Finding Kimber (Canyon Junction; Hearts In Love Book 2)

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Finding Kimber (Canyon Junction; Hearts In Love Book 2) Page 23

by Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

  “Hey, Red.” He answered with a smile in his voice.

  “I asked you not to come to work today, Zach.”

  “Yeah, and Melinda insisted I come over. What was I supposed to do? You didn’t want her there alone anyway. Why you so upset?”

  “I didn’t tell her about us. It’s none of her business.”

  “Calm down. Neither did I.”

  She blew out a breath. “It wasn’t her business to ask you to do anything for her. She isn’t a friend to me, but an acquaintance.”

  “It’s all good. I left before the guys came to put up the cameras. I’m glad you got hooked up. Don’t blame me for trying to be a nice guy.” He hung up.

  Kimber gathered her purse, stopped to examine the security cameras, and rolled her eyes. This never was part of the plan. According to their plan, she’d move to Arizona and never have to worry about anything other than counting cacti. She set down her purse and texted Zach: I’m sorry but this woman rattles me.

  His reply said it all: And that’s why I came over.

  She shot back: Thank you for being so sweet.

  He replied: See, all the sugar in my coffee is working.

  Kimber chuckled, replying, For sure. See you soon.

  She picked up her purse and went inside, but Melinda hauled her back outside and briefly went over the camera deal. “You’ll be protected.”

  “If I have to have cameras outside, I guess I’ll deal with it for now. I won’t always want them.” She tapped her thumb against her thigh. “I have to tell Zach he’s on display now.” She didn’t want Melinda to know she talked to him.

  Melinda said in an irritable tone, “And they’re monitored so you’re supposed to feel safe now.”

  Hmm. “And what happens if someone is spotted around the house? Where are the monitors for me to see what is going on?”

  “Chances are security will know it before you do. They do all the monitoring.”

  “Chances are? Nothing is definite anymore?” She asked rhetorically. Kimber headed inside. “If they get in my house—”

  “That’s why you have a pistol. Go out in the back there and pull the trigger for practice a few times. Look, it’s a damn desert—”

  She stomped before going in. “A desert where people ride horses. Let’s go inside,” Kimber said dryly.


  Midafternoon, Kimber returned home from a short trip into town while Melinda took a nap due to a headache. She still slept when she returned, so Kimber made some coffee.

  Glancing to the coffee cup on the snack bar and Melinda’s phone beside it, she took a pencil and copied down the numbers called in the wee hours. An additional number was Jerry’s, so she had called him late, too? Kimber stuck the note in her pants pocket and put the pencil back. Maybe because she’d watched too many crime shows in the past, she wiped the phone with a napkin and tilted it to the position it was in before she picked it up. She rushed to the dining room table to glance through the news on her phone.

  Twenty minutes later, Melinda came from the bedroom, turning her back for Kimber to hook a necklace. “Your new bed is comfortable.”

  Kimber hooked it. “So is mine. I finally found my perfect sleep number.” Melinda’s eyes were puffy as if she’d been crying. It was one more thing Kimber would never understand about her.

  “It sure has been a pretty day,” commented Melinda. She stuck her phone in her Capri pants pocket.

  “Like most days here if you like this heat. It’s grown on me.” Kimber eyed Melinda checking her phone. She dared herself to ask, “What time will you be leaving?”

  “I’m ready to go now. I have my stuff together, and I need to grab my suitcase. Probably should get started.”

  “Drive safely.” Curiosity about the cameras made her nervous because she couldn’t wait to investigate them.

  Melinda returned to the doorway with her suitcase. She sniffled as if holding back from crying. “I’m off but will be back tomorrow or the next day.”

  “Are you okay? Is anything wrong?” Kimber asked.

  Melinda blew her nose and hesitated before answering. “I’m fine.”

  No, she isn’t. She gave Melinda a casual hug so as not to draw any question to herself. They walked to the car together, Kimber’s nerves on edge. She looked around the yard again and indeed the cameras were strategically placed.

  “You’ll feel safer as time goes on. I’m here to take care of you.”

