Finding Kimber (Canyon Junction; Hearts In Love Book 2)

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Finding Kimber (Canyon Junction; Hearts In Love Book 2) Page 32

by Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

  “Is it wild mustangs like we saw in Arizona?”

  “We could see them if they’re around, but that isn’t part of my plan this evening.”

  “Ah, you have a plan, huh.” She held her hand out and Zach took it. They nudged the horses forward. “It’s peaceful tonight. Do you have your phone so we can take pictures?”

  “Oh, yeah. How’s my little boy holding up?”

  “Mmm, doing fine, but we don’t know the sex yet. However, soon we’ll know if he’s a cowpuncher if he starts digging those heels into my belly from the inside out.”

  “Hey, a girl can be a cowpuncher.” Zach chuckled. “Yeah, but it’s even cooler that you might’ve gotten pregnant on our third or fourth time. I’ll have to be careful of those oops moments in the future. If clear enough, the stars will guide us back part way. I thought of building a place down here one day.”

  “I can’t wait to see the area. This is so much different than Arizona. We have the best of both worlds with two places, though I won’t keep the Adobe Sunset after the lease is up unless Frank lets me out of it early.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Jerry could talk him into it. Pick up the pace there, little Mama. Show my boy what it’s like to ride.”

  Kimber chuckled and tapped Honey’s sides. During their ride, golden rays peeked through the clouds. “It’s so open here. I see why your mom loves this place.” Kimber squinted to view the river before them, the sky’s reflection flowing with the lazy current. “It looks like someone coming toward us up ahead. Is Tyler out here?”

  “Ah, yeah. The river’s calm. Dismount.” Zach hopped off and gave her a hand getting down.

  Kimber sighed once she got off the horse. “Do you have your pistol?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  She stared ahead and moved closer to him.

  “Kimber, what’s wrong?”

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled into his coat. “I don’t know. Sometimes for an inkling, I think of what we went through.”

  Zach held her. “It’s all right. We don’t have to worry anymore. You know I’ll always take care of you.”

  “I’ll do the same for you in whatever way I can.”

  “You’ve proven that. Come on. Jerry approved, and he’s sorry he and Melinda can’t be here.” Zach tied the horses to a tree branch and took her hand.

  “Approved what?” In the next few minutes, Tyler’s rickety old ranch truck came more into view. Kimber’s eyes widened when all the doors opened. She pressed a hand against her face. “Dad? Mom? Oh, my God, Zach, what have you done?”

  Zach kissed her palm. “Given you the gift of love. We’re moments away from you becoming Mrs. Bryson if you’ll have me right now.”

  “What? What? Zach, I’d have you…yesterday.” Her sister ran toward her.

  “Go get’em, darlin’.” Zach released Kimber’s hand, and she dug in her heels toward Charlotte. “Oh, sweet Heaven. Charlotte.” They ran into each other’s arms, and then her parents embraced the sisters. They all wept.

  “I told you I’d see you again one day, sis. I told you, Tressa.”

  Tressa? Neither Zach nor Jerry had told them her name? “I’ll be right back.” She rushed to Zach, wrapping her arms around him. “Thank you, thank you. This is perfect.”

  He got choked up himself. “Hey, they don’t know your name or mine and Tyler’s. Jerry thought it would be better. We’ll plan meetings at random until…well…later maybe we can tell them. We need to listen to Jerry. I hope I don’t slip up.”

  She glanced toward her family and smiled. “Me neither, but well, if we do, we do. I don’t care. Come meet them.”

  “Ah, yeah…about that.” He hesitated and when he spoke, his words came out slowly, “I kind of went to their place and asked your dad for your hand in marriage. I’ve already met them.”

  “You what?” Kimber turned back toward her family. She peered at Zach again. “How did you do this?”

  “It took a lot of begging to Jerry. He set it up for me and Tyler to go there.”

  “I can’t believe you did this, or that he let you.”

  “Yep, Jerry sent a minister who happens to know the situation and won’t repeat our names out loud. You get to tell them the biggest surprise. They don’t know about our son.” He nodded ahead.

