Changing Faces (New Game Minus Book 1)

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Changing Faces (New Game Minus Book 1) Page 18

by Sarah Lin

  Fighting them was another losing proposition. He was so close to the exit now, he just needed to get past them and reach the street. Once in Cresthaven, he was sure that he could escape into the crowds. Then it would simply be a matter of publicizing that they had cleared the crypt, just as Daek had requested. Though Daek would unquestionably mark him for the future, at least temporarily he would have to call off his forces.

  Bloodwraith feinted out from behind his sarcophagus, just enough to get a good look at the room. He ducked back a second later as an arrow flew at his head, but it had been long enough: he saw the archer's location near the entrance and a knife-wielding greencloak creeping toward him.

  Instead of taking them on, Bloodwraith crept around the side of the chamber as quietly as possible. He managed to evade the nearest greencloak for a while until the man heard him and spun. Abandoning stealth, Bloodwraith leapt for the doorway and released his last burst of force toward the archer's position.

  It sent the greencloak archer sprawling, bow falling to the ground. Bloodwraith sprinted past him, bounded off the wall, and ran down the corridor. So close...

  An arrow hit him in the back. As he staggered and nearly fell, he looked behind him and saw that the archer had recovered with surprising speed and set up at the end of the corridor. The other greencloak was coming as well, creeping along the wall to give the archer room to loose. Dammit, this-

  He rounded a corner and stumbled straight into another greencloak. This time he was the one taken off guard, struggling to reverse direction and retreat. The greencloak drew a dagger and managed to stab him in the side before Bloodwraith shoved him to the floor and sprinted down a side corridor.

  Too late, he realized that his idiotic adventurer instincts had taken him into a dead end. There were several cleared chambers and multiple doorways, but two of the doorways were linked to one another and the last led to a blank wall. Now there were three greencloaks coming for him and he had nowhere else to run.

  Logically he should have turned on the one chasing him, tried to take him out before the archer and the knife fighter joined him. But he had an arrow sticking out of his back and his other injuries were catching up to him... the box might say he had some health left, but his body couldn't keep fighting like this.

  But it could run. Bloodwraith stumbled forward, vanishing into one of the side chambers that linked up to the others. He heard laughter behind him and realized that they must know this was a dead end. They'd be careful as they followed, the archer taking up a vantage point near the center and the others moving carefully to avoid an ambush.

  In a way, that was a resource too. Instead of setting up any kind of ambush, Bloodwraith fled to the furthest tunnel, lay back against the wall, and took stock as he tried to rest.

  [Health: 27/161

  Mana: 2/13

  Stamina: 43/126]

  He didn't have much left. The one obvious strategic decision was to drink his final health potion, which at least soothed the ache of his wounds. Though he might not be able to take many more injuries, he could keep fighting a little longer.

  Was he far enough from combat for his mana to begin regenerating again? That would make a huge difference, but unfortunately the boxes refused to tell him. Meanwhile, the three greencloaks were still making their way through the linked chambers cautiously, so he had a little more time.

  Bloodwraith pulled out all the herbs he had been gathering on his trip out. He couldn't afford to pull out equipment and make potions, even if he had all the necessary items. But he could use his skills a little. If he ground the herbs with a mortar and pestle, then mixed them with water, they formed a concoction that did some good slathered on wounds.

  As he did so quickly, his eyes were repeatedly drawn to the failed potion in his inventory. For a time he ignored it, but eventually he had covered his wounds and drank the last of the mixture. His condition was a little better, but not much.

  If he didn't drink it now, he probably wouldn't get another chance. Bloodwraith raised the potion to his lips and drank.

  His body began tingling and a box appeared almost immediately.

  [Failed potions may have a variety of negative side effects.

  Health regeneration stopped.

  Combat reflexes -20%.

  Stamina regen-]

  "Imbecilic boxes!" Bloodwraith slashed his hand through the box, flat out disbelieving what it said. His body didn't feel worse. The tingling was strange, but it wasn't a negative magical effect.

