Finding Kimber (Canyon Junction; Hearts In Love Book 2)

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Finding Kimber (Canyon Junction; Hearts In Love Book 2) Page 20

by Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

  By saying this, it’d be like admitting danger, but he needed to know. “He said you’d protect me if I needed it.”

  “That’s true.” He laid his hand against her cheek. “To the best of my knowledge I wasn’t hired to protect you.”

  Kimber smiled. “Thanks for your honesty.”

  Zach leaned on his hip and crossed his leg over hers. “It’s my nature to look after a woman anyway. Do you see that as a bad trait?”

  She wrapped her hand around the back of his warm neck. “Not at all. You must know. The time might come where you’d have to, if you stick around.”

  “I’m sticking around.”

  They embraced and remained that way with nothing but music to fill the silence. A big step had been taken tonight, and a couple big chunks of her wall lay at her feet. “I’m glad you were the one hired to work here. I care deeply for you.”

  Zach held her without saying anything for a few moments. “I’m glad I planned our future in the doctor’s office. Step one is out of the way.”

  “I can’t wait for step two.” She held him tighter, inhaling the cologne on his shirt. Mmm.

  A half hour later, she woke to a nudge. “Kimber,” he whispered.

  She sat up. “Wow, I fell asleep. I’m so sorry.”

  “Me too.” He removed his arm from around her and rubbed it. “I better go.”

  “I know I’ll sleep good tonight. My dreams will be pleasant.” Would it be a mistake to ask him to stay?

  “I hope so.” Zach stood and brought her up. He observed her face. “Can I see the blue eyes again?”

  She wrapped her arm around his on the way to the door. “Someday.”

  He gave a breathtaking smile. “See you tomorrow, darlin’.” She reluctantly let him go. Closing the door, she leaned against it and released a long, satisfying sigh. Good night, darlin’.


  Before going to the barn, she readied herself, first plugging in the hair straightener. She reflected on talking about the waiting room in Boise. Why had she admitted it to him? Kimber sighed. It was a beginning. Glancing in the mirror again, she couldn’t do the straight hair look today.

  The casual wave to her hair was supposed to be left at home, and not to be worn out of the house. It was too much like Tressa, as Melinda would say. She put on socks and new boots to wear to the barn. Why wear socks when Zach would knock them off anyway with the first smile? This morning, she woke with happiness in her heart.

  An email notice chimed before she got to the door. Melinda spoke of how much she missed her. Kimber sent an email, surprised to hear from her and asked if it was okay to communicate. On the way to the barn, Melinda’s reply came in. “Yes, indeed we can communicate now.” They changed the rules in the middle of the game? She wasn’t falling for it.

  She wouldn’t reply with an invitation to visit. Zach’s truck wasn’t outside, but maybe his brother had it today. She glanced at her phone for the time.

  In the barn, he popped out of the tack room, startling her. She caught her breath and placed her hand against her mouth. “You’re here. Good morning.”

  Zach swept her up into his arms. “Is this okay?”

  Kimber nestled closer. “Certainly. I’ll have to attach bells to your belt buckle.”

  “Nah, expect me to be here, and you won’t be surprised.” He held her tighter. “Hey, it’s amazing to be able to do this now. Good morning.”

  “I forgot to tell you I decided against a job in the interim. I’d rather continue to help around here.”

  “Help around here with what? There is barely work for me to do now that the air conditioner is fixed and the barn is coming together.”

  Kimber smiled. “I have some inside jobs. The shower needs new faucets.”

  “Yeah? Would you be in the shower with me?” His face lit up with a boyish grin.

  I would’ve been this morning if you’d stayed. Kimber widened her eyes, excited to see him in a different light. “Ah, i-i-if you need me to hand you tools…or, to wash your back.”

  “Anytime.” After a moment’s sexy stare-down, he let her go. “Sure, I’ll take care of fixing it and any other jobs you have in the house.”

  “You teased me.” She made her way to Honey’s stall. “Help paint the bathroom?”

  “Yep. I’m still planning on situating this barn to fit a few more horses in here. Once you have money rolling in, you’re sure to snag a few more. Which reminds me, I want to take you for a ride one of these days to where wild horses roam. I thought you’d like to see them. I guess they’ve lived there for centuries.”

