Protecting Her Heart

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Protecting Her Heart Page 67

by Carter, Chance

  The panty is shaped to only lightly cover her ass, and clings to her hips in a way that makes her body look curvy and sensual.

  Jane can’t believe what she sees in the mirror. Could it really be her? She pulls her hair down and it sweeps across her back, flowing along her skin. She turns to look at herself, and standing on her tippy toes she bends over.

  Is that really my ass? It’s round and white with a peachy tone to it. Her ass is as tight as a rubber ball. When she smacks it, it doesn’t even jiggle.

  “Hmmm. I guess this is one of the benefits of doing ballet,” she acknowledges.

  She imagines Brad taking her dress off, pushing his hand down her backside, and grabbing her ass, pulling her aggressively toward him, thrusting his hard cock against her satin panties, making her all dripping wet while kissing and biting her neck.

  Jane reaches down into her panties and starts stroking herself. She watches herself in the mirror moving her hand up and down, her fingers touching her delicate labia, the blood rushing to her hot center. She groans and moans, feeling her hair sway back and forth across her back, watching her hips shake and her legs twitch.

  Grabbing her tits, she pushes them up so she can see more cleavage. She feels like a fucking beauty queen for the first time in her life. Moving her hand faster and faster and squeezing her fingers while she goes deeper inside of herself. She breathes deeply and moans loudly, not caring if the neighbors can hear her through the open window. She doesn’t give a fuck anymore.

  She wants to be a woman and she wants to start by fucking Brad. She wishes he were here right now and imagines her actions if he were. She would push him onto the bed, then straddle and fuck him, like he’s never been fucked before.

  “Oh Gawwwwdddd,” Jane moans, orgasming all over her hand, the juices flowing out and onto the satin panties. “Fuuuuucccckkkkk!” she screams. “I want you so fucking badly, Brad Halli-whoever-the-fuck-you-are!”

  Jane flops on the bed, her legs drooping over the edge. She feels the cool breeze kiss her bare belly and realizes she is totally relaxed. For the first time, she feels free to be herself without the restraints of other people telling her what to do. She has never fantasized about someone like that before, and she can already sense it will be hard for her to say no to this man.

  She wonders if she is crazy for getting on a plane with someone she barely knows, but it’s too late now, and she is curious about all these weird feelings she’s having.

  Maybe he is the one who will make all of her loneliness and problems go away. She somehow doesn’t feel afraid of him hurting her. There’s something special about this guy, she could feel it last night, even though she was drunk. And a million dollars, really? For real? Is that really possible?

  The phone rings and its Jane’s aunt.

  “Hi, Aunt Millie. How are you? Uh huh… I’m pretty good. Staying focused on school, you know… No I don’t have big plans. Just staying at home and being good.”

  Jane could never tell her aunt the truth about going away with Brad. Her aunt has only ever seen Jane as a good girl, and believes in her every step of the way. She is the one who loaned Jane money so she could go to school in New York in the first place. She would be horrified to find out Jane is taking money to go away with a man she has barely even met. Somehow, Jane likes that this is her little secret. It’s a side of herself no one knows about, and this adventure is all for her. She can be a completely different woman that nobody has preconceived notions about.

  “No, Aunt Millie, I’m fine for money, but thank you for asking!” replies Jane, who then hangs up the phone.

  Over the course of two hours, Jane washes and dries her new panties, puts the dress and stockings on, takes extra time with her hair, and even adds makeup.

  Finally ready, she waters her plants and calls a cab to take her to the airport. She feels glamorous now in her own world and she loves it.

  Chapter 9

  The cab arrives at the airport. It is a beautiful day outside, with a light breeze. Jane is sitting in the back, excited by this new lifestyle she will be stepping into, even if it’s only for a week.

  “Here we are, ma’am,” says the cab driver, treating her as if she is someone special. “Looks like you’re going on a fancy vacation,” he comments. “I must say, my dear, you are one beautiful woman and whoever you are meeting is one lucky man.”

