Protecting Her Heart

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Protecting Her Heart Page 95

by Carter, Chance

  “The food’s here.”

  He gestured to the food spread bountifully on the table in front of him. There were a couple of salads and a steaming plate of something.

  As I approached, I caught a waft of sweet, heavenly cinnamon, and my mouth began to water. I tentatively approached him and realized that the lights around us were low, the soft glow softening his features and creating a romantic atmosphere.

  I wanted to reach out and slip my arms around him, to let him know I didn’t mind him looking at me. In fact, I wanted more. But I knew that I had to remain professional. I was here because I had proven to be an invaluable part of the project and I couldn't jeopardize the deal when we were this close to signing the contract.

  I took a seat, pulled one of the salads toward me and began to eat.

  “What’s that?” I asked, pointing to the small ramekin in front of me. It was steaming, and the sweet, fruity scent was amazing.

  “Apple crumble,” he replied as he took his seat opposite me and began to eat his own salad. “I had it in London before, and it’s really good. Just what we need on a night like tonight.”

  “Sounds perfect,” I agreed.

  We continued to eat in silence, and I wondered if we were going to acknowledge what had just happened. I certainly wasn’t going to be the one to bring it up.

  “So, when’s the meeting tomorrow?”

  I finally broke the silence, forcing the words out just to get rid of the awkwardness.

  “Eleven, I think,” he replied, glancing at his watch and frowning. “I need to catch up to local time.”

  “I’m surprised they didn’t put your watch forward on the plane,” I teased. “They had everything else covered.”

  “Yeah, except getting the rooming arrangements right,” he grumbled. “I’m so sorry about this.”

  “I mean, we did give them the impression that we were married,” I pointed out through a mouthful of food.

  The salad was delicious, and I didn’t even want to think how much the meal in front of us cost.

  “Good point,” he grinned. “I guess we should make the most of this place while we can, then.”

  “Agreed.” I nodded, reaching for my dessert. “I suggest all room service, all the time.”

  “Maybe we could swing dinner at the restaurant downstairs one night,” he suggested. “I read up on it, and it’s meant to be amazing.”

  “As long as I get to eat fish and chips at least once while we are in London. I’ve heard it’s the best in the world.”

  “I think it’s more a street food than the kind of thing you’d see served at a fancy restaurant,” he replied with a chuckle.

  Things were beginning to feel normal again between us, the shower incident successfully blown over.

  “Well, then, I’ll just have to roam the streets until I find some,” I replied loftily.

  I took a bite of the dessert, and even though it was so hot it burned my mouth, my eyes practically rolled into the back of my head with pleasure.

  “Mmm, that’s so good.”

  I finished up and stacked the plates carefully on the cart and then wheeled it out into the hallway for housekeeping to take away.

  “I should get some sleep,” I said through an exaggerated yawn.

  Sliding into bed, I pulled the crisp, heavy comforter over me and closed my eyes. It was colder than I was used to here, and getting under the warm covers was really nice.

  “I guess I’ll sleep on the couch, then?” Oliver remarked, and I realized what I’d just done.

  Without meaning to, I’d more or less told him I was having the bed.

  “I don’t mind,” I blurted out.

  “Don’t mind…?”

  “I don’t mind if you sleep in the bed with me,” I replied, eyes drifting shut. “I don’t want to get out, but you don’t have to sleep on the couch.”

  I yawned again, and my eyes watered with sleepiness, but I felt a jolt of excitement dance through me as he sat down on the bed next to me.

  “Are you sure?” he asked cautiously, and his voice was soft.

  “I’m sure,” I promised. “Let’s get some sleep. Okay?.”

  “Okay,” he agreed, and it was clear that either he was too tired to make a good case for why this might be a bad idea. Either that or he was just as happy as I was to be sleeping together in the same bed.

  Yes, it was crossing the line, but I didn’t care. I wanted him near me, even if I couldn’t act on my feelings. It was a bittersweet torment.

