s really turned into something special. So independent and professional.”

  “I know, she’s a knockout, too. I’m sure she’ll get that position if it’s what she wants.”

  “Oh, she will, I’m sure, although she doesn’t like the spotlight,” his mom said and looked at the picture again.

  “Such handsome men. Do you think she’s dating them?” she asked. Surprised that her mom included both men, he squinted at her.

  “Honey, she hangs out with a lot of friends in ménage relationships. I wouldn’t be surprised at all. In fact, I’m shocked none of those men have gone after Alda for themselves. She’s a catch.”

  “I haven’t heard anything, and I don’t know about the two men in the picture. Next time I see her at one of the clubs I’ll ask.”

  “Okay. Take care.”

  “Bye,” he said and kissed her good-bye then headed out. Twenty minutes later he walked into the Station House Bar.

  “Got a call from Carvetti. There’s been some concern over some of the connected families trying to find out who is supplying the drugs and dealing them. Apparently there was a situation a week or so ago at one of the clubs and some guy used the drug on two women. One drank the drink and he attempted to force her out of the club but was stopped.”

  “Oh shit. What do you know?”

  “Well, that’s where this gets crazy. You especially need to keep your fucking mouth shut.” C.J. swallowed.

  “It was Alessa the guy drugged and apparently your cousin Alda had it in her drink but didn’t drink it. She was the one to stop the guy from leaving. It turned into a mess of a situation.”

  “What? Was Alda hurt and Alessa?” he asked.

  “No, calm down. If they were, would I fucking be here telling you? No, it was no big deal. Your cousin didn’t drink the shit. Alessa did but Cobra and his friends took care of her,” Fogerty whispered.

  “Holy shit. Of all the women to use this shit on. Jesus, I don’t know, Fogerty. This is too fucking close to home. Like I said the other night on that delivery, I don’t want to be involved with this.”

  “It’s too late for that. I need you. I chose you out of everyone else to help me do these deals and get a huge cut.”

  “You also are pushing your luck with Garlitto.”

  “That’s resolved. We’re moving our location. The bosses need to set something up out of town anyway. If this operation is to move forward, and we keep doing the deals smoothly with no bumps then we’re in. We get to maintain our position and make more money and get a bigger cut. That means no more shit jobs. We’ll be working for Carvetti and Salento.”

  “Salento Sorenno? That’s the dealer?” he asked.

  “He’s the middleman working for the guy who is dealing the drugs.”

  “Who is the dealer then?”

  “I don’t know and I don’t care. Asking questions isn’t smart. What I did hear is that the guy has his eyes on some woman and is going out of town, probably with her for a period of time.”

  C.J. felt his gut clench. Who was the woman? Was the guy in the picture with Alda, the one he met the other night, the guy dealing the drugs? Did Alda know? He needed to find out. What if his cousin didn’t know the guy was into that shit, or what if he used it on her? Fuck.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “The guy we met and got the drugs from the other night, is he the dealer?”
  “Didn’t I just say asking questions wasn’t smart?”

  “Fogerty, I have my reasons. Is he or not?”

  “What fucking reasons do you have other than curiosity that can get us both killed?”

  “Just answer me. If I’m going to be in on this shit and making money I want to know who to watch and look out for.”

  “Fine, I don’t know who he is. I assume he’s a main connection to the guy because Carvetti and Solento are the only two other people that know any of this. It can’t be more than the five of us. I’m pretty sure the guy we met is the one taking the calls for the orders, so he must work side by side with the boss.”

  C.J. ran his fingers through his hair and exhaled.

  “What is it?”


  “Bullshit, nothing, what the fuck is it?”

  “I was at my mom’s house this morning and she showed me the paper. Alda was in a picture posing between two big shot businessmen investing in the company she works for. Alda may be the cover image for the cosmetic line.”

  Fogerty whistled. “Dude, your cousin is super fucking hot. Like hard on as soon as a man puts his eyes on her.”

  “You really?” C.J. yelled at him and Fogerty raised his hands up.

  “Just stating the fucking obvious. You think she’s fucking the two guys? I mean, what’s with the concern?” Fogerty asked.

  He stared at him, debating about telling him.

  “One of the guys in the picture, he’s the one we got the shit from the other night.”

  Fogerty’s eyes widened and he sat forward. He didn’t say a word and then he whistled again.

  “Holy shit, your cousin is dating him?”

  “I don’t know. I just saw the picture of them together and between both men. We don’t know who the main boss is, but what if it’s the two men?”

  “Then your cousin is set for fucking life. These guys make mad money and would surely want only the best women around them. Your cousin is hot, professional and if she’s the cover model for makeup products then of course the guys would want a woman like that on their arms.”


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