  Sweet! “I’d love to. When can we go? Do you mean on horseback?”

  “My truck. There’s another part of fencing needing fixed that I missed on our ride. I’ll head out there this morning to replace the tattered section.”

  “Watch for snakes.” Kimber smoothed her hand over the horse’s neck. Her eyelashes fluttered beyond her control, and she gave him a flirty smile. This thing between them put a big sparkle in her attitude. Her pulse and heartbeat worked in a calm chaos of sensuality.

  Zach chuckled then came up to her again. He placed his hand against her face and lowered his head. His kiss wasn’t long but tender. “Another thing… Due to scorpions, shake out your shoes or boots before putting them on. They all warned me about it when I moved here.”

  She’s just now hearing this? “I’ll have the house sprayed.” She shuddered to think of pulling on a blouse with a scorpion in the sleeve. “It gives me chills.”

  Zach grinned. “Remember, I’m here to chase those chills away.”

  “You’re sweet. Thank you.” Close to him like this reminded her how pent up her feelings were. She took a step away to catch her breath.

  He yanked her back. “Where you going? I’m already getting used to this. Don’t take it away from me now.”

  “I won’t.” She stood on her tiptoes to kiss him, but he met her halfway. Zach clasped her hands and backed her against the wall. His eyes closed, and he had the most passionate look of desire on his face. Heat caressed her body from the inside out. He pressed his body against hers while kissing her with more hunger than tenderness—the kind of love-kisses, poets wrote about. She moaned as he drew her closer, kissed her longer. Harder.

  She sailed away on the need as the glowing sparks within his body seeped into hers. Zach kissed her deeply. His tongue darted between her lips. His hands skimmed down her back, and he cupped her behind, hauling her up even closer on his body. Their kiss intensified. Sighs added to the moment. She wanted this man in her bed.


  They parted, both breathing as hard as a steam locomotive traveling uphill. Zach released her. She innocently peered into his eyes and smiled, then licked her lips.

  Zach straightened the front of his shirt. “Wade, I didn’t hear your truck, man.”

  Kimber nodded to Wade—unable to make eye contact with him, and she moseyed into Honey’s stall to avoid speaking. From the side of the horse, she observed the two of them standing almost in a face-off. To get it over with, she rushed up to Zach and slipped her arm around his waist.

  Wade’s gaze flicked to hers then Zach’s with recognition. “Jake mentioned you needed another load of sawdust. It’s in my truck.” He left in a hurry.

  Zach drew her closer. “That’s that, I guess. I don’t know why he’s so shocked, he suspected it anyway.”

  “He knew?”

  “It’s best he’s set straight now, otherwise he could be the one kissing you in your barn.”

  She slipped from beneath his arm. “No, he wouldn’t. Don’t say that. I’m not attracted to him.”

  “He wouldn’t give up if he thought he had a chance. His words.”

  “I don’t care, Zach.” She lowered her voice. “He never had a chance. Are you jealous?”

  He rolled his eyes. “No. I’ll go give him a hand.”

  “Watch out for hay hooks.”

  Zach laughed. “Good one. Thanks for
the warning. Guess I better not let him deliver the hay.”

  “I’ll bust his ass if he does.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t need a protector, babe.” Zach glanced out the door, but he didn’t leave. He came back to stand in front of her, clasping her hands between them. “But I do need to see you with a smile on your face.”

  She couldn’t help but give it to him. Her gaze followed him outside. Who was this new man Zach had turned into? A chill caused a shudder, for she liked who he was now. She loved who she had become with him. Poor Wade.


  A week later, Zach returned home from the Adobe Sunset Ranch after taking care of a few chores. All he had was one hurried kiss from Kimber before she flew out of the driveway to Phoenix. Spending time on her couch this morning, or her bed, is what he’d thought about on his way over. Her kisses and warm body zapped alive every nerve in his body. He couldn’t explain to himself why he stopped them, other than he didn’t want to hurt her if this didn’t turn out between them. However, stopping them wouldn’t happen the next time.