  Jane has never had anyone treat her as wealthy or extra-special, or even had men pay her attention at all really. She is used to being the one helping everyone else out and taking whatever kindness she can get from the world. People see her as timid, quiet and unappealing.

  Jane is not sure how to respond to this man’s view of her. What could she say to seem confident, but not bitchy like some of the wealthy women she knew?

  “Why thank you. That is very kind of you,” she replies, with a sense of detachment. She’d love to tell him how much it means to her, and that no one has ever seen her this way before.

  “Here, you can keep the change,” she says, handing him the money.

  She steps out of the cab and onto the tarmac. The cab driver goes over to grab her hand and help her out. She adjusts her dress and stands up tall, feeling like this is the beginning of a whole new chapter in her life.

  “Thank you,” she says to the cab driver. “I hope you have a wonderful day.”

  “You’ve already made it wonderful for me,” he responds, in a completely genuine way.

  Nervous, Jane put one foot in front of the other, the way she was trained in finishing school. She is delicate, graceful, and so anxious. She has a light scarf wrapped around her head and she is wearing dark sunglasses, enough to cover her uncertain eyes.

  She walks toward the jet, her knees shaking from the excitement and anticipation. The cab driver admires her curves as she walks away.

  A man at the top of the stairs waves at her. It doesn’t look like Brad. He must be the pilot. She can’t believe this is happening to her, that there would be people waiting for her and making sure she is welcomed and safe. She could get used to this.

  She lifts her dress and takes one step at a time, pretending she’s done this before. She wonders if she’ll still be attracted to Brad, or if it was just the piña coladas clouding her vision. What if he turns out to be a sick pig of a guy and she isn’t able to stand being with him for an hour, much less a week?

  All her anxieties are kicking in now and the only way to calm herself is to remember the feeling she had that night at the bar, and the way his personal assistant, Trish, made her feel in the change room.

  She touches her belly, feeling the smoothness of the dress and tries to hold herself together. There’s no turning back now, Janey, she tells herself. Just make the best of this situation and follow orders.

  She feels the cool air conditioning coming from the plane door. The pilot takes her hand and helps her in. She notices Brad on the phone, apparently engaged in a serious business call, and facing the direction of the bar.

  Immediately, she blushes and feels heat flush throughout her body. She’s not sure if she should just run away while she still can or surrender to his wishes and fly away with him.

  She notices his fit, round ass through his dress slacks and his broad shoulders looking so strong and capable. She can feel herself getting moist just looking at him.

  She is not sure what to do. Should she just stand there and wait or go over and sit in the smooth, leather chairs. She imagines herself spreading her legs open to touch herself while he’s watching and stuck talking business on the phone. She could show him her satin panties, and get him all turned on, teasing him by not letting him touch her, pushing her heels against his body. She would put her fingers inside herself and show him just what she wants, getting excited, but not permitting him to enter her.

  When he hangs up the phone, she would have him beg to touch her, kissing him first on the lips then pushing his face down to her pussy, having him take off her panties with his teeth and licki
ng his tongue all around her pink parts. She would push his face deeper into her, moving it around so his nose presses against her clit and his tongue licks inside of her while she gets all juicy.

  She’d unbuckle his belt and rub his cock with her foot, getting him hard enough to push himself inside of her, thrusting deep, with her cunt tightening and holding him far inside of her, pulsing and…

  Brad turns around and sees her, putting his finger up to show he’ll be a moment. He motions over to the leather chairs indicating that she should take a seat.

  Jane snaps out of it and doesn’t want to expose her thoughts to him. She maintains her composure and walks over to the chairs to sit down. The leather feels cool, fresh, and relaxing. She sits upright and looks out the window at the blue sky, taking in the calmness of the day, and breathes a sigh of relief.

