Protecting Her Heart

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Protecting Her Heart Page 48

by Carter, Chance

  We streaked through the town, Baker's hands sure on the wheel as they had been on my body. I bit my lip and crossed my legs, focused on keeping this about the job, not what was in his pants.

  I'd never had this reaction to anyone before. I wasn't hard up for attention, and my existence certainly didn't revolve around sex. I'd always been more set on studies or work or the future. Or the prospect for adventure.

  Maybe, that was what made Ryan so attractive to me. He was adventure made flesh. Oh, yeah, and he was damn fine.

  "Are you all right? Going too fast for you?"

  "I'm good," I said, as he put on his indicator and glided onto the road that led out of town and to the infamous base. "It's nice to see you again."

  He broke into a full smile, then. "It's nice to see you too," he said. "Real nice."

  I let my hand wander across the space between us, and laid it on his upper thigh, not too close to the 'goods.' It was meant to be a warm gesture. A show of affection, but it fell flat. His hands slipped on the wheel, he swerved and I sucked in a gasp and withdrew.

  "Sorry," I said.

  "No need to apologize," he replied, briskly. “It would probably be better if we didn't, uh, you - uh."

  "Yeah, I know what you mean." It would be better if we didn't fraternize in public. His men would lose respect for him, and I certainly didn't want anyone thinking I'd gained this position by sleeping with the proverbial boss.

  I hadn't. Though, it might've helped a little. I fanned myself and looked out at the approaching mountains, solid, stark, yet picturesque.

  My mom had chosen this place after dad passed because it was what they planned initially. He was set to retire and live life with his little family, in a little house in the middle of an even smaller town.

  Except that didn’t happened. My dad's paradise had become my prison.

  "Once we're there, I'll introduce you to a few of my commanding officers and they can help you pinpoint the problem areas on base," Ryan said. "We'll rendezvous in my office after you've completed your initial scan of the facilities."

  "All right."

  "How long will it take you to come up with proposed design plans? The sooner I have them, the sooner I can get them approved by my Commander."

  "It depends on what I'm working with. I'll need the night, most likely," I said. Shoot, even the word 'night' had weird connotations for me, now.

  "That's all?"

  "As I said, it depends on how big of a problem we're looking at here."


  We fell into another uneasy silence and I used it to consider the project instead of the tension building between us. I had a job to perform, or I'd let Ryan down and that was the last thing I wanted to do.

  I had my selfish escape motivation going on, but that didn't mean I'd do a crappy job at making that base pleasing on the eye. I cared about this. Given half the chance, I'd take my experience and set up shop outside of Meek Springs.

  I'd probably never have that chance.

  Ryan stopped in front of a beam and a sentry house. A soldier ran out to greet us, clipboard tucked under one arm. He halted beside the window and Ryan rolled it down. "Morning, private."

  "Morning, Lieutenant Commander," the soldier replied, and saluted. He handed over the clipboard. "I'll need your passenger to sign in, as well, Sir."

  "No problem," I said, and did I was told.

  A half hour drive up the side of the mountain and we crested a plateau that held a compact base. It wasn't tiny, but it certainly wasn't like the ones I'd seen when my father was in the SEALs.

  It took us two more check-ins with security before we parked in a designated spot. Ryan rushed around to my side of the Jeep, then clunked the door open for me. He held out his hand.

  I accepted it, tried and failed to ignore the rush, and got out of the vehicle beside him. The air was crisp up there, and much colder. I shivered and rubbed my arms, though I'd worn a relatively thick coat for this excursion.

  "You need another jacket?" He asked.

  "I'm fine," I said. "Lead the way."

  We moved inside the facility and into a mass of linoleum and gray and blegh. It was just the worst aesthetic imaginable. It reminded me of a mixture between a morgue and a hospital. A hospital morgue? No, even they had a little color.

  "Whoever decorated this place had to have been color blind," I said.

  Ryan lead me down the hall, past a single wilting, potted plant, and into a conference room. Faces peered at me from around a long table - gray, as well, of course.