  He vanished into the bathroom, and I peeked one eye open when he returned to the bed. He was wearing nothing but a pair of pajama pants, and he was so hot I thought I might combust at the sight of him. I closed my eyes as he got closer, and smiled to myself as I felt him climb into bed next to me.

  The bed dipped a little and he let out a small sigh, something between comfort and relief. I wanted to turn over, to look at him, and to let him know that if we were going to do this, there was no better time than now.

  But I knew I shouldn’t. Not now. Not tonight.

  Still, I could smell him, the aftershave that had driven me crazy only a few days before was filling my senses once again.

  He was in bed with me. In bed with me! If anyone back at the office knew what was happening, they would have told me I was crazy. If his old assistant could see, she’d be furious. All I knew was I liked this. I could easily get used to it.

  Even though I was exhausted when I climbed into bed just a few minutes earlier, I felt as though every muscle in my body had awakened the moment he laid down next to me.

  We were so damn close to each other. I could just reached over and lay my hand across his chest.

  I craved him. It was visceral, more powerful than any desire I’d had for anyone in my entire life. Maybe it was because I knew that I couldn’t have him that I was so obsessed. I was addicted to dancing around the edge of what was appropriate.

  What would happen if we just went for it? Here, in London, so far from the scrutiny of the others at the office that we could almost pretend they didn’t exist. What was the worst that could happen? We could hook up, get it out of our systems, and then be done with it, once and for all.

  Or… maybe it would blossom into something more. Maybe that chemistry that seemed to spark off of us at every turn would lift us through and carry us into a real and lasting relationship.

  I couldn’t keep the smile off my face, at the thought of it. He could meet my family, my friends, and I could enter into his incredible world of success and reward. If I could just turn over now, just find the nerve to touch him…

  I heard him snort and shift lightly, and I knew at once he was asleep. I let out a breath and wasn’t sure whether it was more disappointment or relief. Then, to my complete surprise, I felt him shift toward me in the bed.

  Before I knew it, he was behind me, his arm snaking around my waist as he pulled me close. His breath was warm on the back of my neck, and his cock stirred against my ass. I stayed completely still, knowing that if I moved I would wake him up, and he would pull away and apologize for his transgression.

  No, I would lie here for a little longer and let myself get lost in the comfort and excitement of his touch.

  Chapter 16


  The sun peeked through the half-drawn curtains as I clung to the warm body next to mine. Mmm. Who was she? I couldn’t remember, and it didn’t matter. I pulled her closer, and she wriggled against me, her firm body tempting against mine.

  I buried my nose in her hair and inhaled. She smelled familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on who she was.

  My hand traveled over her stomach and flattened against her skin as she hooked her legs back to intertwine them with mine. My cock was hard, and I could feel her tender little ass against my crotch. Was she too sleepy realize what was happening, or was she fully cognizant and enjoying my torment as I pressed against her?

  I groaned softly, and she lifted her head. Suddenly an
d all at once, I remembered where I knew that scent from.

  “Fuck,” I whispered, as I realized the enormous mistake I was about to make .

  I rolled away from her on the bed, putting as much distance between us as I could, and she turned over. Thank God she was still asleep.

  Gawd. I was grinding up on my unconscious secretary. Thank God she wasn’t awake enough to process it.

  I forced myself to get up and out of bed. How could I ever have thought that sharing a bed with Mona could lead to anything but disaster? I should punch myself in the face for making such an irrational decision.

  I was thinking with my dick, the image of her wet, naked body etched in my brain.

  I moved quickly into the bathroom to shower, memories of Mona’s warm body against mine still fresh in my mind. My cock was rock hard in the shower, and I double-checked the door was locked before I wrapped my hand around it and grabbed it hard.