  Chapter 10

  Brad looks out the window and is in awe of how beautiful she is. The dress fits perfectly around her breasts and outlines her thin frame. It looks better on her than he could have imagined. He wishes he could race down to her with the excitement he’s feeling inside He would kiss her on the hand, lift her up and carry her through the door of the jet. He hasn’t felt like this since high school with Kelly, and feels as if he is already ready to marry her.

  This is crazy-thinking, and Brad isn’t sure if he’s losing his mind or if he really is feeling something deeper for her. I mean, really… a million dollars, what is he thinking? He’s never done something like this before, especially for a woman. My God.

  The closer she gets, the more he can see the outline of her face. The sun is beaming down on her cheeks, giving her a homegrown beauty queen look. She even put on a deep, red lipstick, making her look so kissable.

  He gets turned on quickly, his cock growing harder and harder under his dress pants. He rubs himself trying to make it go down, yet all he wants to do is pull it out and stroke himself while she’s watching.

  How he’d love to just carry her over to the leather couch, pull up that dress, and stick it into her without even saying a word.

  My God, she’s just so beautiful! Brad thinks to himself, not knowing how he’s going to hold back. Her tits are so perky, and the way the pearls drape on her neck makes her appear elegant and sexy at the same time. He wonders how the lingerie looks on her, how the lace trim on the panties looks against her skin. He would love to bite them off and ravage her body in ways she has never known before. He loves how innocent she is underneath it all, knowing no one has ever touched her before.

  He wants to be her first for everything. Her first hickey, her first orgasm with a man, her first fingering, her first blowjob. God, it excites him, all of the things he can teach and show her

  He knows he has to be careful about not scaring her away, though, and he needs to make her feel at ease. He has met other virgin ballerinas before, but none who looked or acted like Kelly, and none who have made his heart pound like this.

  He can see how hard she’s trying to look like she has it together, taking careful steps up toward the plane. He knows she is anxious inside and he loves how she’s maintaining her composure. She is such a lady in hiding, with no idea how wonderful she is. He can’t wait to bring out her true self, away from the country girl she believes herself to be.

  What was her life like back home? She looks so untouched and innocent, like she’s never had the burden of too much pain or disappointment, he thinks to himself. So fresh and he’d never want her to ever get hurt. He wants to protect her from this bad world and preserve her precious nature.

  Kelly was like that. She had what seemed to be a perfect life. No major problems, just the typical things normal, teenage girls go through—nervousness about life and hormonal changes, along with worries about her future dreams and goals. Her parents never made her work too hard and supported her in whatever her dreams were. That’s why she became such a graceful ballerina.

  Maybe Jane’s parents are perfectionists, common among ballerinas, never giving her a chance to have a life outside of ballet classes. Living and breathing it, forced to dance at the exclusion of a normal high school life with friends and other activities.

  Brad’s family was always money-hungry, and he never had a chance to learn anything besides being an entrepreneur and saving money. He dreamed of playing basketball or just taking off and backpacking across Europe, but those things didn’t make money. He knew his only worth would be what he made for the family.

  He took over the business owned by his parents when they died two years ago in a car crash, but quite honestly, it wasn’t as tragic for him as when Kelly died. She had been his heart and her death left him aching for that kind of love again.

  His parents didn’t like Kelly because she was a distraction from the family business, and she wasn’t of the same ilk as them. They thought she would drag Brad down with her.

  He hadn’t been allowed to date anyone outside of his class after her death, and the women they tried to arrange for him were boring, stuffy, full of themselves, and prima donnas.

  But Brad wants a real woman, a woman who is caring, loving and sexy—all wrapped up in one package. A woman untainted by the greed of the world.

  Jane steps through the door and he quickly turns away from her, pretending he’s on a call and adjusting himself in his pants.

  “Yes, Chris, I am firm about that. No deals are going ahead without my approval, got it?”

  Brad asserts his authority, trying to show Jane he’s a man who takes charge.