  "Let me make the introductions," Ryan said. "Officers, this is Chanel Scott. She'll be working on sprucing up the base and helping us increase morale around here."

  I recognized one face out of the bunch. Jack Whitmore. The same guy who'd given Ryan cheek back in the Meek Springs Motel. He didn't look all that happy to see me. The feeling was mutual.

  "Chanel, this is Petty Officer Whitmore," he said, and pointed to Jack. "This is Officer Jameson." That was a young woman in uniform. She offered a gap-toothed smile. I instantly liked her - she had an open face, and less of an attitude than any of the others at the table.

  "In the back is Petty Officer Hudson," Ryan said, and pointed to a young, handsome black man. Ryan rattled off a couple more names, but I lost most of them in the rush.

  I'd grossly underestimated the amount of work it would take to get this place looking remotely pleasing on the eye. I'd have a rough idea by the end of the day, but actual plans would take much longer. I'd need broader access to the base. Time here to make sure things were laid out properly, and help. A lot of help putting things together.

  Excitement and fear combined in my gut. This was a once in a lifetime project, and a great opportunity to get away from home.

  “- necessary?" Jack asked.

  I tuned back into the conversation. "Sorry, could you repeat that?"

  Everyone stared me. Clearly, his question wasn’t directed at me.

  "I was just pointing out that redecorating the entire base might not be necessary. We have bigger concerns than potted plants and flowers."

  "Really?" I asked. "You don't say." I'd always had a sarcastic streak. My mother wasn’t able to lecture it out of me. "I struggle to believe that, actually."

  Ryan stared at me as if I'd sprouted an extra head. Possibly, of the demon dog variety.

  "Why's that, ma'am?" Officer Hudson asked, elbows planted on the table and one eyebrow raised.

  "I fail to see how anything could be more important than morale at a military base. If your soldiers aren't happy, they won't concentrate. They won't train properly. They won't eat properly."

  Ryan gave a nod. It was the same sentiment I'd used to convince him I belonged out here.

  "Yeah, sure," Jack said. "But I don't see how flowers are the way to do that."

  "The only person who mentioned flowers is you, Officer Whitmore," I said. "I'm beginning to believe you have an affinity for them. I'd be happy to order a bouquet of Azaleas for your office."

  Laughter burst from the others at the table.

  "It's Petty Officer Whitmore," he said. "First Class."

  "My mistake." I touched a finger to the side of my nose. "Thank you for the introductions, Lieutenant Commander. I'll need an escort around the facility."

  "I'll take you, Miss Scott," Officer Jameson said, and put up her hand.

  Thank heavens for that. The last thing I needed was sour First Class prick Jack escorting me around the base.

  "Excellent," Ryan said. "Rendezvous in my office in an hour. If you need anything else just holler, Miss Scott."

  "Will do." I brushed past Ryan on the way out and for a second, it seemed he wanted to say something more. The moment passed quickly.

  I had work to do.

  Chapter 10


  I tried not to think about her the entire day, but she was on the base now, and thoughts about what’d happened between us were unavoidable. A heady mix of pleasure
and guilt. Images of her body beneath mine, the scrape of her nails down my back, ruined by the thuds of shame in the pit of my stomach.

  Had I taken advantage of her? Had I ruined everything?

  Chanel couldn’t understand the amount of responsibility I had or the life I had to live. I was a traveler. I was a man under command. If Shepherd ordered me to abandon the base tomorrow, shit, within the next hour, I’d have to do it.

  I’d leave her behind, even though thoughts of her would haunt me. I’d do whatever it took to find absolution in service to my country.

  A knock at my office door brought me back down to earth. “Come in,” I said.

  The knob turned and Chanel entered the room, a tiny frown wrinkling her brow. She fluffed her hair and the appetizing scent that was unequivocally her drifted toward me.


  “No,” she said. “Well, yes, I guess you could say that. But that’s not why I’m here. It’s the rendezvous time.” She tapped her watch and smiled at me. The frown didn’t disappear though.