  Tyler disconnected a call. “I had a message from the dog’s owner. He wants his dog back. Let’s go check out his place?”

  Zach saw no need to go back to the ranch today. Kimber wouldn’t mind taking care of the evening chores. While out, he’d pick up the faucets she’d showed him online. “It’s a long-ass ride, Ty. How close is the place to Boulder City?”

  “Closer to here. Come on, let’s have some bro time. You want a hit off this?”

  “Not with breakfast. Put that damn thing out. Sure, let’s take a ride.” Zach got out the skillet to cook bacon and eggs. It was time to have a talk with the punk. “You’re not going to like advice coming from me, but I don’t care. Instead of dropping your pants for every chick you meet, how about talking to Jake about your career. I hear he was good at saddle bronc riding. Spend your money on something besides women and pot.”

  “Come on, Zach, I’m not sixteen, I’m thirty. Don’t be an asshole. I already talked to him. I’m going to a rodeo with him and his kid. You should go along.” Tyler narrowed his eyes. “And, smartass, I’m not screwing these women. I’m looking for Mrs. Right, not a one-night stand. This is the first joint I’ve had in months.”

  Well, wonders never cease. “Glad to hear it.”

  Tyler put bread into the toaster. “Why are you worried about me dropping my pants as long as I’m not doing it in your bed?”

  “I don’t know.” Diseases? Pregnancy?

  “I can tell you right now, it’ll be hard to keep up a cattle ranch if I go out on the circuit again. You’re here in Arizona, and we can’t depend on the foreman and other cowboys to run it on a regular basis.” Tyler sighed. “Besides, I’ve lost the drive for bronc riding.”

  “You have?” Zach set down plates and leaned forward with his hands pressed against the table edge. “It was your damn idea to buy the ranch with me. It’ll be a good second income. Who knows, I might end up there sooner than later. We’ll buy the land and make do.”

  “I didn’t know you intended on moving back to Idaho.” Tyler buttered the toast and sliced a tomato, but peered at Zach, waiting for an answer.

  Zach didn’t know when he’d move back. With the ranch remaining in their family, how could he let the cowpunchers tend to it without he and Tyler being there?

  Tyler removed the t-shirt he’d slept in. “You feeling lost again, Zach? Not sleeping?”

  No, he wasn’t sleeping. Zach’s throat tightened because, yeah, he felt lost again. The ride today might help him to shake it. Why had he started up something with Kimber when he wasn’t sure of the next step… Stop the negative shit. “I don’t know what the future holds. Where is home?”

  Tyler ran a brush over his hair and laughed like a giddy clown. “It looks like you have it good right now.”

  “There’s no work for me to do at the Adobe Sunset Ranch. I don’t know why I’m there, or how long it’ll last. I get paid for looking busy.”

  “That woman is not firing you. She’s in lov-v-v-e-e with you.” Tyler took a t-shirt out of his bottom drawer in Zach’s dresser and pulled it on. “How’d you get the job anyway?”

  Zach scooped out scrambled eggs and bacon onto his and Tyler’s plates, brought the coffee pot over to set on the table, and got jam from the fridge. He and Tyler sat down.

  Zach spread grape jam on his toast. “At first, I thought Kimber negotiated the terms for hiring me. Dane Carlson and Randy recommended me before I went back to Idaho, unbeknownst to me. I passed whatever test they had and got the job.”

  Zach took a bite of his eggs then refilled his coffee cup. He set his mug down and pictured her in his arms. “I’m crazy about her though. I…I’m in love.”

  “Hah, you finally admit it? You’re both goners.” Tyler laughed again.


  “Good luck, brah. Better tell her everything though if you want it to go anywhere.”

  “News alert, punk, I did.” No, he didn’t. The subject kept getting pushed back. Zach peered at his brother. “One “brah” on the road today, and I’m kicking your ass out of my truck.” He stood. “I’ll call Kimber to tell her about the dog situation.” Kimber had a past he knew nothing about, but he was aware of losses she wouldn’t mention, which laid heavy in her heart. She and the dog had bonded. He couldn’t take Stormy away from her now. “Don’t give Stormy back, Tyler.”

  “No way. All I want to do is check out the place. If he’s neglecting other dogs like he did this one, I’m calling the cops.”