  “Have a good ride home.” She meant it.

  Melinda got in the car and motioned Kimber over closer. “Let’s keep this visit between us for now. I wouldn’t want to upset Jerry while he’s away, or anyone else.”

  “You don’t have to come back. I feel safer already.” Kimber moved away as Melinda backed up. “Remember, stay home. I’m fine. I insist, Melinda.”

  She put her fingers to her lips. “Be safe, Kimber.” Melinda smiled and rolled the window up.

  This was bull-crap. She’d call Jerry anyway. Kimber waited until she was out of sight. She folded her arms and bent one to tap a finger against her chin while peering at the cameras. She took another gander and moved closer until she stood beneath one of them. No wires showed. Well, maybe they wouldn’t.

  Kimber strode into the guest bathroom and found a gift box filled with scented soaps from a little souvenir store in town. Melinda had left a card leaning against the mirror on the vanity. It had a pretty picture of spring wildflowers at the base of the Superstition Mountains, and the inside was blank except for what Melinda had written. She read, “I left you a little decoration for your bathroom. Get your gorgeous ranch guy to take you for a ride into the beautiful mountains. He’s not married.”

  Zach’s truck rumbled up the driveway. Oh boy. What else had Melinda talked to Zach about?

  Kimber brushed her teeth and gathered her purse and keys to leave for a scheduled medical test. She set the alarm. Dropping her purse into the car, she went to meet Zach at the barn. “I’m so sorry for whatever happened with Melinda. How awful was it?”

  “Hey, Kimber.” She laughed when he unexpectedly lifted her and swung around in a circle before setting her on her feet again.

  She kissed him. “Oooh, I’m happy you’re here.”

  “It wasn’t bad. She had a lot of questions about you. And she wanted to know if I was married. How do you know that woman?”

  “It’s a long story.” Kimber wrapped her arm around his and checked the time. “Can you do me a favor?”

  He smiled. “Of course. What do you need?” He hauled her into his arms again. “Don’t take off yet, darlin’. I’d say we’re a few kisses behind.”

  She’d needed to fall into his arms, and she was happy to be there. “Mmm…” She moaned and raised her face to meet his kiss. Their bodies pressed tight against each other like that’s where they belonged. When their hungry lips parted, she smiled. “Wow, I missed you.”

  “I know what you mean. Don’t let me get moody again.”

  “I’ll try, sweetheart. Come with me.” She squeezed his hand, and they left together.

  “How you really doing?” Zach stopped and put his arms around her. “I didn’t mean to stay away as long as I did.” He tipped her chin and gave her another kiss. “Where we going?”

  She placed her hand on the side of his face and kissed him again, unable to get enough. “This feels nice.”

  Zach widened his eyes and grinned.

  “Melinda had these security cameras installed. Don’t laugh at me, but I don’t see any wires anywhere. There are no monitors in the house, or an app to monitor them. She said they were being monitored.”

  Zach strode around the house checking each one. He stood with his hands on his waist, contemplating. Frowning. “Weird. I’ll get the ladder to check them out. Doesn’t make sense to have security cameras that don’t work unless they’re up to scare someone off.”

  Would the sight of them scare anyone off? She groaned again. “Remember when the car parked out on the ro

  He peered at her. “Yeah, I remember. You were shaken the other night.”

  “Before going home, I had called Jerry, and Melinda was there, which she shouldn’t have been. She’d decided I needed cameras, yet told me to keep it to ourselves. Something is going on, but I can’t worry about it now. I have an appointment. The alarm is set in the house.”

  Zach picked at a fingernail then peered at her. “I don’t like anything about this. Can you cancel? If I go messing with those security cameras, the alarm will go off, and I’d like to check the power box.”

  She peered at the time again. “I don’t think I can. I have to have a test done. Oh, would you mind keeping an eye on Stormy?”

  “I will. But, the doctor yesterday. Test today. What’s wrong?”

  “It’s a routine test. My mom had breast cancer, so I get screened annually.”

  “All right.” Zach raised his hands. “What do you want me to do?”