  Was he just in denial? If he was, he might as well embrace it. Bloodwraith threw his will against what the boxes declared, focusing solely on his body. The potion might not have granted him any mana or healed all his wounds, but he felt better. In fact, there was a strange energy running through his veins.

  When he looked again, he found that his health had risen slightly and his stamina had mostly recovered. What did that mean? He didn't believe that he could change reality by willpower, so had he unlocked some other potential of the potion?

  But there was no time to consider such questions, because at that moment he saw the largest greencloak appear at the end of the corridor. The man smiled unpleasantly and advanced on him.

  "Nowhere left to run, adventurer. Won't you come and fight us?"

  A ploy to lure him into range of the others, no doubt. Bloodwraith stayed where he was, not raising his sword, just leaning back against the dead end. This wasn't combat, not yet. A relaxing break before it.

  "It doesn't matter. You're only delaying the inevitable."

  The greencloak advanced on him, step by step. He was definitely right in most of the ways that mattered. Bloodwraith had nowhere else to go, and in a narrow corridor like this his greatsword was of less use than those knives. He'd consumed all the resources he had left and he was still a little shy of the goal. It made sense for the greencloak to move cautiously to find the perfect time to kill him.

  Except at that moment, Bloodwraith saw his personal box flicker and his mana number went up by one.

  He pushed himself off the wall as fast as he could, hurtling toward his opponent. The greencloak brought up his knives confidently, but was completely taken off guard when the spell of force hit him in the chest. Stumbling backward, he had no defense when Bloodwraith thrust forward and through his chest, impaling him to the wall.

  There was no time to celebrate - his charge had taken him around the corner, where the other two waited. He abandoned his sword and barely managed to throw himself back in time to avoid the next arrow.

  That wasn't enough to escape the last melee fighter, who came after him swiftly. One knife slashed out, cutting his chest, and the other went straight for his face.

  He managed to jerk to the side, making the knife hit his helm instead. It tore through and scraped along his skull, but it also became stuck in his helm. Bloodwraith ignored it, smashing his forehead into the other man's nose. When the knife fighter stumbled back, Bloodwraith struck him repeatedly with his fist until he stopped moving.

  Then he dropped to his knees, gasping for breath. Yet it wasn't over, the archer was still around the corner. And unfortunately, the archer could wait forever, receiving reinforcements while Bloodwraith bled out. He needed to do something else to get out.

  For a start, he picked up the corpse of the knife fighter. When he went around the corner, he saw the archer immediately loose, but he lifted the corpse and used it as a shield. Though the archer tried a second arrow around the corpse, Bloodwraith ducked low and kept himself behind it. He heard the archer retreat to the next corridor.

  Now that he could reach his greatsword, Bloodwraith retrieved it from the wall and put it on his back again. He dropped his current human shield and replaced it with the larger greencloak, since he'd be able to block more arrows. But that wouldn't be enough, since the archer had to know what he was planning...

  When he rounded the next corner, the archer again attempted to ambush him. Again his makeshift shield worked, but inste
ad of advancing, Bloodwraith hurled it at the archer. He saw a flash of surprise in the man's eyes before he retreated, narrowing avoiding the projectile. Bloodwraith smirked and went back for the first body.

  Gods, it was hard to lift. As much as he had been healed, he had lost a lot of blood, and the magic had stretched him thin. He didn't need to check his personal box to know that he was exhausted and had little stamina left.

  As he struggled to drag the corpse along with him, a stranger idea occurred to him. Bloodwraith stared down at the body... then took off his mangled helm.

  He switched his helm with the corpse's hat, then traded their cloaks as well. Both were green, but his had been torn to more pieces than the first. The two of them might not look very similar, but in the low light... this might be suicide, but it was his best hope.

  Bloodwraith headed around the corner backward, trying to make his body look limp and holding up the corpse as if he was using himself as a shield. He heard the twang of an arrow and braced himself...