  “We don’t know if we’re having a son. We’ll tell them together.” Tyler opened the door for the minister. They moseyed over to her parents and sister. Kimber smiled at Tyler. “Hey, future brother-in-law, you brought them here?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Tyler gave an innocent grin—the one that had to knock other women off their feet.

  “Thank you.” She held her hand out to her family. “I’m awestruck. I’ve been advised not to give away our names as you probably know. This handsome guy beside me makes me happy beyond words.” Though they didn’t know Zach’s name, he knew theirs and used them when communicating. Kimber sniffled, hugging them again. “You all look terrific. I’ve missed you soooo much.”

  “We’ve missed you, too, sweetheart. Every single day.” Her father held her. “I knew we’d see you again. You look well. You’re glowing like the sunset.”

  “Oh, that reminds me.”

  “Hold up, hon.” Zach nodded toward the preacher taking his place where Tyler instructed. Tyler dragged Zach to stand with the preacher.

  Her dad held his arm out to her. “I believe it’s my job to escort you to your groom. I approve, by the way.”

  She peered at each one of them. “Thank you, Dad. It is, but can all of you walk with me?”

  “Yes, my dear.” Her dad held his hand out for her mom and Charlotte. Susan cried again but dabbed at her tears with a lace hankie.

  “The red hair fits you, honey,” whispered her mom.

  Kimber hooked her arm through her mom’s and smiled at Charlotte. She took a couple minutes to drink in the moment. Zach looked proud and macho beside his handsome brother. She loved him. Loved him. She winked and laid her hand over her abdomen as a sign to him how happy she was. He patted his chest, sending her into another round of tears.

  “Ready, sweetheart?” Her father’s face beamed with pride.

  The voice she had longed to hear these past long months broke her musings. She turned to him, kissed his cheek, then her mom’s. “I’m ready to marry the man I thought I’d never meet.”

  “He’s the one,” whispered her dad. Together with her family, they strolled toward Zach. Her dad gave her hand over to him, where he took it with a smile.

  Their combined hands sweat, but more for nerves on her part. She absorbed each word spoken by the preacher. They repeated their vows to each other. Kimber had seen love in Zach’s eyes before, but never like now. He truly loved her. They repeated “I do” at the appropriate times and exchanged rings. Zach had thought of everything, remembering to bring his ring.

  The preacher placed a hand on both of their shoulders. “You may now kiss the bride.”

  Zach lifted her off her feet. Their lips connected in a kiss as hot as the sunset before them, then he released her to the ground when it ended. Hugging her, he whispered, “I love you, Mrs. Bryson. I’ve been waiting to say that.” He kissed her one more time. “I don’t mean to hurry you, but we’re losing light, and we have some ways to ride back.”

  “I know.”

  Zach put his arm around her shoulder. “Don’t forget to tell them.”

  “Right… I nearly forgot in all the excitement of becoming a wife.” Here goes. “We have something to tell you all.” She flashed a snarky grin toward Zach. “Charlotte, you’re going to be an aunt.”

  Zach and Tyler both laughed heartily, but it took a moment for it to sink in with her parents and Charlotte. Kimber blurted out, “We’re pregnant!”

  Everyone hugged and cried again. What a happy reunion it had turned out to be. Kimber got herself together and squared her shoulders. “I’m so proud to have a child to carry on our families’ heritage. Dad and Mom, you’re going to be gr
andparents, and I promise you’ll get to see him or her often. I know it’ll happen.”

  “We know, hon,” said her dad. “Jerry has given us the rules, again, and we know it’s for your protection. It doesn’t hurt to be safe. We understand how this has to work. We understand it all now.”

  “I’m so glad.” She turned to her sister. “Congratulations on your graduation. I’m proud of you. I peeked at your profile once.”

  Charlotte raised her hands to Kimber’s abdomen and smiled softly. “I put the pictures there in hopes that wherever you were, you’d look.”

  Her dad went to Zach and hugged him right out of the blue. “Thank you, young man. Jerry told us this was all your idea, and we don’t know how to thank you for giving us back our daughter. He told us how you took care of her. This means the world to us.”