  “I’ll turn off the alarm.” She rushed into the house, turned it off, and got in her car. She peered up at Zach who had a concerned look in his eyes. “I’m sorry to rush off. Thank you for—”

  “No problem. If you’re in trouble, why not tell me? It looks like you need someone on your side.”

  Kimber wanted to tell him the whole ordeal. “I’ll see you later. Thanks again. I won’t be long.” She kissed the tip of three fingers and blew him a kiss.

  “I’ll let you know what I find out about the cameras. Who installed them? I’ll ask Jake if he knows the company.”

  “He won’t know them.” She backed up. Her heart pounded and she felt guilty about not telling him. Now, when she began to feel like she belonged, this happened, reminding her that she may never feel safe again.

  After her mammogram, and while in town, she checked the time, then took a detour on the way home and went into the little souvenir shop. Inside, an elderly woman looked up with a smile. “Hello, may I help you?”

  “Hi there.” Kimber browsed the store then pulled out the scented soaps that Melinda left her. “Yesterday a woman came in and purchased these for me. Do you remember her?”

  “No, ma’am, those are not from the store here, they’re from the Coffee Shoppe. Todd purchases from us then sells them on his gift table with cards, and we get a small commission back.” She turned the package over. “See, the Coffee Shoppe tagged it.”

  “I’m sorry to bother you.” Kimber turned to go.

  “Come again.”

  Kimber smiled. “I certainly will.” Leaving there, she sat in her car in the rear parking lot near the Sunset Grille to make a phone call. She pushed her hand into her pocket and touched the folded paper in which she wrote the phone numbers. Taking a deep breath, she blocked her number first. The phone rang three times before someone answered.

  “Honor-Health Osborne Medical Center.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I have the wrong number.” She disconnected. Why would Melinda call the hospital in the middle of the night? Who was there? A sick relative? There was a lot she didn’t know about Melinda.

  She called the second number with the same area code. When voice mail came on, the man gave the name of some whatever Security Company. The thick accent made it hard to understand. She replayed it. Security Company came through quite clearly. Of course, the security company would be putting in the cameras, but why had Melinda called them so late?

  Putting it behind her for now, she went to the Coffee Shoppe for a carryout. While sitting at the counter waiting, she asked Todd if he remembered selling the scented soaps to a stranger the last couple days. He remembered her well, saying she was a fine-looking lady and her partner was a friendly guy. “Her partner?”

  He nodded toward one of the booths. “Yeah, they sat there and had Lattes. They were quite friendly with each other, I might add.”

  She gasped. “What?”

  “The lady purchased the soaps on her way out, saying they were for her daughter.” He rested his elbows on the counter. “Are you her daughter?”

  “No. Are you sure it was her?” She described everything about Melinda even down to the garish ring on her right hand. Kimber set her cup down on his counter and tapped the side.

  “I remember her. She should have said they were for you. I would’ve given her a discount.”

  “Thanks.” Kimber put a tip down on the counter as he went off to wait on more customers. Who could’ve been with her? The same guy who put up the cameras?

  The door buzzed, bringing her out of her muse. Okay, it was true. The man had radar on her.

  He held up his hands. “Honest, I didn’t know you were here. You don’t look so good. While we’re both here, I have to tell you something.”

  “I’m not so good right now.” The thought of Melinda with that man consumed her.

  Zach sat on the stool beside her. “Can I help?”

  She shook her head. “What did you want to tell me?”

  He leaned in. “Your video cameras? They must be there to scare someone off, but they certainly aren’t recording anything. They aren’t connected as you suspected. They’re screwed up there to look like they work. I took the bastards down.”

  Kimber steepled her hands over her mouth. “Are you serious? No, of course you are.”

  He put in his order when Todd came over.

  Staring into his eyes like this moved her, and again, she wanted to be truthful with him.

  He took her hand and lowered his voice. “What the hell’s going on?”


  “You asked for my help, dammit. I did it without any questions because I care about you. Whatever this is sounds serious. That woman is betraying you, Kimber.”