  He can feel Jane’s presence behind him and his spine tingles. Her energy feels so loving, and he can sense a tinge of nervousness in her, as well. He needs to remain cool and collected, making sure she doesn’t run out the door and leave him behind.

  He turns around and their eyes meet. He smiles and raises his finger to show he’ll just be a minute or so on the phone. He motions for her to sit on the leather couch, then turns back around to the bar to pour her a champagne while he pretends to finish his conversation.

  Chapter 11

  “Ah, Ms. Jane Bryden. I’m so glad you accepted my invitation,” Brad smiles, as if this were just another business deal. He hands Jane a flute of champagne.

  Sitting down across from him, she notices his jawline is stern and steady. His dark eyes show authority, but there is also a gentleness to them. He has a confidence and a comforting presence somehow all at the same time.

  Jane feels a bit awkward sitting across from him, remembering how they made out at the bar two nights before. She wonders what he really thought of her and isn’t sure if she should be embarrassed about her behavior or flattered by the attention.

  The fact that he invited her here and offered her a million dollars probably says a lot. Now that she’s sitting across from him, she feels a wave of anxiety, wondering if she really could sleep with him. She knows she wouldn’t be as exciting in bed as she hopes to be, and is terrified of disappointing him.

  Snapping out of it, Jane is a bit stunned at how easy going he is about all of this, as if he has done it with other women before. She’s now getting the picture, and she’s really not sure if she should trust him. It could very well be that he sees her as some skanky girl and has hired her for sex.

  Jane looks around at her options. The door is still open and she could leave if she wanted to. She starts sweating a bit under her arms and asks if she can use the washroom before they take off.

  Brad gets up and shows her the way, trying not to be obvious as he looks at her cleavage. Her breasts look so delicate and soft.

  “Right over there, Ms. Bryden,” he points. He can see she is feeling jittery and uncertain, and wonders what has set her off.

  Jane goes into the bathroom and looks at herself in the mirror to try and gain strength. She talks to herself in her mind. Look here, Jane, you may have gotten yourself into a pickle. There’s still time for you to leave and not get hurt. Just be straight with him.”

  Jane flushes the toilet, pretending she used it
, and washes her hands. She opens the door, ready to confront him, but Brad beats her to it.

  “So, Ms. Bryden, you are probably wondering what you are doing on this plane and why I’ve offered you a million dollars,” Brad states directly.

  “Well, it had crossed my mind,” replies Jane, with a bit of a sarcastic tone.

  “Well, you see, you remind me a lot of a budding talent I knew years ago. She looked a lot like you and even danced as elegantly as you do. She had your same stature, and had a more natural appearance than most of the other girls. You see, I like that. You have personality, and you stand out from the rest. I want to support you in your career, and at the same time, see if there might be a spark between us. I know we need some time to get to know each other, but I’m sure you felt it the other night at the bar. Am I right?” Brad asks, matter-of-factly.

  “Well yes, now that you mention it. I found it to be a satisfying experience,” Jane says, blushing and looking down at the floor.

  “Well, all I ask from you this week is to join me at some key events, and we’ll have our meals together. I’ll be giving you a mystery note every day with instructions. None of it will ask you to perform anything sexual, unless you feel moved to, which I would willingly accept of course,” Brad explains, again without a blink of an eye.

  Jane’s suspicion grows stronger, and she is feeling more agitated.

  “Mr. Halliwell, I need to ask you something, and I’ll warn you, it may seem direct,” Jane speaks up.

  “What is it, Ms. Bryden?”

  Brad leans in with his legs splayed open, exposing the huge bulge in his pants.

  “Have you done this before? Offered a young woman a lot of money to go away with you?”

  “Oh, you mean like an escort?” he responds easily, apparently not offended in the least. “No, I actually have never done this kind of thing before. There is just something about you, Jane. Something I can’t quite put my finger on, but it has caught me up in a way I don’t understand,” he replies honestly. “I would love it if you would join me for the week, but only if you feel comfortable, of course.”


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