  An arrow sprouted from the face of the corpse over his shoulder. The archer had chosen the wrong target.

  Whirling, Bloodwraith hurled the corpse behind him. This time, the archer was too shocked to dodge, knocked sprawling. Though his limbs ached, Bloodwraith charged to close the distance and hacked down. It was messy and sloppy, but it was good enough. After several blows, the archer died and he was finally alone.

  His body trembled when he moved, and as much as he tried, he couldn't stop the trembling. This was near his actual limit, but it might have been enough. Keeping one hand on the wall and trying to ignore the blood he left on it, Bloodwraith dragged himself out of the dead end, down the final corridor and toward the exit.

  Though part of him expected yet more greencloaks to stand in his way, or the crypt to be sealed, he saw the door ahead, no more obstacles in the way. When he staggered through, he found himself back in the small building that served as the entrance to the crypt.

  For a long moment he just stood there, not quite able to believe he had survived. A few small windows toward the street allowed actual sunlight to fall into the room and he reveled in it. Was it still daytime? It seemed as though it must have been much longer, but when he thought rationally he realized that it hadn't been so long.

  So, had he really survived the crypt? As if in answer, boxes began to appear in front of him.

  [Victory! You received 9278 EXP.

  Marathon Bonus x1.2

  Total EXP: 11,134

  Marathon Stat Bonus: +1 Unassigned Stat Point

  Deferred Stat Updates:

  Max Health +22

  Max Mana +4

  Max Stamina +9

  Might +1

  Vitality +2

  Quickness +1

  Intellect +2

  Willpower +1

  Wisdom +1

  Luck +1]

  [Quest Complete!

  Clear the crypt beneath Cresthaven for Daek the Knife.

  Local Reputation +250

  Guild Points: +100

  Reward: (acquire from Daek the Knife)

  Core Quest Completed: +2 Unassigned Stat Points

  EXP +1000]

  [Congratulations! You gained a level!

  Current Level: 8

  Current EXP: 9971/12,800

  Unassigned Stat Points: 16]

  Bloodwraith took a deep, shuddering breath and smiled. For once, he didn't mind the bombastic boxes and cheerful music in the slightest. So he had actually made it.

  His body still hurt, yet he could move it more easily now that the tension had dissipated. As he limped toward the door, he wrapped his cloak around himself better to hide all his wounds. What he should do was get to another street as soon as possible, then switch from the cloak and armor to the peasant clothing he still carried. Then he could get back to the Guild and plan how to deal with Daek from there.

  He opened the door, stepped out into the sunlight, and realized that there was a group of greencloaks waiting for him on the street.

  Chapter 14

  More than despair, Bloodwraith felt anger. It wasn't fair that he could have accomplished so much only to fail here. How could he have predicted that Daek the Knife would be willing to kill him in the street in broad daylight?

  And though it was irrational, it irritated him that all those points were sitting unused because the boxes had never allowed it. That was a huge amount of raw power he would never be able to use. Not to mention the power he had gained while fighting, which did his exhausted and nearly dead body no good at all. All of it was just too unfair.

  "How the hell did you make it here?" The quiet voice was Daek, who slipped from behind the others. "I suppose it's obvious you paid the price for it. But how?"

  Bloodwraith just stared at him.

  "Well, it doesn't matter. Because we're not going to kill you - no, we're going to heal you, then torture you until-"

  "Not so fast, villain!"

  The loud shout took them both off guard. Their heads swiveled to the side, Daek sharply and Bloodwraith wearily. For a moment he wasn't sure if he could possibly be seeing correctly or if the exhaustion had driven him to hallucinate.

  But no, it was reality. Danniah was ramming the greencloaks out of the way with her shield, making way for the others. Rhil'lahan was the one shouting, pointing a finger toward Daek. More importantly, Herena and Khassfhit led a group of more people, both adventurers and civilians, along behind them. Witnesses.

  What had happened to them, he couldn't know, and it didn't make sense that they would be helping him after he had betrayed them. But there was no time for that now. Rhil'lahan was challenging Daek directly, and that was entirely the wrong choice to make.