  “You’re right.”

  “Have you called the sheriff?”

  She played the last scene with Melinda over in her mind. “Nothing has happened that warrants calling him. Melinda says she’ll be back in a day or two. She’ll notice the cameras down. And I don’t care, but when I insisted she didn’t come, she knew I meant business.”

  “Do you want me to put them back up?” He got out his wallet.

  “No. If she comes anyway, I want her to know. I tried calling Jerry, but he didn’t answer.”

  Zach clenched her right arm tight. “I don’t know about this.”

  She laid her hand over his on her arm. “I’m heading home. We can talk more there. Bring those maple donuts, buddy.” He stood and she squeezed him close, inhaling his masculine scent, which made her want to stay in his arms. “It’s always nice when you pop in unexpectedly. I’m getting used to it, cowboy. Before long I’ll be expecting it.” She lowered her eyes then raised them to his. “Then what will you do?”

  “I’ll be pleased to see you as always. Catch you at the ranch.” He paid for the donuts then tromped out.

  This was driving her crazy and him too. She couldn’t let this go on much longer without telling him about her ordeal. One day, soon, she would. Kimber said so long to Todd and walked around the block to where she parked her car. Over a ways in the parking lot, she spotted Zach leaning against his truck eating a donut. She joined him.

  “Hey. I’ve been thinking about some things.” He had a fierce look in his eyes and walked with her to her car. He opened her door when she clicked the fob. “I’m following you home. I’d like to know you’re safe, especially after you turned off the alarm before leaving.”

  She lifted her gaze to his sexy-dark, melancholy eyes. “Okay. I hope you can understand. I’m not playing games. I’m trying to survive. I will tell you everything, one day. I will.”

  “Got it.”


  At home, and inside, he grasped her arm, preventing her from walking away. “Look, whatever is going on, I’d like to know, but I’ll respect your command not to ask questions. You hide nothing from me about your concern for this situation.”

  She closed her eyes, stepped closer, and laid her forehead against his chest.

  His arms encased her, and the h
eat from his body soothed her tormented soul. Her gut told her this whole thing was about to go south. Her struggle to adjust since Tressa died, moving here, and falling for Zach, could all come to an end. He continued to hold her without saying anything. “I need you.”

  “Mmm, glad to hear that. Listen, I’m not trying to be nosy, but I’m looking around before I leave.”

  Kimber turned in a slow circle, taking in the layout of the house and trying to see if everything looked okay. “Stormy? Where are you, girl?”

  Stormy came out from her bedroom wagging her tail. “Oh, thank God.” She knelt to hug her. “You scared me, little girl.”

  “Yeah, I can tell. I put her inside when I left. I guess she was mad that I didn’t take her.” He took her hand and they went into the guest bathroom where she put the soaps back in the box and closed the bathroom door. Together they continued down the hallway to the spare bedroom. They looked around, checking windows to see if everything was in place.

  He moved closer and put his hands on her shoulders. “You going to be all right?”

  Kimber nodded.

  “Okay.” He opened the door but stepped back in, closing it again. “Have dinner with me. You need me close, and dammit, woman, I need you.” Zach peered at the floor, shook his head. “Yeah, I said it.”

  She observed his handsome features under the stress that she brought on. It would be nice to be loved by him, and to sleep with him. “Zach…”

  “Don’t say anything.” He lifted her off her feet. Their lips met.

  She couldn’t let him go. Her heart needed him. Every part of her needed him. “I’m sorry. I’m going crazy.”

  “I love crazy when you wear it.” Zach’s mouth came down hard on hers, tempting with his kiss. When it ended, he stared into her eyes with desire.

  He carried her into the bedroom, lowered them to the bed, kissing her senseless. She gave into him with desire heating her soul. She didn’t stop him when he unbuttoned the second and third button on her blouse. Nor did she stop him when he pulled it apart, kissing her chest and through her bra. In fact, she rushed him. He tore the bra away and suckled her nipple, licking, and kissing like a starved man. Heat spread through her body like wildfire. “Zach…”


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