  I wanted to cum while fantasizing about her deliciously sexy body, her beautiful face, her dazzling eyes. I knew if I didn’t, I’d be horny all day. I didn’t want to know how that might manifest itself, considering my defenses had already been weakened by the sight and sensation of her naked body next to mine.

  What would have happened if I’d just kept going? Would she have stopped me? If she didn’t, would I? I would have liked to think that I had enough willpower to shut it down before it went too far, but I know myself well enough to know I wouldn't have have stopped if she was receptive to my advances.

  I let my cock grow long and hard in my hand before I started to run my hand up and down along the length of it. I poured shampoo on my hand to act as a lubricant, and the silky smoothness of the shampoo felt so good. I slid my palm along the underside of my shaft, where it was most sensitive, and squeezed near the base. With my free hand, I reached down to my balls and gently massaged my sack.

  With a clear picture of Mona’s perfect mouth in my mind, my cock exploded, sending jets of cum across the shower. I watched as my cum shot against the far wall of the shower.

  God, I was so ready to fuck that woman!

  I’d never had an orgasm so desperate and so powerful. My cum arced three feet in the air before hitting that far wall.

  When I was fully dressed, I peered out around the door to see if she was up and found her with her back to the door pulling up the zip of her dress. She was breathtaking.

  “Morning,” I greeted her, and she smiled at me nervously.

  “Morning,” she replied. “What time’s the meeting?”

  “I guess as soon as the car arrives here.” I shrugged. “I’m not sure how far away their offices are.”

  “Sleep well?” she asked, changing the subject, and my stomach swirled.

  I regarded her carefully. Was she referring to what happened in bed, or was it just an innocent question?

  “Yeah, not bad.” I nodded, averting my gaze in case she could sense what was going on inside my head. “You?”

  “Yeah, not bad,” she replied casually. “I kept waking in the night, though. Guess it must be the unfamiliar bed.”

  “I’ll make sure they get the sleeping arrangements sorted by the time we get back tonight,” I promised, and she shrugged absently.

  “No rush,” she replied, and then immediately flushed as she realized what she’d said. “I mean, not that I want to sleep with you. Share a bed with you, I mean.”

  “I know, I know,” I assured her, grinning. I couldn’t help it. She was so damn cute.

  She turned to the balcony, opening the doors and stepping outside. She shivered.

  “It’s cold out here,” she gasped, just loud enough that I could hear, and then pulled the doors shut behind her, cutting herself off from me and the conversation we’d been having. My body relaxed at having survived the exchange.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket. It was Neil calling me, not surprisingly. I lifted the phone to my ear.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” I greeted him.

  “Morning,” he said cheerily. “It’s still morning where you are, right?”

  “Yeah, that’s right,” I said, knowing I sounded distracted and hoping to God Neil wouldn't pick up on it.

  I should be so lucky. He knew me too well to skim past the uneasiness in my voice.

  “What’s going on?” he asked, sounding suspicious. “Everything okay with you and Mona?”

  “Yeah, it’s all fine,” I shot back, a little too defensively.

  “I know you wouldn’t pull anything inappropriate.” Neil spoke slowly, as though making sure the words found their way deep into my head. “You know what the Masterson group are like, don’t you? If they find out you’re getting it on with your secretary…”

  “I know what they’re like,” I replied tersely. “I’ve been the one working on this deal, remember?”

  “Yeah, about that,” Neil said, “I got a call from their offices this morning. I’m not sure why, but they seemed to have it in their heads that it was me coming over to broker the deal, not you.”

  “Okay.” I shrugged. “What difference does it make?”

  “From what I could gather from the phone call, I don’t think they like all your publicity,” he replied bluntly. “You know, the kind you get from hooking up with a lot of different women.”

  “Shit, really?”

  “If you can, try and reference a wife or a fiancé back home. Give them the impression that your playboy lifestyle is behind you, alright?”

  “I’ll do my best,” I agreed, massaging my temples. “Thanks for the heads-up.”

  “No problem,” he replied, and then paused for a moment. “And Oliver?”