  “Everything okay?” I rose from my seat and walked around to her side of the desk. I perched on it and folded my arms. “Did anyone give you trouble?”

  “No, they were all helpful and polite,” she said. “That’s not it. It’s just that – this is a lot more work than I anticipated.”

  “If you want out, feel free,” I replied.

  “No, I don’t want out. I’m not a quitter.” She tossed her head. “I just think I’ll need some help, and I’m going to need more than one day to evaluate and plan. I – uh, I also wasn’t allowed access to some of the areas.”

  “Such as?”

  “Oh, there was one door they wouldn’t let me through,” she said. “A gray, metal door.”

  “That’s most likely the hangar,” he said. “Nothing you can really change in there. It’s just a huge room full of helicopters.”

  “Helicopters.” Her eyes lit up.


  “Sorry,” she said, and giggled. “I’ve always had an obsession with them. My dad was a hobbyist. He flew RC helicopters in his free time, and yeah, I loved watching him. I never got to ride in a real one.”

  “You want to take a look?” I asked. I’d lost my damn mind. She didn’t have the clearance to check out these helicopters. She probably didn’t have the capability to redecorate an entire hangar, not in the short amount of time she’d undoubtedly be given by the Commander.

  Chanel clutched her clipboard to her chest. “Are you serious?”

  “Sure, why not?”

  “That would be, well, that’d be amazing, Ryan, thank you. I mean, Lieutenant Commander Baker.”

  “Yeah, it’s probably best if you call me by my title here,” he said. “Not that I care either way.” I pushed off from the desk and strode to the door, then held it open for her. “After you, ma’am.”

  She cleared her throat and brushed past me, eliciting a swarm of heat through my limbs. This close and barely touching, already thoughts streamed through my mind. Unclean, naughty. God, the things I’d do to her if I had the chance. I’d –

  “This way,” I said, and cut myself off before I got a semi and made a damn fool out of myself.

  We walked the path to the hangar in silence, her practical heels clicking on the tiles. Tension built between us with every step. We weren't exactly arm-in-arm, but I couldn't keep my thoughts straight or off her body, her touch, and everything in-between. We didn't pass many personnel on the way, either. Most everyone was in the mess hall or the gym at this time of the day.

  "There's a lot of potential here," she said, and broke the silence.

  My heart skipped a beat. "Potential?"

  "Yeah. You know, with the base? It just seems like it's got loads of potential. I already have a color scheme in mind that I think will suit the place perfectly."

  "That's great," I said, and swallowed. Shit, I thought she meant potential for us. What the fuck had gotten into me? I didn't need emotional attachments. The last time I'd attached to anyone, it was to the men under my command and they perished.

  People died around me. That was my lot in life.

  "Are you okay?" It was her turn to ask, and she touched my arm too.

  I snapped it down to my side. "Fine. This is it," I said, and gestured to the steel door. Saved by the hangar and its helicopters.

  I let us into the cavernous space, the ceiling yawning above us, and stepped back for her to brush past again. This time her ass swished past my crotch, and my cock twitched in response. Down boy.

  “Oh wow,” she said, and hugged her clipboard to her breasts. “That’s gorgeous.”

  She pointed to a helicopter, glistening in the dim light from a high up window that gave us a glimpse of the fading afternoon, the clouded sky.

  “Yeah, that’s a –”

  “Seahawk M-20,” she finished. “Yeah, I know. Like I said, my dad was an enthusiast.”

  An enthusiast who loved military helicopters? I let it slide and shut the door instead. It didn’t plunge us into darkness, but I walked to the light switch anyway.

  “Don’t,” she said.

  I froze. “What?”

  “Don’t turn it on.” She dropped the clipboard with a clatter, then fumbled with the buttons of her shirt.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’ve been thinking about you all day, Ryan,” she said. “God, I must seem like such a slut but it’s just – you – you’re – the stuff you said. You talked about our first time. I thought maybe we could have a second time?” Her fingers stalled on her buttons.

  She was adorable, caught halfway between rejection and arousal.