  Her mother hugged Zach. “Daniel’s right. Thank you so much, son.”

  Kimber’s eyes welled again, but out of the corner of them, she noticed Tyler and Charlotte standing close, talking to each other. They both smiled. Her sister was in flirtation mode. Yep, he about knocked her sister off her feet. She got Zach’s attention and nodded toward them.

  “Hey, bro. Best be getting the family back before it gets too dark.” Zach shook the preacher’s hand before he got in the truck.

  He moved away from Charlotte. Tyler half-circled his arms out as if to round them up. “My plan exactly. Folks? It’s time to go.”

  Zach went over to talk to him as Kimber said so-long to her family and thanked the preacher. “Until we meet again.” She dried her eyes as they got in the vehicle. Tyler drove them away.

  “You’re a stunning bride, darlin’.” Zach embraced her from behind. “You’ll see them again.”

  “I know. Thanks so much. Before leaving all those months ago, I told them I’d see them. However, I never thought it was possible.” They stood together arm in arm as her family drove toward the horizon, and she broke down. “I don’t know if it’s easier or harder. I’ll miss them more now.”

  “This is only the beginning. How about a leg up?”

  Kimber shivered as daylight faded into a magnificent late autumn night. “All right.”

  Zach brought the horses over and before getting on, Kimber placed her hand against his face. “What you did is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

  “Being my wife and giving me a son is the nicest thing anyone ever did for me. I swore one day I’d find the real Kimber who lurked inside of all your problems. You’ve changed me. You’ve given me reason to be a different man and to accept the things I can’t change.”

  “Not too different, I hope. The man inside of you is the one I fell in love with, wise-cracks and all, but I can’t promise you a son.”

  Zach smoothed her hair back. “It’s okay. Having a daughter as pretty as you will be fine, too. I’m still that man you fell in love with plus a lot more. I’m proud to have you as my bride.”

  Kimber shivered again and patted his back as she held him. “Your parents will be so mad. You better call them so they have time to cancel their flight for our wedding.”

  “They’ll get over it. They still have this grandchild to look forward to.”

  “You’ve given me everything.” She sighed pleasantly. “Look at the sky. The brightest stars are beginning to glitter. When are we going back to Arizona?”

  “Where do you want to have the baby?”

  She contemplated a moment, but she didn’t have the answer. “Good question…”

  Zach tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “We have two homes and two ranches for a short time. We’ll have to find a place to live there. The loft isn’t big enough for a family.”

  “This is your home, Zach. It’s been in your family for generations. I was placed in Arizona, and though I used to love my ranch, I don’t feel the same there anymore.”

  “Jake will let us stay in the loft until we find something else.”

  She stared off into the distance, wishing to see Tyler coming back with her family. “Technically, the ranch isn’t mine, so it’s not a problem to leave it. We own this property now.”

  “You’re the one who has to make the decision.”

  Kimber left his arms and walked away a few steps toward the water, which sparkled in some spots, but appeared murky in others. The river flowed gently in this tranquil area. Cattle lowed in the distance. Birds sang before turning in. “Roxanne told me her cousin, Brett, looked to buy a ranch, but the one he wanted fell through. He has two sons. The Adobe Sunset would be perfect for them.”

  Zach chewed on his bottom lip. “You want to live here in my house right off the property when the renter’s lease is up?”

  “I don’t care. It’s only a short hop away from your family home until you decide to build a house right here.”

  “Take time to think about it. It’s easy to get lost in a fantasy while standing here by the river at sunset. Come on, let’s git on outta here. It’s cold. I kind of liked living close to Randy.”

  That must’ve been his answer. He wanted to remain in Arizona. They’d have to return here on a regular basis, so this was their home too. She’d be satisfied either way.

  Zach untied Honey but brought her over to Major. He removed a rolled-up blanket from her saddle. “It’s not that far away from Canyon Junction if we live here. Long drive. Quick flight. Hike that skirt up and come on over here. Drape this blanket over your legs when you get on him.”