  Zach checked the time. “Let’s hit the road in twenty minutes?”

  Tyler cleared the table. “I’m on it. By the way. If you two are part owners, you’ll have to take on some of the ranching responsibility and physically be there on occasion.”

  “Gotcha. I’ll reiterate that to Kimber before, and if, she signs. We’ll schedule a flight back home to sign the papers before Dad changes his mind and spends my money on floral shirts for Florida.”

  Tyler nudged Zach’s arm. “Don’t let this one get away.”

  Zach could’ve asked him if he meant the ranch or Kimber, but without a doubt, Tyler had intended it to be Kimber. “I’m taking one day at a time.”

  Tyler set his hand on Zach’s back. “Yeah? And how’s that worked for you in the past?”

  Not so good. “Don’t worry about it, Tyler. This one’s different.”

  “I knew that when I saw you together, but you’re not any different. Don’t blow it. You gotta tell her about your past so she gets it. I know the day is getting closer, Zach. It hurts me to think you almost died that day.”

  It wasn’t his intention to blow it, but it had never been his intention before, either. Talk about his past again? Getting shot up and showing all his shrapnel wounds, scars? Losing his buddies in a firefight and IED explosion? Nah, that was his business. Talking wasn’t going to change the fact that it happened.

  If she couldn’t accept him— His words came back to slap his face. He needed to accept her, secrets and all, before he could expect her to accept him. Still, he knew the day approached when he’d have to talk to her. “The other day Randy picked up some paperwork for me from the VA. I plan on reading it. Seriously this time, Ty.”


  Driving through town this morning on her way to Phoenix, Kimber honked at Jewel and Bill entering the Sunset Grille. They waved back, both wearing their friendly smiles.

  Her phone rang. “Hi, sexy.” She answered while stopped at a traffic light. “Is anything wrong at the ranch?”

  Zach hesitated. “No, nothing’s wrong at the ranch. Ah…”

  Something was wrong. “What is it?”

  “Tyler got a call from the dog’s owner.”

  “No! I’ve fallen in love with her.”

  “Tyler never returned his call. He wants to find out where the guy lives and check it out himself. Hell, he has nothing else to do. I’m going with him.”

  “Okay. But, Z

  “You’re capable of handling the ranch, sweetheart.” His voice held a softness, reminding her of his sensuality.

  “Please tell Tyler I won’t give her up.”

  After a long hesitation, he replied, “Don’t worry. Stormy will remain with you.”

  She smiled, grateful to both of them for giving her the dog. “Thank you and hug Tyler. I’ll see you later this evening if you’re coming over.”

  “It’ll be late, so you shouldn’t count on it. I wanted to make sure we were all on the same page about Stormy.”

  “We are. Have a good time with your brother.”

  “You take care, and call me if you need anything…or for no reason.”

  “I will.” She hung up with a sadness in her soul to think of losing Stormy, but a big part of her heart became filled with joy at Zach’s kindness. If she had to lose one more thing, she’d… Well, she didn’t know what. Kick and scream didn’t seem like the right thing to do, but she might anyway. Something was amiss, and though friendly, she’d detected a loneliness in Zach’s tone. She had wanted to see him tonight—to explore…them.

  Chapter 16

  Zach’s last text came in late Saturday night. He hadn’t been around since she kissed him farewell early that morning, nor had he replied to her text Sunday afternoon. She didn’t pursue it, but couldn’t get her mind off him. Monday morning, Kimber took care of the horses, then came inside to hang decorative pictures she’d purchased on a weekend shopping trip. Again, she had no word from Zach. She left a phone message and a couple texts, one asking if he still worked here.

  He eventually replied: Don’t fire me. I have stuff to take care of. Can you manage?

  She replied: Of course. Are you and Tyler all right?

  He’d sent a dog emoji: We’re both good.

  Now what was that all about? The man’s man lived up to the name. He gave no inkling when he planned on coming to work, or seeing her. What had happened? She let Stormy out and back in before driving into Phoenix to pick up an item she’d ordered for the kitchen. The day got away from her. Before she knew it, darkness followed her the rest of the way home.


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