  “I want you again,” I said, and betrayed myself, my determination not to become emotionally involved again, and my entire country. That was what it felt like. It felt like a betrayal I couldn’t resist. I was drawn to her. I was attached even though I didn’t want to be. “But this probably isn’t the best place.”

  “It’s better than your quarters. People would suspect something if they saw us in there, but here…”

  I saw her point. And I couldn’t deny my attraction for her, or the thickening dick in my pants. Just the mention of it from her lips, the need radiating from her expression. I walked toward her.

  She was stuck in place, unmoving, staring at me with her mouth half-open, caught on the verge of what? A moan? God, I fucking hoped so.

  “Come with me,” I said, and grasped her hand, pulling it from her buttons.

  I walked her to the helicopter, opened the side door, and we clambered inside. I slammed it shut behind us and we were embraced by gloom, and the sounds of our breathing echoed in the small space.

  Chanel looked around. “I’ve always wanted to get in one of these,” she said.

  “Uh huh.” My fingers slipped over her buttons. If I spoke, I’d have to think, and then the rational part of my brain would stop this from happening. I didn’t want that. I needed her like I needed air.

  She was a craving and it was wrong on every level. I couldn’t come to my senses now. This proved everything Whitmore had said.

  Chanel kissed my cheek, soft lips brushed across my skin, and then stubble. She let out a tiny moan.

  I sped up. Opened the shirt and exposed her lacy bra, then moved my hands around to the zip on the back of her pencil skirt.

  “No time,” she said, and tugged the fabric upward, over her thighs. A triangle of soft fabric, lace, see-through, peeked at me from between her legs.

  I undid my belt buckle, popped my top button open and unzipped, then drew my dick out from the folds.

  Chanel whimpered, licked her lips. “Hurry,” she said. “I need you.”

  I grabbed her hips and spun her on the spot, then rubbed myself against her supple flesh, dragging my dick between those two round ass cheeks. I throbbed for her. Fuck it, I dripped for her.

  “Please,” she whispered. “Take me now, Ryan.” Chanel quivered against me.

brushed my fingers down the sleeves of her blouse, then encircled her waist with my arms. Then I kissed her neck. Wet, soft, open-mouthed kisses, tasting her. A hint of perfume and that addictive smell that was oh-so Chanel. The scent of her naked skin. I nibbled, then bit down harder.

  “Yes,” she gasped.

  I would’ve made this moment last longer. I should’ve given her what she deserved. Full attention in somewhere that provided more privacy than this, but it would have to suffice, for now.

  I lowered myself behind her, shifting her blouse upward and peppering her back with more of those hot kisses. I traced the line of her spine with my lips moving over the crest of one ass cheek and then the other.

  I bent her forward.

  Chanel almost lost her balance, but caught herself on the door. “What are you doing?”

  I parted her cheeks, admired her already dripping wet pussy, then buried my face in it. I probed her with my tongue, collected her fluid and rolled it across her clitoris.

  Chanel shuddered and railed against the pleasure. “Ryan –”

  “Quiet,” I said, between licks and sucks. God, she tasted good. Clean and delicious. It was the essence of that Chanel scent and taste. I could do this forever. Lick her until she was weak at the knees.

  “I – I –” Her legs wobbled.

  I circled her clitoris with my tongue. Gentle motions, then a pause to draw it into my mouth.

  “I’m going to explode,” she said.

  “Good,” I replied. “I want you to come for me.” I wanted that more than I wanted to be inside her. Her pleasure, her loss of presence in this moment, would give me more than my own orgasm.

  She stuck her ass out and gave me full access. “More,” she said.

  I gave her clit a wet kiss, then inserted two fingers into her pussy.

  She bucked against me and cried out.

  “Not too loud.” I worked those fingers inside her, feeling for her g-spot, and licking her clit in between deep strokes.

  “I need more than this,” she said.


  “I need your dick inside me. Now. Give it to me now.”

  I rose and grabbed the base of my dick, teased her pussy lips with my swollen head.


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