  Kimber came toward him, and he boosted her onto Major’s bare back, her skirt flaring around her. She pulled the excess material so he didn’t sit on it and brought the blanket over her. Zach gave the horse a pat before getting on behind her. He held Honey’s reins and nudged Major to go. He put his arms around Kimber. “Now this is what I call sexy riding. Tonight’s our honeymoon.”

  “One I didn’t expect this soon, cowboy. Let’s go home, wherever that may be. Home is where you and I lay our heads on the same pillow.”

  “Yeah, it is, but I booked us a luxury suite,” Zach whispered against her ear. “Tyler is dog sitting. It’s only you and me tonight.” He lowered his lips to her neck.

  Zach unzipped his jacket to snuggle her against him. She leaned into his chest on the way back to the ranch home where they’d be staying until they left. Arizona held a lot of memories she could leave behind, but she’d miss Canyon Junction and her new friends. They could visit any time they wanted, and she and Zach could go there.

  Kimber had learned a lesson through all this—don’t assume the worse without having solid facts to back it up. She’d been so freaked out, that she had convinced herself Melinda was the bad guy. It was easy to point the finger when she had believed it in her own mind. She laid Zach’s hand over her abdomen. “Where would you like our children to be raised?”

  He nuzzled his face against her neck as they rode back. “I don’t know. I can’t make the decision for you.”

  She placed her hand over his on her abdomen. “Please tell me how you feel. Truthfully.”

  His heart raced against her back. “Right here, but Arizona works.”

  “All right. I want to raise this child and any future children on this ranch. I want them to fall in love in this area, like I did with their daddy without realizing it.”

  “Wherever you are, is where I’ll be.”

  In a heartbeat, she’d grown to love the town of Bakerdale, the Bryson ranch, and all the resources and opportunities the region had to offer. There were no bad memories here. She peered over her shoulder at him and they kissed. Kimber smiled as they watched the last glimmer of sunset. He turned to capture a picture and took a selfie with the sunset as a backdrop. They rode cloaked under a twilight sky toward their future.

  The story she once thought would end like a sad, sad movie, concluded with a happy ending after all. The place where she’d lost one life, but in the end, she truly found her happily-ever-after hero—a cowpunching cowboy. And she found the woman she’d searched for. At last, she�
�d found Kimber, and love.


  Thank you for reading Kimber and Zach’s story.

  Note to Readers:

  You briefly met Jake Lawton in this book, and if you haven’t read Whispers of Forever: Mending Christmas, book one, you can read his and Beth’s story now. You also met Wade Emory who will be the hero featured in book three.

  If you can’t wait for the next book in this series and want more, you’re in luck. This is a spin off series. Return to Canyon Junction in the Double Dutch Ranch Series: Love at First Sight. Randy Drake’s book is Lassoing the Last Dance, where Zach is first introduced.

  To stay updated, sign up for my Mailing List. I don’t bombard your Inbox with newsletters, and only send one on occasion with a cover reveal, a new release announcement, contest info, or a book update. If you have a question or comment, please contact me at my website at Contact Mary.

  Why did I create a spin off series? This spin off series takes us off the Double Dutch Ranch and into the lives of others who are either acquaintances or friends in Canyon Junction. A newcomer will come around now and then. And who knows, they could be the star in an upcoming book in either series. Canyon Junction and Bakerdale are fictional small towns.

  If this is your first book by me, I’d like to thank you for taking a chance to begin a new series with a new-to-you author. If you enjoyed this book, a review is always appreciated.

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  Please swipe forward for Other Books by Mary, and more.

  Other Books by Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

  For more on each book visit Mary’s website or retailer.

  Double Dutch Ranch Series:

  Love at First Sight

  Book 1: Cowboy Boss and his Destiny

  The Lighter side of romance. Warm your heart and give your nerve endings a tingle at the same time. This book has the lightest storyline of any of Mary’s books.

  Book 1.5: Tristan’s Destiny, Bonus Book

  Author Note: You do not have to read this book to continue in the series. Although this book can be read alone as a complete story in itself, it contains spoilers regarding Cowboy Boss and his Destiny. In this book, Tristan and Nora’s bond is put to the test and takes our characters on a more dramatic journey than the lighter storyline of book #1.


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