  Though Rhil'lahan wasn't stupid enough to attack, instead moving to break the greencloak circle and draw Bloodwraith to them, the elf was still confronting Daek. Bloodwraith could see the master of the underworld's eyes growing harder and colder. He might not usually work as overtly as this, but if pressed, he was probably willing to use his control over the Cresthaven Guard, bribe the Governor, and eliminate anyone in his way.

  "What are you talking about, adventurer?" Daek didn't put his hands on his knives - he didn't need to. But Rhil'lahan didn't see the threat, still thrusting a finger at him.

  "You know full well what we're talking about!"

  To reverse the direction of things, Bloodwraith knelt down next to Danniah when she got close. It was easy to do, since his body was eager to crumple to the ground. But he forced himself to stay upright and instead whispered to her. "Danniah. You need to act fast."

  "I know! Daek the Knife betrayed us all!"

  "We can't challenge him directly, we have to use his public honor against him." He saw her uncomprehending look and realized that it was useless to try to explain it. Instead he merely bent closer and whispered in her ear. "Look, just say this..."

  Just when it looked like Rhil'lahan would say something that couldn't be taken back, Danniah nodded in understanding. She marched up to Daek and beamed at him.

  "We finished clearing the crypt, just like you asked!"

  Daek and Rhil'lahan both stared at her. The elf glowered and spoke in a terse voice. "You idiot, what are y-"

  "We know you could have taken care of it yourself, but the Adventurer's Guild is happy to work for you if we can help!" Danniah spoke the words so earnestly that it almost seemed like she believed them. Hell, maybe on some level she did. But the important thing was that everyone watching heard as well.

  Now Daek had a choice to make. He could reveal that he had not only set up the entire crypt as a death trap, but that his trap had failed miserably... or he could accept the respectable way out being offered to him. Declaring the request complete like this would make it difficult for them to bring any charges against him, but it would be worth surviving the day.

  Judging from how long Daek paused before answering, it wasn't an easy decision. When he finally moved, his smile was like ice and his movements fille
d with malice, even if all he did was reach into his coat and pull out a small bag.

  "Thank you for your work, adventurers. I believe I said the reward would be one gold piece each." His voice was filled with raw hatred barely masked by civility. In silence he pulled five pieces of gold from the bag, then dropped them onto the cobblestones. Only when they stopped ringing did he speak again. "Perhaps I will have need of your services again. Stay well."

  With that, he made a gesture that ordered his greencloaks to follow him and departed down the street. As he turned away his gaze swept across them, lingering on Bloodwraith. There was no question that all of them were marked for death, but not that day.

  That left Bloodwraith in the middle of a group of adventurers that he had betrayed. Rhil'lahan looked angry at his meddling, but Khassfhit nodded in understanding and the others seemed glad to see him. He wanted to ask what they were thinking, but that would ruin whatever had turned his luck this way, so he just stared at him in silence.

  "You had to fight your way out, did you?" Herena stepped closer to him and began casting healing spells, shaking her head. "Looks like you took the worst of it. I guess I should thank you."

  "Things definitely didn't go as we'd planned." A response that meant absolutely nothing, delaying any interaction for a while longer. Fortunately, at that point Danniah turned to him and started chattering.

  "You're amazing, Raigar! I didn't notice the ambush at all, but you knew right away! It was brave of you to take on the entire ambush yourself - I'm so glad we were able to come back in time to rescue you!"

  "Stupid," Khassfhit said, "but brave. Why didn't you explain it to us, though?"

  It was difficult to keep his face neutral as understanding flooded through him, so Bloodwraith gave a barbarian-like grunt and shrugged. "Wasn't thinking, just acting on instinct. I saw the treasure and knew that it was fake, and I figured out all the rest later." He pulled some of the false gold from his sack and showed it to them - he'd taken it for its small amount of value, but this would be much more useful. No need to tell them about the cursed artifacts.


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