  “You know the company can’t take it if you fuck Mona,” he said quietly, as though worried someone might overhear him.

  “I know,” I shot back.

  I knew he was right, that another scandal would be bad for us. I just had to hold that in my head, no matter how she tempting she looked standing out on that balcony.

  “Good luck with it, by the way,” Neil finished up. “Not that I think you’ll need it.”

  “Hell, no,” I agreed. “I’ve got this in the bag.”

  “You better,” he teased. “Hey, I’ve got some stuff to take care of, but shoot me an email when you finish up, and let me know how it went, alright?”

  “Will do,” I promised.

  I wanted to make sense of everything he’d just said, but all I could do was stare at Mona. I would deal with the meeting later, and how to convince Masterson that I was a standup guy. In the meantime, I would pause and admire the woman who’d traveled halfway across the world with me to help me through it all.

  If that wasn’t something to admire, I didn’t know what was.

  Chapter 17


  “So, what are you going to do about it?”

  “I have no idea,” he admitted as he got ready to go out to dinner with the Masterson group. “I’ll come up with something. I’ll play it by ear, no big deal.”

  “What did Neil tell you to do?” I asked, cocking my head and planting my hands on my hips.

  I had to admit, this was a little funny, Oliver getting called out on his playboy ways by a company he was courting. I hadn’t realized how far that kind of news traveled, but then, I imagined a group as stringent as Masterson wouldn’t associate themselves with anyone who might jeopardize their impeccable reputation.

  “He told me to make like I had a wife back home or something, but I don’t think they’d buy it,” he said. “I think they’d suspect I was playing them.”

  “I’ll see if I can rustle you up a wife,” I joked. “Someone convincing.”

  “They’re picking me up in ten minutes,” he said, glancing at his watch and frowning. “So you better be quick about it.”

  “Do you think it would help?” I asked, positioning myself on the edge of the bed and crossing my legs. I glanced back at the covers and pillows and the memory of how natural it fel
t to wake up in his arms.

  The hotel had organized another room for us, and I was doing my best to hide my disappointment every time I was reminded that I wouldn’t be sharing a bed with him for a second night.

  “It wouldn’t hurt,” he shrugged.

  Oliver looked incredibly handsome all dressed up to go out like that. He wore a dark gray suit with thin, white pinstripes, subtle but still undeniably there.

  His hair was pushed back from his face, and he was freshly shaven, every bit the charming, successful businessman.

  I had an idea of how he could handle his reputation with the Masterson people. I just had to get my nerve together to get the words out.

  “I could come with you,” I blurted out.

  He looked at me in the mirror, lifting his eyes as what I was suggesting dawned on him. I couldn’t believe I had just said that. I mean, we were talking about Oliver Paulson, here. God knew how many women he’d been with over the years, and here I was acting like he might consider taking me around on his arm and passing me off as his partner?

  My heart flipped with excitement at the thought, and I did my best to ignore it. This was only business after all. At least, that’s what I kept telling myself.

  “As my wife?” he asked to clarify.

  “As your fiancee,” I suggested. “That way, if they ask about it again in the future, you can just say we called off the wedding.”

  “Are you serious?”

  He raised his eyebrows, a grin spreading across his face as he observed me with amusement.

  “Feels like the premise of a sitcom episode.”

  “Why not?” I shrugged, playing it cool but knowing my nervousness must have been visible on my face.

  He was right, it did seem ridiculous, now that I thought of it. And that was the kind of thing that would have been in the news. If Masterson had been looking into Oliver’s private life, they would have heard about him getting engaged.

  “I mean, it’d get all those tabloid stories out of their heads, wouldn’t it?”

  “I guess you’re right,” he muttered, and I could see he was actually considering my idea. “You think you could do it? For the whole night? We’d need to get our story straight, make sure we were approaching it from the same angle and that we didn’t trip ourselves up in the details.”


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